55.17% Father of Existence / Chapter 27: Chapter 21 - The price of desire (2/2)

章節 27: Chapter 21 - The price of desire (2/2)

speech:"like this"

though:'like this'

telepathy:<like this>


Back to a few hours earlier.

////////MC POV///////

'I had already told the Shades to go to that man, Takaya Kurisu, office and house, or at least the address that was registered as his house. While waiting for further news is best to get more information from Takeshi.'

Cad:"Takeshi-san, what can you tell me about this man?"

Takeshi:"Understood Boss, Takaya Kurisu, is the head of the Parks and Recreation division, and although his power is only a prefectural one it seems that he has some friends in high places."

He starts talking about the man in the video and asks Mikado to use the computer, He accesses a file-sharing site and logs into his account, I don't recognize the website so it must be something private.

I keep a list of all public sharing files sites that exist in the world. It's not like I'm being paranoid or something like that, right?...RIGHT?

Takeshi:"What was gathered by the Shuei clan's intelligence division was, for what it looks like, he is a very intelligent and ambitious individual, and a lot high ranking officials in the government own their position to him."

Cad:"Is he an 'immigrant'?"

Even if he isn't from another planet, he could be from another dimension, just like Astaroth.

Takeshi:"There is no confirmation on that so either he isn't or somebody high up covered everything too well."

Cad:"Do you suspect he is?"

Takeshi:"Yes, although I don't have any proof, his ascension and of those who own him is way too quick, too perfect, too clean, either he is the luckiest man alive making everything work for him in the most perfect way or…."

Cad:"He made everything go this smoothly."

I can't help but frown at that, what is his game?


Cad:"So what a man like that is doing being a simple president of the Park and Recreation division?"

Ryuu:"Amagi Brilliant Park"


Really? what does he want with the park? Maybe he is obsessed with the girls like Ryuu.

Ryuu:"That guy is obsessed with it."

Cad:"Just like you?"

Ryuu:"Ye-I'm please, don't talk like that Boss."

Ryuu replies with a defeated expression.

Cad:"Is what he saying is truth?"

Takeshi:"Well, yes and no."

Cad:"What do you mean?"

Takeshi:"He is not blatant about it, but anyone that spends a considered amount of time with him can notice that he brings up the park way too much, not on the same day or even the same week but he looks to be an awful lot with the state of the Park."

Ryuu:"And he wants to shut it at any cost."

Takeshi:"Yes there's that too, although he isn't doing anything illegal it is weird how he is extra harsh with this singular park, just like he is looking for a reason to make their lives difficult."

Again I can't help but frown and sigh at this, 'this is getting really annoying' I thought to myself, well It doesn't matter at the end he is in cahoots with a terrorist organization and will be dealt with accordingly.

Cad:"Anything else I need to know?"

Takeshi takes another glance through the documents he was reading for us and shakes his head.

Cad:"Alright, Pai Chan you are with me, we are going to see this park, Takeshi give me the address of it, also his office and house I send Shades in there to have a look, and then, after they clear you will send in your people to make it 'official'."

Let's be done with this already, I want to go home and sleep.

Ryuu, Takeshi:"Understood Boss."

Cad:"Mikado, thank you for your help, you can get back home now, and don't worry one of my Shades is waiting for you at the entrance to escort you home."

Mikado:"Thank you Cad."

Cad:"Ok, let's go people."


////3RD POV///

Cadmus and Pai Chan arrived at the park and started to look around stealthy, they wanted to investigate the place to find out why an apparent strong person like Takaya would want to target it.

The Park was closed as it was Monday late night, so after going around the land and not seeing anything much from outside, as it was August first, the season was hot and humid as like any other year in Japan.

They sneaked into the place and immediately felt something different.

Cad:"That is definitely a barrier."

Said Cadmus with a thoughtful expression.

Pai Chan:"Father, there are multiple magical life sources in here, they are all converging on that building."

She points to a big building that stands in the middle of a great field.

Cad:"Let's check it out."

Pai Chan:"Yes father."

As the seconds pass, Cadmus, who is in his adult form, wasn't liking any of this, although not physically nor mentally he was already tired of things like this, and asking himself why everything couldn't be as simple as getting the biggest gun and destroying a hoard of demons.

Keeping himself from grumbling in annoyance about the certainty that, again, a more complicated problem appeared in front of him, they sneaked into the building.

Getting inside to see a big living room where a hoster of different beings that wouldn't be out of place in a children's storybook was all over the place with somber expressions.

At least the ones that have discernible features.

Cad:"Wasn't this sector supposed to contain only sci-fi elements?"

Commented Cadmus while pursuing his lips, as annoyed as he was for this he was more curious than anything, that is the second time he is faced with magic-oriented occurrences in the Science Fiction Sector.

In a struggle of what call the area they are in they momently decided to name the four parts that all existence is divided as Axis and the general plane as sector.

So for example, as they are in a slice-of-life, sci-fi plane that is managed by Sicella they refer to the Light Sci-fi sector from the Calme Axis. That is temporary until they decide what name they are going to give.

Pai Chan:"It is indeed strange, Father, my sisters and I have been noticing the increase of magical elements lately, as we have reported to you, it started a few days before Astaroth's return."

Cadmus begins to think deeply about the cause of this while they hid in the corner trying to figure out what is going on with the creatures in this park, he didn't have much time to wonder as he saw a 14yr old girl being guided downstairs.

???:"Goodnight everyone, thank you for being here."

Said the young, blonde, girl with a warm smile.


???:"Nonsense young Latifa, we will always be here for you."

Said the mascot man to the girl.


Latifa:"Thank you, uncle."

She had a happy smile on her face contrary to everyone else melancholic mood, she looks at the clock that was showing that was closing to midnight and still smiling at everyone says.

Latifa:"Thank you for everything you always do for me, I will be in your care for this year too."

She says looking at everyone with a grateful expression while sitting on a sofa beside a young girl in British uniform who even while bring expressionless, sadness could be seen in her eyes.


And when the clock rang midnight the girl fell asleep as if her strings were cut, everybody was silently looking at the ground, not wanting to look at the girl. A few seconds later, the girl woke up and looked confused at everybody in the room.

Latifa:"Why is everybody so sad?"

???:"Princess, what is the last thing you remember?"

Asked the brown-haired girl to Latifa.

Latifa:"Huh? I was in the flower field taking a walk and....my memories were reset again weren't they?"

The brown-haired girl solemnly nods.

Latifa:"It is ok Isuzu-chan, I'm fine, we will find a way I know we will, as long as we do our best and make everyone smiles in the park everything will be just fine."

Latifa sighs sadly at first but soon, her happy smile that was trying to lift everyone's spirits appeared on her face, she talked with sheer confidence to motivate everyone in the room, but I few, handful, could detect the deep sorrow that she kept underneath.



Completely ignoring the bittersweet moment, our hero, decided that now would make a good entrance to a mysterious character and stepped in. It was definitely not because he was overcome with curiosity about what was happening inside the girl's body.

In a literal blink of an eye, he was standing beside the sofa, his arm was already extended in the direction of Latifa with a rune, drawn in the air right in front of his hand.

Everybody else stood still for a few seconds not knowing what to do, Latifa was confused, as her one-year memory was just wiped she didn't know if she actually know the man or not.

Cad:"Tell me, my dear, every time this happens, you feel like strength leaves your body? As if is being sucked somewhere?"

Asked Cadmus in a gentle tone acting as if he was a doctor.

Latida:"Ah, yes, that is exactly how it happens, how do you know mister….huh…."

Her eyes shine for a second before the makes an apologetic face, thinking she had forgot about him.

Cad:"Cadmus, my dear, it is a pleasure to be acquitted."

Introduced our intruder MC with a polite smile and extended his hand for a handshake.

Latifa:"Likewise Mister Cadmus."

Answered Latifa with a smile of her own while accepting his handshake.

As if finally processing what is happening the rest of the beings in the room quickly took fight stances, taking weapons and/or creating attack spells to throw at the strange man that was intruding.

The browns haired girl, Isuzu, quickly took Latifa and pulled her behind herself in protective action.

???:"Who are you, and what were you doing to Latifa."

Cad:"Pai Chan, follow that energy trail and tell what you find."

Pai Chan:"Understood Master."


Again, everyone was surprised to hear another voice of a person they had not perceived until said person made themselves known. That made everyone feel really frustrated that even though they were here to help and protect their beloved princess they were completely useless.

Cad:"That is an interesting curse you have on you, I was doing a light scan on it to see what it does, one-year memory erasure, prolonged youth, energy drain, nasty thing, meant to a slow and agonizing death."

Everyone else was getting tenser with each word that came out of the man's mouth, they are conflicted about what to do in this situation. On one hand, they are willing to do anything to save the princess but they don't believe if they actually do something about this man.

Latifa:"Everybody calm down."

Isuzu:"But princess-"

Latifa:"If mister Cadmus wanted to do something to me, he would have done it when no one could have noticed him."

Latifa still had her gentle smile as she looked at everyone and her hand on Isuzu's arm as she tried to lower the weapon Isuzu was holding.

Latifa:"Does Mister Cadmus know about my curse?"

Asked the girl with eyes filled with hope.

Cad:"No, I know about curses, I just scanned yours out of curiosity."

Latifa:"But you also did something, I don't feel as weak as before, and I'm seeing a little better."

???:"That's…Is that true Latifa?"

Latifa:"It is uncle."

???:"You there, do you know how to cure my niece, you better do it before-"

That was all the mascot managed to say before Cadmus used a rune to silence him.

Cad:"Yes, I did, I'm after someone that's why I'm here, the energy in your body is going somewhere so I'm delaying its transfer as a possibility to take me to the person I'm looking for."

Everyone has a confused expression because of what Cadmus said. Cadmus for his part stretch himself before sitting on the couch and putting his feet on the coffee table as he was getting a little bored waiting for news from Pai Chan.

His lazy and casual attitude was further fulling the mascot's anger who, since was still muted, was now moving his hand and legs around trying to make a fuss only to keep being ignored by the object of his frustration.

Latifa:"And who is this person you are looking for?"

Cad:"Takaya Kirisu."

At his answer there was everyone made an angry expression, Isuzu clenches her fists and asks

Isuzu:"...And why are you after that man."

Cad:"I need information, as it looks like, he is involved with serious bad people and I need information on that people."

Answered Cadmus with a shrug

Isuzu:"Why are you looking for him here."

Cad:"He wants this place closed, although he hides it well, some people did pick up on his obsession with this place, and obsessed people do tend to do."

Cadmus at this point already knew that they wouldn't be of any direct help in tracking Takaya, so he just sat there and took a bag of spring rolls he had made earlier and started to eat.

Much to everyone else dismay.

Cad:"What? Do you guys want some?"

Everyone had a difficult expression on their faces because of the Nonchalantness of the intruder…..safe for one person.

???:"Oh can I?"

Cad:"Sure, why not."

???:"Thanks, hehehe."

I blond girl, in white dress and fairy wings who for some reason was doing ballet spins in the background throughout this whole situation quickly ran into the front to take a spring roll for her. Other three girls with fairy wings tried to stop her but she was already un front of the intruder.


Sylphy:"Oh, I'm Sylphy by the way, nice to meet you."

Cad:"Likewise, Cadmus."


As soon as she bit into the snack she let out a moan of pleasure.

Sylphy:"THIS!!! this is really good, can I have more?"

Cad:"Knock yourself out."

Sylphy:"Thanks were did you get these?"

Cad:"I made them."

Sylphy:"Ah, no way, really!!"

And to everybody else dismay the two of them continued to chant and eat spring rolls like he wasn't an intruder and she wasn't sad, crying because of the fate of her princess just a few minutes ago.

A weird friendship was starting in one of the weirdest situations these people has ever seen.

Latifa:"Uhh, Excuse me, Mister Cadmus."

Cad:"Oh, sorry, my dear, here's a spring roll."

Latifa:"Ah, thank you….I mean, no, yes, thank you for the spring roll, but I want to ask you about my curse."

Cad:"Ask away."

Latifa nervously interrupts their chat only for Cadmus to (fake)confuse her intentions, she gets swept by his pace at first but manages to get her point across to an amused Cadmus.

Lantifa:"Can you lift it?"

There was silence after she asked that, everybody was eager to hear his answer, safe for Syphy who kept happily eating.

Cad:"I don't know, probably."

He answered with a shrug.

Latifa:"...Would you try?"

Again the tension rose in the room.

Cad:"Why should I?"

He says, lazily while looking at her. Isuzu and the mascot were looking at him with angry expressions contrary to the princess. Although she had difficulty seeing she was not blind.

She could notice that, despite, his unconcern behavior he was not against the prospect of lending a hand, in fact, by the way he looked at her while asking why he should help her it was almost like he was saying 'convince me'.

So she took a deep breath and started to talk.

Latifa:"Guys, can you give us some space to talk?"

???:"What, but princess…"

Latifa:"I really appreciate all of you, and I am happy with all you did for me, but this is something that I have to do."

She says with conviction, but her gentle smile never left her face. One by one the weird creatures all left the room after saying their goodbyes and wishing safety to their princess, and the only ones that stayed were the mascot and Isuzu.

Sylphy was dragged by other fairy-like girls, literally, she didn't want to be separated from the bag of spring rolls so she was trying to claw the for in an effort to stop her friends.

???:"Are you sure about that little one?"

Latifa:"Yes uncle, there is something that needs to be done."

Cadmus had canceled the silence rune he used on the mascot to let them speak. After reaffirming her decision, she looked at Cadmus…..who was playing piano tiles on his cell phone.

Latifa:"*ahem* Mister Cadmus, can we talk."

Cad:"Oh, sure, I was just waiting for you to finish."

He closed his game and looked at her.

Latifa:"My full name is Latifa Florenza, I am the princess of the Maple Kingdom, and I came from another world."

Cad:<Ah shit, here we go again.>

Nemesis:<Why are you willing to involve yourself? You could easily leave and nobody could stop you.>

Cad:<Because I can, look, I am not a good person to the point of living my life with the objective of helping others but this moment, to me, is like a beggar asking for a simple sandwich to feed his kid, I will not lose much with it and it isn't a botter.>

Nemesis:<Then why are you complaining?>

Cad:<Dunno, human nature?>

Lisa:<You are not human anymore.>

Cad:<....You got me there.>

She waited to see his reaction only to be met with a look of 'go on', embarrassed, she continued her story.

Latifa:"Many years ago my kingdom was being by an evil dragon, my father, the king tried to deal with this foe, but all his efforts were for not, as no matter what he did, there was nothing that could compare to the dragon's strength."

She says sighing sadly.

Latifa:"One day, a powerful mage appeared at my father's court and vowed to kill the dragon, for a price of course."

Cad:"Let me guess, he wanted your hand in marriage but after he killed the dragon your father went back on his promise."

He commented with a deadpan look about the sheer cliche of the situation.

Latifa:"Yes, my father had no intention of honoring his side from the very beginning, he would never sell me like that."

Cad:"Then he shouldn't have promised in the first place."

Said Cadmus rolling his eyes.

Latifa:"He was desperate."

She replied with a somber tone.

Cad:"And that led to your current situation."

He says seriously.


Cad:"I'm guessing that's not all."

He said while narrowing his eyes with a displeased expression.

???:"No it was not."

Cad:"Oh, you finally willing to properly talk to me mascot-kun."

He said sarcastically.


Exploded the mascot.


He said dryly

Isuzu nudges Moffle to go on.

Moffle:"*Ahem* Anyway, the king, sent his army after the mage, right after he returned, weakened by his fight with the dragon. They chased the mage long and far, critically injuring him and before he fell off a cliff, he cursed my dear niece."

Moffle recounts the rest of the story while spitting on the ground when he said the king.

Cad:"Oh I see, the king is a dumbass."

Cadmus says while hitting the lower side of his fist on his palm like he understood everything.

Moffle:"Exacly, I never liked that guy."

He profoundly states.

Latifa:"*sigh* Uncle."

She sighs exasperated.

Isuzu:"You just hate him because he married your sister you disgusting siscon."

She said in a monotone voice making Moffle angry and look at her while she looked sideways avoiding eye contact.

Cad:"I see you a man of culture as well."

He nodded proudly. Moffle scratch the back of his head embarrassed while Izusu and Latifa looked at Cadmus deadpan.

Cad:"So I gather you want me to see if I can undo the curse."


Cad:"I can't, at least not on this end."

Isuzu:"What do you mean?"

Cad:"You are not the core of the curse, this is not a simple one, from what I can see that energy I saw leaving, delays the curse making you live longer but every year it goes somewhere, so you can't just build it up."

Latifa:"Animus, is that magical substance from Maple Land that all inhabitants have and need to survive, the curse takes away mine and to survive I have to gather from humans by making them happy, hence the park."

Cad:"I see, well, I guess is time for me to go."

After listening to everything so far, Cadmus sighs with a thoughtful expression before his palm on the armrest of the couch and gets up with a calm smile on his face.

The other people in the room made a sober expression.

Isuzu:"...And what about the Princess's curse?"

Asked the girl with a sad voice.

Cad:"I said it, I can't do anything from this side, I may be good with primordial runes but I'm nowhere near as good as my wife, and she is not in this world, so she can't help you either."

He says in a happy tone not matching the matter at hand.

All of them make sad expressions and hold Latifa's hand

Cad:"That's why, now that I have his location as well as his hideout's location I'm going to see the mage, Talaya Kurisu."

He says in a merry voice.


They all look astonished at him.

Cad:"It looks like our interests align, little princess."

He says with a happy, Cheshire cat grin on his face.


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