100% Solo Player's Friend / Chapter 40: Chapter 39: Promise

章節 40: Chapter 39: Promise

Raydel did not even get to say goodbye to Shane and Sheryl. Han lifted him onto his shoulder and headed straight back to his condominium.

Raydel was so confused. Han carried him onto the underground train as if he were as light as a feather. Everyone around them was stunned when they notice he was covered in blood. He found himself arriving at Han's condominium in the upper-class area of the capital. Han carried him into the elevator.

Raydel was then brought to Han's room, and now, he was sitting on the sofa in the living room, dumbfounded.

Han was cleaning his wounds.

Raydel flinched. Even though all his wounds had miraculously healed up, there were still some spots that stung badly when Han applied alcohol. Raydel tried to suppress his cries. He did not know where to look, so he focused on things in Han's room. The place looked like it could accommodate many people, but since Han lived alone, there was only a few items in it.

How much money did he make from dungeons to afford this kind of condo? Raydel thought.

Raydel noticed the absence of Han's family photos and not a single pile of books for university exams. Instead, laid out on the table were weapons and artifacts.

It's like his whole life is focused on clearing dungeons, Raydel thought, stealing a glance at the protagonist's face. Well, the novel doesn't provide any information about Han's background. Does he have a family?

Raydel was staring at Han's face when he looked up. Startled, he quickly turned away, feeling his cheeks blush slightly. Why am I blushing?! He thought, feeling baffled.

"Done," Han said.

Raydel murmured, "Thanks."

Han began to pack up his first-aid kit, but Raydel saw that Han also had some injuries.

"Wait, you've got some wounds."

"It's okay. They'll heal."

"Do you want me to clean them? I'm returning your favor here."

Raydel took the equipment from Han's hands. He met his gaze without reacting, and he remained silent as Raydel began awkwardly cleaning and dressing his wounds. Most of them were scratches from flying rocks. His face had a lot of these, so Raydel carefully treated them.

Once he finished, Raydel placed the equipment back in the box and rested it on his lap.

"Do you live here alone?" He asked curiously.


"What about your family?"

Han's eyes softened. The sun was setting outside, and the light from the nearby buildings shone through the window, making the room seem both larger and lonelier. Raydel could not help but felt that there should have been more people living here, even though only the protagonist did.

"They're gone," Han whispered.


"I had my father. He was at the hospital until several months ago. Now I have no one."

"You mean your father…"

Silence filled the room.

Raydel's shoulders slumped. He was stunned for a moment before whispering, "I'm sorry."

"Don't worry," Han said, his gaze drifting around the spacious living room. "I'm used to it."

Raydel looked down. Both of them sat in silence for a while. Then, the atmosphere turned increasingly awkward. Raydel tried to initiate a conversation.

"Normally, many people live here, right?"

"Only my father and I live here."

"But it's so big. I thought there'd be more people."

"My father likes a spacious house. But he doesn't have much stuff. That's why it's like this," Han said. "When he died, the house looks even bigger than I remember. But like I told you, I'm used to living alone."

"You… don't want roommates?" Raydel suggested. "Your condo is so big you could fit like four or five more people in here. It'd brighten up the place. And you'd get people to help pay the mortgage."

"I want to live with people I'm close with."


Han looked at his face and had gone quiet. Raydel was confused as to why he was staring at him.

Then, Han said, "You can live here."


"But you'd charge a lot for it." Raydel said.

"You can live here for free."

"Free? Are you crazy? Here?"

"My father bought it with cash. I don't have any monthly payments apart from the common area expenses. So, you can stay here. It must be better than renting a room in an area with little transportation."

Then, he nodded the other way.

"I have a separate bedroom and an office room for you. You can use them. No one's using it."


Everything happened so fast. Raydel had never imagined he would receive such an offer. His current room was in an area with poor public transportation, and compared to Han's condo, it was better in every aspect. He did not even count the swimming pool, the gym, and the private theater room. Given a chance to stay here for free was an offer he would never reject.

Raydel almost cried. What an incredible friend Han was!

To be able to stay here, free of charge — how many lifetimes wound he need to find a friend like this?

Raydel nodded repeatedly. He called the landlord of his apartment.

"Okay, I'll move here then. I'll cook for you even though I don't know how!"

As Raydel was talking to his landlord to tell him about the sudden moving out, he did not notice that Han was staring at the side of his face. Han's gaze slowly drifted down to his neck, then paused at his wrist – bright and unblemished. The bloodstains on them could not taint the smooth skin underneath.

A lot of thoughts occurred in his head.

Raydel finished his conversation with the landlord and felt energized, so he wanted to take a shower. Han led him to the guest shower room adjacent to the kitchen. It was even bigger than Raydel's own bathroom back home. The walls and floor were adorned with elegant dark grey tiles, looking all luxurious. Even the shower head itself was an imported piece from an international brand, appearing both expensive and efficient.

"I could play some music in here." Raydel murmured to himself. He tested the speaker in the bathroom.

The music gradually filled the room, and Raydel felt much better. He turned on the shower, beginning to take off his shirt. The water splashed against his arms and washed away the dirt. For the first time, Raydel saw the color of blood clearly.

He stood still and stared at the mixture of water and blood swirling down the drain.

Raydel glance at the bathroom mirror and realized that his entire body was covered in blood. The red contrasted with the dark grey of the room so intensely that it looked weird. Memories of the fight in the dungeon flooded back to his mind. He was running into a hut in the Four Corners Game, standing in the crowded hut. His thought was returning.

Is it really this hut?

The faces of the children and elders in the hut appeared in his mind. Raydel remembered he had stood there, stunned and lost in thought, for many minutes.

Do we really have to live in a world like this?

Raydel forced his eyes shut.


The sound of water from the shower head penetrated his ears, and he blinked. Raydel stepped below the running water despite his pants still on, and slowly closed his eyes. The metallic scent of blood filled the air. He spread his hands and watched as the water rapidly washed the blood away. There were some spots dried up and clung to his skin, so Raydel used his fingers to rub them off.

I'm just a normal person who got transmigrated into this cruel novel, Raydel thought. How many days and months has it been?

In his previous life, Raydel was just an ordinary college student. Crossing the street was probably the riskiest thing he had ever done.

He had never fought before, nor encountered any vicious creatures that could kill him. His daily routine was all about studying and working. There was no struggle for survival like he was experiencing now. Even being kind to others had never caused him problems. He was used to helping people. But the people there… were not like people here.

No hunters. No dungeons. No towers. No fighting over artifacts.

Why was I transmigrated into this novel? Raydel thought.

He clenched his fists, fully feeling the freezing cold water.

How long will I live? If I die here, will I get to go back to my world? Or will I just die? He thought. I have to part with my family and friends in the old world. What about my family and friends here? Will they mourn if I die?

Will they get to live a long life in this dangerous world?

There's no way to know when we will die because of the dungeon or the tower. There's no way to know if this world can get any crueler.

Raydel sighed and thought.

It'd be nice if I knew the future.

After a shower, Raydel rested for a while watching television. As it got late, Han let Raydel sleep in his own room while he slept on the sofa in the living room. Raydel tossed and turned in the bed anxiously. He stared at the curtain that covered the window, hearing the occasional sounds of the streets outside.

Even though the double dungeon had just appeared in the downtown area, the capital remained restless. People still continued to live happily.

Raydel shifted for the tenth time and let out a sigh.

"I'm thirsty," he murmured, glancing at the clock on the wall.

It was 2 am, and he found himself unable to sleep. He usually fell asleep easily. However, probably because there were a lot going on in his head, keeping him wide awake. He sat up in bed and softly opened the bedroom door.

The kitchen was not far from the living room, so he had to tread lightly to avoid waking Han. As he tiptoed to the fridge, he glanced at the sofa. When he saw that the person was asleep under the blanket, he felt relieved, thinking he might not wake him up. He opened the fridge door slightly and hastily searched for a water flask.

Raydel jumped when he sensed someone standing behind him.


He cried softly. When Raydel turned around, he saw Han standing there. He had finished his bath a while ago, so he was wearing a long-sleeve shirt and simply looking at him.

"Where are you going?" He asked in a cool tone.

"Nowhere. I'm just getting some water."



I thought he was running back home, Han thought.

Raydel messaged his neck. "Um, but after this, I'll be going back to trying to force myself to sleep again."

"Have you gotten the water yet?"

"Not yet. Where do you keep the water? I can't find it."

"It's in the back."


Raydel slowly fell silent when he felt Han leaning in closer. Han's chest pressed against his back. Raydel just realized how much bigger the protagonist was compared to him. Moreover, he could feel warmth radiating from him. He froze, afraid to move. Raydel could only stand there, watching as Han's arm reached inside the fridge and grabbed the flask for him.

At that moment, Raydel could feel Han's breath on his neck. He knew that Han was standing so close to him, and it made him nervous. He took the flask, confused.

When Han stepped away, the warmth disappeared.

Raydel swallowed hard. He did not know why his heart was beating like a drum.

"Thanks," he whispered in a raspy voice. Then, he chugged the water thirstily. The protagonist stared at Raydel, who closed his eyes and drank as if his life depended on it, before asking.

"How many bosses can you summon?"

Raydel opened his eyes and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Two. The Plague Doctor and Cthulhu."

"Cthulhu? You mean the tentacles?"


Han was silent.

"Do you always have to keep complimenting them to heal them?"

"I have to use the Leadership skill with them. Actually, I don't want to compliment them because it's embarrassing. But it's the best way to heal them."

"Then what compliments do you give the tentacles?"

Han was speaking softly, but Raydel didn't notice. He looked at the ceiling to think.

"I have to say something like 'Master is the best'…"

Out of nowhere, Han trapped Raydel inside his arms by putting it against the fridge. Raydel looked at his friend, dumbfounded.

"I'll put it away for you," Han whispered and took the flask.

Raydel sniffed and smelled something nice from Han. He was so close, and now leaning in to put the flask in the fridge. Han closed the door softly and looked up to meet Raydel's eyes. His arms were still trapping him against the fridge.

"How much do you know about boss summoning?" Han asked.

"Well… I don't know. But Frey, the woman we met, she wanted to teach me about it. If I study with her, I might know better about it."

"Is that so?"

The protagonist was silent. He said nothing and just looked at Raydel's face.

Raydel did not know now, but Han knew from the system that as the boss-summoning skill grew stronger… the method to heal them would not be only complementing anymore. It would also include 'exchange' in a physical way that was more intimate.

So, when he realized that Raydel would need to touch his bosses, he imagined how the tentacles would caress him under his clothes to suck out his power, Han admitted that he was furious.

…How should he get rid of those tentacles?

After that, all the surviving hunters passed the hunter test and officially became hunters due to the incident in the downtown area.

Today was two days after that day. Raydel, who still stayed at Han's condo, woke up to watch the news about the resignation of the leader of the Hunter Guild to take responsibility for what happened. It seemed a lot of people had to quit because the incident upset many.

Apart from that, he was in the process of moving into Han's condominium. He was exhausted from spending the past few days moving all his belongings. In the evening, he took a walk outside, with Han following him everywhere. He trully meant it when he said he would follow Raydel forever.

Raydel walked around the forest area of the city for a while before noticing a place with several black cars parked. Out of curiosity, he leaned forward to see what the event was. It was a funeral filled with people dressing luxuriously. One of the people walked toward him.

When Raydel saw her face, he recalled her right away.


She was the student he met in the Plague Doctor's dungeon.

Minnie looked up and was shocked to see him. She was wearing an all-black dress, looking very sad yet polite.

"Uh… hello."

"You attended this funeral?"

"Yes, because… it was my sister's funeral."

"Sister?" Raydel was shocked. When he looked at Minnie's face closely, he noticed that she looked similar to the novel's heroine. "You're Christa Wang's sister?"


Raydel was quiet for a moment. Minnie tightened her lips. She looked at Raydel and saw that he had wounds on his face and body. She thought about the event that happened a few days ago. Minnie knew that it was the third stage of the hunter test. Something told her Raydel was there and had encountered her sister.


"You can call me Raydel."

"Okay." Minnie's eyes softened. "Can you tell me what happened? What did my sister do? I know that she did something extremely bad and died in the dungeon, but I don't know any details."

"About that…"

Raydel looked down and noticed some bruises under the girl's sleeves. When he took a closer look, he realized she had many abrasions on her.


Raydel proceeded to tell her everything.

Throughout the story, Minnie quietly listened. Her face remained sad and unchanged even after learning what the novel's heroine did. Only Raydel showed his pained expressions as he recounted the incident. Raydel was surprised that Minnie was so calm. She simply nodded along as he spoke, and when he finished the story, she smiled softly.

He… saved my life again, she thought. She held her hands tightly with appreciation. In that dungeon, he came back to help me even though he could have left me to die. And now he has gotten rid of Christa. Without him, Christa might still be alive, and I would still be suffering.

He saved me.

How can I repay him?

Minnie sighed and said,

"Now, I'm the only member of the Wang Family left. My sister died. Yesterday, my mother passed away as well. I… I don't know what to do next. I guess I'll just have to keep living, right? Brother, I'm so grateful that you saved me. If there's anything I can do to repay that debt, I will. You're a hunter now, right? I want to grow stronger so I can support you. I can also support you with money. I have plenty."

She smiled widely, her face was free of sadness.

"Thank you, truly."

Then, Minnie walked away, leaving Raydel standing there dumbfounded.

"..." He repeated what Minnie said again.

Wait, did she say she would become his sponsor?!

"She said that and just walked away?"

In a Yakiniku restaurant, Sheryl, who was placing a piece of grilled pork on some vegetable, asked.

Raydel, seated opposite her, nodded sadly and looked at Shane, who was ordering more food happily.

"Just go with it. Being a hunter with a rich sponsor is the best," Sheryl said.

"But…" Raydel stuttered, glancing at Han, who sat still next to him, eating slowly. It seemed that Han did not prefer high-fat food like this. This situation made Raydel even more uncomfortable because the one who was supposed to have wealthy sponsors was the novel's protagonist.

But now, with the passing of the heroine, Christa, all the family's assets and money had fallen into her sister Minnie's hand. And Minnie said that she wanted to be his patron.

Raydel was just a side character. Why was the story progressing like this?!

Raydel listlessly picked up some kimchi with his chopsticks and placed into his mouth. He savored the pleasant aroma of the food and shook his head when Shane asked if he wanted to order something more. It was around seven in the evening, and he had planned to have a dinner with Sheryl and Shane. That was why they were gathered here, sharing a meal like this.

Outside the restaurant, passersby walked beneath the city's night light. Raydel chewed on a piece of vegetable and swallowed.

"I guess so," he said.

"It's good thing to have a sponsor. If you need any artifacts, you can ask that student."

"But won't it feel strange? I'm older than her. How can I let her buy things for me?"

"Don't overthink it. If we all become stronger, it'll benefit Minnie as well. Maybe this way, you both will grow stronger. You and the Wang Family," Shane said.

Raydel frowned and noticed that Han was gazing at him silently.

"Reject her," the protagonist murmured.

Raydel raised his eyebrows. "I didn't even have the chance to do that."

"You can refuse her the next time you meet her."

"Then who will be Raydel's sponsor?" Shane protested. "This is a great opportunity."

"I agree. Don't reject the offer," Sheryl supported Shane.

The protagonist fell silent before whispering softly.

"I can."

The others did not catch what Han said.

Raydel drank some water tirelessly. Then, he noticed an expensive car parked outside the restaurant. He and the others looked at the car with admiration. It was a beautiful and extravagant car. The driver stepped out of the car, her appearance so striking that Raydel could not help but compliment her in his head. Then, she entered the restaurant and headed toward their table.

When she smiled at him, Raydel was stunned.


Deather patted his and Han's shoulders, leaning in so close that Raydel could smell his perfume.

"I want you guys to be my disciples."


"And our lesson starts today. Come on, get up. We'll be investigating a missing person case in the downtown area from two days ago."

Raydel's jaws dropped.

"What did you just say?"

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End of Book 1! Sorry, it took so long to complete a single book. We're not sure when we will resume updating the next chapters, so please stay tuned!

Thank you so much for reading this series.

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