24% Reincarnated in The Owl House / Chapter 6: New school

章節 6: New school

'Shit! Shit! Shit! Raine's going to kill me!' I thought to myself I opened the front door to see Raine standing there looking at me with what looked to be anger on his face. "Look I know what you're going to say but I just went out to get some air and some inspiration for the spell you showed me. I just happened to find a store with some textbooks on magic that I wanted so I sort of borrowed some money and bought two of them. So I'm sorry for sneaking out without telling you and using your money without your permission!" I say as Raine looks on at me with an indifferent look that screamed disappointment.

"Az, I'm not angry or disappointed that you went out or used my money to buy educational materials because I expected you to do something like that at some point. What I'm disappointed about was that you didn't take my lesson for you seriously. You took it so lightly that you even decided to skip it and wander around town buying books as well as whatever else you did." Raine said in a hurt tone. "Was my lesson that boring? Because if it is please tell me what was boring about it so I can change it to not be so boring to you." Raine asked as he turned to me. 'Ah...' is all I thought before I focused back on Raine who looked at me sadly. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way I just got frustrated and decided to take a break but in that time I eventually realized what you meant and used it to save a friend-" I said before being interrupted. "A friend?" Raine said as he looked at me with what looked like a confused face before it turned into a smile. "You made a friend on your first day visiting town! That's so great!" Raine said before he ruffled my hair In approval.

"And you said you figured out how to cast the spell I showed you when you were saving your friend?" Raine asked curiously.

"Y-yeah I did," I said a bit nervous at the mention of the spell. "Well, I might just forgive you if you do three things for me..." Raine said ominously. "O-ok?" I said in response. "First is to... tell me what your friend's name is!" Raine said cheerfully. "Oh! Um, her name's Amity, and I met her after I bought these books." I say as I feel relieved at such a normal request. "That's great! Now the second thing I want you to tell me is if you wanted to go to school while you're living with me. Admissions for Hexside start in a few days and with you not knowing how your food is produced, I thought 'hey he seemed like he wasn't as informed as other kids his age so why not let him learn both general and magical things while he's living here with me?' So what do you say?" Raine asks still smiling brightly. 'Well of course I wouldn't know where it's from since I came from the human world.' I thought before awkwardly smiling. 'Wait Hexside? I could learn a lot from there!' I thought excited. "Sure why not?" I say as Raine pulls out some forms he probably got while he was out before I grab a pen from his hand as I signed the form.

"And finally the last thing you need to do is... take your lessons in Bard Magic more seriously. Now let's go over what you learned." Raine said as his tone changed to be more menacing. "O-ok," I say sweating a bit as I start to follow him outside as he lectures me. "I mean what would your friend Amity think knowing that you were slacking off?" Raine said as I thought back to Amity realizing something. 'nooo! I became friends with one of the main characters of the Owl House even though I've been doing my best to avoid this whole scenario like the one that happened with Luz!' I thought, internally screaming as I'm pulled outside. 'No! Send me back to when I only had Luz as a friend! At least then I could avoid dealing with the story!' As the door slammed in front of my face I try to open it again only to feel a hand on my shoulder I looked back to see Raine looking at me with a scary look. "What's this? Don't tell me you're trying to ditch your lessons again even though you just agreed?" Raine said as I shake my head frantically. "Nononono! I was just checking the door!" I say making up an excuse. "Great then you can show me what you did to save your friend Amity." He said with the same plain smile before strictly drilling the basics of Bard magic into my head.

Time skip, a few hours later

"*pant**pant**pant*" As I finished the lesson Raine had strictly drilled into me, I fell to the grass as I tried to catch my breath as my lungs felt like they were on fire from the continuous use of spells, the running, and especially the target practice... never will I speak of target practice. "And now we're done for today, though don't feel relief yet because, for this week and the next before school, you'll be learning Bard magic up to the beginner's level," Raine said, helping me up before we headed inside where Raine cooked dinner which I ate unfocused before I got up and headed to bed. "Wait!" Raine said as I turned around to see him holding something. "I know you'll be going out sometimes and I know I won't always be able to stop you so I wanted to give this to you to contact me if you get in trouble again like you did today," Raine said as he handed me a scroll before I look up at him surprised. "This is really for me?" I asked before he nodded. "Nice!" I say as Raine instructs me how to get started with it and just like that I had my scroll. "Thanks, Raine!" I say as I hug him without thinking and run off to my room to sleep.

Time skip 2 weeks

The next two weeks followed as I expected as they were filled with brutal training like the first day until finally, I reached the threshold for beginner's level Bard magic which I was told by Raine was quite fast compared to the 2 months of classes it would take to get to that point. 'Huh guess I'm talented?' I thought with a cocky grin as I brushed my teeth in the bathroom before I finished and went to the kitchen for breakfast. "What's got you grinning this morning? It better not be that comment yesterday about how fast you grew. You only grew that fast because of how quickly my lessons helped you pick the magic up." He said destroying the pride I felt thinking I was a genius. "Ah no, I'm not. So it's my first day of school at Hexside today right?" I asked as Raine put what was for breakfast on the table. "Why yes, it is! Good job remembering! I thought in the last two weeks of training you would forget from how much falling on your face you did." Raine said jokingly as I shivered at the thought before focusing back on the subject of school. "So how am I getting there and do I have to wear a uniform?" I ask Raine as we started to eat. "Well, I'll be taking you there with the help of a friend!" Raine said as we walked outside to see... an orange-haired woman sitting on a floating owl staff. 'Oh no...' I thought before she flew close to my face.

"Hey, there kid! So Rainey told me you need help getting to Hexside?" The woman who couldn't mistake the appearance of said. 'Eda!' I thought as I jumped back a bit at her sudden appearance. "As you may not know her but this is Eda a friend of mine and the one I convinced with... some difficulty to take you to Hexside for today and however long you'll be staying with me." Raine said as I awkwardly laughed and looked at the both of them. "What you guys aren't a couple or something because you look to be more than 'friends'." I say jokingly before they froze on the spot. 'Wait are they!? I thought they already broke up at this point!' I thought as the two love birds snapped back. "What! Nonono! We're just good friends that's all!" Raine said frantically. "Just give it up Raine, the kid's not dumb." Eda said as she turned to me. "Nice to meet ya kid I'm your mentor's girlfriend!" Eda said holding out a hand. "N-nice to meet you too." I said trying to hold back a snicker at Raine's embarrassment before I saw his glare as I stopped and got on her staff. "Now remember to have fun on your first day and if anyone asks how I'm related to you tell them I'm your dad!" Raine said confusing me. "Wait what do y- ah!" I tried to ask before being interrupted by the force of Eda's staff taking off before Eda covered my mouth.

"Geez kid can you get any louder, we were just flying off." Eda said as we flew through the air. "I'm sorry it's just my first time flying on a staff!" I said annoyed and panicked as we approached the school, landing. "Ok have fun sweetie! Make lots of friends, bye!" Eda said as I was pushed off the staff before I turned around to ask her why she was acting like she was my mother before she flew off only to see her far off into the distance somehow. 'Whatever.' I thought pushing aside my confusion as I followed the kids that looked to be my age to a classroom I saw Amity a few feet away from me. "Oh Hey, Az! I didn't know you would be coming to Hexside! What a coincidence!" Amity said as she looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. '...I forgot Amity went here. God or I guess Titans damnit I forgot! Of course, she goes here! How could I be so stupid? Ahhh!' I screamed internally keeping a smile on my face the whole time I looked at Amity. "S-so you chose Hexside too? What a coincidence." I said as she looked off to the side blushing. "Y-yeah I guess? My mom chose this place for me when I was younger and I've been going here ever since." She said seemingly nervous. 'Great at the end of my human world school year, I end up going to school for the summer with Amity, a protagonist of the Owl House.' I thought dreading what implications this would have in the future when canon finally started.

"You know I pride myself on being the best in our grade..." Amity said as she went into a speech about how she's been the best in her grade ever since she got here. "That's good and all but when are we getting to the magic lessons?" I said eager to learn more about magic. "We'll be practicing magic later but why are you so eager to learn? I don't usually see many people besides me who are." Amity asks as I explain how I'm eager to learn more so I can join the ranks of a Coven. 'That's what kids want to do here right? It's the best explanation I can come up with since I don't want to say "I want to use it to defend myself against Bellos in the future."' I thought before focusing back on Amity. "Yeah me too! My parents always that Covens were amazing and that I should join one if I wanted to be the best of the best." Amity said awkwardly chuckling as she realized how enthusiastic she was. 'Wait I could help her to decide to not join a Coven early!' I thought as I put my hand on her shoulder. "Well while covens may seem good they're not always what they seem to be." I said as Amity blushes a bit before I take my hand off her shoulder. "W-well that's good to know!" She said panicked.

'What's wrong with her?' I thought before shrugging and sitting down at a random desk. "Young man, what do you think you're doing?" A woman who seemed to be the teacher said standing over me. "Um sitting down?" I said confused. "Well that's not your spot, please look at the name on the desk what does it say?" The teacher asked. "It says, Samuel?" I said as I thought about who would have a name like Samuel. "That's right and Smamuel here wanted to sit down until you took his spot. Could you get up and apologize to him and I'll have someone guide you to your seat?" The teacher said as I turned away rolling my eyes before getting up and apologizing to him. "Good now I'll ha-" The teacher said before being interrupted by Amity appearing in front of me. "Ah, Ms.Smelle I'll take Mr.Whispers here to his seat." Amity said before she dragged me to my correct seat. 'Whispers?' I thought confused why Amity called me by Raine's last name. "Hey Amity why did you call me Mr.Whispers?" I asked confused. "A-ah well because I saw your dad and mom come here on the day of admissions. D-do you do not want me saying your last name or something?" Amity asked nervously before I realized why Raine and Eda were acting so weird. "Ah no, it's fine!" I said correcting myself. "I just wasn't expecting you to see my 'dad' and 'mom' during the admissions." I said thinking about how I'm going to pay Raine back for not telling me about this. "Ok well- oh class is starting, talk to you during lunch!" Amity said before going back to her seat I turned around to listen to the lesson.

Time skip a few hours later...

As I listen to the Teacher finish up the last lesson before lunch I get up. "Nice lunchtime!" I said as Amity walked up to my desk. "Az what were you doing!" Amity asked panicked. I think back to what I was doing in class as I remembered that I was practicing my control with Bard Magic by making a piece of paper hover unnoticeably above the desk. "Uh? Whistling?" I said as Amity grabbed my shoulder. "Well, your whistling annoyed Ms.Smelle! You may not realize it but right now you're on extremely thin ice with her almost pushing her limits!" Amity said panicked. "Hey don't worry. I don't think she'll do anything to me right now since it's only the first day." I say as I walk towards the door I felt a hand on my shoulder before I turned around to see Ms.Smelle looking at me annoyed. "Won't do anything on the first day is that right? Well, now you have detention in the detention pit!" She said as I looked up at her. "Oh no..." I said as I felt something grab me as I was dragged down the hall seeing the principal before I was dragged into the pit. As I landed on the ground I saw a few tentacles heading reaching toward me. 'Come on Chris you can do this you've been practicing all week!' I thought as I drew a circle with great concentration and whistled creating the strongest wave of sound I could make as the tentacles were knocked back. 'Shit I need to get out of here!' I thought as I looked around to see... people staring at me? As I looked at them I remembered that there was a secret room Eda made in Hexside that allowed her to sneak around.

"Hey!" I yell as I started running towards the door only to see them closing it. "Hey wait please!" I yelled as someone seemed to stop it from closing I jumped in just before I heard a slam. "What are you doing Edric? You could have gotten us trapped in the detention pit!" I heard a guy with multicolored hair say as I got up. "Sorry but he's my sister's friend and I couldn't just leave him in the detention pit." I heard Edric say as I turned around to see a few people standing there most notably Edric who was being berated by another teen with glasses. "Who cares if your little sister's friend was there! It wouldn't matter if we all got caught by the pit! Well, it doesn't matter now..." The teen with glasses yelled at Edric as the teen turned to me. "As for you! Try not to do anything weird while you're in here!" The teen said as I got up and walked over to them.

"Um this is pretty cool but how did you guys even find this place?" I ask as the group starts to explain how they got here before everyone stopped talking as a girl with red hair shushed everyone before they walked up to me and crouched down to me. "Well little guy, we found this place when we were messing around in class and we drew a door by the chalkboard." She said as she pet my head like I was a child... oh wait I am a child. "Well, how did you open it?" I asked curiously. "Ashley doesn't tell him, he could give away the location of the room!" The teen wearing glasses said. "Well Bernard, he's already in here with us so it won't matter either way." Ashley said annoyed before she turned to me smiling.

"You won't tell anyone will you?" She said sweetly as I shook my head. "Great! Well, We made a little gesture with the chalk besides that is there something you want to know or do you want to do something?" Ashley asked as she kept her hand on my head. "Well I need to get to get to the lunch room-" I said before I was pulled towards the spiraling slope that led to the other doors I looked to see Edric leading me to a green door before he opened it to reveal the lunch room. "There you go little bud, have fun." Edric said as I climbed through the door to see Amity talking with someone with black partly curly hair and glasses. 'That must be Willow.' I thought as I realized that at this point they must have recently broken off their friendship. 'Maybe I should try to help?' I thought as I walked over to them making them notice me. "Hey there Amity! Who's this?" I said cheerfully as Willow and Amity turned to me.

"Az! I thought you were in the detention pit?!" Amity said before Willow interjected. "You were sent to the detention pit and escaped? That's so cool!" Willow said as her glasses seemed to be shining she looked intensely at me as she smirked before she realized how she reacted and went back to normal. "Ah! I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Willow, Amity's precious friend." She said with some disdain and a hint of sadness. "My name's Az, nice to meet you too Willow!" I said being as friendly as possible. "Oh shoot I need to get going! lunch can't wait forever! See you later Az! Bye, Amity" Willow said as she ran off towards the lunch counter. "So what's the deal with Willow and you?" I ask Amity as she looks away. "I'd rather not talk about its... More importantly weren't you supposed to be in the detention pit? How did you get out?!" Amity said a bit panicked. 'Should I tell her?' I thought as I remembered I promised that girl not to tell anyone about the room. "It's a secret." I said as I wink making Amity freeze there a second before her face went red.

"Y-yeah well great for you but I need you to get away from me for now. I don't want anyone to tell Ms.Smelle I was with you in lunch since they'll think I got you out of the pit." Amity said as I walked away seeing a conflicted look in her eyes. "Ok, then I guess I'll go somewhere else then." I said as shrugged and walked away before spotting Willow holding a lunch tray and walking toward an empty table. "Hey Willow mind if I sit with you?" I say as I walk by her. "I don't mind but why do you want to sit with me when you have Amity to sit with?" Willow said curiously. "Well, Amity kind of pushed me away since she didn't want Ms.Smelle to think that she had helped me escape the pit." I said as Willow looked at me with sympathy. "Hey, I get it. She decided to stop being friends with me because I didn't have enough 'talent', so sure you can sit with me!" Willow said as she and I reached the table. "Great! So do you have a favorite magic?" I ask as Willow's eyes light up. "Oh my gosh! I love plant magic, it's so fun especially when you can create beautiful flowers like this!" Willow said as she pulled a pink flower from her pocket. "Nice flower but did you just grab that from your pocket?" I ask curiously. "Yeah? What about it?" Willow asked as I looked back toward her face. "Ah! Nothing just thought was interesting that you did that." I say rubbing the back of my head as we continued eating and chatting until lunch was over we got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

"So hey you seem like a pretty cool person Willow. Would you mind hanging out like this again as friends?" I said stopping in the hallway I put out my hand she looked down at it before shaking it with her own hand. "Yeah! I'd love to!" She said enthusiastically before her eyes change to ones of surprise as she pushed me out of the way before I saw her being grabbed by a tentacle. "Willow!" I yelled out as I got up trying to grab her hand before I saw her dragged into the pit completely I looked on in shock at the doors closing. "Drat! Looks like we'll have to try again later." I heard from behind me as I turned around to Ms.Smelle and... Amity who stood there in surprise and shame as she looked away from me. "As for you, Mr.Whispers report to the principal's office for an alternative punishment." Ms.Smelle said as she walked away with Amity in tow I could only stare on in shock for a few minutes before snapping out of it as I rushed over to the principal's office and practically slammed the door open. "Ah! You must be young Azure! It's good to meet you, I'm your new principal Mr.Bump. I heard a lot about you from your teacher Ms.Smelle who had been complaining about your disruptive behavior in class and how you escaped the detention pit without being taken out, so as an alternative punishment she sent you to me to put you in the detention cl-" Principal Bump said before I rushed over to him interrupting him as I slammed my hands on his desk.

"Look I know that I haven't been the best student on my first day, not everyone is but the girl who was dragged into the pit was! Willow behaved perfectly in class like everybody else yet she still got dragged into the pit. Look what I'm trying to say is Willow is my friend and she doesn't deserve to be in there, so is there any possible way to get her out of the pit right now?" I asked desperately as Principal Bump looked at me surprised by my sudden speech. "This is why I always say that every student deserves a second and Azure my boy right now, you are a shining example of that." Bump said as I look at him anxiously. "So does that mean you can do it?" I ask as Principal Bump smiles. "Yes, I can... on one condition." He said calmly. "Ok, what is it?!" I asked eager to get Willow out of that pit of brainwashing mucus. "You have to... stay silent in class until the end of the day but if you fail Willow AND you will be put into the pit for the remaining hours of the school day today and tomorrow." Bump said as I frantically nodded. "Alright then let's get started!" Principal Bump said as we walked towards the classroom. As we entered I saw Willow sitting in her seat looking around anxiously before she saw me and waved nervously as I sat down. "Now you remember what we agreed to correct?" Bump said as I nodded. "Good I'll be standing over to the side observing you to make sure you keep that promise." Bump said as he walked over to the side of the room before I focused on the class.

POV Change Willow

As Willow sat there she thought over the proposal Ms.Smelle gave her as she was being pulled out. 'Help Smelle make Az talk so he gets punished and I would get to stay out of the pit for the rest of the day but if I didn't then I'll be put back in the pit for the rest of the school day tomorrow. Whoo! Deep breaths Willow.' Willow thought as she looked over to Az who was minding his own business before she looked at the teacher who gave her an icy stare that practically screamed at her to do what she said. Willow herself away from the teacher's gaze as the teacher kept glaring at her intensely throughout the class as the bell rang signifying final period as the note was dropped on her desk by the teacher. Willow stared at it a second before opening it to see a warning that if she didn't do what Ms.Smelle wanted she have her grades bumped down to failing she looked up to Ms.Smelle looking at her very seriously with what looked to be a glowing pendant. As she stared at Ms.Smelle she seemed to be mesmerized by the pendant as she started thinking about how things might change with her reputation as half a witch Willow if she helped Ms.Smelle before she started to use plant magic causing a plant to sprout out of the ground towards Az. 'It would just be so easy...' Willow thought before seeing flashes of images of her time during lunch when Az took interest in her favorite magic and even called her idea of carrying plants in her pocket cool. 'No I can't do this, I can't just betray my new friend who said my interests were cool even if it means being sent to detention and failing me.' Willow thought breaking her line of sight from Ms.Smelle as she spent the rest of the class looking away from the teacher.

POV Change Chris

As I sat there watching the clock tick closer and closer to the end of the school day I continued to anxiously until I finally heard the screaming of the bell. "Well done Mr.Whispers you went the whole day without interrupting class," Bump said to me as I turned my head to him. "Thanks, Principal Bump," I said as I turn towards Willow to see her sitting in her seat disappointed. "Hey Willow what's wrong?" I ask as I walk up to her. "Oh, nothing... it's just that the teacher is going to bring down my grades and put me in the pit tomorrow for not making you talk." Willow said before I turned to Bump who heard this before turning to Ms.Smelle who seemed to be distracted as the principal approached her before taking her elsewhere to talk. "Hey don't worry, I don't 'think' you'll be punished for something like that and I'm sure something good will happen soon!" I said enthusiastically as Willow looked up at me with a small smile. "Y-yeah I'm sure that something good will happen too!" Willow said ecstatically as she got up from her and left the classroom I soon followed after as I ignored Amity who seemed to look at me pleadingly as I exited the classroom before I was flown home by Eda, where I ate dinner and went to bed with a new determination to try my best for however long I'm here.

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