70.7% Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 306: Chapter 223: Tingen's New history 1/3

章節 306: Chapter 223: Tingen's New history 1/3

Monday, August 13 of 1349, Tingen.

Blackthorn Security Company. Noon.

Klein had arrived a few minutes ago to switch shifts with Kenley White but according to the receptionist Rozanne the man had gone on a mission along with the Captain and Leonard Mitchell but that they should be back soon.

Sitting on the couch in the living room, he took a soft sip of the bitter coffee, controlling his expression so as not to frown, the Clown lowered the mug to the table and grabbed last week's newspaper, and began to read it.

He had read this newspaper so many times that he had already memorized the entire front page and could recite it from memory.

This was not a news item from Tingen but one from the Capital of the Loen Kingdom, Backlund.

'If I didn't know what Mr. Chariot's other appearance was, I would even dare to say that if he were still in my world he could be a superstar with just his face...'

He couldn't deny that the Tarot Club Bully was disgustingly handsome.

Looking at the face on the cover, Klein was still in utmost disbelief. 

'That Mr. Chariot was all this time James Holmes or rather Adryan Kenway... Hehe... a pirate killed another pirate...' Klein joked internally and couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his silly joke.

Shaking his head, the Clown's mind returned his attention to a detail that was confusing him...

'According to the newspaper, Mr. Chariot's mask was broken during the fight with Qilangos... Isn't Mr. Chariot high sequence? Then what is that thing I saw in the divination? Then what was it?' 

Klein refused to believe that Chariot was not high sequence, all the knowledge he had indicated that!

'Maybe he got overconfident and in a slip, Qilangos managed to hit him?' 

The sound of the door opening caught Klein's attention who turned and watched as Captain Dunn Smith, Leonard Mitchell accompanied by Kenley White entered returning from the mission.

The poet's romantic green eyes looked at the Clown on the couch with a smile.

"Good morning partner! Hope you weren't bored without-" 

His words died at the sight of what the man held in his hands. 

The man's thin eyebrows twitched for a second and his smile looked strained, but recovering, his smile returned to his classic poetic grin.

Quickly moving to the couch, he sat down next to Klein and draped his arm over his shoulder.

" Are you still reading this old news? I know the news about the famous Holmes is interesting but you've been rereading this for the last week."

At the closeness, Klein controlled his face from frowning a little uncomfortably at the sudden physical contact but it passed quickly. Looking bored at his friend beside him, Klein let out a sigh and shook his head.

"This sort of thing interests me. And without having much else to read this is the best option to pass the time." 

'It's not because I still can't believe that this is the first time I've seen the face of one of the Tarot Club members...' He added in his heart.

"So it's like this~?" Leonard said in a sweet tone squinting his eyes.

"Wouldn't it be because your tastes make you that you can't help but look at Adryan Kenway's face?" 

Being a modern person, what the poet was implying had a much harsher impact on Klein.

At the mere thought, Klein's face turned pale and his expression was one of highly comical and exaggerated horror.

'Me with Mr. Chariot?!!!!! I'd rather die!' Klein screamed in his mind in complete indignation. 

Besides he was straight!!!

No matter how handsome Chariot was, he could never compete with a woman's figure!

But recovering quickly he used his Clown ability to control his face.

All that had lasted only an instant.

"I don't understand what you mean Leonard." Feigning ignorance, Klein replied as he placed the newspaper on the table somewhat heavily as he grabbed his coffee cup, and took another sip of the bitter liquid.

The Poet's smile turned mischievous and he patted the Clown's shoulder.

"Come on I was just kidding~ To make it up to you let me tell you about today's mission!"

Watching the younger Nighthawks interact, Kenley turned to look at Dunn Smith with a knowing look.

Dunn only looked at the man for a few seconds before one corner of his mouth turned up.

"Captain, I'll be on my way out now. I set up a romantic rendezvous with my fiance and I don't want to be late."

Dunn nodded calmly at the request.

"No problem Kenley. Have a good time."

Kenley smiled and turned to leave but barely took 3 steps before he stopped.

"Captain. Would you allow me to give you a little advice?"

A little confused, Dunn replied.

"Of course."

"You should ask Madam Daly out soon. If you don't perhaps someone will beat you to it and take her from you."

A blush blossomed on the face of the Captain who looked a little dazed at the man.

"K-Kenley what are you talking about?" Dunn asked a little crossly.

Ignoring his Captain's question, he continued.

"Captain. We can all see how you look at her, plus every time she stays here for a while you have a silly grin on your face. On top of that it's obvious that Madam Daly feels the same way about you." 

The blush on Dunn's face grew until it reached his ears.

"It's not as easy as you think..."

"Captain. It's a leap of faith, believe me, I know. If you don't do it you may regret it all your life." Kenley hung up again before turning away and before leaving the room he said one last thing.

"Just remember to invite me to your wedding!" 


Staring at the closed door, Dunn Smith looked down at his feet in embarrassment.

Turning around he tried to enter his office but his gray eyes met brown and green eyes.

Klein Moretti and Leonard Mitchell looked with knowing smiles at Dunn Smith who blushed harder.

"I'll be in my office if you need anything."

Without another word, Dunn entered his office and closed the door tightly.

Klein and Leonard's smiles didn't disappear but turning to look at each other, neither could contain it any longer.

"Hahaha! Hahahaha!"

Dunn could only sink into his desk in shame.


After that embarrassing episode, Klein and Leonard were playing cards in the living room.

From the sour look on Leonard's face, it was clear that he was losing.

"You give up?" Klein asked with a serene smile as he looked down at his cards.

Leonard snorted and smiled.

"In your dreams."

Knock* Knock* Knock* Knock*

Before they could continue playing, a soft knock on the door sounded.

Letting out a sigh, Klein rose from his seat as he placed his cards face down.

"I'll go."

Leonard nodded somewhat disappointed that his game was over as he also placed his cards face down.

"All yours." The poet said as he stretched and his back thundered with a satisfying crack.

Walking to the door, Klein calmly grabbed the handle and opened the door.

His pupils constricted and if it weren't for his face control he would have screamed.

In front of him stood a young woman with blonde hair and big eyes, a big smile, dressed in a simple blue dress and a huge pregnant belly.

"Oh, Mr. Moretti, we meet again. Sorry for the inconvenience but could you let me pass?" Megose asked with a smile caressing her stomach lovingly.

Behind her, a pale Rozanne looked at him in sheer terror and trembling.


Meanwhile, on the other side of town, in the suburbs.

The Red Gloves were trying to investigate Stewart Street because one of the spirits of Daly Simone saw someone really similar to Megose moving around here.

The streets were empty and had a dark and gloomy air as if a monster could attack at any second. 

Crestet Cesimir who was carrying his usual briefcase in his hand and with his classic close-cropped golden-brown hair in the open air without any hat.

His blackish-green eyes looked seriously ahead, his grip on the briefcase handle tightened and his brow furrowed.

'Something is wrong...' The Demigod thought feeling uneasy. His eyes were looking around him for any irregularities.

The connection he had with the sword in his briefcase made his intuition sharper than a normal Demigod of his pathway and thanks to this he could sense that something was going to happen.

Squinting, the man turned to Daly Simone and ordered.

"Get back as soon as you can to Blackthorn. Something happened."

Shaded blue eyes widened slightly before a frown creased and Daly nodded determinedly.



Clap! Clap! Clap!

Before Daly could start on her way to Blackthorn, the sound of clapping sounded down the street and a dark blond-haired man blind in one eye emerged from an alley.

"You always were a very observant bastard Cecimir."

The pupils of those present widened. The briefcase in the demigod's hands opened and a white bone sword came out of it.

Gripping the cold handle of it, Cecimir glared at the man he once called friend.

"Do you have any idea what you have done?!"

Ince Zangwil smiled arrogantly at the demigod and shook his head. And before any of the Red Gloves could do anything, he pulled a Quill out of his pocket and held it in his hand.

"This is all the Church's fault, if they had let me advance this would never have happened."

"You lost your head old friend but don't worry, I'll make it quick." Cecimir said and the sword in his hand glowed holy.

The team around him prepared to attack but before anyone could do anything, the shadows in the street came to life and rushed towards them!

Cecimir looked away from Ince and made a slash with his sword and a wave of light came out cutting through the darkness and blocking the surprise attack.

Returning his gaze to where Ince was, Cecimir saw bitterly how no one was there anymore.

The shadows that were cut off moved like a river of darkness to the center of the street in front of the Red Gloves and came together. The darkness rose and quickly took human form.

A handsome man in his thirties, with a sharp nose and peach-shaped eyes. He wore a black robe with a necklace from which hung an inverted cross.

His name is Ludwing, Saint of The Fallen!

A Dark Knight of Sequence 4 and One of the 7 saints of the Aurora Order!

"You came to finish off the Mother of our Messia. For that, you must die." His voice was dark and heavy, it had a rasp in it.

Cecimir and his team stood on guard.

"Daly go as fast as you can to support the Nighthawks. I sense that Ince Zangwill's real target is there." 

Daly didn't think twice and followed her captain's order. She quickly turned around and summoned one of her spirits which was a black panther, she mounted it and quickly took off in the direction of the Nighthawks.

But before she could leave the street, another shadow moved and Daly barely had time to command the spirit to dodge by jumping backwards.

Emerging from the shadows in front of Daly, a tall man covered by a robe and a hood obscuring his face smiled at the woman.

"Heretics must not leave the place before they receive their just punishment."

Mr. A spoke up joining the battle.

章節 307: Chapter 224:Tingen's New History 2/3

The Red Glove had only a momentary surprise, only an instant before the Language of Death burst from her blue lips with an icy sigh.


Almost instantly and answering its Master's call, something arrived. The temperature in the area dropped several degrees and Mr. A only smiled as he jumped backwards.

In its previous place and appearing out of thin air, a large spirit that was over 2 meters long whipped its deformed mallets of hands destroying the ground.

This spirit was an extremely deformed monster, looking like an erroneous mixture between a gorilla and a bear. It had no skin, which allowed one to see its blackish, deformed, and disgustingly thin muscles. Its head was a black skull, with a malformed snout full of yellowish teeth that dripped foam. In the dark sockets where its one eye was, an illusory white flame burned.

Being the Spirit Guide of sequence 6. Daly Simone was able to enslave spirits using the Language of Death and forced contracts!

This spirit in brute strength was superior to her!

It was also the only one she had not personally 'tamed'... This is a spirit that was given to her by her partner of the same path and sequence, but much more experienced and less attractive, Albert Frankes.

The ever-silent and not very friendly man had only said one thing when he handed her the spirit.

'Don't hesitate to use it. You don't have many spirits so this one will come in handy.'

With a roar, the spirit placed itself in front of its Master protectively.

Looking at the robed figure in front of her, Daly Simone clicked her tongue in annoyance.

The message from a few days ago from Backlund Cathedral replayed in her head which caused her to mentally curse.

'So this is the famous Mr. A of Backlund... What a disgrace...'

Before she could think of her next move, Daly felt her throat burn and her nose fill with snot.

Cough* Cough* Achoo* Achoo*

Alarm bells went off in Daly Simone, a moment ago she was completely healthy how come now she was feeling a little sick?!

As soon as that thought passed, her pupils shrank.

'There's something in the air!' 

Her hand quickly went to her pocket trying to grab an object that would help her but just as her fingers touched that object, she coughed loudly stopping them for a few seconds.

In that same instant, the shadows beneath her spirit moved and trembled as if alive, tentacles of solid darkness wrapped around Chaperon's body, her panther, and hers!

Opening her mouth, she tried to use the Language of Death but coughed loudly again!

Her hand released the object which was a small vial that fell to the ground and rolled out of her reach.

With enormous speed, sliding down the street as if he were surfing in the air. Mr. A quickly arrived in front of Daly, his eyes blazing madly.

The man's hand reached out to the woman's face.

The woman's pupils shrank.

Within inches of that cold hand touching her, the Language of Death rang out and struck with a cold edge.

Groaning, Mr. A's body froze. His spirit body had been struck!

Before Mr. A could respond to the attack, his expression relaxed and his eyelids drooped and his head hung.

He had fallen asleep!

Daly felt something wrap around her waist, that something pulled her back tightly, the shadow tentacles snapped and she was released.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Multiple shots rang out and struck Mr. A. Most of them hit his head leaving holes that glowed with golden light.

Looking over her shoulder, Daly smiled gratefully and sighed in relief.

"Remind me to cough* cough* buy you dinner honey!"

Spirit Medium Albert Frankes completely ignored Daly Simone, his deep black eyes were completely focused on Mr. A who shook his head coming out of his sleep, the holes in his head were closing rapidly and the demon-hunting bullets fell to the ground.

Next to him was a lizard as big as a tiger whose long tail was wrapped around Daly's waist. 

Nightmare Lucia smiled at the only other woman in the group and nodded politely as she reloaded her revolver in one neat motion.

"We'll keep him busy. You focus on getting to Blackthorn." Albert spoke in a cold voice as he once again used the Language of Death and another spirit manifested at his side. This time it was that of a huge bone snake that went at once to attack Mr. A.

Daly nodded at that. Still in the air, she also used the language of the dead.

Her spirits that were still trapped in the shadow tentacles disappeared back into the spirit world.

It was much easier to return them to the spirit world than to try to rescue them. After all, she could reinvoke them with just a few words.

"He can cast cough*cough*illnesses from the air, be careful." Daly said with some difficulty as she was lowered to the ground by the lizard who as soon as it did also lunged with its snake companion at Mr. A.

Immediately, the woman pulled another vial from a pocket, identical to the previous one, and with a trembling hand, she uncapped the vial and drank its entire contents in one big, deep gulp.

A second later, the discomfort and uneasiness she felt disappeared and was replaced by a sense of calm and comfort.

At the information, Lucia nodded seriously while Albert just kept watching Mr. A who was looking at them with a somewhat annoyed look, the bone snake was not allowing him to approach them, and every time he managed to take a few steps the lizard stopped him.

"As soon as you get out of range Truquer will activate 1-45." Lucia shared in a small whisper.

Daly's eyes widened for a second before she nodded.

The sound of the street breaking up above told her that her captain was doing his best to deal with the unknown demigod.

Opening her lips, the Language of Death sounded and her panther reappeared at her side.

Without needing to say it, she jumped onto her panther and it quickly took off in the opposite direction. The panther took a big leap onto the roof of a house and accelerated.

Mr. A looked at this with annoyance and jumping backward, dodging the snake's bite and the lizard's tail, he extended his hand toward Daly.

But before he could do anything, his eyelids felt heavy, delaying his reaction. An opening the snake took advantage of and sank its sharp fangs into the man's neck and wrapped its bony body around him, choking the man with all its might, trying to break every bone in his body.

Mr. A despite having his neck pierced and feeling squeezed with such force that it would break his bones, only looked even more annoyed but there was a small grimace on his face.

His body was wrapped in shadows and he melted to the ground, reforming to the side. He grabbed the snake's head and whipped it at the lizard coming from behind him.

"Sheep without a shepherd, do you really think you can stop our Messia? Who has the blessing and protection of our Lord?" Mr. A reproached.

"A mere sheep won't change anything, our Messia will come into the world, bringing salvation."

Lucia and Albert looked at the lunatic with cold eyes. Without answering him, his lips opened again and the Language of Death rang out as poetry danced and reverberated in the air.


Glancing over her shoulder at Mr. A watchful for any surprise attack, Daly counted the meters she was covering.

'50, 60, 70... now!' 

Just past the 70 mark, she watched as Truquer pulled out a mirror and slammed it hard down the center.


The sound of glass shattering rang throughout the street and at the same time, all sounds of fighting disappeared.

Mr. A, Lucia, and Albert disappeared and Daly was sure it was the same with her captain and the demigod.

Looking ahead, Daly ordered her panther to speed up to get to Blackthorn Security Company the faster the better. 

As the air hit her face and her hair fluttered in the wind, the information from 1-45 flashed through her head.

'Sealed Artifact 1-45 or Reflection of the World.

An ancient crystal and silver mirror dating back to the beginning of the Fifth Epoch. 

Power: When broken, every Beyonder within a range of 70 meters will be transported inside the mirror, in a reflection of the area where it was broken. The only known way to escape is to break the mirror again from the inside. Once that happens the mirror will return to its state before it was broken and all Beyonders inside will be ejected into the real world. The mirror only catches Beyonders, any normal person in range will be ignored.

Additional Info: A Beyonder has to be the one to break the mirror, a normal person can't activate the mirror.

Negative effect: The longer you stay inside, the more your body will merge with the reflection to the point that you will be unable to escape and will be trapped in the reflection. A beyonder can survive 15 minutes inside the reflection, the higher the sequence the longer the time. 

Sequence 5 is capable of holding up to 1 hour inside, higher sequences have not been tested...'

Letting out a sigh, Daly held tightly to her panther's fur, at this speed she shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to get there.


The Spirit Guide couldn't help but feel worried and distressed, her chest tightening.

Another use of the Language of Death caused the panther to speed up even more.


Zouteland Street.

After 10 minutes in which her panther ran faster than ever, Daly could finally see the familiar building, and noting that it was intact, she couldn't help but let out a huge sigh of relief.

She had made it in ti-


Blackthorn Security Company shook hard as did the street, so much so that it even threw the panther off balance a bit. Daly watched as golden light streamed from the shattered windows where Tingen's Nighthawks should be.


With her heart in her throat, Daly quickly commanded her panther who leaped to the roof of the building next to Blackthorn.

Picking up speed, the panther accelerated with everything it had and with a mighty leap, smashed through the wall of the floor where the fight was happening.

At that same instant, she watched as Leonard Mitchell was sent flying through a wall and lay motionless under the rubble.

A dazed Dunn looked up from his spot as did a badly injured but visibly relieved Klein, she could see that the clown had a golden charm in his hand.

But Daly's attention was focused on the burned monstrosity in front of her. If that was Megose, then the woman was long dead.

Only a burned torso with a visibly swollen belly remained, incredibly she could see how on the remaining arm of what was once Megose, clutched tightly in one hand was what appeared to be a badly burned newspaper.

Before she could do or say anything, everyone present froze.

"Waaaa! Waaaa!"

The cry of a baby sounded in the ruins of the room, the spawn of the True Creator began its descent into the world.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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