16.66% I Will Become Football Manager With My System / Chapter 5: System Unleashed, Essy is Here!!!

章節 5: System Unleashed, Essy is Here!!!

Finally the long-awaited system is here!!! For everyone who read the previous version before the rewrite, I decided to remove the real money to system currency conversion and vice versa, since I think it's just muddy the story and making it more complex and too much plotholes.

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It was just another day, James spent the night before in Ayumi's apartment after another day at work in unversity. James's eyes fluttered open, and as his vision adjusted to the morning light, he was startled to see a blue translucent window materialize before him.

98% Loading....

99% Loading....

100% Loading....

Assimilation and install completed.

Welcome to the Football Manager System.

Hi James Cooper.

Dimension Interactive Ltd.

Confusion mingled with curiosity as James sat up, his gaze fixed on the now-fading window. Questions swirled in his mind, but before he could gather his thoughts, a chibi-looking girl with sport attire materialized beside him. It was Essy, the AI companion of the Football Manager System, wearing a sports sweater and bloomer shorts instead of pants.

"Hello, James! I am Essy, your guide and companion in the world of football management," the chibi Essy exclaimed cheerfully. Her high-pitched voice added a touch of whimsy to the situation. "You have been chosen to wield the power of the Football Manager System."

James blinked in astonishment, his mind struggling to comprehend the fantastical circumstances he found himself in. "Chosen? What does that mean? And why am I seeing this window?"

Essy's tiny form floated in the air, her expression earnest. "You see, James, the Football Manager System has selected you as a recipient of its abilities. The system has transcended time and space, and you have been brought back to this era for a purpose. You are randomly chosen, but after seeing through your unique perspective and passion for football that the admin really excited to see your future."

James's eyes widened, the implications sinking in. The system had not only given him a powerful tool but had also regressed him into the past to fulfill a specific purpose which this admin seems to be excited about. The weight of reality settled on his shoulders, fueling a mixture of excitement and trepidation. That this second life was real and not dream.

Essy continued, her small form glowing with enthusiasm. "But remember, James, this system is a secret meant for you alone. It is invisible to others, and you must keep its existence hidden. The Football Manager System will be your ally and guide, offering you unparalleled insights and strategies. Together, we can revolutionize the world of football."

James nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. The system's integration into his life meant that he had to tread carefully, maintaining a delicate balance between his newfound advantage and the authenticity of his experiences. He couldn't help but wonder how this fusion of technology and passion would shape his journey going forward.

As Ayumi stirred beside him, James decided to keep the system's existence to himself for now. He understood that this was a personal journey, and he wanted to explore its potential.

With determination in his eyes, James looked at Essy and spoke softly, "Thank you, Essy. I will embrace this opportunity and will make the most of it. Together, we will leave a lasting mark on the world of football."

Essy's chibi form beamed with delight, her cheerful voice echoing in the room. "I believe in you, James! Let's embark on this extraordinary journey and unlock the true potential of the Football Manager System!"

James couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and turned his attention to Essy. "Essy, can you explain more about the capabilities of the Football Manager System? How does it work, and what can I expect?"

Essy, hovering invisibly on top of James' head, cleared her tiny throat before answering. "Of course, James! The Football Manager System is designed to enhance your understanding of the game, provide real-time analysis, and offer strategic insights to optimize your decision-making as a football manager. It's based on the popular Football Manager game you're familiar with, but with added functionalities and features tailored specifically for your journey."

As Essy began to delve into the gist of the system's features, Ayumi stirred, slowly waking up. Not wanting to raise suspicion, Essy swiftly dismissed the translucent window and settled on James' head, her voice now only audible to him. From her perch, she cheekily commented on Ayumi's awakening, teasing James about his romantic partner.

With a mischievous smile, James leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on Ayumi's lips, surprising her as she fully regained consciousness. "Good morning, Ayumi. I'll see you later at the university."

Ayumi blushed, a mix of surprise and delight crossing her face. "Good morning, James. I'll be waiting for you."

James dressed up and walked toward his apartment before going back to university, meanwhile he also talked with Essy again.

James eyed the chibi-like Essy hovering. "So let me get this straight. You're saying this Football Manager System can help guide my journey to become a successful coach?"

"You bet!" Essy exclaimed, her high-pitched voice bubbly with enthusiasm. "I'm here to be your companion along the way. But shh, it's our little secret." She put a tiny finger to her lips.

"Got it." James grinned. "Well, I'm eager to see how this works. What kinds of things can you show me?"

Essy's eyes gleamed. "Loads of stats and insights to help you strategize, choose players, optimize training - things a normal manager could only dream of! Here, have a look at Ayumi's profile..."

A window popped up displaying Ayumi's attributes. James's eyes widened. "Whoa...I can see her technical and mental stats. This is awesome! But wait - why can't I see Professor Tanaka's profile?"

"You've gotta spend more time with him to gain full access," Essy explained. "It's 4 hours per attribute unlocked. I know, kind of a grind, but worth it!"

James nodded thoughtfully. "So more time together unlocks more insights. Good to know. And what about instant unlocks? Any shortcuts?"

"Well..." Essy drew out the word dramatically. "For 10 Focoins you can unlock someone's full profile right away. But those babies don't grow on trees, so use them wisely!"

"Got it, rare currency. Can't go wasting them." James smiled, his mind churning with ideas. "This is really intriguing. But I have so many more questions! What else can you tell me about the system?"

James understood the scarcity of Focoins and how valuable they would be. He realized that while the system held great potential, it wouldn't be the effortless shortcut he had hoped for, unlike the light novels and web novels he had indulged in based on Hiroshi's recommendation.

Essy beamed, ready to enlighten her new protégé. "There's so much! As you progress, you'll gain access to more advanced stats like hidden attributes and player dynamics. Ooh, and you can earn special perks by completing achievements that'll totally boost your coaching skills!"

James's eyes lit up. "Now we're talking! So if I accomplish certain goals, I'll unlock special advantages?"

"Yup! Things like seeing hidden attributes, improving training outcomes, deeper roster insights...the perks will help you take your managing to the next level!" Essy exclaimed.

"Love it," James grinned. "Kind of like a football manager + RPG. This keeps getting better."

He tilted his head curiously. "So Essy, I have to ask...how exactly does this system work? Is there some technology behind it?"

Essy bobbed apologetically. "Sorry, most of those details are above my pay grade! I'm just here to help you use the tools you've been given. Pretty futuristic stuff though, right?"

James chuckled. "No worries. I had to ask. This is all so fascinating, I can't wait to see how it shapes my path. With you by my side helping me use the system to its full potential, I know we can accomplish great things, Essy!"

Essy beamed, pumping her tiny fist. "That's the spirit! We've got this. Now let's get out there and show the football world what we can do!"

The pair exchanged an enthusiastic high-five, ready to leverage the Football Manager System and take the coaching world by storm, one step at a time.

James absorbed Essy's response, realizing that the enigma surrounding the system's origins added another layer of intrigue to his already extraordinary circumstances. He made a mental note to explore this mystery further when the opportunity presented itself.

* * *

Professor Tanaka gathered James, Hiroshi, and Ayumi together, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. "My dear students, I have thrilling news. In three months' time, we will embark on a research trip to Brazil, the heart of football! We will immerse ourselves in the culture, observe training sessions, and interview experts to gain valuable insights for our studies. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

The trio of friends exchanged excited glances, their anticipation palpable. James couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. The prospect of exploring the birthplace of the samba style of play and witnessing the passion for football firsthand was a dream come true.

As the conversation turned to their upcoming expedition, Essy, the chibi-like companion, chimed in with a prompt. "James, I have a quest for you. Your task is to complete the research project in Brazil successfully. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with 100 Focoins."

James raised an eyebrow, realizing that Focoins would be a valuable resource within the system. "Essy, how do I earn Focoins beside this quest?"

"You will receive 1-5 Focoins for completing research tasks each day," Essy explained. "Additionally, certain milestones and achievements may also grant you Focoins. It's important to manage them wisely, as they will be necessary for unlocking various features within the system."

Curiosity piqued, James tapped into the system's scouting capabilities. A window appeared, displaying numerical attributes akin to the Football Manager game. He observed Hiroshi and Ayumi's stats, noting their current ability ratings of around 40 and 25, respectively.

"Essy," James inquired, "How do exactly I can unlock hidden attributes? I noticed that attributes like personality, injury proneness, and professionalism are not listed, similar to the game. Where can I find them?"

Essy's chibi form leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Ah, the hidden attributes. They are hidden for now, but fear not! As you progress in your coaching journey and unlock certain perks, you'll gain the ability to see these attributes. It's like peeling back the layers of a player's personality and unlocking their true potential."

James's eyes widened with intrigue. "Perks? Tell me more."

Essy's tiny hands gestured animatedly as she explained. "Perks are special rewards and enhancements you can earn by completing milestones, achieving goals, and making significant progress in your coaching career. They offer unique advantages, such as unlocking hidden attributes, gaining insight into player dynamics, and even improving your own coaching abilities. They are a testament to your growth as a coach within the system."

Essy tilted her head, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "James, let me explain further about the concept of potential ability within the system. While the predictive value displayed is based on an individual's current routines and circumstances, it is not a definitive limit. In fact, with the correct environment, training, and motivation, individuals can surpass their predicted potential and reach even greater heights."

James leaned forward, eager to delve deeper into this fascinating aspect. "So, you're saying that the potential ability is not a fixed value? That individuals can actually improve and go beyond their initial predictions?"

Essy nodded, a mischievous smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Exactly! Unlike the game, where player abilities are often fixed and limited by factors such as age, the Football Manager System offers a more dynamic approach. It takes into account the impact of training methods, facilities, mental resolve, and other factors that can influence an individual's potential. This means that your coaching abilities and the decisions you make will directly impact the growth and potential of the players you encounter."

James's excitement grew with each word, his mind racing with possibilities. "So, let me make sure I understand. If I create the right conditions, provide proper training, and motivate the players, they can actually surpass their predicted potential?"

Essy nodded again, her eyes sparkling. "Absolutely! For example, imagine a player with a current ability rating of 120 and a predicted potential ability of 130. Through exceptional performance in training sessions and real matches, combined with the right guidance and support, that player has the potential to surpass the initial prediction and achieve even greater heights. The system rewards progress and growth, allowing individuals to continually improve and unlock their true potential."

James couldn't contain his excitement any longer. The system's dynamic approach to potential ability offered a refreshing departure from the static limitations he had encountered in traditional games. It meant that his coaching skills, dedication, and ability to create the right conditions for his players would play a pivotal role in shaping their growth and potential.

With a determined look in his eyes, James realized that he had the power to make a real difference. He would be more than just a spectator or a manager on the sidelines; he would be a coach who could help players unlock their true potential and achieve greatness.

A smile spread across James's face. The Football Manager System held even more depth and complexity than he had initially anticipated.

* * *

Hiroshi and Ayumi couldn't contain their excitement as they invited James to join them at Comiket, the largest anime and otaku event in Japan. Hiroshi eagerly talked about saving up money from his part-time job to splurge on limited merchandise and doujins, while Ayumi shared her plans to cosplay at the event.

"James, you have to experience Comiket!" Hiroshi exclaimed. "It's a mecca for anime and manga fans. You'll be amazed by the incredible variety of merchandise and the passion of the cosplayers."

Ayumi nodded in agreement. "It's a chance for you to immerse yourself in the internationally famous otaku culture. And I'll be cosplaying there too!"

James smiled, appreciating their enthusiasm. "I'm definitely looking forward to it. You two have been infecting me with the otaku bug, and I'm starting to enjoy it."

James and Hiroshi promised to go together, since Ayumi needed to be there earlier to prepare her costume with her cosplayer friends. As James and Hiroshi approached the entrance gate of Comiket, they couldn't help but scan the crowd for Ayumi, who had promised to cosplay at the event. Their eyes widened in surprise when they spotted her, standing confidently with long wavy light green hair cascading down her back, wearing a low-cut red dress adorned with snake-like ornaments on her upper arm, perfectly embodying the character Reina from "Rave Master."

Hiroshi's jaw dropped, and he stuttered, "A-Ayumi? Is that you?" His voice betrayed a mix of shock and awe as he struggled to reconcile the image before him with the Ayumi he had known.

Ayumi grinned mischievously, reveling in the reaction she had elicited. "Surprise! It's me, Ayumi. I decided to go all out for my cosplay today. What do you think?"

James, captivated by Ayumi's stunning transformation, couldn't help but admire her choice of character and the intricate details of her costume. He managed to find his voice and said, "Wow, Ayumi! You look absolutely incredible. The way you've brought Reina to life is stunning."

Ayumi's cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and satisfaction. She had put a great deal of effort into her cosplay, aiming to capture the character's allure and strength. The reactions of her friends only fueled her confidence.

Hiroshi, finally recovering from his initial shock, stammered, "Ayumi, I... I didn't expect you to... I mean... you look amazing! I can't believe how stunning you are in that costume!"

Ayumi chuckled, enjoying Hiroshi's flustered state. "Thank you, Hiroshi. Cosplay allows us to become someone else for a day, to embrace different aspects of ourselves. It's a form of self-expression and creativity that I've grown to love."

James nodded in agreement, appreciating Ayumi's explanation. "You've definitely captured the essence of Reina. It's a testament to your dedication and skill as a cosplayer. You've truly brought the character to life."

As they made their way into the event, Ayumi walked with an air of confidence, drawing attention from fellow attendees and photographers eager to capture her cosplaying prowess. Her portrayal of Reina became a topic of conversation among the otaku community at Comiket, with many praising her attention to detail and the way she embodied the character's sensuality.

James and Hiroshi walked alongside Ayumi, their pride evident as they watched her navigate the crowds with grace and poise. They admired her courage to embrace her femininity and showcase her talents on such a grand stage.

Throughout the day, Ayumi's cosplaying prowess continued to turn heads, eliciting admiration and requests for photographs from fans and fellow cosplayers. As the trio arrived at core of the Comiket, they were immediately engulfed in a sea of colorful booths, cosplayers, and enthusiastic fans. James found himself captivated by the sheer magnitude of the event and the dedication of the attendees. Hiroshi eagerly led the way, pointing out various booths that caught his interest, while Ayumi's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she admired the incredible cosplays around her.

Among the bustling crowd, James's eyes were immediately drawn to a mesmerizing cosplayer dressed as Urd from "Ah! My Goddess," a classic anime recommended by Hiroshi. The cosplayer's attention to detail and the way they effortlessly embodied the character's charm and elegance left James in awe.

With each passing moment, James found himself more and more enchanted by the cosplayer's stunning appearance. Ren possessed a beautiful face, a slim and feminine figure, and an undeniable charisma. James couldn't help but be astounded by Ren's uncanny resemblance to Urd.

Summoning the courage to approach Ren, James hoped to capture a selfie with this captivating cosplayer. As he reached out his phone, he couldn't help but be captivated by Ren's aura. He nervously stammered, "Excuse me, can I have a selfie with you?"

Ren smiled graciously and nodded, accepting James's request. But as James prepared to take the photo, he was taken aback when a deep, resonant voice emerged from Ren. It was a voice that contradicted the appearance before him, yet added an unexpected layer of intrigue.

Chuckling at James's surprised expression, Ren playfully remarked, "Surprised, aren't you? You thought I was a girl, didn't you? I'm Ren, and yes, I'm a guy. I just enjoy crossplay and Urd happens to be one of my favorite characters."

James, still stunned, managed to gather himself and replied, "I must admit, I was taken by surprise. You look absolutely amazing as Urd. Your attention to detail is incredible. And it's great to see someone who can bring a character to life like this."

Ren smiled warmly, appreciating James's compliments. "Thank you! It's a passion of mine, and I love being able to connect with fellow fans through cosplay."

Just then, Ren's girlfriend, Miku, who was cosplaying as Mara from the same series, joined the conversation. With a mischievous grin, Miku playfully kissed Ren on the cheek, causing a wave of excitement among the surrounding otaku audiences who eagerly snapped photos.

"I'm lucky to have Ren as my boyfriend," Miku said proudly. "He's an amazing cosplayer, and we have so much fun exploring the world of anime together."

James couldn't help but be amazed by the couple's genuine love for each other and their shared passion for cosplay. The authenticity of their relationship and their ability to enjoy the otaku culture together left a lasting impression on him.

Just as James was trying to process the surprising encounter, Hiroshi and Ayumi, who had been exploring other booths, caught sight of James, Ren, and Miku. Hiroshi's eyes widened, mirroring James's initial reaction, while Ayumi simply smiled, having encountered many crossplayers in the cosplay community.

Hiroshi excitedly approached James, his voice filled with astonishment. "James, you won't believe it! Look at Ren! It's a convincing crossplay! This is my first time seeing such remarkable dedication to a character."

Ayumi, joining them, nodded in agreement. "It's not uncommon to find talented crossplayers in the cosplay community. People like Ren truly bring characters to life and inspire others to embrace their passions."

The group gathered together, with Hiroshi, Ayumi, James, Ren, and Miku, posing for a group photo. The camaraderie among them was palpable, a shared appreciation for the intricate art of cosplay and the bonds it created.

As the camera clicked, James felt fun with his experience today. The unexpected encounter with Ren and Miku had enriched his Comiket experience, reminding him of the diverse and vibrant community that thrived within the otaku culture.

Throughout the day, James, Hiroshi, and Ayumi immersed themselves in the myriad offerings of Comiket. Hiroshi enthusiastically collected limited edition merchandise, doujinshi, and other otaku paraphernalia. Ayumi attracted attention with her stunning cosplays, posing for countless photographs and enjoying the admiration of fellow cosplayers and fans.

"James, I have a quest for you," Essy announced. "Your task is to take a photo with cosplayers dressed as characters from football anime series like 'Captain Tsubasa' and 'Shoot!' It will earn you valuable 1 Focoins for each cosplayer."

Excited by the quest, James eagerly searched for cosplayers donning football-themed costumes. Meanwhile, Hiroshi and Ayumi indulged in their otaku pursuits, filling their bags with merchandise and taking photos with their favorite cosplayers and getting their photo taken by many of the otaku crows.

As the day drew to a close, the group gathered together, their energy still buzzing from the excitement of the event. James couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and belonging, appreciating the passionate otaku culture that had enthralled his friends. It was a day of shared experiences, laughter, and a deepening bond among the trio.

The evening was a blend of playful antics, genuine connection, and newfound desires intertwining. James found himself grateful for the unexpected experiences that Japan had offered him, from football research to otaku culture, and the intriguing relationships he had forged along the way. As the night unfolded, he couldn't help but revel in the diversity and richness of life that Tokyo had to offer.

The day at Comiket flew by, and as evening approached, James couldn't help but recall Ayumi's promise to spend the night in costume. He couldn't resist the thought of her in the sexy outfit she had worn all day, fueling his desires.

With the nightfall, James coyly reminded Ayumi of her promise to spend the night in costume. After a day of high adrenaline, with numerous people requesting to photograph her and the exhilaration of embodying different characters, Ayumi's inhibitions melted away. She playfully agreed to fulfill James's desire, knowing that the night held a different kind of excitement, away from the bustling crowds of Comiket.

As the night grew late, Hiroshi decided to head home by himself, bidding James and Ayumi farewell. Meanwhile, James and Ayumi found themselves drawn to the allure of a love hotel. The excitement of the day at Comiket had left them both craving something more intimate.

In the privacy of their room, James and Ayumi indulged in passionate pleasure, fulfilling each other's desires purely for the sake of physical pleasure. Their encounter was intense and fueled by the mutual understanding that it wouldn't alter the dynamics of their friendship.

Afterward, as they lay entwined in each other's arms, the room filled with a serene silence. Ayumi, her breathing slowly returning to normal, turned to James with a gentle smile.

"I'm glad we could share this experience together," she whispered, tracing her fingers along his chest.

James caressed her cheek, his voice filled with warmth. "Me too, Ayumi. It's a unique bond we have, built on trust and understanding. Let's keep it that way."

They both knew that their encounter was a temporary escape, a way to satisfy their desires without crossing the boundaries of their friendship. The night had provided a release, a momentary pleasure that allowed them to explore a different side of themselves.

As the hours passed, James dressed himself and prepared to leave the love hotel. He leaned over to kiss Ayumi gently, savoring the lingering connection between them.

arnautovic arnautovic

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