0.57% Transmigration: Lady Chi Woos The Ice cold Professor Jun / Chapter 4: The mighty little peep star

章節 4: The mighty little peep star

Chi Lian was eager to get started on her get rich plan. She grabbed some bread and butter from the kitchen, poured herself a glass of milk and went to her bedroom. It was late in the night; the rest of family had gone to bed after she reassured them that she was alright. She was so happy that she at least still had her laptop. Work would be easier with it.

She turned it on and stretched her hands. The first order of business was to create an account. Every good self-respecting paparazzo had one. The more followers she garnered, the more valuable she would be in the entertainment world. Of course she had no plans of letting anybody know that she was the brains behind it. She was going to offend a lot of people. Some of them were powerful enough to deal with her if they did not appreciate her content.

"Yo, T4, let's begin." She said.

The sullen little fox sighed and surrendered. Looks like T4 was now its name.

"Grant me permission to access the internet in your world. "

"Done." She said.

"I will create a program that protects your account from being traced or tracked. You won't have to worry about blow back from your posts."

"He-he-he." Chi Lian laughed like a villain and rubbed her hands together. She was ready to create chaos in this world.

She thought about what name to use on her account. Five minutes of thinking and she came up with the perfect name, 'The Mighty Little Peep star.'

Indeed, it was the perfect name. She would be peeping into the Lives of the rich and famous after all. She would be anonymous. They would come to love and fear her.

Chi Lian realized that she had one small expensive problem. She had no cameras. And she could not afford one at the moment. The entire family had pulled together their remaining funds to pay for this house, pay off their debts and pay Chi Zimo's university fees. They were out of money.

"T4 how do you expect me to be a paparazzo without a camera? If you want me to do this job, you should provide the tools."

"That's not a big problem for me." T4 cracked the knuckles of his paws. "At your level you have access to two tiny drone cameras that can record and take pictures at your command. "

She tapped on drone camera icon and two shiny black cameras appeared before her. They were as small as a fly. They even resembled it in structure. If somebody came across one, they would simply assume it was a fly.

"How are they this tiny?" she asked in wonder. She had never seen anything like it in her life.

"I told you. Our technology is nothing to play around with. We are a civilized world." He replied proudly.

"Does that mean you think we are barbarians?" she asked.

T4 could see the frown on her face. He needed to be on her good side because she was his host and owner in this world. He needed to choose his next words carefully.

"No. I think your world is just an infant in development. But it has potential." He said nervously and hoped she would drop the topic at that.

"Hmm." She replied. "Nice save."

T4 sighed in relief. He looked like a wilted balloon that had just deflated.

"What else do I get apart from the two cameras?"

"You have access to a motorbike that is faster than the cars in this world when it comes to speed. It can adjust its size and height according to your wishes. It's also voice activated so nobody but you can use it without your authorization. Most importantly, through my control, it can make its way to you wherever you are.

You have a pair of shoes that can out outrun a moving car. A universal key card opener for any electric lock door. Night vision goggles that can see through any wall in the dark. And five energy capsules."

"Damn. Those sound like some powerful items." Chi Lian was impressed.

"You haven't seen powerful yet." T4 bragged. "All these items are stored in your virtual storage. You can access them when you need them with the command of your voice or tap of your finger."

"So how do I increase my level? Because I am assuming the higher I level up, the better the equipment I can access and the more your power reserves increase."

"The more you use the technology I provide to accumulate popularity and wealth, and change your world, the more points you earn. And the higher the points, the higher your level gets. The higher your level gets, the more powerful I become."

"Well I hope we can achieve great things T4."

"By the way, with access to your internet, I have restored communication with my original owner. You are not privy to our conversation. However, he can deposit items in his virtual storage which I can access if you wish to use them. You will need to exchange something for those things in return. Mostly seeds.

Basically its like I am sharing a locker with an alien but I cant touch, see or use his things. She thought.

"Seeds?" she was confused. There was nothing she could really offer someone in a high tech world. Seeds were easy.

"Yes, seeds. I told you, plant life died out in our world. If you can provide him with seeds, he can become a powerful force on our planet. He can offer the seeds to the research base in return for certain privileges."

That was not an issue to Chi Lian. Seeds were plenty and cheap on this green planet. Technology of their alien kind however was something new.

She would use it to grow her own force.

"Tell him we have a deal."

"Yes my Lady." The fox said and disappeared from the screen.

"My lady." Chi Lian pondered, "I like that."

She had everything she needed to start her job. She needed to introduce herself properly on her weibo account to attract followers. The profile picture was a red cartoon wolf with a camera.

She typed.

"My dear little peep stars. I will be dedicated to bringing you into the lives of the rich, famous and the crooked. Follow me the mighty little peep star and you will not regret it. FYI most of the pictures and content in the private collections will be for sale."

That should be enough.

Now for an appetizer, she needed to post something so that they would know that this was a serious account.

"T4, which celebrities are out partying tonight?"

"I will check immediately."

T4 had already hacked into all the entertainment companies in the country. He made a list of celebrities from the most known to the least known.

"The actress Sasha Li is at the Grande club partying with top actor Wu Lian the action king. Is this juicy enough for tonight?"

"Sorry Sasha and action king but a girl needs to feed. Send the flies. I mean drones."

An address and instructions were given to the tiny drones and they set off. They were as fast as an airplane in the sky. The Grande club was about two hours from her current address but the drones were there in thirty minutes.

Chi Lian could see everything they were viewing. Sasha and Wu Lian were dancing very closely. He even kissed her at one point. These two people were claiming to be single in public but dating in private. She wondered how much their companies would pay to keep this quiet.

"Take pictures and record everything." she instructed." The drones took pictures and recorded a video. "He-he-he.." she laughed in that villain like voice again.

T4 shivered and felt mercy for the two unlucky individuals.

She typed,

["My dear little peep stars, it has come to my attention that Top actor Wu Lian the action King has been seen spending time with the young Sasha Li. One can't help but wonder why?"]

"T4, edit the pictures and post them. Then hack different sites and promote our account." She yawned. It had been a long hard day. Tomorrow would be a lovely one. She went to bed.

章節 5: First bucket of gold

As Chi-Chi slept off, the internet was going crazy. The action king, beloved by many and fantasy husband to millions of women in the empire was involved in a scandal. His management and company were running crazy trying to contact the owner of the account that had shared a picture of him and Sasha in an intimate position.

"We should pay them off before calling for a press conference." Wu Lian said. He was pacing back and forth in his villa.

"Not without making sure that they can't use the pictures against us in future. And please for the love of God, next time you want to meet your girlfriend, do it in the privacy of your own home." His manager pleaded. This scandal had made him lose some chunks of hair.

In the morning, the trouble causer Chi-Chi woke up to an insistent alarm that sounded like an unhappy singing cat.

"Shut up!" she covered her head with a pillow.

"I am afraid I can't do that host. It's time to get to work." T4 turned up the alarm volume.

"Fine." Chi-Chi reluctantly left her warm bed.

"The managers of Wu Lian and Sasha have been trying to contact you for a while now."

"Put them through." She said. She turned on her lap top to check the weibo account. To her great joy, she had managed to rake up close to three thousand followers in the night.

Most of the comments were asking her to release more pictures of Wu Lian and Sasha. Some of the comments were from angry fans of the action king who were accusing her of photo shopping his picture for clout. One comment amused her the most.

Fire baby: [I am here for the gossip. Burn them all] A picture of a big fire that was dancing was attached to the comment.

Chi-Chi wondered what kind of individual this was.

"Now to make my first bucket of gold." She said and hummed.

She pulled out her phone and called Wu Lian's manager first. "Change my voice. I should sound like a man. And block my number, they should not identify it."

"As you order," T4 bowed and did as she asked.

"Hello, mighty little peep star; this is Wu Lian's manager. I have been trying to reach you for a while now." He laughed nervously.

"It was night time Mr. Manager. People should rest at night."

"Yes, yes, you are right my friend." He said. He wanted this peep star individual to perceive him as approachable and friendly.

"So what can I do for you? She asked.

"I was wondering if you can sell me any other incriminating pictures of my clients little party in your possession."

"Does that mean I can keep the video?" she asked.

"There is a video!?" The manager sounded very shocked.

"Would you like a sneak peek? I for one enjoyed their kiss scene. I can see why the ladies love him." She laughed.

The manager sighed, "How much do you want?"

"How much is his career worth?"

"We will pay three hundred thousand Yuan."

"Oooh…come on Mr. Manager. Why are you undermining the action king's career like that?"

The manager gritted his teeth and made another offer, "Four hundred thousand."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I think it's about time for your actor to retire and get married. He is over thirty years old after all. Their babies would be so adorable." She laughed.

"One million." Another voice interrupted the negotiations.

T4 identified the voice as actor Wu Lian's. He sounded impatient.

Chi-Chi was finally madly happy with the offer. She did not think they would go that high. She was ready to give in at five hundred thousand.

"We have a deal action king. I am sending an account number. Once I confirm that the money has been wired, I will send you the pictures and videos. Fear not, I the mighty little peep star am a very trustworthy individual so nothing about this particular incident will appear again from me. After all, we may find ourselves doing business again in future."

T4 sent the account number and once payment was approved, she sent the pictures and videos in her possession to him.

T4 was so excited to see the money that he was somersaulting on the screen.

"Why are you so excited?"

"Because your wealth and popularity value have gone up host and this means my energy level has increased a little bit."

"Where can I keep track of that by the way? The wealth and popularity value part?"

T4 tapped an icon that had a cartoon avatar of her.





Mental strength...?

There was a meter index of different colors on the side. Currently, it was red.

"Why is that red T4?"

"It's my energy reserve. It's red because you are still poor in popularity and wealth. The higher points and value grows, the higher my energy grows because I feed off of you."

"And only if I use the technology you provide."

"Yes host, only with my technology."

Chi-Chi sighed. This was going to be a long road. It's a good thing she had her whole life to deal with it.

T4 could read her thoughts and again he reminded her that she had three months to increase her points and level up or her body would fall apart.

She had made one million Yuan already. Things were definitely looking up. She took a bath and went to have breakfast with her family.

"Good morning." She danced her way into the tiny kitchen.

Her mother could not stop asking about why she was dancing and smiling so broadly. Their life was not really dance worthy at the moment.

"No reason." She hummed and grabbed a plate of dumplings from the counter.

"I told you something is going on with her." Her youngest brother whispered.

Chi-Chi glared at him and he looked away so fast that he almost twisted his neck. Her biggest worry in this family was them noticing that she was too different from the old Chi Lian. For now, they were content with attributing her change to the downfall of their family. She hoped it stayed that way.

"What are your plans for today?" she asked her eldest brother.

"I have to continue searching for a job."

"Me too." The second brother said.

"I told you all not to worry about that." She said. I have made plans for the family already.

Her father looked at her and patted her hair. "My good daughter. You are more helpful than our youngest."

Chi Zimo who was eating breakfast and not participating in the conversation was surprised to hear his name being mentioned.

"What did I do?" he asked.

"You kept your brothers up because you were playing games on your phone all night." His father glared at him accusatorily.

"I will make money in E-sports." He grumbled. He was embarrassed because his brothers did look exhausted. They had not slept well.

Chi-Chi moved over and slapped him on the back of the head.

"Why are you becoming more violent?" he cried and rubbed his head.

"It's because it's time for us all to grow up. You should finish university before mentioning E-sports."

"We cannot afford to pay for my university now."

"I will pay for it. And I am expecting good results or you will get a beating." She threatened.

"Where will you find the money?'

Chi-Chi pulled out her phone and showed him her account balance. He gasped and pulled in cold air which prompted the rest of the family to gather closer and see what had shocked him.

"Chi-Chi!" her father shouted. "How do you have such an amount of money in your account?"

Chi-Chi smiled mysteriously, "I am a paparazzo. I took the right picture and the owner bought it back."

Her brothers were all staring at her in shock. They could not reconcile the new Chi Lian with her old self. She was a tall, beautiful girl with long black hair but she always down played her looks. She was humble and not dominant. This Chi Lian was well dressed, dominant and loud.

"We have to fend for our family now. I cannot be the same old polite, humble Chi-Chi. I will be ruthless and determined."

Her eyes were focused and determined as she said this. They all believed her. In their hearts, her brothers vowed to work hard because their little sister was working harder than them. It was a bit embarrassing.

"I think we should move from this place first of all." She said.

"But why? I know you have some money now but it can be used for other things. We can rent a place and open a restaurant." Her mother said.

"Last night, that hooligan tried to assault me again. If I had not fought him and his goons off he would have raped me. This place is no longer safe mother. I am going house hunting right now."

"What?" her eldest brother jumped up. "I warned him to stay away from you. I am going to kill him."

"That wont be necessary. I did more damage than you think possible." She calmed him down. Her second brother had also jumped up, ready to go and pick a fight.

"We should call the police." her father said anxiously. Worry was written all over his face.

"No." Chi-Chi was adamant. "All of you should stay home and pack up. I am going to find a new place and call you. The moving van will be here in less than four hours."

T4 was already house hunting and contacting real estate companies. All that was left was for her to make a choice and pay a deposit.

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