22.22% (I’m still rewriting this) Dead Redemption: The Baba Yaga / Chapter 2: Ch3: Second Step, Decide it All.

章節 2: Ch3: Second Step, Decide it All.

[ Unkown POV ]

I'm just a kid, but I'm already part of this strange group of people in West Elizabeth. I don't know much, but I know that I'm not important in this gang. They tell me what to do and I have to obey, no matter what. I'm just a little pup that needs to serve them unconditionally.

Just like any other day, I keep doing what the gang wants me to do. They tell me to steal, rob and defraud innocent folks, and I can't say no. It's not like I want to hurt anyone, but I have no choice. I'm just a kid, and they scare me.

One time they even ordered me to kill some random guy just because he bumped into them. The blood sprayed on my arms and the smell of it made me feel sick.

It was wrong, so wrong,

But what could I do? They had my little sister's life in their hands, and I needed to protect her.

I hate what I've become. A lapdog for a bunch of criminals. But there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe one day, when I'm older and stronger, I can break free from their hold and make a better life for my sister and me. Until then, I'll have to keep doing what I'm told, even if it makes me sick to my stomach.

My little sister is only eight years old this year, and it breaks my heart that she has to grow up without our parents. Those monsters killed them because we owed them money.

We sold everything we had, our old house, land, and cows, just to pay our debt. It was originally not that much, making it impossible for us to ever pay it off. they kept piling on the interest, interest, interest.

'Fucking interest'

Now, we're stuck in this gang, doing their bidding just to survive. Every time I have to rob or hurt someone, my stomach churns and my heart aches. I know it's wrong, but what other choice do we have? They know where we live and they won't hesitate to hurt us if we don't do what they say.

I try to protect my little sister from their cruelty as much as I can, but it's a constant battle. She's too young to understand what's going on, and I wish I could shield her from the horrors of this world. But all I can do is keep her close and hope that one day we'll find a way out of this mess.

I remember the day we had to leave our old home. My sister's innocent question cut through the heaviness of the situation like a knife.

"Are we going to the sea?" she asked, her voice full of hope.

It was a simple question, but it made me realize how much our little sister had been sheltered from the harsh reality of our situation.

I still remember the look on my mom's face when my sister asked that question. It was a mix of sadness and guilt. And even though I didn't fully understand the gravity of our debt, I knew that it was bad enough that we had to sell everything we had just to pay it off.

My little sister had a dream, just like any other kid. She wanted to see the vast sea and swim with fishes. I could see the excitement in her eyes as she imagined the adventure that lay ahead. But our mom's answer was forced and strained, hiding the despair and pain that she was feeling inside.

"Sure we will go to the sea and you can swim as long as you want dear," she said with a croaking voice and a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

That fateful night, our world came crashing down when they came to our doorstep, demanding the money we owed. We gave them everything we had, but they still took everything from us, leaving us with nothing but tragedy and heartache. I was only eight years old, but I knew at that moment that our lives would never be the same again.

My sister and I fled into the woods, our hearts pounding in our chests as we ran for our lives. We stumbled through the darkness, our feet slipping on the uneven ground, until we finally found a place to hide.

We huddled together, our tears mingling with the cold rain that fell from the sky, and we prayed for morning to come.

But even in the safety of the woods, we knew that we were not truly safe. how far eight year old boy can run with his six-year-old sister on his back?

We could hear them searching for us, their voices echoing through the trees, and we knew that it was only a matter of time before they found us. I tried to be strong for my sister, but I was scared and alone, and I didn't know what to do

When they found us, they threatened me that they would take and kill my sister if I didn't agree to work for them. The memory of my mother's final words to me echoed in my mind;

'please be safe and take care of your sister for us'.

And that's what I do, no matter how much I loathe what I am doing.

I work for them with all my might, day and night, without a single complaint, just for my sister's safety. I know that every time I complete a task for them, my debt to them increases, but the safety of my sister is more important to me than anything else in this world.

Sometimes, when I am alone, I dream of a life where we are free from these shackles, where my sister can laugh and play without any worries, and where I can see her face light up with joy. But I know that it is just a dream, and that reality is far more brutal.

I toiled away for them day after day, scrounging for scraps just so they could enjoy their wine and whiskey. It's all a blur to me now, it could have been a year or maybe even two, but who's really counting?

It's not like I want to remember the endless days I spent slaving away for the killers of my parents, groveling at their feet with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Unfortunately, their insatiable greed never ceases.

As I returned home today, I noticed the front door slightly ajar. A sudden sense of dread began to crawl into my heart, causing me to hesitate before approaching the entrance.

"Anna!!" I yelled, kicking the front door open.

As I looked around, my heart sank. There was no sign of my sister anywhere, and even her beloved brown bear doll was lying on the wooden floor, stained with fresh blood.

"Fuck!!!" I scream as I pick up the doll and start running outside. There's only one place that's come to my mind;

'Hanging Dog's Ranch'

'She gotta be there! she has to be there!'. I repeated the sentence over and over as I ran as fast as I could, with the doll in my left hand and a pocket knife clutched tightly in my right.

As I reach the road not far from the ranch I can see six people on their horses, throttle leisurely.

"Anna!!!" I scream, My heart starts racing faster as I recognize the girl on their horseback. It's Anna, my little sister. My hands tremble, and my breath catches in my throat.

I can't let them take her. Not after everything we've been through. I start running towards them, screaming at the top of my lungs, hoping to distract them and buy some time.

The six people on horses turn their heads, and their eyes meet mine. They smirk, thinking they have the upper hand. But I won't back down.

Not now. Not ever.

I grip the pocket knife tighter in my hand, ready to fight if I have to. I won't let them hurt my sister. I won't let them win

"Brother!!" a voice that I am very familiar with reaches my ears. Looking closely at my sister, I notice some bruises on her cheek, with some blood dripping from her head. Her voice sounds so cracked, it pains me deeply just to hear it.

"Release my Sister you fuckin' horse face!" I scream, my hand shaking.

"Well, look who we have here, some donkey trying to bark! Hahaha" said one of those fuckers

My heart was pounding so hard that I thought it would burst out of my chest. But I couldn't let fear paralyze me, not when my sister's life was on the line. I held my pocket knife tightly, feeling its sharp edge against my skin, and took a step forward.

"I said, release her you motherfuckers!! If you don't, I swear I-I'll fucking kill you all!!" I shouted, my voice shaking with a mix of fear and anger.

"I-I-I-I-I am scared. Hahahahaha" all of them just mocked me. they never take me seriously. They always have been.

As all the men on horseback continue to laugh at me. I could see the cold glint in their eyes, and I knew that they wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

But I couldn't back down, not now. I had to protect my sister, no matter the cost. I took another step forward, gritting my teeth and clenching my fist around the knife.

"Enough talk," said one of them, leveling his gun at me. "Let's just kill the boy and leave."

"You!!-" I tried to say something, but the sound of the gunshot cut me off.



I clutched my left shoulder, trying to suppress the pain. My vision blurred, and I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek.

"Brother!!" my sister screamed, I could see the fear and desperation in her eyes.


"Please protect your sister in our stead. We are counting on you, son."


The pain was excruciating, and the world around me blurred as I struggled to keep consciousness.

"Argh!" I groaned in pain, struggling to stay conscious. "I can't die yet! My sister needs me! Move, goddammit!"

Mustering every last shred of energy, I pushed myself forward, running towards the rope that bound my beloved sister. My heart raced as I slashed my knife with all the strength I could muster, the sound of tearing fibers echoing through the air as the rope finally gave way

Finally, with a satisfying twang, I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched my sister tumble to the ground, her small form crumpled and vulnerable.

With my sister finally free, without a moment's hesitation, I scooped her up in my arms and sprinted towards the road, my eyes scanning frantically for any way out.

Seeing only one of them blocking our path, I knew that my sister's survival depended on my ability to keep him at bay.

With every ounce of strength I had left, I charged toward the enemy, my sister cradled close to my chest.

"Get back!" I shouted, brandishing my knife menacingly. "If you want her, you'll have to go through me first!"

The enemy hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering nervously between me and my sister. But I knew that he wouldn't give up so easily - not when he had come so close to victory.

With a fierce growl, the enemy lunged towards me, his weapon flashing in the sunlight. But I was ready for him, my muscles coiled like a spring as I prepared to strike.

In a split second, I pivoted on my heel, driving my knife deep into the enemy's chest. With a sickening gurgle, he collapsed to the ground, his lifeless eyes staring up at me in shock.

Taking the chance while the other five still standing shocked, I grabbed her and push her towards the road, making sure that she was out of harm's way.

"Run!" I screamed, hoping that with no one blocking her path, she would be able to escape.

But my sister didn't want to leave me. "No, brother! Not you too! Please don't leave me alone!" she cried, her voice breaking with fear.

I turned my head towards her and forced a smile, masking the pain that was coursing through my body. I knew that I couldn't show weakness in front of her.

"Sorry," I managed to say, hoping that it would be enough to comfort her. Breathless and shaking, I collapsed onto my knees,

As the world around me faded to black, I knew that my time was up. The sound of gunfire rang out, and I knew that my sister was in danger once again.

•Bang• •Bang• •Bang•

The sound was deafening, and my heart broke as I heard my sister's cries fill the air.

"No! Brother!" she screamed, her voice full of agony.

I wanted to move, to protect her, but I couldn't. My body was numb, and the darkness was all-consuming. All I could do was hope that my sacrifice would be enough to keep my sister safe.


[ John Wick POV ]

( Fifteen minutes ago )

As Nyx carried me through the dense woods, a flicker of movement caught my eye. Straining to see through the foliage, I caught a glimpse of a young boy sprinting frantically through the underbrush.

Even at this distance, I could discern the raw emotion etched on his face: a potent blend of fury, anguish, and fear. It was clear that something had driven him to run with such urgency.

Despite the boy's breakneck pace, I could make out the details of his form. His tattered clothes hung loosely from his gaunt frame, and his bare feet kicked up dirt and debris with each step. As he drew closer, I noticed the jagged scars crisscrossing his arms and the haunted look in his eyes.

My heart went out to the boy, and I urged Nyx to slow her pace, hoping to offer some assistance. However, as quickly as he had appeared, the boy vanished into the woods once again, leaving me to wonder what kind of tragedy had befallen him.

'let's just continue, I need to reach town soon' I thought.

As I urged my horse forward, my mind was focused solely on reaching the safety of the nearby town. However, fate had other plans in store for me.

As we rounded a bend in the road, a chilling sight greeted us. A group of six rough-looking individuals were gathered together, with a young girl bound and helpless on the back of one of their horses, her face now contorted with fear.

Before I could even process what was happening, the boy I had seen running through the woods earlier stepped forward, brandishing a knife with a look of pure rage in his eyes.

"Release her, you motherfuckers! If you don't, I swear I-I'll fucking kill you all!" he yelled, his voice filled with a mix of desperation and fury.

As I drew closer, I could hear their heated exchange, the tension between them palpable even from fifty meters away. The group of captors seemed unfazed by the boy's threats, sneering at him as if he were nothing more than a mere annoyance.

Continue riding forward, the sound of their raucous laughter and boisterous chatter grew louder with each step.

As I approached, one of them - the one furthest from the others - finally caught sight of me. His piercing gaze bore into me with such intensity that I couldn't help but feel annoyed. With a hoarse and menacing voice, he barked out,

"What are you staring at? Keep going!"

Without a word, I continued down the road, determined to put as much distance between myself and the annoying situation ahead. but as I drew closer to the group,


A gunshot shattered the silence, echoing through the surrounding woods. The sound was followed by the scream from the little girl calling her brother in fright.

My heart racing, I realized they had shot the boy. While the wound may not be immediately fatal, the potential for blood loss meant his life hung in the balance.

I couldn't help but wonder how he had gotten caught up in this violent ordeal and who these people were that had taken him and the little girl captive.

As I pressed forward the road, something caught my attention - it wasn't a gleaming treasure or a dazzling sight, but the gaze of the boy that momentarily stunned me.

His eyes conveyed a willingness to sacrifice everything, a rarity that I hadn't seen in a long time. I couldn't help but wonder when was the last time I had witnessed such unwavering determination in someone's eyes.

The intensity of his gaze was striking and left me transfixed, as if it held a deep and profound meaning that only he knew. It was a gaze that spoke volumes without the need for words - one that conveyed a sense of courage, conviction, and perhaps even desperation.

As I continued to observe him, I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the boy. He seemed to possess a rare quality that set him apart from the rest - a sense of purpose that burned within him like a flame, refusing to be extinguished by any obstacle.

As if to confirm my thoughts, the boy's actions in the next minute spoke volumes. Despite his bleeding arms and legs, his hands shook with an unwavering determination as he pushed forward, slicing through the rope that bound the little girl. His sheer willpower and grit were nothing short of awe-inspiring.

But the boy's determination didn't end there. With his tiny frame, he launched himself at one of the attackers who blocked their path with swift and precise movements, taking them down with lethal force.

The scene played out like a well-choreographed fight sequence, with the boy's movements and attacks executed with impressive precision and skill. Each blow he delivered was filled with a fierce determination that seemed to defy his size and age.

Despite the odds stacked against him, the boy refused to give up or back down. His courage and resilience were nothing short of remarkable, a testament to the strength of his character and the depth of his spirit.

"Daisy," I murmured, stroking the little pup's head as she let out a low whine. "you want me to safe the boy do you?" I said as my attention was fixed on the scene before me, the boy now on his knees after pushing the little girl to safety. One of the attackers had his rusty gun aimed directly at the boy, and I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to save him.

"Alright..." I murmured. I took a deep breath, my hand moving swiftly to the side as I reached for the night hawk pistol concealed within my coat. The cold metal of the gun felt heavy in my hand, but I knew what I had to do.

With my focus on the five attackers standing just a few feet to my right, my instincts took over, honed by years of training and experience. I could see every detail of their movements, from the rise and fall of their chests to the sweat glistening on their skin. Even the tiniest movements, like the twitch of a finger on the trigger, did not escape my notice.

One of them barked at me, raising his gun as he saw me draw my own weapon. But it was too late for them. In my perception, their movements were slow and sluggish. I took aim, and the sound of gunfire echoed through the air followed by the scream from the little girl as my bullets penetrated their skulls with deadly accuracy.

The attackers fell to the ground, their guns clattering beside them. The boy, who moments before was on the brink of death, was now safe. The relief that washed over me was palpable, and I knew that in that moment, I had made the right decision.

As the smoke cleared, I could see the boy lying on the ground, unconscious and bleeding profusely from his shoulder. The little girl, now safe, ran towards her brother, screaming and pleading for him to wake up.

"Now for the annoying part..." I murmured. I let out a sigh, knowing that if I didn't act quickly, the boy's fate would be sealed. Hopping from Nyx to the ground, I reluctantly put away my gun and gently set Daisy down on the ground before making my way over to them.

As I approached, the little girl suddenly grabbed a knife from the ground and raised it in front of me, her desperation was palpable as she shouted, "W-who a-are you! Stay away!" Her hand shook with a nervous energy that threatened to betray her fear. "G-go a-away!" she cried out, tears streaming down her face, as she struggled to hold back her sobs.

With a reassuring tone, I raised my hands in surrender, trying to put her at ease. "Listen to me, little girl," I said softly. "I'm here to help your brother. Without my aid, he will die from blood loss." I spoke calmly and evenly, hoping to convey my sincerity. "And I want you to know that I saved both of you from those men. If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn't have done that."

As I spoke, the girl's grip on the knife began to loosen, and her eyes darted back and forth between me and her brother's lifeless form. Slowly, she lowered the blade and stepped back, allowing me to approach.

As I knelt down beside the boy, I could see that the blood loss was severe. "Stay with me, kid," I whispered softly, my hands moving quickly as I assessed the wound. It was deep, but not fatal.

I ripped a strip of cloth from his shirt and tightly wrapped it around the boy's hand, applying pressure to stem the bleeding. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it would do for now.

The little girl watched me with wide eyes, her fear slowly turning to gratitude. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice shaking with emotion.

I gave her a small nod, trying to reassure her. "It's okay. He's going to be fine." But deep down, I knew that the road ahead would not be easy. The boy was badly hurt, and without proper medical attention, he may not survive.

I let out a sigh, knowing that what I was about to say would be troublesome, but I couldn't leave the siblings to fend for themselves.

"Listen, little girl," I spoke softly, redirecting my attention to her. "We need to leave this place quickly before anyone else shows up. Do you know of a safe place where I can treat your brother's wounds and yours too?" I asked gently, trying to comfort her.

The girl nodded weakly, still sobbing. "I-I know...somewhere..." she managed to say between sobs.

"Alright, lead the way," I said, picking up the boy and placing him on Nyx's back. Daisy stayed close to me as I mounted Nyx. "Hold on tight and guide us there," I instructed the little girl, I could hear her respond with a quiet "Um" from her, who hopped onto Nyx's back behind me with Daisy and a teddy bear on her tummy. Nyx let out a low neigh as we set off toward our destination.


Unbeknownst to John, his impulsive decision to save the siblings at that moment would set in motion a series of events that would have profound consequences for his life in the years to come. Little did he realize that this seemingly insignificant act of heroism would lead him down a path filled with danger, adventure, and unexpected allies.

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