37.6% Shadow Monarch: Multiverse Ascendance / Chapter 87: CHAPTER 82 Fight Part II

章節 87: CHAPTER 82 Fight Part II

Trust a few. Fear the rest. Protecting those who fear them.


"It is bigger than the entire city block, enough to destroy mountains!" Esdeath yelled as she threw the mass of ice at Jinwoo, crushing him as a result.

The ice general looked at the scene in front of her, thinking to herself that she had won. "You certainly gave me a good fight, but I won simply because I was stronger than you," said Esdeath as she walked away from the scene.

But then the ground began to shake as if something was happening. "Leaving so soon? Didn't you hear what I said before?" That voice made Esdeath look at where it came from, and what she saw was shocking. She saw Jinwoo, still alive and well, carrying the giant mass of ice like it was nothing. "Then I will repeat myself, 'Today I will put the collar of my name on your neck, and I will make you mine forever'," he said as he chucked the mass of ice at the sadist. Esdeath immediately ran a good distance away from it, preventing herself from getting crushed to death. But Jinwoo wasn't done. He pushed the mass of ice to roll towards Esdeath, attempting to run her over. However, the ice general acted fast. She used Grauhorn again to stop the mass of ice in its tracks and destroyed it.

Then, out of nowhere, Jinwoo charged towards Esdeath about to punch her. The ice general was prepared for this, so she summoned multiple layers of ice shields and blocked the attack. The Hunter then jumped into the air, over the ice shield, and slammed onto the ground, creating an explosion of ice. Esdeath was able to step away from the explosion range, but Jinwoo had expected that. The God of Death ran towards the general, grabbed her by the waist, and performed a German suplex on Esdeath. And as the sadist was about to stand up, the God kicked her in the stomach, launching her a couple of feet, but Esdeath managed to stop herself.

As Esdeath got up on her feet, Jinwoo began to talk to her, "I must admit, that giant mass of ice was something. Though, I could do better." "You are also much stronger than I thought you were," said Esdeath with a smile, "But tell me, what teigu do you wield that allowed you to become this strong?"

Esdeath expected him to answer her question, but Jinwoo only looked at her. "Babe, the man you see in front of you is the real deal, not some teigu," he said. Esdeath was dumbfounded by his answer since teigu were the only things that let you surpass the mortal realm. "How do you not use teigus? They are the only way to get power."

"I don't think you heard our conversation correctly. When I said I came to this land, it's pretty clear I'm not from this continent or even the world. The one standing before you is the real god," explained the hunter.

Esdeath looked at Jinwoo with anger from the shit he was spouting.

With that, Jinwoo light dashed, zigzagging through the battle in quick succession. Esdeath created an ice sword and prepared herself. And prepared she was as she managed to block Jinwoo's punches. She then pushed him back and stabbed Jinwoo in his shoulder. Esdeath began to twist and turn the sword to cause pain to Jinwoo and hear him scream. But all she heard was him laughing at her actions.


"Aaa Mmm,"

Jinwoo said as he stabbed his fingers into Esdeath's arm, causing her to grunt in pain, and began to put mana inside the woman's blood. With that, Jinwoo's free arm began to be covered in ice and he punched her away with it. Esdeath checked her now bloody arm while Jinwoo checked out his new skill to freeze anything. "Oh, this is something. Now, let's give it a test drive, shall we?" he said as the god pulled the sword out of his shoulder, shattered it with his hands, and charged at the sadist.

The situation was now hard to define as both spilled blood.

Esdeath simply summoned a long pillar of ice with spikes along the structure. She had the pillar spin at high speeds to turn it into an ice blender of death. She expected Jinwoo to be sliced apart, but as soon as the sharp spikes touched Jinwoo, they shattered into millions of pieces. This surprised the general since it was hard to destroy with brute force, but to have it break just by touching the man was unreal.

Jinwoo eventually got close to Esdeath and threw a punch at her, which the general blocked with her ice shield. Jinwoo easily destroyed the shield and backed away a bit, then performed another light dash towards the general and punched her with his ice-covered arm. As the ice general was pushed back, the God of Death slammed the ground to cause a shockwave mixed with mana and icicles. The attack hit Esdeath and pushed her back even more. As she stopped herself, she said, "Imbecile, this is how it's done!" Then she summoned pillars of ice at the god, but he dodged them with his light dash and created three huge elemental projectiles to fire earth and air, launching them at his enemy.

Esdeath blocked them with her ice, but was left open for Jinwoo to kick her legs and force her onto her knees. He then proceeded to send her flying to a mountain with a punch. Esdeath was launched inside a forge and hit her back on an anvil. She felt one of her backbone break upon impact. As she got up, she began to think to herself, "This man is strong, very strong. Finally, someone that can give me a challenge," she said in her head as she grinned sadistically. As she got up, the next surprise awaited her.


A huge ball of fire descended upon her. Before Esdeath could give the order, she and her group were blasted by a powerful fireball, and they all screamed. The fire spread widely around the area and roared fiercely. Among the flames, Esdeath groaned as she pushed herself off the ground and saw the bodies of her soldiers lying on the ground unmoving. Esdeath stood up while groaning. Whatever that attack was, it came in too fast for her to react.

She extended her left hand and opened it, and walls of ice erupted from the ground to extinguish the flames surrounding them. They shattered in the next second, and small bits scattered along with the cold wind.

Jinwoo rushed her to deliver a punch, but Esdeath evaded it and summoned an ice pillar to push Jin away from her. Jinwoo was hit next to a giant pot of lava and super hot steam. As he was about to get up, the God of Death was hit in the head by Esdeath's ice-covered fist, and then she kicked him. She then grabbed him by the hair and threw him a few inches from the pot. She went to a level near the pot and used it to pour the lava in the pot onto Jinwoo.

Jinwoo was completely covered by the lava, and there was nothing to be seen.

Esdeath chuckled as she walked out of the forge to head back to the cake shop. "That was an entertaining battle. Maybe I shouldn't have burned him so soon.

"After all, I would've loved our fight to have lasted a little longer," she said to herself. "Oh, then don't worry!" Those words, combined with her six senses, Esdeath moved out of the way from a ground attack that was about to hit her from above. Unfortunately, the ground attack created a shockwave mixed with pink energy and fire lava and hit, pushing her back as well as damaging the general. As Esdeath got up, she checked herself to see she received some burn marks, but nothing too severe.

Esdeath looked at Jinwoo to see that his body was regenerating the skin, muscles, hair, face, ears, eyes, nose—now his looks changed with his strength while still also being on lava. "This battle is far from over," he said threateningly.

Now he didn't look like a God but a demon who had crawled out of the depths of hell.

Jinwoo dashed at Esdeath to throw another punch, but it was blocked by her arm, and he was kicked away by her as she fired more icicles at the demon.

Jinwoo just dodged them as he dashed. Seeing this, Esdeath increased the number of icicles and fired more and more. While Jinwoo was able to dodge them, some of the icicles did manage to hit him. However, he didn't feel them, so he kept going. Once he found an opening, the demon dashed towards the general.

Esdeath used another ice armor on herself, but Jinwoo easily destroyed it with a fire kick. The God of Death then punched the general into the air, grabbed her legs, and slammed her to the ground. He then jumped into the air and descended to Esdeath to deliver a fiery bionic elbow. Esdeath managed to roll away from the attack. She got up from the ground and created an ice pillar below Jinwoo, launching him into the air. "Why won't he die? He is indeed strong. And to think, he's already forced me to use one of my trump cards," she said as she used her trump card.

She groaned in pain while trying to keep up and clutched her stomach. Not only was Esdeath struck by powerful attacks, but her opponent was the one to deal the first blow. Her enemy's speed and strength were unlike anything she had faced before. This was certainly an opponent she couldn't underestimate. Now that Esdeath thought about it, she chuckled. Though her aura did throw Esdeath off guard, this was a rare opportunity to fight such a powerful opponent.

Speaking of which, the General could sense Jinwoo's aura that had now skyrocketed. As she grinned at her opponent, she said, "So, you survived. I'd be disappointed if you were defeated that easily, Mr. so-called 'God of Death'."

After a couple of seconds, Jinwoo finally landed back on the ground. "Oh, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" he said as he faced the general. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't," Esdeath replied, giggling.

Jinwoo looked at Esdeath and saw the amount of wounds she had received from him. He knew the ice general was having a hard time trying to kill him, so he decided to be generous. "Look, you clearly see that this fight is pointless. I barely have any injuries, while you are suffering from yours. So why don't you just give up and accept your punishment already? I'll make you mine one way or another, even if I have to burn the whole world down until I can dig you out of the ashes," he said. Esdeath took a moment to register his words and then began laughing. It was quiet at first, but Fixed grammar:

"Began to get louder and madder, like that of a sadist.

She then looked at Jinwoo with a malicious grin. "I like what you said, and I love to see that. But giving up...?" She inquired, finally ceasing her laughter. "Why, I haven't had a challenge like this in ages. Not to mention..." She raised her hand. "...I've barely even shown you my true strength yet."

With those words uttered, the sound of galloping was heard behind Esdeath. As the noise got louder, Jinwoo finally saw what was causing the commotion. Behind Esdeath was a large army that consisted of centaur soldiers of pure ice, each of them wielding a lance. "Jinwoo, this is my trump card," she announced. "Ice Cavalry!" With that, her ice soldiers began to surround the hunter as they prepared to kill on their general's command.

"Well, this is new," commented Jinwoo as he looked at the ice soldiers. "While this is impressive, compared to what I have, this is nothing. And this is all that there is, because, in all honesty, this is pathetic."

Esdeath simply replied, "Keep talking all you want. After all, words like that mean nothing to the strong."

"Oh, really now," Jinwoo said curiously. "Well, if that's the case, then you're not only pitiful to rely on this fake army to fight me."

While Esdeath said the words meant nothing to her, the fact that he called her a coward made her irritated and want to inflict pain on him. But this boldness also made her more attracted to him. Her stomach filled with butterflies as she could feel her heart beating rapidly, knowing deep down that she needed a man just like him who could dominate her in every way she could imagine. Her thighs subconsciously rubbed together, a faint blush on her cheeks, as she bit down on her trembling lip.

But she controlled her emotions. This won't end unless she is beaten or he is dead. What she doesn't want is a man who is weak.

Fixed grammar:

"That's why she was attracted to him with every word and every punch," she growled, commanding the ice soldiers to charge at the God of Death from every direction.

"Okay then," Jinwoo's tattoos began to glow brightly, "Let's get this over with."

Three of the ice centaurs got close to the hunter and tried to stab him with their lances. The moment the lances made contact with him, they shattered instantly. "Pathetic," he said as he punched all three of the centaurs separately, destroying them in the process. More came at him, and Jinwoo simply started using his spells: creating cyclones, fireballs, elemental arrows, lightning, wind slashes, Stone Bullets, crystal lances, Expolgen, Drifting Master Mine, Acid Rain—he even created new skills and spells. He attacked with punches and kicks, shattering not only the ice soldiers but also everything behind them. More and more soldiers surrounded him. It was all chaos, and before anyone could even realize it, it was all over.

Jinwoo looked around, and a huge chunk of the former land of ice was nothing but a wasteland. The battlefield held no remnants of the ice soldiers or any disappointment. "Is... is that it?!" he yelled. "I honestly expected more from you, my dear..."

"The one everyone calls the strongest in the Empire. The one everyone fears throughout this city. To be honest with you, I'm not impressed."

"When I came to this land, I talked to some people and asked who was considered the strongest on this continent. They told me that you were the strongest, that your strength was unmatched, and how one even called you... a 'goddess,'" explained Jinwoo, completely lying to her, while emphasizing the word goddess.

Esdeath was taken aback by what she was called and then smiled. She had been called the strongest or the most feared in the Empire all the time, but to be called a goddess was something she did not think she would ever be called. This actually made her smile in glee, as it showed that she was feared and worshipped by everyone for being strong.

"And while you look strong, you are no goddess. You're a fraud, far from deserving the title of God. But do not worry, once you are mine, I will make you one," said Jinwoo, which made Esdeath glare at him while also loving his bold words even more. "What was that?" she said, clearly offended.

"Oh, you heard me, fake. It's one thing for a fool to call themselves a god because they're drunk with power. But to have people be convinced that you're a god is an insult to my own," he explained. In the next second, Esdeath disappeared in confusion. He looked around to try and find where his sexy yandere was, as her presence wasn't even detected by his senses until the entire area was cast in shadow. The hunter looked up to see what was causing this and was not impressed.

He saw Esdeath in the air as she had summoned another giant mass of ice that was bigger than the last one. It was as big as three city blocks. "Really?! You're using the same attack that had no effect on me?! Are you desperate at this point?!" yelled Jinwoo, with Esdeath replying, "Mock me all you want, you're only delaying your death!" With that, Esdeath threw the massive sphere of ice at Jinwoo.

The sight of the falling chunk of ice brought fear to the last remaining soldiers of both sides, and they all ran for their lives, except for the God of Death, who stood there unfazed. His army also got out of range of the ice sphere.

Jinwoo decided to make a move and jump towards the giant ice sphere. As he got on the ice, Jinwoo began to climb to the top. When he got there, the hunter ran to where Esdeath was and then jumped towards her at high speeds. Soon, Jinwoo reached Esdeath, grabbed her, and destroyed the ice she was using to levitate in the air. They both soon plummeted to the ground, while the two combatants punched each other during their descent. Esdeath looked down to see that they were about to crash land on the giant ice sphere that was still falling. With this in mind, the general managed to break free from Jinwoo's hold and landed safely onto the ice sphere.

She looked as Jinwoo landed on the ice sphere with no trouble. With that, Jinwoo ran towards Esdeath as she did the same. When they got close, they both delivered a hard punch to each other's faces.


Keep the power stone train going...

GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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