94.73% This isn't High School DxD, damn it! / Chapter 36: Chapter 36: The Talk

章節 36: Chapter 36: The Talk

Aboard the ship and ready to go, I commanded Eris to start the journey as I made my way towards a certain bluenette. I didn't have much to speak to Carla—the main topic of the pending conversation would have to come later as I had other more urgent matters to settle with Olivia and Angelica first. So, I had some onboard helper bots show the girl her private quarters for the trip. Left unsaid was the fact that she was being monitored constantly since the moment she set foot on board. Not that I expected her to cause any trouble, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.

After she was gone, I made my way towards Angelica and Olivia, who had settled on one of the lounges, sipping drinks offered by the robot bartender placed there. Non alcoholic, obviously. I had them placed specifically in the lounge that only had non-alcoholic beverages because one, they were still minors, and two, I was having a serious aversion to alcohol right now.


I spoke as I approached the two blondes sitting on the fancy sofas and talking quietly.


Angelica replied, though her tone was mixed with hints of awkwardness and a bit of uncertainty. Olivia just smiled, though bashfully.

Sighing, I took one of the empty seats, and after asking the attendant—you guessed it, also a robot— for something cold and refreshing, I turned to face the two blondes.

"Right, so…"

I paused, taking a deep breath and licking my lips, and then continued.

"We need to talk. About what happened this morning."

My words caused the two to flush and avert gazes.

I took in another deep breath in and then out. Nodding to myself, with a determined mind, I spoke my next words.

"Look, I am sorry for my actions, you two."

I bowed a little, showing my sincerity. I had to get this out of the way first.

I mean, even if it was under the effects of alcohol, which I can't truly claim as I was more sleepy than drunk(if at all), I did sort of force myself on the two. Even if they didn't mind it, it was only fair that I cleared any doubts.

"Eh? No, Ian. You-you don't have to. Please, raise your head! It's fine."

Olivia stammered, her face flustered for a different reason and she waved her hand up and down in nervousness.

"She's right. I-I don't think you need to apologize for that. We, uh, we didn't mind."

Angelica affirmed, though her tone diminished the more we spoke, her last few words almost a whisper that I barely caught.

I raised my head and then sighed.

"Yeah. But still, I had to get that out of my system. Let me be clear here. I'm not apologizing for kissing the both of you."

I spoke, my eyes purposefully not straying from the two as that could be taken as a sign of uncertainty or deceit. The two in turn stared at me in confusion, despite their ever-present blushes.

"I would do it again if I can." 

And that caused their blush to run full force. But I carried on.

"But I was quite forceful. I didn't mean to, but at that time I could have hurt you girls and I never asked for your consent… I think? So, yeah, those two things are on me. And I apologized for that."

The two nodded after a while, expressing that they understood it. Their faces remained flushed throughout the conversation.

I waited for a moment to let them catch a breath, then spoke.

"Now that that's clear, we can move on to the actual main topic. Do you two like me?"

Their eyes widened in surprise at my question.

"I mean, we can just pretend that the whole thing was an accident and move past it, but is that what you want? Or do you want to… explore the possibility. To be honest, I like you two."

I turned to my first (non-mechanical) companion in this world.

"Olivia, you're really cute. No, you're adorable. I don't know if it's your natural (protagonist) aura or what, but I want to protect you and care for you. In short, I want to make you happy. But I also like spending time with you. You're basically my first (human) friend in this world and someone I care for. Plus, teasing you is really easy and you give some really cute reactions."

Okay, so I got a little distracted during my confession(?) to Olivia, utterly failing to hide the amused smile as she gained a cute pout and a healthy flush at my last few words. Though, before that, she had an absolutely gorgeous smile on her flushed face.

"Geez, Ian. You're such a meanie."

Olivia complained lightly, though her happiness could be read easily. She wasn't exactly the kind of girl who could hide her emotions very well.

"And you're utterly adorable."

I retorted in kind, making her pout again. Cute.

Giving her some time to take in and absorb my words, and cool down a bit, I turned to Angelica who had an amused smile of her own as she looked at Olivia's cute reactions.


She turned to me, her smile lessening as her face became more solemn.

"To be honest with you, you and I haven't spent a lot of time together."

Her smile lessened to almost nothing.

"But what little time we have, I have honestly enjoyed them."

Thinking back to the time when she and I were alone in the café, it was really fun to tease Angelica and I was quite annoyed when our private time was disturbed by the two helper boys. Thinking about it, I think I'd wanted to spend some time with her, even if just to tease her.

"I want to spend more time with you, and learn more about you."

'And tease you.'

I kept that thought to myself. 

Wouldn't do to give her a hint. I'll attack her when she least expects it, exploit her vulnerabilities once I got to know her better, and then watch as she flushes and splutters. Hehehehe. HAHAHAHA!

Ahem. Maybe I was a troll at heart, after all. Not my fault that these two were fun to tease.

I shook my head off the totally evil with a capital E thoughts creeping up and focused back on the conversation.

Angelica had been listening to me attentively, giving her every bit of focus on this conversation.

I glanced at Olivia who had calmed down and now looking at us, mainly me.

"What I'm saying is… look, I don't want to give the impression to the two of you that I don't like you or care for you. And I would like to spend time with both of you and find out more about you as a person, see if we are compatible as… well, more than just friends. As companions. In short…"

I looked at the two who didn't say anything and waited for me to finish my words.

"Would the two of you like to go on dates with me?"

Saying my bit, I stopped, letting them speak.

I had spoken my part, messy and jumbled as it was as I made it up as I went along. This was pretty much my not-so-eloquent confession to Olivia and Angelica that came out of the blue and due to a single incident. I hadn't planned for this. I wasn't thinking about it before today. But I wasn't going to just shove this whole incident under the rug. Back when I got my System, I was originally looking for companions. Though my original plans involved girls from a different world, both Olivia and Angelica were prime candidates for great companions. They were loyal, had good personalities that I could see myself liking even in the long term, and were both very attractive in their own way.

I had been looking for companionship options in older, more mature women, like Ava and recently Mylene, ignoring these two whom I treated as sort-of friends. But after I started thinking about it, it became more and more clear that I wouldn't mind having these two as my companions. Or at least, I was ready to give it a try.

But I didn't want to rush things and force a sudden relationship on them. Olivia might have given under some sort of pressure and accepted just because she didn't want to hurt my feelings and Angelica was still recovering from her recent break-up and sorting out her life. I didn't know how they'd truly react to this so I had risked with my confession; a risk I was willing to take.

Furthermore, I didn't say it because it would be dickish of me to say I loved them. Not just because of those aforementioned reasons but also because I didn't actually love them. I liked them. A fair bit, actually. But there hadn't been much of a romantic development between us, apart from a little teasing, light flirting here and there, and the physically intimate moments we had recently. But really, I wouldn't be averse to it if there were to be a development between us.

As much as I was annoyed at the whole debacle with that experimental alcohol Eris made—not that I blamed her because I willingly chose to be the subject after hearing her praise so highly of her results, and it did taste pretty damn good—it opened up this avenue for me and I wasn't going to let it go. No, I would snatch it, because that's just the smart thing to do. If I like something, and it's available for the taking, why the fuck would I not take it? Not like there was a fated moment awaiting me when the stars would align and I'd have the perfect moment to confess. Nah, fuck that dating sim bullshit.


I came back from my thought tangent and my eyes shifted to Olivia who was looking down in clear embarrassment, her hands clenched on her thighs.

"I like you too, Ian… Ever since we met and you helped me, then did it again and again. Every time, I felt so happy. Having you in my life is probably the best thing that's ever happened to me. And every time you t-teased me, I felt my stomach flutter. You're… You're really attractive and—oh gosh, what am I saying…"

My smile widened as I heard Olivia try and splutter during her response, hiding her face in her palms, but I schooled my expressions. It wasn't the time to be amused.

I stood up from my seat catching both of their attention and walked up to where Olivia sat, plopping my ass on the corner of the table carefully so as to not break the glass in the center. I reached my hands towards hers to stop them from hiding her face and then cupped Olivia's flushed face with mine and smiled at her encouragingly.

"Hey, it's alright. I want to hear it, Livy. Say it, whatever is in your heart. I promise I won't make fun of you. This is important to me."

Those words that sounded like some dialogue from cliché romance anime came easily to me as I stared and gently caressed her beautiful soft and warm cheeks. Plucking a few stray strands of her hair trying to cover her face and placing them on the back of her ears.

Yup, ticking off all those clichés.

My words did the trick it seemed as even though her flush deepened, she opened her mouth to speak.

"I-I… want to spend time with you. I like you… as more than just friends. I really like it when you h-hold me like this. I want to you hold me like this forever… please… don't ever leave me…"

She closed her eyes and cupped my hands cupping her face, no longer able to speak as she licked her soft pink lips, attracting my attention to them as she didn't close them fully, tempting me to reach down and kiss them.

I let my instincts guide me this time as my lips reached hers and then embraced them.

Her hands reached up to rest on my chest, clutching at my shirt and her her eyes opened wide before she closed it again and I felt her reciprocating my kiss. 

'Did she reciprocate our kiss when I did it in the morning?' 

I couldn't remember. But right now, she was most certainly doing it and it caused my emotions to bubble, my head fogging just a little with pink mist.

I separated from Olivia, watching her beautifully flushed face as she opened her dazed eyes to stare at me with what could only be dubbed as warm adoration.

"I'll never leave you, Livy. I promise."

I spoke with assurance and adoration at the girl who had somehow burrowed her way into my heart.

The smile I got in return could have made the sun seem dim in comparison. It was a gigawatt smile.

I couldn't help but reach down and give one more light peck to the absolutely adorable girl and then bring her in my embrace and she happily accepted it.

Before I could lose myself to the growing elation and adoration, however, the sensible part of me reminded me that this wasn't a one-to-one confession. I had after all confessed to not one, but two girls at the same time. It would be unfair to Angelica if I only gave Olivia all my attention now.

So, with some dissatisfaction, I separated myself from Olivia after a little while, giving her some pats and caressing her face a little as a parting action and letting her bask in the afterglow as she seemed to be doing, judging by her adorably dopey but bright smile.

Turning my attention to the other blonde, who was trying her best to reduce her presence and give the two of us some privacy as a basic courtesy; though she often failed and couldn't help but glance our way every now and again with an expression that resembled envy and uncertainty. Her eyes caught mine and she ducked her head in embarrassment.

Internally chuckling, I shifted a little to be in front of her and took her hands in mine, catching her attention as her gaze focused on me.

"Well, princess. What's your answer, hm? Would you give deem to give your precious heart to this lowly adventurer?"

I half-teased, half-acted, mostly speaking in flow but also trying to get a reaction from her. Really, I was just trying to cover up the awkward transition between my lovey-dovey confession with Olivia to hearing Angelica's reply. I didn't want to make it look like she was the second girl or anything. I wasn't going to put any such numbers or hierarchy between them.

Seriously, who the hell in their right mind would propose to two girls at the same place and time?

Well, I would, apparently.

It might have been a dumb decision on my part, trying to stuff two separate conversations into one possibly messy threesome, but I'd honestly made much worse decisions in my life. And so far, I had at least one positive reply, so things hadn't gone to shit.

Angelica lightly sniffed, her face losing the flush and gaining a temporary deadpan.

"You're something else, Ian Alpenwind. Propositioning to two girls at the same time."

She then huffed, though I could tell she wasn't annoyed or anything.

I shrugged, replying casually with the phrase I often used with Eris back in the day.

"What can I say, I am out of this world."

Her deadpan remained for a little bit, the two of us entering a staring contest of sorts which I won, not to brag or anything. She blinked first and then lost her deadpan with another huff.

"Ugh, how did I end up in this situation?"

She lightly lamented though I could tell she was doing it mostly to give herself a few more minutes before she actually answered my question. I patiently waited for her to come to the main topic.

After a few minutes, she finally collected herself, and unlike Olivia, she stared straight into my eyes with a serious and fierce look.

"Firstly, like Olivia, I am also truly grateful for what you've done for me."

I reflexively wanted to wave off her gratitude but instead I kept quiet and let her talk; it was her turn to speak and mine to listen.

"But I know you'll likely wave it off." 

I smiled. She knew me better than I thought.

"And I've already thanked you for it."

Her face regained a small blush as I recalled how she 'thanked' me back then. But she soon composed herself, being able to hide her embarrassment and school her expressions much better than Olivia who was an open book in contrast.

I just kept smiling but didn't say anything.

"… but I'll never forget it. No matter what. Other than that, you're also right." 

She sighed lightly, looking down in thought.

"We… haven't spent a long time together and I don't know a lot about you still, but…" 

She looked back up and I could see that fierce determination in her gaze.

"… I would like to. I am not opposed to developing a closer relationship with you. Rather than being just acquaintances, benefactor-benefactee, or even friends. I accept your proposition. And also, I like you too."

She gave a weak, flushed smile and tightened her own grasp on my hands.

I gently pulled her closer, my intentions made clear as day and she didn't resist, letting me put my lips on hers.

Unlike Olivia's gentle and somewhat submissive reciprocation, Angelica was a bit more confident and proactive, putting her hands on the back of my head and neck and pulling me closer after the initial shock waned. I placed my own on her thin waist and my free hands idly caressed her curves from above the soft fabric of the dress she was wearing today for the travel.

We separated after a while and I couldn't help but blurt my current thoughts out loud.

"Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get bored of kissing you two."

Angelica blushed but I saw her give a very short nod of acceptance, stating she felt similarly.

We stayed like this for a while, with me snatching another kiss from her just because I could and because I found her face adorable. Not like she seemed to mind my overly physical show of affection. If anything, she reciprocated in earnest after her surprise died down.

"You better not."

She faux warned once we separated, but then I noticed her posture turn vulnerable.


I hummed in inquiry, not sure what she meant. I wanted to say it was about the kissing part but my gut feeling said there was more to it. And it was proven right when Angelica replied.

"I don't…" 

She began weakly, contrary to her usual demeanor.

"I don't want to lose another man to a girl."

I looked at her as she began, her voice quivering a little and her hands clenched on my chest.

"My first attempt at forming a relationship turned into my life's biggest mess. I had to watch in impotence on the sidelines as I saw some two-bit hussy steal my ex-fiancé from right under my nose. I've moved past it, or have mostly moved past it. I accept that the relationship I had with Julian wasn't meant to be and we didn't really love each other. It wasn't going to be a marriage of love, no matter how I tried to shape it.

But I've accepted that. Now, I'm trying to attempt a relationship again. And this time I understand and very much accept Olivia and am fine being part of this relationship, but I don't think I'll be able to handle it if you leave me for another girl. It might come off as selfish and self-centered but I think I deserve an equal share of love and affection."

She gripped my shirt tightly as she looked at me with trepidation and a hint of fear and vulnerability seeping past her strong and determined façade as she subconsciously bit her lips and awaited my reply. 

Indeed, Angelica had once gone through a heartbreak and suffered as she watched the one she loved ignoring her and falling for another girl, and it had hurt the girl deeply, I realized. She probably still had a few scars from it, even though she claimed to have recovered from the worst of it and was doing better.

There was really only one right answer to this. 

I smiled warmly and lovingly as I pulled her closer and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. I made the same promise I made with Olivia moments before.

"I promise I'll never leave you, Angelica. No matter what. Once you become mine, I won't ever let you go. And I swear to never mistreat you. You're right that you deserve an equal share of love and affection and I promise I'll not give you any less. Believe me."

My words brought a small sigh of relief and then a blossoming smile on her gorgeous face as her eyes turned a little misty from an overflow of emotions.

She stood up and climbed on top of me, my eyes widening a little in surprise as my hands reflexively went to her back to support her as she grabbed my face and planted a ferocious kiss on my lips.

And I was more than happy to reciprocate, lightly fondling her plum rear as I opened my mouth and our tongues intertwined with each other, slurping and licking with need.

I felt my trousers starting to feel tight and Angelica probably felt it poking her through both of our clothes as she broke our kiss with a gasp and then blushed deeply as she avoided looking down.

"T-This… I-I am not… Don't think of me as a loose girl, okay? This is just to show how serious I am about this. I was overwhelmed and I refuse to remain passive this time."

She sputtered, half muttering as she tried to keep her gaze on mine and utterly failed, her body squirming as our somewhat uncomfortable posture caused her plump rear to rub against my crotch.

I chuckled lightly, though I was feeling a little uncomfortable down there with my growing erection demanding more space.

"Y-Your thing is poking me."

Angelica stated in sheer embarrassment and I could feel the heat coming off her face as she said those words. I'd bet it was the first time she'd indulged in such lewd and improper acts.

I was probably a bad influence on these innocent girls. Too bad I was a deviant and wouldn't back down.

"Sorry, I can't keep it under control when I have such a gorgeous beauty straddling me and kissing the daylight out of me."

My hands moved to caress her lower back and then her sides as she jolted and shivered at my touch, an involuntary moan leaking from her mouth as I rubbed a particular spot, making my dick twitch in response. 

She had a really erotic voice when she moaned.

She probably felt that too as her body froze once again in uncertainty.

"We-We should stop. Olivia is looking."

She weakly protested. We both turned to look at Olivia who was… still in la la land, apparently, not paying any attention to the two of us as she continued to have that dopey smile and distant gaze.

"I don't think she noticed."

I commented. Angelica gulped, turning to look at me with a nervous yet passionate gaze.

"Still… this is…"

Her words belied her actions as she didn't move to separate. And neither did I as I clasped my hands around her lower waist.

We stayed like that for a moment, intentions, desires, and sensible thoughts warring in both our heads. Or at least it did in mine. Couldn't say for sure about Angelica.

Finally, I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, you're probably right. This is moving a little too fast. I don't think I can keep in control for long if we continue like this. And I don't want to leave Olivia out of this. Let's go to that date first, yeah?"

Angelica nodded.

"Yes, I'd like that. Though… "

She looked at me smockily.

"… I suppose you really are a passionate man under that uncaring and bored façade."

I gave her ass a brief squeeze in response, which caused Angelica to yelp in surprise and then glare at me. Smiling, I replied.

"I guess I am."

After that, I regrettably had to let her go and while she looked relieved, I caught a whiff of disappointment from her as well.

That yelp from Angelica had also brought Olivia back from where she had gone in her head and she was looking at us with shock and embarrassment.

Once Angelica settled back on her seat, I moved on from the table myself and snuggled in between the two, embracing them both with my arms and pulling them closer to me as a clear show of affection now that we had made our intentions clear. There was no need to hold back and not show my affection to the two girls I was planning on dating.

It jolted Olivia out of her shocked daze and after some brief spluttering and absolutely pathetic struggle, she eventually gave in and leaned against me. Angelica simply huffed and snuggled closer, placing a hand on my chest and leaning on my shoulders for support.

Sitting there, with two lovely blondes in my embrace, I thought that my double confession went as well as it could have gone.

I now had two beautiful and lovable girls as girlfriends. The dates were more of an attempt to get closer but really, in my head, the deal was already sealed. The girls' agreeable reactions didn't leave any doubt from their end either.

All that was needed now was to settle for an actual time and place for the dates. It didn't take me long at all to come to a decision on that.

What better place to go on a first date than my very own Utopia?

I voiced my opinion and despite having been to the place once already, both Olivia and Angelica were elated at the idea and readily accepted. And thus we had a date planned.

A double date with both Olivia and Angelica, my two blonde girlfriends, coincidently on the day before the opening of Utopia in a few days. I hadn't forgotten about that despite everything.

I'd make sure to make it fun for them both and spend some time getting to know each other, maybe in more ways than one.

Then, I'd shock this world, or at least this country first, with my (and Eris's) Wonder Island's grand opening.

The people of this world wouldn't even know what hit them.



A/N: With this chapter, we've officially crossed the 100k word count on this story. Woo! Thank you for everyone who is still reading and enjoying this story. The amount of collections on this story is crazy. Never thought any of my stories would cross 10k collections. But this one has almost 14k. I guess people really liked a Mobuseka fic and I hit lottery on that.

Once again thank you for sticking and enjoying my humble work. :)

Your comments and reviews are the biggest motivation to me and I love reading them. On that note, thank you to those who had positive things to say about the sudden turn of events in the last two chapters. I also acknowledge those who agreed that this might have been out of blue. Yes, it was. But I've come to accept this and have integrated that into the flow of the story. So... in conclusion, we finally have some actually fluff in this story, after 100k words. Hmm, perhaps we'll reach the tangy and juicy lemons by the time we reach 200k milestone? Hmm? XD ... Just kidding. (It'll probably be sooner than that.) (No, I'm not making any promises. I'm just rambling. Rambling, that might actually happen. Who knows. Let's see how this story progresses.)

Anyway, thanks for reading, I'll see you folks in the next chapter whenever that happens!

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