80% HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi / Chapter 20: Saeko Busujima

章節 20: Saeko Busujima

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2711


Passing through the torii gate, marking the entrance to the sacred grounds, Saeko and Nagi ventured deeper, reaching the majestic main shrine building. Its architecture showcased the timeless beauty of traditional Japanese design, with a steep, gracefully curved roof adorned with intricate wooden carvings.

With a smooth sliding motion, Saeko opened the shrine's doors and stepped inside, her footsteps echoing softly on the polished wooden floors. Nagi followed closely, gently closing the doors behind them, shutting out the outside world.

Inside, the flickering candles cast dancing shadows that gracefully waltzed across the sacred space, illuminating the solemnity within. Delicate paper lanterns, intricately crafted, suspended from the ceiling, emanating a soft, warm radiance that invited solace and contemplation.

Saeko settled on the tatami mat while Nagi began to explore the shrine, searching for anything that could be of use. After finding some dry clothes for her, he informed her, "Your clothes are done drying. I'll wait behind the curtain until you're done."

Unperturbed by her silence, Nagi retreated behind the curtain, seating himself with closed eyes. He pondered how to address their current predicament. Saeko, in her current state, posed a risk to their safety.

Yet, he understood that something significant must be affecting her to warrant such behavior. When he opened his eyes again, a sense of clarity shone within them as he arrived at a solution."I'm done," Saeko's small voice reached Nagi's ears.

Rising from his position, Nagi settled himself on the floor, lying in silence with his gaze fixed on the ceiling. Yes, that was it. As some of you may have discerned, Nagi's solution to the prevailing circumstances was silence.

Silence creates a sense of anticipation and tension in a conversation or interaction. When used strategically, it can make others uncomfortable and increase their eagerness to fill the silence with information or concessions.

Humans are generally uncomfortable with silence, especially in social settings. Silence can make people feel uneasy, self-conscious, or even anxious.

Exploiting this discomfort can give the impression that something is amiss or that there is more to be revealed, which can manipulate others into divulging information or complying with requests.

By employing silence, a person can exert a sense of authority and control over a situation. Remaining silent can project an air of confidence, dominance, or mystery, which may unnerve others and cause them to question their own positions or motives.

In this way, silence can give the person using it a psychological advantage. Silence is a powerful form of nonverbal communication. It can convey a range of emotions, such as disapproval, disappointment, or contemplation, without the need for words.

By strategically using silence, one can influence the emotional atmosphere of a situation, prompt introspection, or create a space for others to reveal their thoughts or vulnerabilities. And indeed, this was precisely what Nagi was doing.

Nagi's intention was not to force information out of Saeko, whom he respected. Instead, he wanted to create an environment where she felt comfortable enough to voluntarily share her reasons for acting the way she was.

Just as he wouldn't appreciate someone forcefully prying into his own affairs, Nagi understood the importance of allowing Saeko to open up willingly. It was a form of indirect manipulation, not to exploit her but to create a space where she might choose to share willingly and of her own accord. And above all else, Saeko was a valuable ally.

As Nagi had anticipated, Saeko eventually turned towards him. Rising from the cold floor, he met her gaze, her cool blue eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. With a stoic tone, he asked, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Though his words were deliberately ambiguous, Saeko understood his intent and nodded. "Yeah," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "If you don't mind, I just want to talk about it."

Nagi maintained his focused gaze, giving Saeko his full attention as she began to share her thoughts. He listened silently, refraining from interrupting as she delved into her past.

"I started thinking about it again... the fear. It wasn't the kids that brought this about," she admitted. She then proceeded to provide some context, revealing a past crush she had never confessed her feelings to.

Nagi raised an eyebrow, a subtle indication of his surprise, but he chose to hold his tongue and remain silent, allowing Saeko to continue. To his surprise, she let out a stifled laugh upon noticing his reaction.

"Shocking, isn't it?" she remarked sarcastically. Letting out a sigh, Nagi responded calmly, "I just thought that with your beauty and personality, you'd be able to attract anyone you'd like."

Saeko's question caught Nagi off guard. "Even though I almost killed someone?" she queried. In all honesty, it took him aback, as he hadn't anticipated this aspect of her confession.

Yet, as the pieces fell into place, it made sense, especially considering her reaction back at Rika's home when the topic of Nagi's experience with eliminating the scum was discussed.

"Four years ago, I was assaulted on the street at night. I had a practice sword with me, and I began striking him. Once I started, I couldn't stop... He was... After the police arrived, they escorted me home in their car."

"It was self-defense, wasn't it?" Nagi asked, keeping his thoughts to himself as he already had an inkling of what had transpired.

"It might have started out that way, but to be honest, I enjoyed it," Saeko stated as a shift occurred in the atmosphere. Her gaze was facing down as she continued explaining. "Just letting the rage happen... against someone. It was nothing but joy."

Lifting her head back up, Nagi observed the change in her. No longer were her eyes gentle and calm, but now they were void of light, appearing dim and cold. They were sharp, ready to strike down anyone or anything that should come to harm her.

"When I realized I had the upper hand, I felt so calm, and I pretended to be terrified. And when I had him… I fought back," she stated with a stronger tone than before. "I fought until there was nothing but blood and bones. It was bliss. Absolute, total pleasure."

"That's me! That's who I am! Can't you see? The feeling of power, of control over someone's life. I loved it! Does anybody like that deserve love?" Saeko questioned, as the room fell into silence, and Nagi pondered his response to such a question before speaking.

"I believe that nobody inherently deserves love," Nagi began, expressing his opinion. "We're all undeserving of it. Humans are all flawed, selfish, emotionally self-indulgent, ungrateful, and closed-minded."

"Even our efforts to identify redeeming features in ourselves are little more than thinly veiled attempts to self-righteously protect our own egos. So when you really think about it objectively, human beings are horrible."

Continuing his train of thought, Nagi noticed Saeko's silence, indicating that his words were sinking in. "But… since when did those things have anything to do with love? Despite everything, there are still people who are loved in this world."

"It has nothing to do with being deserving of love or not. You can love something if you want to, and you can be loved even though you feel like you don't deserve it."

With a nonchalant shrug, Nagi interjected, "Besides, being a beauty like yourself, there will surely be no shortage of people who would adore you." He attempted to inject a bit of levity into the atmosphere, aware of Saeko's fragile mental state.

In keeping with his previous encounters in the city, Nagi had no inclination to sugarcoat his thoughts and instead chose a direct and straightforward approach. He understood that positive reassurances may have their place, but they were not in line with his nature.

Nagi was not one to shy away from expressing cynical, provocative, and controversial statements, for his words always carried a certain degree of truth.

Approaching her, Nagi gently grasped her hand, pulling her out of her thoughts. Their eyes locked, his sharp yet dull orange eyes meeting her once more ocean blue eyes. A faint blush appeared on Saeko's face as she met his gaze.

Saeko's heart fluttered as Nagi held her hand, his touch offering a sense of reassurance amidst the turmoil within her. The warmth of his palm against hers anchored her, as she absorbed his words and came to the realization that, from a subjective standpoint, he was right.

From a subjective standpoint, Nagi's words held truth. Despite the flaws, crimes, and selfishness of individuals like criminals, politicians, idols, and even fictional characters, people still loved and admired them.

With a gentle release, Nagi withdrew his hand from Saeko's, leaving behind a lingering warmth that seemed to envelop her own hand. Remaining by her side, he suggested, "It's best to rest for now. We've had a long day, and we need to wake up early tomorrow."

Snapping out of her momentary daze, Saeko felt a faint warmth spreading across her cheeks in response to Nagi's words. She nodded silently, acknowledging his suggestion. "Yes... You're right. Good night, Nagi," she murmured before settling down on the tatami floor, positioning herself to face away from him.

Nagi nodded in return, his response devoid of emotion. "Good night, Saeko." With a simple exhale, he extinguished the candle, plunging the room into darkness. Both of them prepared to rest, bracing themselves for the challenges that awaited them on the following day.

As the bright sun tried to pierce through the moderate fog that engulfed the shrine, Nagi carefully opened the door, his senses on high alert.

Nagi carefully surveyed the area, his gaze moving from one corner to another, analyzing the surroundings for any potential threats. Satisfied with his assessment, he stepped out, holding the shotgun firmly in his grasp.

Saeko gracefully followed suit, her demeanor composed as she adjusted her skirt. In her hands, she held the katana they had discovered earlier during their search for supplies.

Nagi turned his gaze toward Saeko and calmly relayed their plan, "We'll take the back route to reach the main street. It should take us about twenty minutes on foot to reach Saya's house."

However, his words were interrupted as a hand suddenly emerged from the stairs under the torii gate, revealing the relentless undead horde. Nagi's eyes widened in surprise as he pondered how the zombies had managed to find them.

There had been no noise or signs of activity, ruling out any potential sabotage. Realization struck him as a strong gust of wind blew through, tousling his hair. The wind had guided them here, indicating that the zombies possessed a stronger sense of hearing than Nagi initially thought.

As the horde of undead closed in, their relentless moans growing louder, Nagi observed Saeko's trembling form. Her eyes reflected a mix of reluctance, doubt, and fear, a reflection of her past taking effect.

Closing the distance between them, Nagi stood before her, his tall frame towering over her. Meeting her gaze, he listened as she voiced her doubts, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I can't do it," she confessed.

"You can't? Or you won't?" Nagi questioned, leaning forward, his gaze piercing into hers, seeking an answer. However, Saeko averted her eyes, refusing to respond, her silence speaking volumes.

Gently but firmly holding her chin, Nagi pinned Saeko against the wall as he posed a series of questions to her, devoid of emotion.

"Is this how you wish to meet your end, Saeko? Without resistance? How would those who guarded the throne of Japan view one of their own perishing in such a pitiful manner?" His words were cold and merciless, his piercing orange eyes boring into her very soul.

"And what would your father, a man known for his honor, feel if his own daughter succumbed without putting up a fight?" Nagi's words struck a chord with Saeko, who held deep respect for her father.

"Saeko, whether you accept it or not, you will accompany me. Your past actions matter little to me; I have already committed acts far worse. I am concerned only with the present."

Nagi employed various tactics to influence Saeko's decision, straying from conventional moral standards. Employing a combination of persuasion, emotional manipulation, and leveraging her values and relationships, he sought to bring her face-to-face with reality and sway her resolve.

Forceful actions, such as pinning her against the wall and holding her chin, were employed to capture her attention and assert dominance. Nagi's rapid questioning and probing aimed to unsettle Saeko's mindset, forcing her to confront the consequences of inaction.

By highlighting the potential disappointment of her respected father and invoking the honor associated with her lineage, he tapped into her sense of duty and pride, hoping they would override any lingering hesitation.

As anticipated, Saeko visibly eased as she met Nagi's gaze and expressed her gratitude. Stepping back, Nagi gave her space to advance towards the approaching horde, clutching her katana firmly. With a composed demeanor, he replied, "You're welcome."

Assuming an Iaijutsu stance, Saeko gathered strength in her legs, coiling like a predator ready to strike. In a swift and fluid motion, she lunged forward, her katana leaving its sheath in a blinding flash.

The razor-sharp blade cut through the air with deadly precision, severing the necks of two approaching zombies. Blood spurted from their gaping wounds, painting the air with a gruesome crimson spray.

Undeterred by the onslaught, more undead closed in on Saeko, their hunger driving them forward. With a fierce determination and an increasingly wild grin on her face, she unleashed a flurry of precise strikes, her katana dancing through the air with a macabre elegance.

Heads rolled and necks were severed, sending geysers of blood erupting from the decapitated bodies. The ground beneath her became littered with lifeless corpses and crimson pools, marking the path of her relentless massacre.

As Nagi surveyed the aftermath of their merciless onslaught, his eyes were drawn to Saeko amidst the sea of gore. Her once pristine clothing was now stained with the dark crimson of blood, but it did little to diminish the radiance of her expression.

The blush on her face, the gleam in her ocean-blue eyes, and the unyielding grin all highlighted her exhilaration and excitement. It was as if the sunlight had broken through the surface, casting an enchanting shimmer upon her.

Nagi couldn't help but be amused at the thought that comparing Saeko to an ocean was fitting. She possessed a serene beauty that captivated all who beheld her, drawing them in with her calm and alluring presence.

However, like the depths of the ocean, there lay a darker and more dangerous side to her. The intensity of her gaze and the savage elegance with which she dispatched the undead showcased the depths of her untamed ferocity.

It was a juxtaposition that both fascinated and intrigued Nagi as he stood amidst the grim scene. Escaping the shrine, he and Saeko reentered the city, running towards Takagi Mansion, which loomed in the distance.

"Wait a minute!" Saeko called out, causing Nagi to pause in confusion. She approached him, her hand reaching out to grasp his. Tipping his head slightly, he met her gaze and observed a barely noticeable blush on her cheeks.

Her smile, radiant and tender, sparkled in the sunlight that bathed them. She asked with a hint of uncertainty, "You meant what you said, didn't you?"

Feeling the firm grip of her hand, Nagi acknowledged the sincerity behind her question, even though her demeanor remained calm. Maintaining his unwavering gaze, he replied, "Without a doubt."


Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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