44.6% Place holder s / Chapter 215: NLS171-180

章節 215: NLS171-180

Chapter 171

I closed the boxes and kept my eyes active. I then opened the perk list

up yet again, intent on gaining another perk when I saw a new one I

hadn't seen before;

Mangekyou sharingan- LOCKED! (Conditions to unlock- Kill

someone with 80 REP).

Technically, since I was famous in Konoha, the average person did

hold 60 REP with me. So I can just pick someone up in random, talk

them up and when they get 80 REP, slice their necks open and gain

those eyes but...I couldn't. I couldn't bring myself to do it. So sadly, I

dismissed that option. Besides, the more I use those eyes the quicker I

become blind.

I then looked at the other options and picked the handful perks I

wanted to buy;

Pokemon Breeder- Unlock the breeding function for all your

pokemon! (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 50 REP with two of

your pokemon.) Cost- 20 PP

Totally going to make me an army of Moltres's.

Hero maker- Every 10 levels, randomly obtain a power from one of

the heroes you have fictions heroes you have made. (Conditions

to unlock- Be published over 5 times.) Cost- 50 PP

Please, I need super speed! Or super abs, I'm fine with either or!

Pokemon talker- Speak with your pokemon. (Conditions to

unlock- Have over 5 pokemon with REP higher than 50) Cost- 50


Very useful! Duh!

Ladies man- +40% more success with the ladies. (Conditions to

unlock- Have five women with over 60 REP.) Cost- 20 PP

I'm coming for you ladies!

Lightning Lover- +20 REP with everyone from Kumo. (Conditions

to unlock- Gain +40 REP with someone from Kumo.) Cost- 10 PP

I'm coming for you Samui's boobies!

Weapons master- 500% more damage towards all ninja weapons.

(Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with a weapons master.)

Cost- 20 PP

Meh, why not? I have money to burn.

Nobel's tongue- Gain +30% success rate when trying to convince

someone. (Conditions to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with a nobel.)

Cost- 5 PP

Same reason as perk listed above.

Chakra Beast- Grants +50 XP every time you level up. (Conditions

to unlock- Gain over 60 REP with Naruto) Cost- 10 PP

Because I need it. All this and I still only spent 185 PP, nothing more. I

still had 389 PP left. I sighed, looks like I'll just have to make more

friends or enemies and see where that get's me.

I closed the menu options and jumped down from the tre. By now it

was getting late I'm sure Kakashi was getting worried even if he never

showed it. I made sure to deactivate my eye before I left, don't want

anyone seeing those. For now I'll keep them a secret, but one day,

soon everyone will know, Sasuke's not the only Uchiha in town.

A week Later:

Team seven I looked at the bridge in quite relife. "I can't believe it's

finally over," Sakura said in relief.

"Well, you don't need to sound so chipper...but yes," Kakashi nodded

as he looked up from his book.

"Thank you, without the help of you four, this bridge wouldn't have

been made," Tazuna said as he and the rest of the village stood at the

mouth of the Great Hope bridge. They wanted to name it the Great

Yami bridge but I'm not that vain.

"Inari," Tsunami said pushing her son forward, "isn't there something

you would like to say?"

The kid looked a little happier, he smiled at me, "when I grow up, I want

to be a ninja just like you!"

I blinked, "like me? Why?"

"Because' you're my hero!" he smiled.

"You all are," Tazuna smiled, "and please, apologise to the Hokage for

me. I didn't mean...I didn't mean to trick anyone I'm more than willing to

face the punishment."

"No need," Kakashi snapped his book, "I have already spoken with

him. He said in exchange for a trade agreement he would be more

than willing to look over this matter. As far as Konoha is concerned,

we're square."

"So then...I guess it's time for us to leave huh?" I smiled, "take care, all

of you. And if anything happens and if anyone even ties anything,

remember," I pointed at the top of the arch over the entrance to the

bridge where one of my daggers hanged, "just pull on that and I'll be

here as fast as I can."

"Right!" Inari smiled as everyone gave us their well wishes, wishing us

a safe journey.

We began to leave, eager to finally get back home, when Misu came

running out with traveling clothes on, "wait a moment! Don't you dare

forget me!"

"Grandma Misu?" Naruto blinked, "what's going on?"

"Did you think you could just leave me and go off little Naru? Especially

now after I finally found another living Uzumaki? Oh dear God no! I'm

coming with you!"

"You are?" Sakura asked in surprise, "but your home-"

"Home is where the heart is girls," Misu smiled, "and I'll be home as

long as I'm with an Uzumaki, especially if that Uzumaki is my


Naruto blushed, "oh come on grandma, you're making me blush!"

"Good, now come! I have heard much about Konoha and have only

ever visited it over thirty years ago!" Misu smiled as we walked, with

her setting a reasonably fast pace for a civilian.

"By the way," I asked her, "where will you be staying?"

"Oh, I'm sure I'll find some place," she waved off my worry, "I have a bit

of money saved up you know, I'll be fine."

"You could just move in with us," I shrugged.

"Really Yami? You won't mind?!" Naruto asked sounding excited.

"Oh dear I couldn't do that, it's not fair. I'm sure you have your own

expenses to take care of," Misu smiled.

"It's not a problem grandma! Yami's rich! He can buy ten houses if he

wants to!"

I rolled my eyes, "maybe not ten, but I can afford to live on my own.

You and Naruto could use the place we have right now, I can move in

next door, I'll have more room, some privacy too. It's honestly not a


Misu blinked in confusion, "I'm sorry if I seem rude Yami, but I was

under the impression you were an orphan, how come you are rich

enough to afford your own place? Are ninja missions these days really

that beneficial?"

"No, not really," I chuckled.

"That's because Yami's a famous writer!" Naruto blurted out.

"Oh? Anyone I know?" Misu asked.

"Yeah, he-MPH!" I covered his mouth with my hand shutting him up.

"Naruto, are you forgetting the fact that I told you that's supposed to be

a secret?" I growled at the end.

Naruto blinked and immediately stopped struggling. I removed my

hand and he sighed, "sorry Yami, I forgot. Sorry grandma, but Yami's

sensitive about his work, he doesn't like people finding out."

"Oh? What genre does he write?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto tapped his chin, "mainly superheros, he-MPH-"

"-Not one word Naruto! Or I swear to God I'll die all your clothes pink!" I

growled covering his mouth again.

"Is he Stan Lee?" Kakashi asked.

"You son of a Bitch!" I yelled before I glared at Naruto, "I'm going to

make your life a living hell you bastard." The Blonde Uzumaki gulped

as he began to sweat.

"Wait, Kakashi sensei was right?! You're Stan Lee?!" Sakura gasped,

"oh my God! Ino is going to freak out!"

I sighed, time to do some damage control. Damnit Kakashi! And stupid

Naruto! ARGH! This is just what I need right now!

Chapter 172: Escort Missions are so stupid

"-And then when the laxities start to kick in and you rush to the

bathroom, the moment your hand touches the door, the seal will

activate, teleporting you into the middle of the market. So you'll either

shit yourself, or make the road brown. Do you understand me?"

"Yes! Perfect!" Sakura said with tears in her eyes, "I swear I won't ever

reveal your secret! Ever!"

I turned to Sasuke, who's eyes had widened frighteningly, I didn't even

say anything to get him to agree. I then turned to Naruto who was

shaking his head faster than Sakura's. And then finally to Kakashi.

"Hm? Did you say something?" Kakashi asked.

"You say something, and next time Gai comes looking for you I'll use

my sensory skills to track you down and deliver him right to you. You

can hand hide for now, but cross me and I promise you'll need to leave

the Land of Fire to get away from me Kakashi Hatake."

The jonin looked up at me and sighed, "deal."

I smiled, "good," I turned it Misu.

"No trouble from me sonny boy," she held her hands up in surrender, "I

know better than to get on your bad side."

I sighed, "thank God," I turned to Naruto, "this is why I don't tell you shit

Naruto, you can't keep quiet!"

"I'm sorry okay! Besides, I don't know what the big deal is, it's not like

people can love you even more," he said with a grumble.

"Yami, I have a question," Sakura said, "why doesn't Diana wear leg

armour for her thighs? Isn't that impractical?"

I sighed, "because the garb of the amazons don't call for thigh armour,

hence her armour doesn't have any."

"But why? That seems stupid," Sakura blinked,

"The Amazons were a female warrior race, as such the people who

came to fight them wanted them as slaves to be used. Thy wouldn't

risk damage their potential sex slaves by striking them near the groin,

hence it was pointless to wear armour there."

"Amazing," Sakura said, "you have it all planned out to such an

amazing degree."

"Batman," Sasuke asked, "why did you make a character like him?"

I blinked, "oh, right. You can really a lot I guess with such a figure,

wanting to avenge his parents murder and all. Believe it or not, I

actually did write that character around the tragedy you faced Sasuke."

"You did?!" Naruto asked, "but you never wrote about me!"

I smirked, "I did, you just never payed attention. Anyway, back to my

point. I wanted to show many things with the Batman character, but the

most important for you, would be knowing the difference between

vengeance and justice. Bruce didn't at first, but he learnt too as he took

the title of Batman, he became more than just a man, he channeled his

pain into making sure such an act would never befall another person

again," I looked at Sasuke, "or in your case, another clan."

The Uchiha looked like he had a lot to think about, he just nodded and

continued waked. "But what about her lasso?" Sakura asked, "that isn't

a warrior's weapon, so why a whip?"

I sighed, "because I thought it would sound cool alright? Not everything

is planned out."

"Oh….why is Superman's weakness a rock?"

I turned to Naruto, "this is why I didn't want people to know," I sighed

and turned to her, answering all her questions, and believe me, there

were a lot.

Three days later:

It took us quite some time to get back home. I know find myself

standing near the back with Misu while Kakashi debriefed the Hokage.

"...we were then approached by more of Gato's hired goons but

managed to fight them off. Yami took care of them single handedly, he

didn't kill any of the six hundred, he let them walk. With a few broken

limbs and internal bleeding. After that Tazuna managed to finish

building the bridge and our mission was completed. There is the matter

of Gato trying to get his claws into that land for his drug trade

operations that Yami discovered on his day off, it could possibly get

him to try and take over the Land again."

"I see," the Hokage puffed his pipe, "and in your professional opinion

how do you think Gato should be handled?"

"He should be snipped into the bud, permanently. I suggest sending

the ANBU, or a more qualified team," Kakashi looked over at me,

"someone who's more open to the idea of taking care of an issue."

"I can do it if the mission requires it," I told him, "I just prefer not to

commit mass murder before I hit puberty."

"Yami does have the moral high ground on us Kakashi," the Hokage

chuckled, "but either way, I'll take your advice and see what I can do.

Congratulations team 7, you have officially completed your first B rank

mission, though I'll admit, it did get a little dangerous out them. Yami,

thank you for taking care of them, I'm sure you saved them a lot of


I grinned, "not a problem sir, not a problem at all."


Quest Completed!

Protect the bridge builder!


Unlock Kiri Civil War storyline!

Uzumaki relics

20,000 EXP


You have leveled up!

Yami, Little Professor

Level- 44 (13,800/68,900)

HP- 9,000/9,000 (+20)

SP- 4,475/4,475

CP- 5,800/5,800


FIRE- 100% WIND- 100% LIGHTNING- 100%

SCORCH- 100% SWIFT- 100%

POWER- 88%

Allegiance- Konoha

STR- 150 (+5)

VIT- 100

DEX- 100

INT- 100 (+2)

CHA- 300

CC- 250

LUC- 100 (+5)

Points- 7

Perk Points- 389

Cool! My control rose by 60% Nice! Now I only have to level up one

more time to gain full control over Power Release!


Quest Alert!

Stop the Kiri Civil War








Do you Accept?


I blinked, okay what's this quest? Usually I'm told the details and then I

get an option to accept but this..hm, why not? It's not like I have

anything better to do. I selected yes.

Chapter 173

The Hokage looked at Misu and smiled, "I see that once again Konoha

can play host to an Uzumaki. Kakashi has informed me beforehand of

your circumstances Misu Uzumaki, of course you're more than

welcome to stay in Konoha."

Misu bowed, "thank you lord Hokage, I'm grateful for the chance to stay

with my grandson," she smiled at Naruto, "it means the world to me

that I found my family once more, thank you for letting me stay here."

"Of course. Now, we can provide living arrangements for you, it won't

be anything fantastical, but it should be suitable. I'll have someone

show you around and-"

"-Actually, Yami and Naruto have offered me their home to stay," Misu

smiled at me, "after all it seems this young man here can afford it, so I

was convinced to take him up on his offer."

"Ah, I see, very well, that's fine too," the Hokage nodded as he took out

a file from his table, "you'll have to fill these forms up in order to

officialise the process. Naruto, why don't you and your teammates help

your grandmother out with these papers? And I'm sure she would love

a tour of Konoha as well."

"You got it jiji!" Naruto grinned as he took the forms, "come on

grandma! I'll show you around! Come on Sakura! Sasuke!"

I don't know if Naruto realised he was being dismissed, but he sure

moved fast. The moment the three genin and old woman were out the

door the attitude in the room change. It was no longer fun and games,

the Hokage had his game face on.

"The ninjas you sent us were...peculiar to say the least," Hiruzen

sighed as he put the pipe away, "do you know who they are?"

"Zabuza, the Demon of the Mist," I replied, "I'm not sure who the

second one was though."

"Not that you gave him enough time to introduce himself before you

beat him into a coma," Kakashi murmured form inside his book.

The Hokage smiled, "yes, I heared about that. I must say, your speed

is already one of...great talk. But I must say, six hundred enemies in

five minutes? I doubt even the Fourth could have done that."

"The Fourth didn't have the Swift Release," I spoke up.

The Hokage nodded, "yes, you're unique kekkei genkai. I must say I've

given it some though and I have to say your theory on being in such

control that you can make you own elemental affinities sounds a bit

odd….if I didn't just see you do it myself in the fight with Orochimaru.

As such I believe you'll be the perfect flag man for this new mission,"

he took out a scroll with the label 'S' on the front.

I raised an eyebrow, "an S rank? What's the mission?"

"Free Kiri," was his simple reply.

"Okay….a little more information please. Last thing you mentioned

were about the prisoners we brought in."

The Hokage nodded, "yes. Tell me Yami, what do you know about the

situation in Kiri right now?"

"Two factions, one with the Mizukage and blood purists and the other

lead by bloodline supporters. I'm not really sure who's winning though."

The Hokage nodded, "it's a close war, which is why I want you to make

sure that one side wins."

"Which side will Konoha be supporting?" I asked.

"The bloodline users," the man explained as he leaned back on his

chair, "can you guess my reasoning?"

"Because...because if we win the entirety of Kiri will owe us one,

making them valuable allies which will encourage Suna to continued

their friendship with us and make Iwa and Kumo to back off. If we lose

however we can offer the bloodline users trying to escape a safe haven

in Konoha, thereby gaining more kekkai genkais for ourselves. And

there would be no question of their loyalty since they would owe us

their lives."

Kakashi closed his book and looked at me, "Asuma wasn't kidding, you

do sound like a Nara."

I shrugged, "it's a gift."

"As you said Yami, Kiri's instability is our opportunity," the Hokage

looked serious, "I wouldn't even consider this an option, but after

seeing your abilities on display, I believe we just might have a chance

to make this work."

I nodded, "I'm ready sir."

"Good," the man nodded as he got up, "come with me, it's time we

talked to our Kiri guests," we left the tower immediately, the Hokage's

ANBU guards followed us from a distance, while we stood out in the

open, walking towards the East where the T&I office was located.

We reached there soon enough and the Hokage entered. The moment

we stepped in we were greeted by two familiar individuals, Ibiki Morino

and Anko Mitarashi.

Ibiki Morino, Sadist

Lv- 79

REP- 60

Anko Mitarashi, Sexy and Single

Lv- 75

REP- 87

Woah, 87 REP? What did I do? Oh wait, she hates Orochimaru, and I

did kind of kick his ass...hm, cool.

Ibiki wore his trademark black overcoat and black uniform while Anko

had her brown overcoat and a skin tight mesh that hugged her curves.

They might now be as impressive as Samui's, btu I can say for certain

she was the bustiest ninja this village had at the moment.

"Lord Hokage," Ibiki bowed, "we've prepared them, please, this way,"

he guided us into the building. I felt my chakra sense flare, Ibiki's

charka was normal, around jonin level. But Anko's, she was like a

painting, a bicoloured painting. Her chakra was a mix of hers and

Orochimaru's, immediately my eyes were drawn to her neck where it

came flying off in waves.

Anko looked over and smirked, "like something you see her squirt?"

I smiled, "if I said you would that be too corny?"

"Oh, I like you. But sorry, you're too young for me," she winked, "call

me when you start growing some hair down there okay?"

"Does that mean you'll give me your number then?" I asked.

Anko blinked, "are you serious?"

Chapter 174

I smiled, "very. You're probably the hottest chick in the village," I

sighed, "which is really really depressing considering you're like what?


"Yup!" she smirked.

"See! Argh! This is so unfair! Why couldn't I have been born sooner! All

the hot chicks are at least 20!"

"Give it time Yami, I'm sure your generation has many beauties in it as

well," the Hokage smirked.

"Like who? Sakura is with Naruto, Hinata loves Naruto, Ino is a gossip

queen with the emotional depth of a teaspoon, China's a fangirl," que

my shiver of disgust, "and Tenten's would rather date a sword then a

guy! And you know the worst part?!"

"They All have flat chests?" Kakashi guessed.

"EXACTLY!" I cried out, "oh, and by the way, Kakashi sensei, you're

kind of a perv."

"Ah, now I see why you were so interested with that kumo kunoichi,"

Hiruzen smiled, "and here I was thinking it's because of her


"Did have some nice personalities," I snickered.

"Are you seriously the same kid who fought Orochimaru?" Anko asked

with an amused smirk, "you sound like a horny teenager."

I shrugged, "how can I be, when I'm not even a teenager?"

Anko rolled her eyes before turning to the Hokage, "did her seriously

face Orochimaru? Or was that just some rumor we heard?"

The old man nodded, "I assure you Anko, it was no rumour. Yami here

did face my old student, and he almost won."

Anko turned to me with wide eyes, "how?"

I shrugged, "I can use the Flying Thunder God jutsu."

"You can?!" Anko's eyes widened, "how?!"

"I'm somewhat of a seal master," I told her before my eyes went to her

neck, "and speaking of seals, you have a particularly nasty one on you

right now. And it reeks of Orochimaru's chakra."

Anko's steps halted for a moment before she continued, "how can you


"I'm a seal master, plus I can sense chakra signatures. His is right

there, inside of you, just above the surface, itching to break out. You

need to do something about it, the restrictions you place around it

aren't very good."

"Jiraiya himself designed that restriction," the Hokage explained.

"And yet, it's not strong enough," I hummed, "I could take a look if you

want, try and see if I can fix it."

"Can you?" Anko asked, going over the Hokage's head.

I blinked, "I can try."

Anko turned to the Hokage, "can he?"

"I know Yami is a skilled seal maker, he has to be considering his

accomplishments with the Flying Thunder God jutsu," the Hokage

hummed, "it couldn't hurt for him to take a look."

Anko touched her neck, "I'm free right now."

I turned to the Hokage, "should I try after we meet Zabuza?"

The man nodded, "yes. Take how much every time you need. Oh, and

try to get Misu involved as well. An Uzumaki's eyes will always be an


I nodded as we continued into the dungeons. Finally we stopped at a

door, Ibiki opened it and inside was a table and chair and bounded

before the table was Zabuza and Haku, bot covered with chakra

suppression seals and chains.

They both looked at me, and immediately they recognized me. "You

little shit!" Zabuza cried out, "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

I snorted, "yeah yeah, sure you will."

"Sir Ninja, can you do me the honour of telling me your name?" Haku

asked, far more politely, but the anger was still there.

"Sure, it's Kakashi Hatake, I like reading porn because I'm going to die

alone and a virgin," I gave him a thumbs up.

"What?" Kakashi turned to me, "you think I'm a virgin?"

"Aren't you?" I asked him.


"I don't believe you."


"Because why do read so much porn on a daily basis when you could

instead physically touch someone?"

"Because women are trouble."

"Okay, then why not men?"

"I'm not gay."

"Your best friends wears skin tight green spandex and always tries to

get physical with you. YOu may not be gay, but you sure so attract a lot

of gay looks."

"Kind of like how Zabuza is looking at you?"


"I'm not gay!" Zabuza cried out.

"Oh, someone's very homophobic isn't he?" I snorted.

"Such a prune," Kakashi nodded.

"Obviously he's just doing his best to deny it. I mean look at the

company he keeps. A guy that looks like a girl? Obviously he's gay, but

isn't man enough to admit it."

"When I get out of here I'm going to fucking kill you! You hear me brat?!

I'm going to gut you!" Zabuza roared as he sent out waves of killing

intent which I easily brushed off thanks to Gamer's Mind.

"Enough," the Hokage said, his voice cutting through Zabuza's anger,

"we aren't here to fight like babies. We are here Zabuza Momochi, to

offer you and your allie, an offer."

"Whatever it is you can shove it up your-"

"-We're offering to help you free Kiri," Hiruzen cut in, stopping Zabuza

in his tracks and making Haku widen his eyes in surprise.

"W-what?" Zabuza asked.

"We're aware of why you were kicked out of Kiri," the Hokage

continued, "we're offering you a chance to make things right and bring

stability back to your land."

"In exchange for what?" Zabuza growled.

"In exchange for a partnership," Sarutobi replied, "Kiri and Konoha

have never been allies…, perhaps it's time to change that yes?"

"How? What are you willing to provide? What guarantees can you

make?" Zabuza shot off.

"I have yet to speak with the Daimyo about this, so I cannot guarantee

the full support of the Land of fire, yet. But I can make you one,"

Sarutobi said before pointing to me, "he will be coming with you."

Chapter 175

Zabuza halted, he turned to me and glared, "what's your name kid?"

"Yami, orphan," I replied.

"I heard about you," Zabuza snorted, "I heard you fought off that snake

bastard single handedly. They call you the second Flash of Konoha."

I shrugged, "honestly I would prefer a cooler and more original name,

but hey, it's not like I care."

"Just him?" Zabuza asked the Hokage, "we need more! The Mizukage

has forces of jonin and chunin, the resistance barely has a handful of

jonin level fighters."

"I can also spare you some chunin, but until I gain permission from the

Daimyo, that's all I can do," the Hokage sighed.

The Demon of the Mist growled, "fine! What do I have to do."

Hiruzen then began to lay down the terms for the mission. They would

first got to Hono and get permission from the daimyo, fi he denies it,

they we would go over his head and sneak into Kiri secretly and help

the resistance. If he does give us permission then we'll send a team of

50 chunin ninjas, and me, over and publically fight with the resistance

movement. Either way, it looks like I'm heading to Kiri.

After the little 'integration', Zabuza and Haku were sent back to their

cells and the Hokage dismissed Kakashi and me, ordering me alone to

return tomorrow morning for a new mission. And the moment I was

dismissed, Anko grabbed me and pulled me aside.

"Alright kid, when do we do this?" she asked nervously.

"I'm free right now," I shrugged, "come with me to my house, we can

use my work room. I'm sure Misu will be there by now as well, she can


"Who's Misu?" she asked as he ran off through the village rooftops.

"An Uzumaki seal mistress," I told her as we arrived at my place fairly

quickly, "she' good. Very good."

Anko nodded as we walked up to my apartment door, I felt Misu and

Naruto inside, good. I opened the door, "hey guys, I'm back. And I

brought a friend."

"Who?" Naruto asked from the kitchen.

"Naruto, this is Anko," I said introducing her to them, "Anko, Naruto and

his grandmother Misu Uzumaki."

"Oh who's this? Your girlfriend?" Misu asked in a teasing tone.

"I wish," I snorted.

"He's too young for me," Anko replied.

I rolled my eyes, "anyway, Misu, I was hoping you could help me out.

You see Anko has this nasty curse seal on her neck, you think you can

help me remove it?"

Misu blinked, "well, it's certainly not my area of expertises, but I'll do

my best. But maybe we can do it after lunch yes? I'm famished, I'm

sure Ms. Anko feels the same."

"Oh please ma'am, Anko's fine," Anko smiled, "and yes, I could eat.

Where do you want to go? I know this great dango place we can try!"

"Dango? Pft please, let's go to Ichiraku's! We can have some ramen!"

Naruto exclaimed.

"Ramen?! You want to eat ramen for lunch?!" Anko gasped, "that's


"You wanted to have sweets!"

"So? Dango is the food of the Gods!"

"No! Ramen is the food of the Gods!"





"Shut up!" I cried out, "not another word for the both of you!" I groaned

as I pinched my nose, "God, it's like I'm stuck with two Narutos!"

"Hey! Take that back! I'm nothing like this pipsqueak!" Anko cried.

"Oh yeah?! You should be honoured to be compared to me crazy lady!"

Naruto yelled.

"What did you say brat?!"

"Enough!" I yelled once more, "for the love of God enough! We aren't

going out, sit down the both of you, I'll make us something. Just please,

for the love of God don't start yelling again!" I groaned as I took off my

coat and jacket, putting them up to hang before I unzipped my armour

loosening the straps up.

"You can cook?" Anko asked in surprise.

"Yeah! Yami's the best cook I know!" Naruto grinned, "his food always

makes me feel powerful!"

I rolled my eyes as I took out a bunch of ingredients to make some

curry and rice, "that's because it's home made, and not store bought," I

made three clones and each set out to help me make lunch.

"You know you could just let them do all the work," Anko suggested as

she and Naruto sat down by the kitchen counter to watch.

"Hey!" a clone cried out, "that's slavery man!"

"If he did that, then we would make clones to do our work for us!"

another replied.

I smirked, "that's the problem with three different versions of me. All of

them are cocky little shits. Plus, if I'm not willing to do the work, they

won't either."

Anko snorted, "that's silly, taking orders from a clone."

"Says the woman wearing nothing but skin tight mesh," I smiled, "not

that I'm complaining. It's certainly helping me reach puberty faster."

"Yes, you can't you wear something decent," Misu snorted, "you're

giving kunoichi's everywhere a bad name."

Anko groaned, "bit me you old prune."

"Relax Anko, she' just jealous," I smirked, "you see, every woman who

has ever insulted you because of your looks is doing so because of

one reason, you are the hottest woman in this village and they know it."

"What?! No way! Sakura is much prettier!" Naruto cried out.

I rolled my eyes, "Sakura has the curves of a chopping board, that is to

say, none."

"There is more to what make a woman attractive then just her body

Yami, I thought someone as mature as you would know that," Misu


"I'm surrounded my kunoichi's grandma,they're all intelligent and

powerful, so the only way one can be considered superior to the other,

is because of their body. And Anko over here has the best body in the

whole of Konoha!" I cried out, "isn't that right boys?!"

"Hell yeah!" the clones cried out.

Anko grinned, "okay, now you're laying it on a little thick there. I know

I'm hot, but there's no way I'm the hottest chick in the village."

Chapter 176

My clones and I looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "really?" I asked,

"name me one kunoichi with bigger breasts and a hotter body that


Anko smirked, "that's easy…..ah….wait a minutes….give me a

second," she groaned, "I….oh my God! I am the hottest kunoichi in the


I sighed, "yes, and you're like 20. Why can't chicks my age be just as

hot?! ARGH!"

"This is frustrating!" a clone yelled.

"What's the point of being super awesome if you don't have a chick to

share it with?!" another yelled out.

"It's like the Academy all over again. The only chicks who get us are

older and wouldn't be caught dead looking at us!" the clone to my right

cried out.

"Now now Yami, I'm sure there's a girl out there just for you," Misu

smiled, "and I'm also sure she'll appreciate it if you stopped looking at

women as sexual objects."

"There's nothing wrong with appreciating someone's beauty you old

bag of bone," Anko snorted.

"Bag of bones?! How dare you!"

And it went like this for some time until lunch was served. We sat down

in the rarely used dining table as the clones set up the table. I served

everyone some curry with rice, the food gaining a 64% bonus from my

cooking skills.

"Looks good," Misu said with a smile.

"Thanks for the mean!" Naruto yelled as he began scarfing down the


"Honestly ramen boy, can't you act with some decency?" Anko snorted

taking her own spoon, "honestly, animal."

"Naruto tends to get enthusiastic about food," I shrugged as I ate

some, "please, try some."

"Right," Anko scooped some curry and rice and swallowed it.

Immediately her eyes widened, "this is amazing!"

"You're a good cook Yami," Misu nodded as they began to scarf down

the curry and rice.

"Oh please, you flatter me," I smiled as they quickly finished their

plates, "you might want to slow down there guys."

"More please!" Anko cried out, ehr plate empty and her eyes shining.

I blinked, "ah, okay," I filled her plate up, and then Naruto's and then

Mitsu's. Guess they really liked it.

Twenty minutes later and we were all on the couch stuffed. Anko

groaned as she patted her belly, "how does it taste so good?"

"I told you, Yami's a great cook," Naruto groaned.

"Good isn't cutting it," Misu sighed, "that was amazing. It's like I have

twice as much energy as before."

I smiled, "you're welcome. By the way Anko, I also give great oil

massages," I winked.

She snorted, "still not interested short stuff."

I smiled, "one day when I'm all grown up and hot and your old and you

boobs start to sag, you'll regret not going out with me now."

Anko waved her hand, "yeah yeah, I'm sure."

"Right...anyway, shall we begin?" I stood up, game face on.

"Right," Misu looked serious as well as she turned to Anko, "where

shall we do this?"

"My workroom," I lead them inside. The clones had worked and cleared

it out, setting up a futon on the floor and scrolls and ink around.

I took out my tools and removed my armour, relieving the plain cotton

shirt I wore underneath. I rolled up my sleeves and pointed to the futon,

"please, take off your coat and lay on your stomach."

Anko nodded as she did just that, putting her hands under her chin to

look up straight. I turned to Naruto, "Naruto, this is sort of a private

thing for Anko, so if you could step out."

"It's fine," Anko said, "I don't mind. Just don't ask too many questions

ramen boy."

"Yeah yeah dango lady," Naruto huffed as he closed the door behind


I kneeled next to her neck and pulled the mesh down revealing her

curse mark. It was in the form of three tomoes, similar to the

sharingan's commas. I observed it;

Cursed Seal of Heaven, S rank

The user receives increased chakra levels and physical

capabilities when the seal is active.

SEALED: Evil Sealing Method

I snorted, "pathetic. The seal itself is impressive, but the way it's sealed

off from you. Honestly, it's like a bandage for a gaping wound."

"Can you do something about it?" Anko asked.

Misu hummed as she approached the seal and channeled chakra into

her fingertips. "This might sting a little," she wanted.

"Do it," Anko gritted her teeth.

Misu pressed her fingers on the seal and turned them clockwise,

causing the seal to suddenly explode into kanji that spread all over

Anko's body.

"Shit!" Anko hissed, "what did you do?"

"It's called a revealing touch," I explained, "it allows us to view just how

the seal was constructed and what different parts makes it up. You'll

need to remove your mesh Anko, we can't see some of them."

"You sure this isn't just a plot for you to look at my breast?" Anko


"Believe me Anko, I would rather see you magnificent breasts when

we're not trying to remove a curse seal. But hey, if you want you can

show me them again after we're done," I chuckled.

"Yeah, keep dreaming kid," Anko snorted as she slowly removed her

mesh. I made sure not to stare, I just saw a hint of her nipples before

she went back down. I looked back and saw Naruto looking away, his

face red.

Chapter 177

I sighed and got back to work. Misu and I scanned the seals on her

back, they were intricate and...well, complex. But I think I'm beginning

to understand how they work.

I hissed, "this is both the most amazing and disgusting seal I have ever

seen in my life. It's so complex and brilliant, but at the same time it's so

disgusting and perverse."

"Hm, I can't seem to decipher this part Yami, can you?" Misu asked.

"Hm," I looked at the kanji, "it says how the seal's going to store away

Orochimaru's chakra...no...wait, not chakra...oh shit!"

"What? What happened?" Anko asked.

I needed to get a look at this thing, a good look at it. I need...my

Sharingan eyes, they could see chakra networks, but I can't reveal

myself. Shit! No choice.

I looked up, "Misu, Naruto, I need you both to look away for a moment."

"What? Why?" Naruto asked.

"I'm about to try something...different," I told him, "please, just for a


"Hey there, don't go getting any ideas kid, I'm not afraid to cleave a

kid's dick off!" Anko yelled back.

"Oh hush you," I grumbled before turning to the two Uzumaki's,

"please, don't ask questions."

They both nodded and turned away. I looked at ANko and channeled

chakra into my eyes and once again my vision began to slow down, it

became clearer and more controlled. I looked with my red eyes and

saw the way Anko's chakra moved and interacted with the seal and

with what was inside the seal. A bit of Orochimaru's chakra, and his


I could see it, that disgusting purple aura, so much more condensed

than chakra. It generated its own chakra, it couldn't be anything else

but his soul.

I deactivated my eyes and sighed, "you can look again."

"What did you find?" Misu asked.

"It's a fucking horcrux," I spat, "you can put your mesh back on Anko.

I'm done."

"What's a horcrux?" Misu asked.

"It's an idea I toyed it, just on paper," I quickly said as Anko got up and

looked at me, "it's basically...it's a way for you to become immortal."

"I'm sorry what?" Anko blinked, "immortal?"

I nodded, "yeah. It's like this, you take a piece of your own soul and put

it into another container. That way if your main body dies, you have a

backup in another body and eventually, the soul will take over the host,

like a fungus."

Anko's hand went to her seal, "t-this is supposed to kill me and change

me into another Orochimaru?"

"Not if you don't use it, and since you don't nothing will happen to you.

You see the more you use it the more tired you become with his chakra

and the easier it will be for the host to take over. It's...it's fucking


Anko looked pale. Even Misu looked horrified, "I have never in all my

years ever heard of someone doing something like that."

I sighed, "welcome to the modern world grandma Uzumaki."

"Can you remove it?" Anko asked immediately, "you know what it is,

can you destroy it?"

"I can't destroy it," I sighed, "not without killing the host."

Anko groaned, "fuck!"

"But," I sighed rubbing my eyes, they were itchy, I really need to get

used to using my red eyes, "I can do something about it."


Quest Alert!

Heal Anko! Remove the Seal!






-50 REP to Anko

Do you accept?


"How?" Anko asked.

I selected yes and explained, "the purpose of the seal is to serve as a

container for a soul. Only the thing inside is like magma, you try to do

anything and you'll destroy the vessel, you try to remove it, it'll melt the

container along the way. But, if you use it like it's designed to be

used...then the vessel if left unharmed."

"Y-you want to turn me into Orochimaru?!" Anko cried out.

"No, not you," I told her. I grabbed a scroll and opened it up, "what I'm

saying is, we pour his soul into something else, something that can

contain it."

"Do you have something like that?" Misu asked.

"No...but I can make on," I groaned, "a pot maybe, something to pour

the magma into and the seal it away for good."

"C-can you actually do that?" Anko asked rubbing her neck.

I nodded, "I can try," I turned to Misu, "with your help."

The Uzumaki woman nodded, "I'll help where I can. Might as well show

Konoha how grateful I am by helping one of their own."

"Right," I smiled and looked at Anko, "I have a mission tomorrow, I

don't know how long I'll be gone, but I'll talk to the Hokage and try to fix

something up for you."

Anko smiled, "thank you!" she leaped hugging me tightly by shoving my

head between her breast, "you're the best!"

I grinned, 'Oh GOD YES! I love this! I should be nicer to people more


The Next Day:

After her examination Anko stayed for an hour, arguing with Naruto

about which was better, ramen or dango. Obviously the two morons

enjoyed making such a stupid argument. Anko may be hot, but boy is

she dumb.

Chapter 178

I arrived at the Hokage's office right on time and waited for him to finish

up with his previous meeting. The doors open and a man I was weary

off walked out. He had his right eye bandaged, his right arm tucked

away and walked with a cane. He had an 'X' shaped scar on his chin

and a deadly presence about him.

Danzo Shimura, The Root

Lv- 86

REP- 56

He looked at me, and I looked back. He bowed, an action I copied. He

then said nothing as he walked away, tapping his cane. I looked at his

back and activated my red eyes. I could see the uchiha implants on his

right arm and under his bandaged right eye. It was...pervers.

"Yami, please, go in," the Hokage's assistant called out. I deactivated

my eyes and walked inside, closing the door behind me.

"Yami, sorry about making you wait," Hiruzen sighed as he puffed his

pipe, "that was….a difficult meeting."

"That man was Danzo Shimura yes?" I asked.

The Hokage nodded, "yes, my old friend."

"He still had black hair, how old could he be?"

Sarutobi smiled, "I suspect he dyes it, would never admit it though."

I saw a chance to expose the man, I could claim that I could sense the

first Hokage's chakra inside of him, or maybe even the sharingan eyes

but...if Sarutobi hasn't done anything about Danzo by now, chances are

he never will.

I cleared my throat, "right...the mission sir?"

"First we appeal to the Fire Daimyo," the Hokage said as he got up

from his chair, causing five ANBU agents to come to his side

immediately, "we shall be leaving by two today," he motioned me over

as we left his office, the ANBU following us closely, "be ready for a

difficult journey, you'll be making few stops and traveling at chunin


I smirked, "I think I can handle it."

The Hokage returned that smile, "yes, of course. I'll be coming along

with elders Mitokado and Utatane separately, you and the ANBU team

will go on ahead and protect the Fire Daimyo and his court, escorting

them to an agreed upon location. Eagle," he motioned for an ANBU

member wearing an Eagle mask, "have Yami ready, he'll be serving as

a gaurd."

"Yes Lord Hokage," Eagle bowed as he stepped back.

"Yami, you are not allowed to reveal you identity under any

circumstances unless ordered too understood?" the Hokage stopped

by the door.

"Yes. But what if I'm forced to use the Flying Thunder God jutsu to

protect the client?" I asked.

"Exceptions can be made. And do not use your scorch release of swift

release if you can help it. I don't want the Daimyo to think you are our

only trump card," he ordered, "dismissed."


Quest Alert!

Protect the daimyo and his court!


+20,000 EXP


Demotion to chunin

Do you accept?


I accepted the mission and nodded. I then turned to the ANBU who to

motioned me to follow them. They lept out an open window and I

quickly followed them.

As we hopped along the village roof tops I stopped to realise just how

much slower they all were when compared to me. I found myself

having to slow down to let them lead. Maybe it was because they didn't

want to use their full strength right anyway, or maybe it was because

they were just slow.

We made it to a tall ten story building near the edge of the village. It

was a fortress, obviously the ANBU headquarters. They directed me

into a large vent on the roof and motioned me inside. I guess that

meant this was the actual entrance they used.

The vents were a maze, I had to cut to fit in and follow them through,

memorising the vent's pathway. They finally opened a gate and I

dropped down into what looked like a looker room with a wall filled with


"Here," Eagle, who I'm guessing was a guy, pointed at a locker, inside

of which was the standard ANBU uniform.

ANBU uniform, A rank

Uniform worn by Konoha's elite ninja squad.

+20% to stealth

Durability- 300/300

Damn, the bonus is nice, but the durability was shit. My jonin jacket

has the same stats. I sighed as I quickly took off my coat, vest and then

armour. The ANBU squad didn't bother looking away as I stripped to

my boxers.

I took out my daggers, pouches of poison, kunai and shuriken pouches

and sealing materials before sealing my armour into a storage scroll. I

then put on the ANBU uniform, it fitted my small frame perfectly, guess

they knew I was coming.

The flak jacket was grey and extended down to my groin. Instead of

half sleeve going from my wrist to my elbow, my entire arm was

covered. I strapped a tanto onto my back, an unfamiliar weapon, but

whatever, and put on my face mask on.

I then loaded my new uniform with all my neat little toys, not to mention

the sealing cloth I had wrapped around my arms and legs. When I was

done I turned to Eagle, "do I have to carry the damn blade? It's not my

style. I haven't even trained with one before."

Chapter 179

"You haven't ever trained with a tanto before?" a Puma mask wearing

ANBU scoffed, "how did you ever manage to become a Tokubetsu


I looked up at her name;

Garumo Holo, ANBU

Lv- 73

REP- 32

"That's simple Ms. Holo, by being clever," I smiled as I saw her twitch.

"H-how did you know my name?!" she cried out.

I shrugged, "I'm special. Next time read the damn mission briefing you

moron. I'm guessing you got one about me yes? And what I can do?"

"We were told you were a chakra sensor," Eagle stepped in, "not that

you knew the identities of ANBU agents."

I shrugged, "a chakra signature is like a face, you don't forget it if you

met them before," I turned to Puma, "and I don't forget."

"Hehe, got you there Puma," Spider snorted.

"Shut up!" Puma cried out.

"You don't have to wear the tanto, you may use any tools you are

comfortable with," Eagle supplied, "come, it's time for your mask."

He guided me to a framed wall of red velvet that had white ANBU mask

hanging off hooks. There were so many hanging off the hooks, Eagle

grabbed one with the features of a panda and tossed it to me.

I looked at the mask, it looked old and worn out, "really? A panda?"

"It's tradition," Eagle shrugged.

"Does that mean I'm ANBU now?" I asked as I put the mask on.

"Yes, for this mission alone," Eagle nodded as we all moved back into

the vents and out too the roof.

Eagle then began to use his hands to communicate, 'can you

understand me?'

'Yes. Please continue.'

Eagle nodded, 'Objective: Reach Hono within the day and enter

Daimyo's court. We will then escort them into the agreed upon location

where the Hokage will be waiting.'

'What's the location?' I asked.

'Red Moon castle,' Spider replied.

'Right, move,' Eagle nodded as we all took off.

We didn't even have to stop by the gate to log out, we just left, rushing

out of the gates at full speed. Well, full speed for them, a walk in the

park for me. Ever since I put VIT into 100 I found myself faster than

anyone else in the village. And if this squad is supposed to be known

for their speed and I'm still kicking their ass, well then that's saying


Around noon time Eagle called for a break. Which confused me, 'I

thought Hokage said no breaks?'

'Giving you time to catch your breath,' Eagle replied.

'I'm fine, let's continue,' I insisted.

'Don't be cocky kid,' Puma snorted, 'we don't want you half dead by the

time we reach Hono.'

I snorted, 'I could have been in Hono right now if I wanted too. Believe

me, I'm not considered the second Flash of Konoha for nothing. Let's


Monkey, the fourth member of our group, shrugged, 'he says he's fine,

let's continue.'

'Agreed,' said Snake, the last member of the group.

'Fine,' Eagle nodded and with that we were off.

By seven that day Hoho was in our sights, and Puma was exhausted, I

could tell. But her pride refused to let her stop. So we managed to

reach the city and began the long climb up it's sloppy roads, to the very

top where the Daimyo's castle rested.

We actually passed by Socio's castle, I could see the familiar gaurd

movements on the compound walls. I actually stopped for a moment to

try and look inside to see Moe, but Eagle urged me on, so I tore myself

away and moved on.

We soon approached the castle and it's giant compound walls. The

castle itself was huge, at least a hundred feet tall with a giant stone

compound wall. The walls were red with red and gold lanterns covering

the castle walls.

We were a block away when another squad of ANBU appeared before

us. These guys wore red and gold instead of black and grey. They

looked like an elite gaurd, even their masks were different. Bright red

with numbers instead of animals to differentiate them.

"Are you S squad?" Number 1 asked;

Ro, Leader of the Daimyo protection detail

Lv- 71

REP- 50

"Yes," Eagle stepped forward and presented a scroll to the man.

One took it and looked it over, he then looked over at me, "you brought

a Panda on this mission? Are you joking?"

"The Hokage himself assigned him to this squad, I assure you, this is

no joke," Eagle replied.

"Fine," One tossed the scroll back, "follow us. Keep up, Panda."

"Right," I decided to show off a little, using my max speed to leap

forward and out run the entire protection detail, reach the compound

walls in a burst of speed before they even got off the roof. I looked

behind me at the shocked royal guards, "coming or what?"

They ignored my bait as we all went into the castle. We followed One's

lead, as instead of crawling in the darkness and ceiling, we walked on

the ground like normal civilians, which confused me, but I'm guessing

it's because they don't like to spook these nobles too badly.

We walked into the heart of the castle, One slid open the door slightly,

walking into a room which was a grand hall. There were around fifty

nobles, all sitting around a grand table that could seat a hundred.

Chapter 180

And at the head was an old man in royal black clothes and the kanji for

fire on his robes. On his head was a black head pieces that covered

his hair and back. The man was old with beady eyes and a fan that he

used to constantly hide his laughter.

One came forward and bowed before the man, "my lord."

"Oh, One, what's the matter?" the daimyo asked looking down.

"The ANBU lord Hokage sent are here," One spoke as the rest of us

came inside, allowing them all to take a good look at us. Eagle and the

rest bowed, going down on one knee. Obviously I followed as well.

"Oh? This is the team Hiruzen sent? How pitiful," the Daimyo scoffed, "I

had at least hopped that he would send someone proper, like Kakashi

Hatake or even Ko Hyuga and his team. Moe dear, what was their

names again? That genin team that saved your life and captured those

awful Iwa ninjas?"

My head came up as I followed the Daimyo's line of sight. I found her,

Moe, she hadn't change in the short time since I saw her, still the same

blue hair put up in the nobel fashion. She wore a skin white kimono

with red highlights and a lot of makeup on. I almost didn't recognize


"Their names were Zumo Sarutobi, China something and Yami," her

tone softened at my name, "quite powerful genin, but obviously not

ANBU level."

"Hm, maybe, I heard that Yami boy became a jonin yes?" Daimyo


"Tokubetsu jonin lord Daimyo," Eagle spoke.

"Hmm? What was that?"

"Yami, the member of team Ko, he was promoted to a tokubetsu jonin,"

Eagle spoke as Puma turned to me and looked for a moment.

"Ah...is there a difference? Whatever, you ninja have your own odd

rankings," the Daimyo scoffed, "anyway, since you arrived I suppose

we might as well begin this awful journey. Where did Hiruzen wish to

met again?"

"Red Moon castle my lord," Eagle replied.

"That's a four hour journey," the Daimyo sighed, "you know what, it's

too late, we'll go tomorrow."

"B-but the Hokage expects us by tonight," Eagle stuttered.

"Hmph, how can I leave now? It's the middle of the night! You expect

me and my court to travel in such conditions?!" the daimyo scoffed.

"W-we must my lord, for your safety, as well as the fact that this is

meeting is meant to be of the utmost secret," Eagle said quietly.


"Oh come now my lord," lord Socio said with a smile, "I'm sure your

carriage is plenty comfortable enough. You can sleep away the journey

like it was nothing!"

"But what about the courtiers?" the daimyo asked in a worried tone.

"We'll be alright my lord!" and enthusiastic man cried out, "after all you

will only be taking five of us! I'm sure if they all agree it won't be a


"I am willing," one nodded.

"As am I," another smiled.

"So am I," a woman dressed in a tight purple kimono replied.

"And me," Socio smiled, "as well as my daughter," Moe bowed.

"And I," a tough looking man with battle scars growled.

The daimyo sniffed, "I couldn't ask for a better court! You're all so

selfless, to travel in such conditions! Truly you all deserve a round of


...was this a joke? Nope, it wasn't, they were actually clapping for

themselves. Damn...so this is a nobel's court.

In an hours time they were ready to move out. A caravan of over one

thousand armed soldiers escorted six carriages out of Hono. Each

carriage was bigger than a poor man's house, and each lavishly

decorated. The Daimyo rose in the center, surrounded by the most

guards, while the other nobles rode around him, surrounded by the


The royal gaurd and my team however were on patrol duty, sent to the

edges of the escort team to serve as a lookout. And since I was a

sensor, I took the lead, making sure to clear the path for everyone

behind me.

The mission, surprisingly enough, was over in a quick four hours.

Nothing had gone wrong, no bandits, no rogue ninja. We arrived at the

Blood Moon castle by midnight. And waiting for us already was the

castle's lord and servants. And the Hokage.

"Ah! Lord Hokage! How have you been?!" the daimyo said as he fought

back a yawn, sand still in his eye.

"Lord Daimyo," the Hokage bowed, "thank you for seeing me under

such conditions. I understand if this was inconvenient."

"Not to fear! With a court such as mine, the Land of Fire can face any

obstacles!" the man chuckled as the Hokage guided him and his

courtiers inside.

I followed Eagle's team as we entered the conference room at the

distance. We watched from the corners of the room as the Elders of the

Konoha council, the Hokage, the Daimyo and his court all sat down in

front of a large table.

"So Hiruzen, what' this about?" the daimyo said as he began to fan


"This is about Kiri and the civil war currently underway there," Sarutobi


The Daimyo blinked, "you wish to interfere? That isn't like you Hiruzen."

"Agreed lord Daimyo," the female elder, Utatane nodded, "I'm glad to

see my old team mate finally taking some initiative."

"What convinced you to change your mind lord Hokage?" the large

warrior like nobel asked.

"A particular ninja who showed me that one needs to fight if they wish

to bring about any semblance of peace in this world," he smiled as his

eyes came towards me for a moment before looking back at the


"Alright...what do you need Hiruzen?" the daimyo asked.

And slowly the Hokage explained the entire issue to the lord, going

slowly and explaining why it would be in Konoha's best interest to

interfer. And when he was done the daimyo sighed, "this sounds like so

much effort, why do we have to bother? If they want to kill themselves

they should just do it, fewer enemies for us to face." 

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