16% Reincarnated in The Owl House / Chapter 4: Recover, fight, scold, succeed

章節 4: Recover, fight, scold, succeed

I violently sat up as I looked around frantically to see I was in a room that looked like it was a mix of medieval and modern architecture. 'Where am I and why does this room look so odd?' I thought to myself as a person with blue hair opened the door to the room. "Oh good you're awake." The man said in a kind voice. "Uh yeah?" I said confused as he sat next to me. "Sorry if this is all overwhelming but could I ask for your name?" He asked with a gentle smile as I looked at him I noticing something off about his appearance.

"Pointy ears." I muttered surprised. "Um nice to meet you pointy ears?" He says amused but also confused. "Ah! No that's not my name just ignore what I said." I said as I started to give my name before I hesitated. My name's- you know what I'd rather not for now sorry. But you can just come up with a name to call me for now." I said as I waited for a response. "Then how about Az as in Azure? That's a nice name right?" He said making me confused. 'Azure?' I thought before I focused back on him.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself, my names Raine Whispers." He said smiling, holding out a hand. 'Raine Whispers... Wait! Raine Whispers! As in the Raine whispers who's Eda's ex-boyfriend and head of the Bard Coven!' I thought forgetting about what he just called me as I focused back on him, taking his hand reluctantly. "Nice to meet you Mr. Whispers." I said trying to hide the reluctance in my voice as I shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you too Az! Now can you tell me what you were doing laying by the river with that injured leg?" He asks curious before pointing to my leg. "I don't really... want to say." I say reluctant to answer and still confused how I got to a river.

'Wait if Raine is here then that means... I'm in the boiling Isles!' I thought as I came to the realization of where I am, while also making me realize the way to how I ended up here. "Do you know where your family is or a place I should take you, where you would be safe?" he asks with a smile still resting on his face. "Hey there's no need to worry I can find them myself." I say trying to not get involved with Raine more than I needed to as I try to get up before I felt a horrible pain in my leg. "AHHH!" I screamed out as I held my leg. "Hey don't move you're in no condition to walk!" He said concerned. "O-ok" I say as he placed my leg back in bed.

"Now I really need to know little witch, do you know how I can contact your family or do you know a place I can bring you?" He said with a serious look in his eye. "Wait did you say little witch!?" I asked with surprise. "Yes, is there a problem with that?" He asks confused before I realized how loud I was. "Ah no it's fine, never mind" I say as I calm down before becoming curious about what he said. "Could I see a mirror Mr. Whispers?" I ask politely.

"Please call me Raine it's what most others call me and sure I can get you a mirror! here you go!" He said kindly as I looked into the mirror and to my surprise my hair had turned blue and my ears became pointy along with my face sporting a partly healed scar across my cheek. "What!" I scream out surprised by my appearance. "Hey are you ok Chris?" He said worried as I faced him realizing what I just did. "Ah no everything's fine it's just this scar on my face surprised me, seems like it'll take weeks to heal." I say covering up the real reason for my surprise. "Ah it's nothing to worry about! A witch from the healing coven is coming here soon to heal your injuries." He says comfortingly.

"So about your family?" He asks mentioning his question from earlier. 'Well I'd rather not reveal I'm from the human world since that may lead to problems' I thought deciding to be vague with my answer. "Ah well I can't really get to them right now." I say trying to be vague as possible before Raine looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" he asks not sure what I meant. "I mean I was separated from them when I saved a friend from a monster and fell into what I guess was the river that took me to where you found me?" I said making up a story while acting like I was unsure.

"Hm... Well I guess I'll have to look after you until we find your parents" he says as I turn towards him so fast that I thought I'd get whiplash. "Ah! no thank you." I say nervously. 'No way am I staying with a future Coven head!' I think to myself panicked. "Oh you don't need to thank me it's just w- huh? No thank you?" He said confused as I thought back to what he said. "Yes like I said before no thank you." I repeat what I said to emphasize what I said before as he looks down in thought before looking at me.

"Well you can't just wander the streets so you're either staying with me or someone I know." Raine decided and before I could respond we heard a knock on the door. "Finally! The witch from the healing coven is here!" Raine says before opening the door to what looked like some kind of stereotype of what a healer would look like as he welcomed her in.

I watched as the Witch from the healing Coven walked over to me and examined my body before casting some spell that looked like a dim glowing light that started to heal my wounds as the pain from them gradually faded away. "Whoa!" I say looking at the circle's glyphs before I unconsciously memorized them almost immediately as I realized what I did before I thought of trying the spell later. "Well there you go!" The healing mage said as she finished healing my wounds before turning to Raine to receive her payment as she turned to leave.

As they finished doing that I went over healing spell in my head before looking back at them as Raine turned to me. "Az, I'm going to go back to my room now, call me if you need anything." He said before turning to leave. "Wait, how do I call you?" I say as Raine looks back at me as he thought about it before turning his head back to me. "How about you just knock on my door if you need me." Raine said as he leaves the room. "Ok." I say as he closes the door as I got up to get my bat before I stopped.

'I should probably wait until he's in his room. after all I don't to get caught.' I thought as I waited a bit until I heard a door close. "Ok now let's go!" I whisper to myself as I grab my bat and make my way out the window in the room which is apparently on the first floor. As I reached the ground outside I started to carefully creep away from Raine's house las I made sure there wasn't any traps that would alert Raine, though I doubted Raine would do that since he doesn't seem like the type to do that. "Nice, finally out!" I said excitedly without thinking. "Now let's go look for that portal!" I said as I made it a far enough from Raine's house to talk normally before I headed towards the forest.

5 minutes later...

I finally arrived at the forest as I saw the large red trees that were a trademark of the Boiling Isles in the show. As I looked up at them the feeling truly sunk in. 'I'm really in the Owl house now...' I thought looking up at them before I heard rustling from the woods causing me to look towards the noise. "Who's there!" I said as I held my bat ready to defend myself I saw what vaguely looked like... a wolf! "So that's where you went!" I say as it starts to growl at me before heading deeper into the forest.

"Get back here!" I yell as I chase after it. As I chase it I realized I'd been going further and further into the forest as I saw the 'wolf' stop in front of a fallen tree in a clearing as it turns around to face me with what I could've sworn was a smug grin that said, "how stupid could you be to follow me here". As I saw this I growl myself as I my expression shifted from calm to annoyed as I drew another ice glyph as the 'wolf' ran towards me still confidently grinning like it knew everything I was going to do. "Come and get me!" I say as I stomp down on the glyph this time feeling no exhaustion as a giant pillar of ice launches at the wolf before dodges as I lost sight of it. 'That thing might think this looks bad for me but this is exactly what I wanted.' I thought smiling as I picked up a rock.

POV Change ???

'That human(?) tried that thing again like it did last time and though it might have been bigger than last time, I still dodged it, now all I have to do is attack him while his view is obscured and I can finally call myself a proud hunter again!' It thought as it circled around the pillar of ice to attack Chris and like he expected he seemed to be looking around for it. 'Ha! It can't even see where I am right now! I overestimated it... let's just get this over with.' It thought as it jumped and roared at Chris before seeing it turn towards it and say "eat this!" as Chris pressed some engraving on his bat before the bat spewed fire burning one of it's eyes as it was taken off course from it's prey. 'What was that!' It thought before it retreated a fair distance away watching Chris carefully.

POV Change Chris, few minutes before...

'Okay, I think I got it!" I thought as I finished drawing what I remember was the fire glyph symbol from the show on the end of my bat before throwing the rock in my hand away. 'It may be a bit rough since I was scraping this into metal but it should work." I say as I start acting like I am looking for the 'wolf' as I spot it to my right slowly approaching me. As it gets closer it suddenly jumps towards me as I turn towards it pressing down on the glyph. "Eat this!" I yelled as a large pillar of fire come off the end of my bat and sears the 'wolf's' eye as it makes some distance from me before circling my position carefully as it started to grow like in our last fight.

'Looks like it decided to get serious.' I thought holding my ground as I started to sweat a bit out of fear before I put on a confident façade as the 'wolf' passed my pillar of ice and disappear. 'Huh!? Where'd it go?!' I thought as I backed away from the pillar of ice to get a better look only to feel surprised as I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder as I looked back to see it biting into my shoulder causing me to scream as it flung me towards the pillar of ice as my back felt the cold hard surface that was the pillar I made as I slumped down in pain as I saw the 'wolf- no creature slowly approach me with fury in it's unburned eye. "Well looks like this is where I kick the bucket... sorry Luz I wish I could've seen you one more time..." I whisper as I grin widely making the creature even angrier as it sped up its charge before it was stopped by a blast of what looked to be a large shockwave of... sound? When I saw this happen I looked towards where the attack came from to see Raine standing there. "What were you thinking!" Raine said before running towards me.

POV Change Raine Whispers, 1 hour before...

'It's nice having a person here that I can talk to even if they are a kid.' Raine thought before he heard someone from outside shout something as he heard it faintly from his window. "Nice, finally out!" Raine heard be more peeking out the window to see Chris or in this case Az outside running towards the forest. "Oh no! He shouldn't be heading to the forest at this time of night! It's too dangerous!" Raine said as he grabbed his violin and bow as he ran out the door after the kid only to stop a few minutes later. 'Man how is that kid so fast?' Raine thought as he looked up to see Az staring at something that he soon noticed a creature staring at Az before it took off back into the forest with Az following suit while screaming for it to "get back here!" as Raine lets out a groan and runs after them.

A few minutes of running later...

Raine finally stopped as he caught his breath as he saw a clearing where Az and the creature stopped in as it seemed to smile smugly at his charge causing him almost react as it charged stopping as he saw a large pillar of ice appear in front of Az as the creature out of the way before Az seemed to have grabbed rock as he engraved something on the metal club he was holding finishing it as he acted like he was looking for the creature before it decided to 'sneak up' on him before it jumped toward Az making Raine react before stopping again as Az turned around pressing down on the end of the bat causing it to spew flames melting half the bat and engulfing the right side of the creature's face in flame as it lost momentum as it went off course landing on a patch of grass before making some distance as it circled Az soon maneuvering out of the sight of Az as it circled all the way around the clearing using larger rocks as cover before moving behind him as it bit into Az making him scream in pain before being thrown against his own pillar of ice slumped there as he mumbled something before he grinned and the creature rushed towards him. This is the point in which Raine finally found the chance to act as he created a huge wave of sound with his violin that hit the creature as it was sent flying off. "What were you thinking!" Raine screamed before running over to him.

POV Change Chris, Present

"Hey... Raine." I say nervously as I see him stare at me incredulously. "Hey Raine... Hey Raine! That's you're first response to seeing me after I saved you from being killed or maybe even worse... eaten!" Raine said with a livid expression. "Look, I'm sorry that I ran off but it was for a good reason." I said as look down towards the ground. "And what pray tell is that 'Good' reason for endangering your life!" Raine said Angrily. "It was because I was looking for a way home..." I say causing Raine to stand there for a second dumbfounded before angrily berating me.

"You were looking for a way to get home... you were looking for a way to get home?!" He said still angry. "Y-yeah why is that so wrong?" I asked meekly. "Because you were doing it so recklessly! Why did you even chase that creature?!" Raine answered before asking a question as we stood there in silence before I stood up with the help of the ice behind me. "Because that's the monster that attacked me..." I said in a serious tone as Raine paused there a second looking at me not sure what to say before replying with less anger than before. "W-well you still shouldn't have done that monster or not." He said in a calmer tone as he tries to pick me up.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I backed away from his hands. "Picking you up so I can carry you back to get medical attention." He said as he reached out before I stopped him as I drew the glyphs I saw in that healing spell earlier in the ground. "Don't worry about that I already have that covered!" I say in a in confident voice as I stomp on the ground causing it to emit a faint light as it heals my shoulder. "W-wait is that from the healing spell that healed you earlier?" Raine asks surprised. "Yeah... I would have rather used it when you weren't around but you can't always get what you want." I say as my shoulder healed.

"You know for a kid you are really too smart for your own good." He says a bit annoyed but relieved that my shoulder was healed. "I know." I say as I start walking back where I came from smiling smugly as Raine follows behind thinking about something. "You know if you wanted I could teach you how to use Bard magic." He suggested as I stopped walking and turned around making the politest smile I could muster. "N-no thank you I'm fine." I say as I sweat bullets at the thought of being taught magic by one of the supporting characters in the show as he looks at me with concern. "Why do you keep rejecting my offers when I'm only trying to help you?" He said my smile falters.

"Well..." I start to say. 'I can't just say "I don't want to learn from you because in a show I watched you were fighting against a homicidal sociopath that wanted to kill all of your race.' I thought to myself as I focus back on him. "...I can't tell you." I say as he turns away from me before walking off. "Fine whatever I guess you can't trust me even though I just saved you." He said as I started to feel guilty before I decide to run up to him. "Wait!" I say as he stops and turned towards me.

"Look I know I may not be able to tell you why but just know it's not because I don't trust you... it's just something I can't tell anyone... and if you really want me to, I'd be grateful to be your student!" I say before pausing realizing what I said at the end. "Oh? So you do want to be my student... great! We'll start your lesson tomorrow after breakfast." He said joyfully. "Wait... ignore what I said!" I say my face turning red. "Too late! You already agreed." Raine said mischievously as he took off running. "Dang it Old man! Get back here!" I said frustrated as he turns to me smiling smugly. "You can call me whatever you want but you'll never catch with that kind of effort!" He said as he sped up causing me to forget about my previous thoughts as I tried to catch up to him.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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