As the day passed, Adrian's magic worked and she created twenty more humanoid puppets. With the addition of these new puppets, Adrian's workforce now numbers 155 humanoid puppets, of which 125 he can use freely, as some have permanent roles such as fishermen, farmers, and bodyguards.
His wolf-puppets, three of them, were already sent to the back of the barbarian, and Adrian left to live to find the place and base of the Knife Hand Barbarian Organization. He did it quietly, without even thinking much about it, after three minutes of giving the barbarian man the go-on.
As Adrian was admiring his work, he heard the sound of Pan and the trading caravan approaching. They had returned from Black Copper Town, and Adrian could already see the glint of gold coins in Pan's hand.
"Welcome back, Pan. Did you have a successful trip?" Adrian asked as he approached.
"Yes, Master. We sold all of the food and managed to bring back fifty gold coins, and we spent ten gold coins for picking up many materials such as iron axes, pickaxes, swords, and tools, as well as wheat seeds," Pan replied, his voice ringing with satisfaction.
Adrian's eyes gleamed at the sight of the gold coins. With this new influx of money, he could continue to expand his land and create more puppets. "Excellent work, Pan. Let's get these coins to safety, and then we can discuss our next move."
Together, Adrian and Pan headed to the safety of Adrian's cabin to count the gold coins and plan their next steps. With the addition of more funds, Adrian could finally begin to plan his attack on the Knife Hand Barbarian Outpost.
Adrian took a look at the metal tools and materials that were purchased by Pan and nodded in approval. Everything seemed good and enough for their current needs. He then turned to his puppets and commanded them to start building a watch tower.
"All of you are free to build a watch tower," Adrian said, gesturing towards the open space in front of them. "Use the materials and tools we have bought and work together to build it efficiently."
The puppets, having been programmed to follow Adrian's orders without question, immediately set to work. They organized themselves into groups and began to construct the tower. Some of them dug holes for the foundation, while others cut and shaped the wooden beams. The more experienced ones helped the newer ones, teaching them the techniques and skills they needed to complete the task.
Adrian watched as his puppets worked tirelessly, their movements precise and efficient. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he saw how well they worked together, each one contributing to the project in their own way. He knew that with their help, they would be able to complete the watch tower quickly and effectively.
Adrian looked around at the perimeter of his land and nodded.
"I would like to build walls for more protection, but I am not sure how big they should be for the time being."
"I can make inverted walls that look like streets, and each wall blocks another street."
Adrian thought of different ideas as he looked at his land.