August 14, 9:30 a.m., East Borough. Sureste Street.
Sitting alone at a table, Adryan Kenway in his disguise lifted the cup of bitter coffee and took a small sip. His brow furrowed slightly at the bitterness.
'Yep, sweet always wins.' The man thought as he calmly set the cup down and sighed.
'Still better than Tea...' He thought with some disgust inwardly.
Cracking his neck and letting out a little moan of pleasure, he popped a spoonful of the scrambled egg into his mouth but again frowned slightly.
'And they went overboard with the salt... This sort of thing is why I cook my food.'
His sensitive tongue suffered a little from the excess salt and burnt egg, to cleanse a little of the food taste he took another sip of his coffee.
The bitterness of the black liquid washed away the salt from the scrambled egg.
Sighing again, Adryan finished his meal, and paying for the food he left Truqueda Cup with a calm step.
As usual, the streets were loaded with people at this time of the morning.
Oddly enough it was a sunny day, there weren't many clouds so it was a considerably warm morning.
Of course, it's not like the heat was a problem for him now.
It had already been 1 week since he killed Qilangos and a bounty had been placed on his head.
10,000 pounds was an amount that would make even the most disinterested pay a little more attention when someone passed by him.
With the drawing that came with the promised reward, it wouldn't be too hard to find. After all, even though the Adryan in the drawing was skinnier, the face was decently close to the real thing.
And even if that failed, his red hair and eyes were impossible to ignore. Standing out like a flame in the dark.
Plus the sheer activity of the churches in East Borough would make it impossible for him to hide easily.
The reward, the vigilance, and with so many eyes looking for him. There was no safe place in Backlund.
Finding Adryan Kenway should have been a matter of 1 or 3 days.
But Adryan was not 'Adryan' now.
An average face with tanned skin and bayam features, a scar running down from his black eyebrow to his brown eyes whose whites had a yellowish tinge. A simple brown jacket with a torn gray shirt, and ugly pants added to the drunken image.
A sideways smile showed a bit of crooked, yellowish teeth, far from the perfect whites of his true appearance.
If anyone saw him now no one would think he was the handsome and dangerous Adryan Kenway, just another drunk Jhon on the street among the tens of thousands like him.
Thinking about how the Churches were looking for him like crazy, Adryan couldn't help but let out a chuckle. His voice had also changed becoming coarser and more bitter.
'They sure are running around like headless dogs, I bet all my savings they think I'm hiding in Cherwood Borough~ Hiding in the dark shivering like I'm a scared little git!' the man thought mockingly as he shook his head internally.
'Sure, it would be crazy that the most wanted man in all of Backlund is hiding in the most controlled area of all and walking around in broad daylight! Who would be crazy enough to do that?' Adryan shouted sarcastically in his mind.
Shaking his head, the smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by a more disinterested expression.
'Flora should wake up soon... I didn't know she had a sleeping beauty complex. 7 days sleeping...' Adryan thought as the corners of his lips lifted slightly.
Being alone with no one to talk to was certainly extremely annoying.
And also because he missed bothering Miss Worm but that's beside the point.
Arriving at the corner of Southeast Street and seeing the classic newspaper boy, he pulled out of one of his pockets a pennie as he approached the young man.
A few feet away from the boy Adryan froze completely, every hair on his body stood on end. His blood froze in his veins and his pupils shrank to tiny dots.
Bump! Bump! Bump! Bump!
He felt and heard his heartbeat skyrocket, icy blood pumping in his veins.
All his senses were triggered to the absolute limit, the fight or flight reflex screamed like never before.
His head spun so fast to the other side of the sidewalk that it seemed like he was always looking there.
On the other side of the sidewalk and with a completely crazy look on his face, a dirty man with a crooked smile looked at him as if he had found his greatest wish.
This man extended towards him what seemed to be a Charm of a strange blood-red color!
In that instant, Adryan knew he had been discovered!
Without even thinking and in less than 2 seconds he put on the Burnt Band and Vecchio Pomodoro simultaneously, he gave a mighty leap backwards.
But it was already too late!
Seeing his target try to escape, Jhon Lennon shouted in Ancient Hermes "DOOR!"
The charm in the Werewolf's hand glowed with crimson radiance...
The red-haired man's mind turned to mush and his vision blurred as hatred and great sadness welled up inside him, dazing him in place and taking away precious seconds.
Something deep inside Adryan roared, an unknown instinct that begged and cried disconsolately.
<Run away! Flee! Run away! Run away!>
<Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!>
It all happened so fast that despite his reflexes the red-haired man could barely see it even though all his attention was on the man.
The arm of the man holding the Charm swelled grotesquely and turned a flesh-red color. The man's euphoric expression faded and was replaced by absolute terror before his face and body also swelled and turned the same blood color.
Not a second later, the swollen body exploded but instead of blood flying into the air all the blood and flesh came together and formed a door of flesh.
The charm, which at no time stopped glowing crimson, embedded itself in the middle of the flesh door and it glowed even brighter.
The flesh door opened revealing an unknown void inside and an enormous force began to push him towards it.
The people standing near the door began to be sucked in and disappeared into the void of the door!
Immediately seeing that, the people farther away screamed as they fled.
Not having that luxury due to the closeness and fighting against that force, Adryan planted his feet on the ground and tried to retreat but the force kept growing.
He tried to use a shadow jump but Burnt Band was not responding!
His eyes lowered in alarm to his left bicep and he watched in astonishment as what once looked like a burnt bandana now looked more like a living shadow writhing on his arm!
By reflex, he lowered his gaze to his right hand where Vecchio Pomodoro was and a horrible feeling was born in his stomach.
The theatrical masks, each one of them froze in an eternal scream and blood fell from its eyes.
His eyes immediately moved to Creeping Hunger on his left hand and he watched in disbelief as the glove returned to its human skin appearance and Chicho's seal manifested again and was releasing sparks!
It only took him less than a second to see all his artifacts fail but as soon as he noticed that he acted accordingly.
Extending his hand towards the flesh door, a huge torrent of orange fire exploded with power as he raised his foot, and another smaller, more controlled torrent of fire was expelled.
He planned to destroy the door as he fled!
But to his shock, the door completely swallowed the huge torrent of fire as if it was nothing!
Not only that but the suction became stronger and tried to pull him in even harder.
Growling, Adryan formed a spear and a rope of fire. Throwing the spear as far as he could he watched in a daze as it barely left his hand the spear spun in the air and was swallowed by the door.
Seeing this, he immediately cut the fire rope and before he could think of what to do to escape the door glowed even brighter!
The suction force was so strong that his feet left the ground and he flew towards the door.
Adryan tried to fight the force but it was useless and with the feeling of emptiness growing in his stomach, he found himself powerless.
His body didn't even make it through the door when all he could see was absolute darkness.
The instant Adryan Kenway was swallowed, the flesh door closed in satisfaction and stopped emitting that crimson glow.
With a wet plap! The door lost its shape and flesh and blood fell to the ground.
Southeast Street was never as empty as it was now.
Up Down Left Right Forward Backward
Right now for Adryan that didn't exist. Only absolute darkness.
He didn't even know if he was falling or rising, or moving forward or backward. All his senses were shut down.
He couldn't even feel his body, he couldn't even feel the passing of time.
He felt as if he had been here an eternity but also only an instant...
'I died again?'
He didn't know if he was talking or thinking, everything in him was muted.
'No... Although similar, this darkness is not the same as that limbo I was in before... What the fuck is going on?'
'That guy was familiar but where have I seen him... Ah... I think that was John Lennon, the liber of Dead Rose... I knew he was crazy but to make a kamikase just to send me to this place? What a piece of shit...'
If he could have he would have clapped his hands.
'At least I'll give him a little applause. It's been a long time since I was caught by surprise like this...'
Looking or at least he thought he was looking... all he could see was that familiar but so distinct darkness.
Despite being in this strange situation and feeling the snake of fear coiling in his stomach for what was to come... Strangely, Adryan felt no fear for this darkness.
And this confused him immensely.
He was more afraid of what would happen when he came out of the darkness than he was of staying here.
In the face of this doubt, realization struck him and he stared in wonder at the darkness.
In a hesitant and unsure voice, he tried to speak.
"...Hunters Hallow?"
The darkness that was familiar to him vibrated a little, he didn't see that or feel it but something inside him told him that the darkness had answered him...
At that, the redhead froze for several seconds...
Unable to help himself, Adryan let out a laugh at what was happening.
He was still alive!
And not only that but he had just talked to Hunters Hallow!
His theory was correct, the robe is alive and conscious to some extent!
And right now it was protecting him from whatever was going on outside. That's why he couldn't feel anything!
"Ah~ This is Unbelievable" Adryan shouted to the darkness who again responded in that strange way that told him it was listening to him.
"Well old friend, how bad do things look?"
A horrible feeling was born inside him that made him want to arch.
Taking a moment to collect himself, Adryan let out a hollow laugh.
"That bad huh?"
An affirmation this time.
Letting out a sigh and looking around, he asked another question.
"Why haven't you ever tried to talk to me? Don't tell me the Bastard told you not to?"
At the insult to its creator, the darkness didn't get angry but rather Adryan felt it answer him and made him want to raise an eyebrow.
Before he could ask another question, the darkness spoke to him...
You're coming out already, get ready to fight.
"Ou~ I assume you're not going to give me a hand? I'd would appreciate it a lot since my other toys let's say... are with some problems."
No, it's too early. Your body isn't ready, as soon as you come out I'll go back to sleep.
"Tch, that's annoying. There isn't anything you can do to fix my toys in here?"
Adryan clicked his tongue in annoyance but he was already expecting that answer, it couldn't be that easy...
No, they beat me to it.
"Huh? What do you mean-"
You're going out. See you later Master.
Before Adryan could do anything, all of his senses came rushing back stunning him so he couldn't cover his body for the impact.
Bam! Plap!
Falling on something fleshy and strong smelling of blood, Adryan opened his eyes and looked stunned as he stood on a mountain of flesh and blood.
'Are these the people that the door swallowed?!'
He could feel on his bare hands the warm blood...
Wait, feel?!
Looking down at his hands, Adryan watched in shock as Creeping Hunger and Vecchio Pomodoro had disappeared and judging by the skin that wasn't covered in blood he had returned to his original appearance!
Looking at his left bicep, Adryan grunted. The Burnt Band was gone too!
'Shit! Shit! Shit!'
His sharp ears caught something moving through the air and without thinking, an explosion passed under his foot propelling him to the side.
Where he had been before something fell hard sending flesh, blood, and rock flying.
As he flew backward, Adryan saw a tall, muscular creature rise and look at him with its glowing yellow eyes.
Recognizing the creature immediately, Adryan clicked his tongue in annoyance as he taped his palm twice quickly.
As his Eagle Sight flared up, he could see his surroundings better. He was in some sort of natural cave, the height of the cave was up to 40 meters. There were multiple openings where this cave was divided.
'Unknown terrain, an unknown number of enemies, no visible escape, and no artifact at hand... What a nuisance.' Adryan thought bitterly as he shouted towards his enemy at the same time as his feet touched the ground again.
"How many of you stray dogs are out there?!"
The Werewolf grinned and he immediately felt the ground vibrate.
His pupils shrank and he jumped extremely high as he used Sky Walk to get further away from the ground.
Not a second his feet left the ground again, the ground broke and a massive amount of rotting arms reached out trying to grab him.
'If there are zombies then!'
Twisting his body, a spear of ice grazed his cheek cutting him, blood did not fall because the wound had frozen.
Looking at where the spear had come from, Adryan could see a pale man smiling at him.
Without thinking, a spear of fire formed in both hands along with several fireballs and he threw them hard toward the Zombie and the Werewolf.
They moved aside, dodging the attack.
Adryan didn't bother with this but summoned several Fire Ravens that began to circle him protecting him in a bird cage.
Using Sky Walk he kept a good distance from the ground while dodging the spears of ice and debris that were thrown at him.
His eyes were darting from side to side. He could sense some familiarity with the Zombie and Werewolf and if they were who he believed them to be then the other couldn't be too far!
If he was possessed he was as good as dead, he had no way of hurting that man as long as he was in his spirit form.
And even with his Eagle Vision he couldn't see him and could only growl.
'This is bad, very bad. I have to find a way to escape from here and fast!'
Thinking fast, he commanded the 20 Fire Crows surrounding him to charge with power toward the lunatics who managed to dodge but backed away which was just what Adryan wanted.
He immediately floored in the air and shot in the opposite direction of the Beyonders towards the opening which he could feel had a rush of air and could smell the water in the distance.
Seeing that he was trying to escape the Lunatics accelerated after him.
The Werewolf had a static expression as it chased after its prey while the Zombie was grinning madly and was in the lead running at top speed overtaking its wolf companion by a wide margin and leaving him far behind.
His speed was such that he was quickly cutting the distance getting closer and closer, looking sideways at this, Adryan smiled.
Even in this extreme situation with no sealed artifacts, a Hunter was never unarmed!
Pulling a tripwire from his hidden pocket, he immediately formed several Fire Crows around him that rushed at the Zombie.
Without turning around he continued to run through the air.
Watching as the Ravens arrived, the Zombie just smiled arrogantly and continued straight ahead without trying to dodge, a layer of ice formed over his body like armor.
Taking the Ravens head-on, which did little more than slow him down for a few seconds, the Zombie grinned madly as the cave grew smaller and Adryan was forced to descend to the ground.
Looking over his shoulder, the red-haired man's face filled with horror at how close he was.
The Zombie's bloodlust grew at the sight and any guard he had was lowered as he accelerated without caution towards Adryan whose expression of horror grew as he saw the Zombie was just over 7 meters away from him!
But in that same instant, the red-haired man's horrified expression was replaced by a sharp grin and blazing eyes as he suddenly changed his direction and lunged at the Zombie!
"Idiot!" Adryan roared as his leg burst into flames and several Fire Crows formed around him.
The Zombie had bought his provocation!
The change was so abrupt that the Zombie barely had time to cross his arms to block a powerful flaming kick that sent him flying backward, towards a Werewolf who didn't wait for that move and was hit by the flying body of his partner sending them both backward and falling to the ground!
Before both could recover the Fire Crows came rushing towards them and circled around them multiple times.
In an instant, they were both tied together in a trip wire!
Adryan knew the cable wouldn't hold but he just needed to create an opening!
Throwing a punch to the ceiling above the Beyonders, a mighty torrent of fire shot out.
Boom! Rumble!
Seeing how the cave was coming down on them, the Zombie didn't think twice and formed a dome of ice over him and the Werewolf.
Not seeing his job and knowing that it would only buy him time, Adryan turned around and accelerated towards the end.
But he barely advanced a few meters when a huge winged figure stepped out of the shadows to the side of him!
Adryan quickly tried to create a wall of fire to make distance while crossing his arms in front of him but the figure was faster!
"%$#&!" A language full of filth, foulness, and corruption sounded less than five feet in front of Adryan whose body froze in the middle of crossing his arms.
Adryan tried to move but it was as if his body had turned to concrete!
The huge figure took not even a second and a huge fist slammed into Adryan's chest.
Crack! Booom!
The sound of bones breaking rang out along with the sound of a body smashing powerfully against the wall.
Everything was spinning, his mind was dazed and his vision blurred and bloody.
His eyes could barely focus and from what little he could see through the dust his arms were twisted and a bloody bone was sticking out of his chest.
'Ah... that's why I'm having trouble breathing...' Adryan thought in a daze, unable to move from his place buried in the wall.
'Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought of making a trap... Surely on the other paths are the rest of them.' Adryan coughed up blood as he let out a hollow laugh.
He had been careless and now he was going to pay the price.
In his blurred vision, he saw the huge figure shrink and take on a smaller, more human size without the wings and horns.
Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap...
With quiet steps, the figure walked until its feet were in front of Adryan.
With what little strength he had left, the red-haired man raised his head and saw the figure's face.
It took him a moment to focus his gaze because everything was spinning but when he did his eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
"Cough! Cough! Y-you?!"
Smiling calmly, the figure nodded with his black eyes shining with satisfaction.
"You have no idea how glad I am that you remember me Mr. Kenway. After all..."
Crouching down until he was face to face with the ensanguined Adryan the man's smile sharpened.
"I would be very disappointed that you forgot me after taking everything from me." The man said with false sadness as his hand touched the red-haired man's cheek.
Adryan looked at the man who by all rights should be dead but he was alive and kicking...
The leader of the fallen Black Skull, Devil Joseph!