27.77% The tale of Sasuke Uchiha / Chapter 5: He gets laid

章節 5: He gets laid

(Time skip : 2 weeks)

[Sasuke's POV]

My brain felt like it was wounded. There were bees inside my head - buzzing and stinging. A result of taking in too much information in such a short time.

It has been a total of two weeks since I arrived at the secret base of Orochimaru. Two weeks that revealed itself to be as tiring as it was fruitful.

I have absorbed many jutsus during this short time and I had covered more than half of the jutsus here - which is more than thousands.

The number of jutsus - especially ninjutsu - that Orochimaru had collected was insane. It was a miracle that I managed to soak up more than half of these in only two weeks.

My great affinity with all the elements granted by the Rinnegan and the photographic memories of the Sharingan were huge help in learning these jutsus.

But learning them did not mean mastering them, that would take time but for now just knowing the jutsus was enough.

When I was younger, I was never interested in learning new, weak jutsus. I was a believer that being a master of stronger jutsus was better than learning many new jutsus. And since my affinity was fire and lightning I never even tried to learn other elements.

But I knew better now, knowledge was also power.

I already knew many of the jutsus from fire and lightning element so I was mostly busy with the other elements, especially water.

But the thing I focused on the most was fuinjutsu, I was a natural at the art of fuinjutsu. Again my Rinnegan showed how overpowered it truly was, I was easily able to learn the fuinjutsu which was akin to a language/codes that can affect chakra.

I was stressed and mentally drained, I sat down on the ground and leaned on one of the many shelves. A number of scrolls and books about kenjutsu and taijustu sprawl all over the floor.

I stayed in that position for a while, I gave my mind a much needed rest and stop thinking.

I sat there for minutes in silence, no more thinking, just feeling. My mind became refreshed and the headache slowly melted away.

Then the door of the room opened. I instantly got alerted and only loosened up when I saw it was Karin.

She was wearing a black skin tight body suit that accentuated her curves, daring my eyes to look somewhere other than at her.

Her red hair was messy yet it does not give the impression of disorder. Instead, those messy locks contained an unusual charm that I could not pinpoint.

Her face was soft and feminine, her crimson eyes and rosy lips were a key point to her alluring form.


She came towards me with a tray of food and when she placed the tray on the ground she made sure to let her breast jiggle. Gravity was her friend as it seems she accomplished her goal - I could not help myself from staring at it.

"You should take a rest and eat Sasuke." She said with flower in her voice.

She had been lowkey seducing me during my entire stay in this base and I can`t help but be amazed at my ability to make girls obsessed with me.

It was kind of nostalgic actually, she had been trying to seduce me for as long as I can remember.

I have been cruel and even tried to kill her but here she was, looking at me with the eyes of a girl in love.

I could not understand how nor could I understand why. How can she still love me and why did she still love? Or was is even love?

Well, she is a crazy girl I guess.

 "Oh!! I know. How about I feed you since you look so tired Sasuke." She said and clapped her hands together.

She picked up the bowl of rise and carefully scoop a spoonful of that white grain. She blew it ever so lightly at the rice and she moved the spoon closer to my mouth.

"Here you go Sasuke. Ahh~" She said with a blush that reached her eyes.

It was weird, she was weird but the weirdest of all was me, because I opened my mouth and ate the rice.

I actually ate it. I surprised her and even myself.

The part of me that fused with Sasuke was extremely pleased - as if he just accomplished his lifelong dream.

Karin`s eyes shook and she naturally flinched back as she was surprised, because even though she was doing all that, the idea of me actually accepting never crossed her mind.

But neither did mine.

She must be stunned, wondering what happened to me during the short amount of time we were apart.

But whatever happened to me, she seems to like it as she looked shyly to the side with a stupid smile on her face. Her smooth skin reflects red and I could almost see steams rising from her head.

"Thank you Karin." Those words from me seems to be the last straw as she covered her whole face and released a tiny scream. Then she comically fell on her back due to embarrassment.


She was too cute. A part of me was urging and yelling at me to push her down and do something lewd to her but I held myself back - a part of me manage to hold back.

'How desperate.' I mocked myself.

My thoughts and actions were not like the former Sasuke. That dark and gloomy boy was gone now.

This is me now, Sasuke Uchiha.


(Konoha : 1 month after Sasuke left)

[Sakura`s POV]

"Not to sound like an absolute obsessed weirdo but I think it has been 731 hours 56 minutes since he has been out of my sight." I muttered out loud in the silence of the room.

I was sitting at my new office which I moved into just a week before. It was quite spacious and offered a nice view which I was currently enjoying.

The room was filled with rows and rows of shelves containing important files and records. The interior was carefully decorated with flowers and few diagrams of the human anatomy and chakra pathway hung on the walls.

I turned my head away from the breathtaking view and allowed my eyes to scamper around the room. But as if almost automatic and instinctual, my eyes landed on the framed picture that was seated at the corner of my table.

My eyes focused on that picture, specifically on the boy with navy blue hair. My mind was thinking about the boy, wondering if he was okay, if he was happy and even if he also misses me?

An uncontrollably blush surfaced on my cheeks at the thought of him missing and longing for me. No way.

This is why I hated taking breaks from work, the moment my mind was idle it would return to him, almost as if he had total possession of my mind. I couldn`t stop because I didn`t want to stop.

I laid down on my table and allowed my mind to decorate itself with his image. Just the thought of him was able to make me feel things no one around me was able to make me feel.

I knew I was obsessed with him and it was not good for me. I knew my love towards him was strange and unhealthy but I don`t know how not to love him anymore.

Looking back in the past, the logical part of me knew I should not love him anymore instead I should be hating him. But the way I feel about him now could not be further away from hate.

Especially when I recalled our last interaction, it filled me with hope for us and the future. He was not rejecting me anymore, and I hated how happy I was at that simple gesture.

I hate it. I hate it.

I hate how much I love him.

Thinking back on my actions and all the things I did for him, I felt uneasy at the length I was willing to go for him. I was willing to give up everything for him, the village, my friends, my family.

But I was more mature and wiser now. I was not the little girl from the past anymore, I have grown.

So the really sad thing was, when I think about facing those same choices again, I would hesitate but in the end...

I would`ve done the same thing again and choose him over everything else.


How can a simple childhood crush - that was born out of selfisness - develop into....whatever this is.

I should not worry about sounding like an absolute obsessed weirdo because I am something much worse.


"Sakura, could you come down to the 7th level emergency room, I need some help." I heard Tsunade`s voice and immediately perked up, happy to be saved from my thoughts.

I did not know why, but I was missing him more badly than any other days.

Maybe because it was going to be a full moon night.



(Time skip : 1 month after leaving Konoha)

[Sasuke`s POV]

It has been a month since I have stayed in the secret base of Oruchimaru and it had been a few days since I have finished going through all the jutsus present here.

I have stayed here a few extra days because Orochimaru still hasn`t gotten the sword that I have requested and he asked me to stay a few more days to wait until he got the sword.

It had been a few days and just as he promised, he now had the sword I wanted.

We were currently at his laboratory, the place was brightly lit and Oruchimaru was wearing a lab coat.

"Took quite a bit to acquire this but I`m sure it would suit your taste." Orochimaru said with a smirk and handed me the sword in his hand.

I took it and observed it carefully, I activated my eyes and carefully scanned the sword. After a while, I can`t help but marvel at the sword, it had no imperfections nor flaws, it was simply without fault.

Orochimaru chuckled seeing my reaction and said, "It`s name is Zai no Sho and it is also called as the Kusanagi sword. I have to pull many strings in the Land of Iron to acquire that one sword."

[IMG : (It's his sword from Boruto)]

I gave the sword a few swings and feel it moving just as I wanted and intended, it was balanced and light.

I then channeled my chakra into the sword and it started humming slightly with power. It also gave out an eerie light purple glow that showed how dangerous it was.

I retracted my chakra and turn to Orochimaru, "It`s perfect." I said my honest thought.

He gave a chuckle at my response, "I knew you would like it."

There was no more exchange between us, we just stare at each other for a while. His gaze was truly unnerving, even for me.

But luckily, he did not plan to drag out the staring contest.

"So now that you have the sword, are you leaving tomorrow?" He asked as he folded his arms on his chest.

"Yes, I would leave early in the morning." I said, not planning to stay any longer than absolutely necessary. I could not waste my time when the safety of the world depends me.

He nodded and turned around as he said, "I wish you fortune in your journey."

Then I left the room and make my way to my cabin, planning to sleep early and return back to Konaha first thing in the morning.

I gripped the sword in my hand, nervous yet excited of what the future holds for me.

Whatever happens, I knew I would survive.

I always do.



[Sasuke's POV]

It was dark, no light was allowed in my room as I felt the tension in my muscles relaxing. I allowed my body to rest and not stay so vigilant and alert.

The silence was like a lullaby to my ears, the absence of sound was slowly pulling me into a peaceful sleep.

That was until the creak of the door woke me up and dispersye all the progress I had made to sleep. My mind was alerted, my body was ready to pounce, yet I lay still.

My eyes rolled towards the sound and under the faint light that came from the door. I saw the image of a red haired girl.

'What is she doing here?' I asked myself and my mind quickly came to few conclusions when I saw the nervous look on her face and her garments.

Her black shorts and red rimmed glasses were not present on her body this night. She wore red panties and white thank top that sensually hug her curves, accentuating the size and shape of her ample bosom and trailing over her small waist.

The light smoothly fall down on her from behind, giving her skin an ethereal glow. She was looking more enticing than I would have liked.

"Sasuke.." she called my name with need and a hint of longing.

'Stay down soldier.' I told myself.

Then she slowly stepped inside the room, her long legs were elegantly carrying her in my direction and hypnotizing me at the same time, preventing me from moving away as she made her way towards me.

She stood in front of the bed and carefully observed my resting body, and then with two or three breaths of courage she moved down on the bed.

Her body slide up my body and I could feel her heat even with the blanket that separated our skin. Her arms were like snake and they slither up my body, leaving goosebumps on their trail.

Then her hands found my face and they cupped my cheeks. Seeing no resistance on my part she brought her face closer to mine.

She was so close to my face when some sense came back to me, and with every ounce of my will I managed to stop her.

I brought my hands on hers, I said in a whisper "What are you doing Karin?"

We were so close, a few inches more and our lips would have connected. We exchanged hot puffs of breath as I waited for her response.

"I wanna love you.." she said in a husky voice that penetrate my ears and spread through my nerves.

"You should stop, you know I wouldn`t return it..." I said and I felt her shiver at my words. The room was dark but I could vividly see her as if she was glowing.

In my mind I begged her to stop, to stop giving me this love I knew I did not deserve. It was taking all my strength and discipline to hold myself back, a part of me was not sorry for how I had wronged her and it tells me to take her - I did not know how long I can say no.

'She was the one who tried to force herself on me all the time. It's fine right?' I pushed those thoughts aside.

If I could love her back I might have acted differently but I knew. "I cannot love you back, at least not like how you want me to."

She moved her body and straddle me on the bed. She leaned down and connect her head with mine. "When have you ever cared about others?" she asked and I could not answer.

She brought her face even closer, her lips brushed against mine and I looked at her crimson eyes that seems to shine with passion in the dark. "My feelings for you are not as innocent as you believed. I don't care if you returned them..." she trailed off.

"Just accept them." She said and pushed her lips against mine.

I did as she asked, I stop hesitating and accepted everything she wanted to give me.

We kissed and touched, seeking each others warmth. I feel her arms which were filled scars, an evidence to how wrong I and others have treated her.

I kissed them gently, as if to make it up to her and asking for forgiveness at the same time.

She asked me if it was ugly, I told her it was beautiful. I assured her she was beautiful.

On that full moon night, in that cabin hidden from the world, Karin Uzumaki gave herself to me and I wholeheartedly accepted her.

Her addiction to me, her insanity, her unhealthy attraction towards my chakra and everything else, I accepted.

And for that one memorable night, I forgot about the impending doom, I forgot my burden and I forgot my regrets.

Everything else melted away that night, and I only focus on receiving what she was giving me.

Her selfish love.

Because love was selfish.


Author : I am not really good at writing romance and stuff so this is the most I can do. Since these two are already in love with him I am not going to explore them too much after this.

Let us repopulate the Uchiha clan.

Emmanuel_Capricorn Emmanuel_Capricorn

If you want R-18 chapters and early chapters, please consider supporting me and joining my p@treon : Emmanuel_Capricorn.

The R-18 will not affect the story even if you did not join so no worries.

Thank you for reading

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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