77.8% Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 337: Chapter 254: Report

章節 337: Chapter 254: Report

On the afternoon of Sunday, 19th August, a report of the events of last Wednesday was sent to the Mandated Punishers of the Church of the Lord of Storms and to the Machinery Hivemind of the Church of the God of Steam on behalf of the Church of the Evernight Goddes.

This is a report on the accumulated data from last Thursday's events, information provided by the Wild Beyonder Adryan Kenway, and further research by the aforementioned teams. All of this will be passed on to the aforementioned Churches to gather the information available and make future investigations easier.


At the beginning of June, a character made an appearance in a bar on Red Street in East Borough accompanied by someone else who, to date, remains unknown. He called himself James Holmes, and his first act was to kidnap the Black Skull's second-in-command.

James Holmes was a false name; the true identity under the mask was that of Adryan Kenway. One of the survivors of the Witches' Feast event. 

[For more information on the Witches Feast and the events that transcurred a separate file will be sent containing all the information that was gathered before his identity as James Holmes was revealed].

About 2 weeks later, a huge explosion rocked Mullock Viscera, with its point of origin being an abandoned fishing lodge. The team in charge of investigating the event was the Machinery Hivemind led by Ikanser Bernard; the rotting remains of at least 50 bodies were discovered in the wreckage of the establishment.

The next day, a message was delivered to all three churches. The forms of delivery were different, some violent—such as the destruction of a window in the Church of the Lord of Storm—and others more gentle—delivered directly to the workers who worked during the night in the Church of the Evernight Goddes.

The information revealed by Adryan Kenway is documented in File 1389-56B, which will also be attached to the above-mentioned File.

The 3 Churches united and destroyed all Black Skull bases and almost all members of the gang. The only one who managed to escape was the leader of the gang, Joseph...

This act would not be the only time he destroyed a gang, either directly or indirectly. 

Over the next 2 months since his first appearance, Adryan Kenway hunted down and destroyed the most dangerous gangs in East Borough. A pattern was noticed that all the gangs he destroyed were known for kidnapping people and selling them into slavery.

He destroyed each one by using Beyonder's powers, which he used in front of large numbers of people and quickly gained popularity.

It didn't take long for him to earn the name of <The Fire Mage of East Borough>, A figure that the people of Eats Borough would look up to on a pedestal. His name even resounded on the high steps of Empress Borough.

Because of the danger he presented in keeping the world of the beyonders in the dark. An operation was started to arrest him.

With each gang he destroyed, the operation grew larger and became more important. It reached the point where multiple church teams were stationed in East Borough to catch him.

No matter what efforts were made, the man could not be found.

Then, he sent another message. The account books of the recently destroyed Dead Rose.

From January of this year until the last days of July, there was a spike in the number of disappearances in East Borough.

An alarming number of those people ended up in the hands of a mystery shopper which we now know was the Rose School of Thought.

It was impossible to investigate the gangs on the list. All the gangs had already been destroyed, all by the same man.

By Adryan Kenway.

Because of all this, the situation in East Borough was elevated to Maximum Importance. Elite teams from the Churches were moved to strategic areas where the man had last been seen and to areas where gangs were circulating.

Despite all these new efforts, there was only one occasion when the man was almost caught.

The only time he was cornered was after his battle with Pírate Admiral Qilangos. Despite being surrounded by the Machinery Hivemind and Nighthawks teams—both led by Ikanser Bernard and Watson Ulib—Adryan Kenway managed to escape.

Shortly afterward, the bounty on Qilangos was claimed using only his head. It is certain that after escaping the scene, Adryan Kenway tracked down Qilangos and killed him.

The bounty was claimed on Sonia Island in the Sonia Sea. A messenger is almost certain to have been used.

For the next few weeks, Adryan Kenway's activity was nil. Any supposed trial was either false or someone wanted to get their hands on the recent bounty on his head.

Then, on the morning of Tuesday, August 14, 1349, on Sureste Street, a charm was used by Jhon Lennon, who we later identified as the leader of the fallen Dead Rose. The charm summoned a meat door, using him as material and killing him.

The door not only took out many of the people on the street but also managed to trap Adryan Kenway.

The method John Lennon used to track him down is completely unknown. Any tracking method or divination used to obtain information about the target proved to be ineffective or failed completely.

Subsequent research revealed that it was a high-level Apprentice Pathway Charm made from unknown materials. The divination on the charm has proven to be dangerous and has been postponed for the future.

Just 2 days later. At noon on Thursday, 16th August, a huge explosion struck deep in East Borough.

This was followed by a powerful earthquake estimated to have measured 8.6 on the Gsrcher scale. Poor building, poor maintenance, and age only added to the death toll.

Following the earthquake, night fell all over Backlund. The Angels who were ready to enter in case Rose School acted with the suspected ritual were unable to do so.

All those who had a contract with a spirit were also unable to summon them.

By the words of the high command of the Churches, the city had been separated from the rest of the World.

Following that, a huge tree rose up in the depths of East Borough. According to eyewitnesses, its texture was flesh-like, and it beat as if it were a huge heart...

With the tree's appearance and the earthquake still pounding the earth, a huge number of people in East Borough turned into Goul-like monsters. The teams that witnessed the transformation commented that most of those transformed were homeless and criminals, with a few workers.

These people turned into monsters, further increasing the number of casualties after the explosion and earthquake as they attacked every living thing that moved with priority given to humans.

Father Utravsky of Harvest Church on Rose Street in Cherwood Borough sent information about the monsters.

20 years ago, in Feynapotter, there was an event with similar creatures. People became these monsters after consuming Pink Dust, which had various hallucinogenic and pallent effects. This drug works as a seed that, after performing a specific ritual, will take control of the host and mutate it into a beast with an insatiable thirst for blood.

The qualities of the pink powder of 20 years ago and the pink powder of today are the same, and the perpetrators of the event are the same.

This massive attack had only one perpetrator. The Rose School of Thought, an evil organisation that believes in the Primordial Moon...


For half an hour, the forces of the Churches and the forces of the Rose School clashed in East Borough, with heavy losses on both sides.

The Rose School Elite forces clashed with the Churches Elite forces, which included the Archbishops of the Three Churches.

Everything was in a stalemate; neither force could overcome the other. 

While all this was going on, a huge storm was forming over all of Backlund. According to Ace Snake, that storm had the power to destroy the entire city if it released all the energy it was building up.

Just as the storm was about to reach the necessary energy, another weaker earthquake hit the battlefield.

The tree grew again, reaching heights that pierced the storm clouds. After a few seconds of that, a platform with a huge, mutated infant emerged from the earth. As soon as the infant emerged, an enormous amount of lightning struck, but a barrier blocked it.

A few seconds after the lightning struck, Adryan Kenway also emerged from the earth, accompanied by a pillar of golden fire.

As soon as he showed himself, the baby showed terror and summoned a thick cocoon of huge ivy. Sealing himself inside.

Seeing this, Adryan Kenway flew as high as he could without leaving the barrier, shouted orders to the Churches, and then provoked the Gods.

According to witnesses, at almost the same instant, multiple lightning bolts began to fall in his direction, trying to strike him, but they were stopped by the crimson barrier.

This would be the only witnessed moment where a person receives Divine Punishment and survives. 

Shortly thereafter, Adryan Kenway, through his powers over fire, created an Albino Dragon that the nearby Nighthawks heard he named 'Ignir.' Its measurements easily reached and slightly exceeded 10 meters in height.

The construct was so lifelike that the debate continues as to whether he actually summoned a living Dragon or was just a construct of his powers.

And that was not all, for no sooner had the dragon formed. An armor of golden fire covered the man, which, although it didn't seem to have many details, looked very much like ancient armor before the invention of firearms.

As soon as the dragon took shape and let out a huge roar, they both rushed towards the cocoon.

After dodging the ivies that rushed at them, the dragon struck the cocoon, taking advantage of the window created by Adryan Kenway, who used a cry similar to a baby's cry that paralyzed the ivies.

After that, the dragon hit the cocoon with a force that fell several streets up and began to make its way to the baby. The effect of the scream wore off, and the ivies attacked again, forcing Adryan Kenway to jump off the dragon Ignir's back to dodge as it continued to destroy the cocoon despite being pierced.

The ivy eventually killed the construct, but Ignir had managed to create a window into the baby. Adryan Kenway took advantage of this and launched an attack best described as a sphere compressed to its maximum limit and releasing a horrible high-pitched screeching sound. The attack sounded like thunder and went through the window.

The effects of the attack could not be seen because as soon as the sphere made contact with the interior, the tree and the storm covering Backlund disappeared in an instant.

It is quite possible that this was divine intervention. Whatever the baby was, it had been preventing the Gods from acting before, and when it was destroyed, they were able to deal with the problem.

With the tree gone, the monsters dropped dead soon after. It seems that the tree acted as a sort of controller, and without it, the severely mutated bodies of the people could finally rest.

Shortly after the monster fell, they turned to ash. The why is still unknown.

Seeing that they had been defeated, the forces of the Rose School of Thought tried to escape. The demigods used Charms similar to the one used to trap Adryan Kenway and managed to escape. Most of the forces on the ground from the Rose School managed to be captured or neutralized.

Ace Snake reported that as soon as his enemy escaped with the help of the Charm, he went in pursuit of Adryan Kenway, but the man was nowhere to be found.

As with the Tree, he had vanished into thin air.

Barely a day passed when, on Friday Evening, a message arrived at the doors of the three churches in the cathedrals. No one witnessed when it appeared.

It was a small metallic package. After using several divinations to find out who sent the package, all the results failed or gave the same result: infinite darkness.

It was a package from Adryan Kenway; those results were his signature.

After securing an area and sealing it using Artifact 1-56, the small metal container was opened. Contrary to expectations, there were only three things inside: an envelope signed with the initials F. Y. and two Tarot cards.

It is unknown what the initials F. Y stand for, but they don't seem to be of any importance other than to provoke. Upon opening the envelope, the letter had only a few words written in loanese and feysac.

The language in which the information was shared was maintained for security reasons. For the same reasons, it is strictly forbidden to write the following in any language with power, as the content of the letter was an Honorific Name of a Great Existence.

An Honorific Name of three lines that, according to the mysticism knowledge, points towards a God.

The letter read as follows:

[The Scarlet Monarch who burns Depravity;

The Calamity forgotten by Time;

The Stranger who comes from the Unknown."]

[7 in case you are a drunk fool and don't understand something so easy].

The packet contained the tarot cards numbers 0 and 7; The Fool and The Chariot.

Both cards were placed next to each other, at the same level and at the same distance, resting on a red handkerchief. The way the cards were placed means that they are both equal, at the same level, and of equal importance.

Because of the note left at the bottom of the card and the way the cards were placed, it is theorized that the mysterious entity, The Fool, has the same level as the entity called the Scarlet Monarch.

The implication of a three-line Honorific name is clear in the world of mysticism.

Only God can use a three-line name.

If the Honorific Name is anything to go by, it is very likely that the Scarlet Monarch is a God.

And if The Fool is on the same level as 'Him' and 'His' equal, so is 'He'

Another possibility could be that this is a codename in the organization behind him. The 7 in the letter could mean that Adryan Kenway is the Chariot, but this would mean that he wasn't acting alone, and there was another one being The Fool.

The more probable possibility is that it is both cases. The Cards represent the Gods behind this New Organization and can also represent the agents involved in the event. With Adryan Kenway being 'The Chariot' and this mysterious person being 'The Fool'...

More investigation is going on.

Churches were not the only ones to receive this information. Several newspapers and places of interest in Backlund also received it. It is noteworthy that it did not stay only in the Loen Kingdom, but there are reports of newspapers in Intis, Feysac, Feynapotter, and Lemburg that also received the information and were not slow to publish it. Along with several Beyonders gatherings, this information appeared suddenly on their boards.

Considering this movement, it is certain that the other Orthodox churches also received a package.

Combining all the information presented, all the investigations carried out during the persecution, and what happened last Thursday, there are 2 possibilities.

First, Adryan Kenway is not a Beyonder of Mid-Sequence as initially believed but is, at the very least, a Demigod of Sequence 4. We do not rule out that he is a Higher Sequence, but there is not enough evidence to support this possibility.

The abilities he displayed with his powers, the feats he accomplished with them, and the power of his attacks, the Anti-Divination ability that even Grade 1 artifacts are unable to find. It is quite possible that all this time, Adryan Kenway was always a Demigod but was hiding his strength.

The reason for this is explained with the second possibility.

It is theorized that Adryan Kenway was preparing the Churches for what was coming all this time. From the time he set foot in the Backlund ports until he killed Qilangos.

By forcing the Churches to chase him, to station themselves in specific areas and move them by suddenly appearing in other places, bringing in larger forces to chase him when the previous numbers proved insufficient...

If we remove the teams that were there to catch Adryan Kenway, the teams that were called in later, the Elite forces that were called in...

According to calculations, if those forces had not been there to contain the monsters and the Rose School force, the human losses would have easily exceeded 2,000,000, and we would have lost East Borough. Not only that, but the damage would not only have been in East Borough but would have spread to the rest of Backlund.

It is likely that as early as early June, when he first appeared, Adryan Kenway manipulated the Churches to prepare to control and contain what happened that day.

This prompted us to mobilize some of our spies located in the Feysac Empire to search for information about him.

The following information is what the spies have found so far;

Adryan Kenway was born on September 21, 1327. He is an orphan who was raised in an Orphanage of the Church of the God of Combat and lived his entire life there. He only recently left at the end of May for Balam, where he stayed for a few days, and then mysteriously appeared in Bansy Harbor, where he then went to Backlund at the beginning of June. 

A few days into his trip from Balam, he disappeared and reappeared in Bansy Harbor, where he then took a Backlund ship. Further investigations are ongoing.

He completed his basic schooling at the same Orphanage and received basic combat classes. There is no record of him receiving advanced education, and his academic grades were slightly above average, while his combat grades were excellent. 

His parents were named Gabriel Kenway and Rosa Kenway, their bodies are buried in the Fallen Warriors Cemetery, they are being investigated at the moment but all indications are that they suffered natural deaths.

So far, they have failed to find a birth certificate, but this could easily be due to the fact that the area where he was born and raised is not very wealthy. It is only a matter of time before it is obtained, but it is not a priority. His date of birth was discovered because it was in his data at the Orphanage.

Research has not been able to determine where he might have had contact with the Beyonder World, but it is very likely that it was during his short time in Balam.

All this information raises many questions;

1—Who is Adryan Kenway, and how does he know so much? It is assumed that he never interacted with the occult world, but this cannot be true. All the evidence shows otherwise and that he was exposed all his life.

2—Is any of the information obtained about him true? It is very likely that this is all false information. The investigations are slow because of the danger our spies face when trying to investigate in the Feysac territory.

3—What did the Rose School of Thought seek to achieve with this attack? The destruction of a Key City for the Kingdom could be seen as a risky but understandable move, but everything shows that there was more to it. The biggest proof is that infant. It is far more probable that it was some kind of ritual to the Primordial Moon, but we lack information.

4—Why is the Rose School of Thought so interested in Adryan Kenway? He was a virtual part of the ritual, which shows that the School knows a lot more about him than it lets on.

5— How did Adryan Kenway survive the ritual? According to the words of the demigod Ace Snake faced, he should have died.

6— What happened at the site of the ritual?

7— How did he manage to escape before the eyes of so many witnesses?

8—What is the organization behind Adryan Kenway?

9—What is the organization after?

10— How big is the organization, its resources, and its numbers?

11— What is the Mysterious Entity that calls itself the Scarlet Monarch looking for?

12— Is it a benign or evil entity? 

13—Is Adryan Kenway blessed by this Mysterious Entity? If he is a sample of what the Scarlet Monarch seeks, then it is likely that 'He' is a benign entity. Everything he did was to help improve the lives of the people in East Borough and even reduce the tragedy that struck the area, but this could also be a ploy.

14- What does the Tarot Fool and Chariot Card mean? The way they were delivered implies that the Fool and Chariot work together.

15- Is the Fool another Mysterious entity that helped to reduce and stop the tragedy?

16- What are the objectives of this Other Entity?

17- Are they both part of the same Organization? 

Conclusion and Recommendations;

The hunt for the demigods seen and involved in the above events will become a priority. The level of danger posed by the Rose School of Thought will also increase, underestimating this organisation caused a great tragedy that cannot be allowed to happen again.

The second highest priority will be to find out as much information as possible about Adryan Kenway, The Scarlet Monarch, and The Fool and the organization they are part of.

If possible, take Adryan Kenway alive. His strangeness and the mystery surrounding him may be a warning of the danger he carries; killing him may bring unknown consequences. We must not underestimate him.

The following is an order that will be given to all teams in all Churches.

As soon as you spot the target, try to stay hidden and contact one of the 3 Churches as quickly as possible. 

Do not go alone!

Unless one has a team with a minimum of two Sequence 4 Beyonders and several Grade 1 artifacts and with several reinforcements ready to assist, one is ordered to flee in sight.


Raising his hand, Anthony Stevenson let out a heavy sigh as he lowered the black fountain pen to the side of the sheet.

A shadowy shadow rested on the shoulders of the Archbishop of Terror, the air in the room heavy and stifling.

Checking the information and that everything was in order. Anthony passed this on and sent it through his messenger to the other Churches.

In this case, because of the great urgency, no one could afford the elegance of using telegrams unless, of course, they wanted to waste more time.

Letting out another heavy sigh, Anthony rose from his red pillowed seat and stared into nothingness for a moment. 

The darkness in the room grew for an instant, and the glow of the lamps disappeared into it. As quickly as it happened, the Archbishop disappeared from his place at his dark wooden table.

Reappearing in front of the place where the most dangerous artifact was kept. Anthony simply stared at the empty spot where 0-17 once stood with his lips pressed together.

She had activated out of nowhere as soon as the sky had turned blue and disappeared from the place.

Anthony let out another long, heavy sigh, something he had been doing constantly since Thursday. Hoping and praying that one of these days, 0-17 would be back in place.

A Grade 0 artifact had gone missing for the second time this century. Unlike the first time, this time, the artifact had no one to control it.

Covering his chest four times, he said a silent prayer and left the room where She was kept.

The higher ranks already knew that 0-17 was missing, but nothing had been done yet. This wasn't the first time Ella had done that. According to information from past uses, it was very possible that she was in a suspended state somewhere in Backlund, and they had to find her.

'What a load of crap...' Anthony let out a shaky sigh, barely able to contain his annoyance.

The higher ranks were hiding something; he knew it. This wasn't the first time it had happened; when 0-08 was stolen, he felt the same way. There was something else at stake.

A Grade 0 artifact doesn't just disappear!

Whatever was going on, hidden hands were pulling the strings.


Lemburg, somewhere in the suburbs...

Inside a simple room dimly lit by a lamp on the table. A blond-haired man, blind in one eye, held the day's newspaper in his hands, the texture still warm and fresh off the press.

In the back of his mind, a sinister laugh echoed, "Ah! What a reckless lunatic! Only a true madman would paint a target on his back in such a manner!" The Evil Spirit within him exclaimed with dark glee.

Ince froze for an instant, surprise written all over his face. The traitor of the Church did not take long to recover, and his brow furrowed in annoyance.

Ever since Panatiya's curse led him to those strange ruins and he was forced to trap this Spirit, the latter had barely spoken to him, and when it did, it was only to provoke him.

This was the first time since he had caught him that the Spirit had been so interested in anything.

"So, what's the matter with you now?"

"I didn't think there were such interesting things going on these days. I was already afraid it would be too easy! Hahahaha!" Completely ignoring the writer's question and earning a grunt from him, the spirit continued, 'Aren't you afraid of what will happen for doing that? Are you that arrogant? Or are you just stupid? Whatever it is, it's certainly interesting!' There was an enormous youth in the sinister voice. The Evil Spirit understood what this meant.

This was a battle cry! 

A 'Here I am! Come for me!' to the four winds!

An announcement to all the great existences of the world that he will go for the throne of the Divine!

He knew it from his death until now. The throne was still vacant, and no one had sat down since the fall of that pesky brat!

The Scarlet Monarch had shouted to all the great existences that They would take that throne! The throne of Sequence 0!

The Evil Spirit let out another sinister cackle. Two other voices echoed, but these were ignored. The sheer amusement he felt was too great to take into account the two annoying flies.

'Scarlet Monarch, eh? Fufu... I accept your challenge~'

Looking at the picture in the newspaper, the Evil Spirit let out a soft chuckle at seeing the man in the front.

The chuckle rapidly ascended to a pleased laugh, then to a mad cackle.


Fingers yellowed from smoking clenched the newspaper so tightly in her hands that her knuckles turned white. With a small hat in her brown hair and her blue eyes full of fear, the woman let out a pathetic wail as she covered her face with the newspaper and let out a barely suppressed scream.

Looking at her best friend, a somewhat short woman gulped and put a hand to her forehead. Normally, she would have berated her for acting so pathetically, but this time, she understood.

'We teamed up with a guy who not only has a fortune on his head but is part of an Organization that believes not only in One but Two Mysterious Entities!'

Letting out a growl, annoyed emerald eyes turned to look at the figure sitting at the other end, who had a complacent smile on his pale face and red eyes that glowed mischievously.

"I'm already regretting agreeing to follow you, Mr. Kenway."

"Oh come on, Miss~ There's no gain without risk. Besides, it's not like I tricked you. I told you the risks, remember?"

"You never mentioned that the Whole World would be looking for you! Much less that you were following Two Mysterious Entities!" Xio slammed the table angrily and pointed an accusatory finger at the man, who only let out a chuckle.

"I may have skipped a few facts... But don't worry! Everything is going according to plan~" Adryan commented as he took a sip from his cup and smiled happily as he savored the coffee. 'Oh, how I missed this~'

Xio looked at the man incredulously. "Part of your plan is to have everyone after your head?!"

Winking mischievously, Adryan nodded, "Yep!"

Whatever words were about to come out of her mouth died at such a simple answer. She dropped like a sack of potatoes in her chair and brought her hands to her face.

"I'm on a team with a madman..."

"Hehe~ Come on, Miss, don't be like that~ I promise it'll be fun~" Letting out a chuckle, Adryan stood up and walked with his cup in hand over to Xio, who just continued to stare at the floor.


Taking a long and exaggeratedly loud sip, the redhead laughed in amusement as the short woman's shoulders began to shake.

"Besides, it's not like you won't have the strength to defend yourself. The world is our enemy, remember? We have to be stronger if we want to survive," Adryan said, amused, as he placed a folded piece of paper next to Xio's coffee cup.

"Besides, it's not like your situation is any different. Miss Writer here is not only a ticking time bomb but Two Organizations that are hunting everyone in her Pathway. Not to mention you're both Wild Beyonders, so naturally, the Churches were after you." Rolling his shoulders, Adryan continued, "You could even say they are better off now. In group, there's a better chance of survival after all."

Adryan turned and returned to his place. But not before patting Fors on the head, who began to tremble.

"Ya ya kitty, you don't have to be afraid. You're under my protection now, remember? Fufufu~ " Laughing darkly at the end, Adryan gave a final pat to the head of a trembling Fors and returned to his seat.

"Was it necessary to do that? Couldn't you just give it to them?" Serena asked with a raised eyebrow in curiosity as she looked at one of the two duo sitting further away from them. Adryan just rolled his shoulders in an 'I don't know' and continued drinking his cup.

"It's the way he shows he cares about you." Opera answered for the captain as she shoved a cookie into her mouth. 

"He was even a little gentle with them. You should have seen what he did when Nathan and I first tried to join! He almost scared us to death!" Sasha added her piece to the pie while letting out a loud laugh.

"You'll get used to it," Charlotte added as he glanced discreetly towards the far table.

Serena just looked at the group in front of her as if they had grown multiple heads.

"You're a bully." Jerry said simply as she ate a biscuit, sitting right next to the redhead who patted her head with a smile.

"I love you too"


Shaking his head, Adryan turned to where Charlotte was looking and smiled, "So? You guys don't have anything to add to the complaint box?"

Lowering the newspaper in his hand, Maric shook his head as he tossed it onto the table.

"Our situation hasn't changed. We were always persecuted by the Churches and the Rose School of Thought. Joining you gives us a chance to survive."

Sharron, who was calmly sipping her cup of tea, just gave a nod to her companion's words with her eyes closed. Her gothic dress, as always, was ever-present.

Smiling sideways at the zombie's words, Adryan leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, feeling the potion inside him melt completely.

Opening his scarlet eyes that now glowed brighter, Adryan let out a deep chuckle.

'Ah~ Preacting is undoubtedly ridiculously broken. One underestimates the enormous advantage you have by just knowing the names of the following Sequence!' 

Opening and closing his fist and feeling the new power within him, Adryan only let out another chuckle.

He had long since discovered the Conspirator's Acting Rules. Rules he had always abided by and never abandoned.

Information is everything; the more information you have, the better. Information is a Conspirator's sword and shield, depending on how he uses it.

A Conspirator never throws himself into a situation where he knows nothing, he must always take his time to evaluate everything and act accordingly.

A Conspirator must always gather information from his enemies and use it against them. Even in the midst of combat, the smallest detail can change everything; adaptability is also a part of being one.

A Conspirator is strong not because of his strength but because of his mind. A Conspirator who acts without a plan is not a Conspirator.

Letting out a sigh, he took a biscuit and popped it into his mouth.

'I wonder how long it will take me to digest Reaper's potion? With how I've been acting, I wouldn't be surprised if it melts in my mouth!'

After a few minutes, Fors pulled her face away from the paper. A slight blush on her cheeks. A memory hit her just as she was about to touch her friend's shoulder, freezing her in place.

'Kitten~' The sultry, hot voice echoed in her mind, and the Writer in her was unable to stop herself from grabbing the fountain pen and creating a mental scenario.

~The soft but powerful hands held her wrists together above her head, Fors couldn't help but let out a moan at the touch. Her bare back rested on the soft sheets beneath her as a huge body was placed on top of her. The red-haired figure lowered his head and placed his mouth on her neck, giving it a soft but deep bite, marking her as his own- 'NO!'

'NO! Bad Fors! BAD!' The blush exploded and reached the tips of her ears. Fors looked down at her hands with troubled eyes, trembling in horror at the realization of the scenario she had fantasized about.

'I am... I am a bottom?'

Refusing to accept such a reality and trying to escape as fast as possible from the above scenario. Fors looked at her friend with a somewhat forced smile and a heavy blush on her cheeks.

"X-Xio, my good friend! What did Da- I mean Mr. Ke-Kenway give you!' at her slip of the tongue, Fors bit her lips hard, and her eyes couldn't help but move to the aforementioned man, who had his eyes closed and was leaning back in his chair.

'Lucky... he's asleep...'

Lowering her hands, Xio looked up slightly and grabbed the paper, unfolding it. She stared listlessly at it before her eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Jumping up from her chair in shock, Xio's mouth opened and closed." Th-this this!"

At such a reaction from her friend, Fors excitedly stood up and looked over her shoulder.

"What is it? What is it? Or don't tell me! More money! I bet... it... is..." Excitement and words were dying as her sight was reading each word.

Scratching her eyes to make sure she was seeing right. Fors started with the first sentence.

<Formula of Sequence 7: Interrogator> The Following of Sheriff

Main ingredients...

<Sequence Formula 7: Astrologer> The Following of Trickmaster

Main ingredients...

Both women gawked at this and slowly turned to look at a reclining Adryan,, who had one eye open and was sparkling with amusement.

'"What did I say? I'd take good care of you, right~?"




Final Volume 2: Fire Mage. . . .

True Title Volume 2: Murphy's Law.

章節 338: End of The Second Volume

And we're back here! Holy shit!

Jesus Christ, this volume took too loooooooooong to finish! More than 1 year!

The theft of my mobile phone set everything back a lot, and I learned my lesson that day. I have the foresight now, so if anything happens to this phone again, the account will be safe.

Thank you all so much for your patience. Waiting for new chapters after so long without them is the worst; all the readers know that, and I, as one of you, it hurts my soul that you had to wait so long.

I made others suffer what I suffered. The abused becomes the abuser, eh?

But that is in the past; I will do my best to make the next volume different.

But wow. Really!

Finally, we leave the Second Volume behind and, with it, Backlund.

I hope you enjoyed the story and that we can continue together to finish it. As I said, I don't plan to leave this without finishing it and if, and only if!

If some misfortune prevented me from completing it, I would at least make sure you get a short summary of what would have happened if it had continued. That way, this story would have an ending and not be incomplete.

But God willing, that won't happen, and I can finish this.

Sad feelings aside...

Did you enjoy this volume?

Honestly, I enjoyed it as much as I suffered writing it.

I suffered in the sense that I did a lot more research this time to give a richer story; I hope it showed! I suffered a lot, eh!

But I also enjoyed it a lot. The integration with the characters, the fights, a little bit of comedy but I'm not very good at writing that...

I hope you liked it all.

What did you like most about this volume?

For me, it's easy; Bully Adryan and his interactions with Flora had me throwing and kicking with my feet in the air like a teenager in love.

That aside, I was finally able to show one of the differences between Adryan and Klein.

That is, of course, his cruelty.

Adryan is cruel; there's no doubt about that. One might even say excessively so.

He tortures his enemies, knowing full well that he will get the information he seeks faster if he kills them. 

He may be a bit of a joke, but he is also cruel to his friends. If you don't believe it, just ask Fors, Xio, Klein, Audrey, Alger, Sasha, Charlotte...

 This cruelty was always present, even in the First Volume.

And it's not just in his life as Adryan Kenway but in the one before that. He beat a thief so horribly that he sent him to the hospital with multiple broken bones.

Also, we can't forget that how he uses his friends. They may also gain things in the process but there is no denying that the one who always gains the most is Adryan.

Of course, he still has his codes, but who's to say that they can't change in the future? Humans are beings of change, after all.

Well, those are spoilers, so what does it matter?

I was also able to give more information about the world Adryan is in. Small differences that gradually showed their true faces.

Adryan's strangeness, his broken soul, Hunters Hallow, the divine name of the one who brought him to that world, the Heralds, the Tower, the mysterious transmigrator, the new entries in Roselle's Diary...

Many things were revealed in plain sight, while others were more discreet. I'm surprised at some of them in fact, how could you not notice?

That aside, with Adryan's arrival, many things changed.

Klein's life was one of the most impacted. Not to mention Xio and Fors, not to mention Flora herself. 

Let's not forget Backlund... They really were impacted.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was Adryan's promotion.

The speed at which he digests the potions is ridiculous. Not even Klein came close to what he's doing.

Obviously I also hope that you had no problem reading the explanation and why that was the case. I have no problem re-explaining if you didn't get it right, just ask and I'll answer.

While we are on the subject of potions, I hope it has been noted that Adryan will not have Klein's fortune of getting the formulas. 

I want him to suffer with that. The formulas are not easy to obtain and I hope I have demonstrated that in this volume. 

I'm sure I did since Adryan had no choice but to consume the raw ingredients. Of course, it was an extreme situation and there was no other option, if it had been any other he would not have done it.

I also hope you like how I'm handling his powers. The power of fire can be overrated, and not much is done with it in terms of creativity, and that always bothered me a lot!!!

Pyrokinesis is by far my favorite power, and I hope that with Adryan, I have shown how powerful and fun it is.

We can't forget about the threads, hope you like how I wrote them and how he used them.


On the subject of Circle of Inevitability...

Honestly, my life has been busy, and I haven't had time to read it apart from the first volume and the odd spoiler.

So, I won't be taking into account what will happen in the book to add to this book.

If anything, one, but just because it looks better, I'll change it a bit. That is, of course, the Villain Pathway.

Going back to what I said before, that means all the rituals will be different. I'll use Reaper's original ritual. It was pretty close to what I had in mind originally, but it made me change a few things.

Of course, when the original rituals are revealed, I can already see the problems when new people read this book and see that it is different.

Since I first wrote this book in December 2022, I already knew what the high-sequence rituals would be.

I am going to publish the rituals in the chapter after this one, which will remain in the 2nd volume.

I will say this in large print so that you don't spoil yourselves.


I will post the rituals for Sequence 3- War Bishop, Sequence 2- Weather Warlock, and Sequence 1- Conqueror there.

I don't plan to change those 3 rituals. They are too important to the story, and changing them would force me to change too many things. It would ruin all my future plans, so they will stay as they are.

I repeat.


Whew! Whew!

Okay, you can't say I didn't warn you, Capiche?

Just to make sure, the chapter title will be DO NOT READ SPOILERS! If you still read it when you didn't want to... 


Ok, I guess that would be it?

I think so...

To say goodbye to this volume that lasted so long. Why don't we hear again the words of the Little Snake?

<You are surrounded by an aura of disasters, now it may not be very strong, but over time, you will leave catastrophes where you pass> Chapter 52

See yo-yo# €at$r



S-see &eo@&$@



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 The first 10 chapters of the <Volume 3: The Cat and the Mouse> will drop on 16/06/2024.

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