69.79% Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 302: Chapter 219: Mission Canceled

章節 302: Chapter 219: Mission Canceled

A few hours later...

Emerging from the shadows in his hotel room, Adryan wiped the sweat from his brow, and taking off his shirt he tossed it aside and threw himself on his bed face up.

Staring at the ceiling, he let out another sigh as he removed the Burnt Band and placed it under his pillow.

He then stared at his left hand where a simple black glove lay.

'Sorry Klein but I'm going to be borrowing Creeping Hunger for a while but don't worry, I'll give you your girl back when I leave Backlund...' Adryan thought with a small smile before sighing and bringing his hand to his face.

"Tomorrow's paper is going to be crazy..." The redhead mumbled as he sighed again.

His identity as James Holmes had been discovered and it was certain that tomorrow's paper was going to reveal it all.

By the morning of Wednesday, August 8, all of Backlund would know who James Holmes was.

Sighing, again, Adryan returned his attention to the glove.

'Creeping Hunger has a Faceless in its warehouse so I no longer have to worry about hiding my face for the time being... But my 'home' is no longer safe... I have to move again?' Adryan clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stood up.

He took several jumps bringing down from the ceiling strips all the things he had placed before which were the books Isengard had given him along with some ritual materials.

In front of all this, he placed the container with Qilangos characteristics along with Tauk Millenium and the goatskin parchment with the formulas. 

The only artifacts he did not place were Creeping Hunger, which he still had on his left hand and Vecchio Pomodoro which was in his pocket.

'The glove has a Solar Priest so there's no need to wear the necklace for now, and Vecchio Pomodoro's paper figurine ability is too valuable to put away... especially now.' Adryan thought as he finished preparing the ritual to store all this in the City of Calamities.

That done, he began to prepare the ritual for sacrificing himself today's earnings.


Opening his eyes back into his body and verifying that he did not forget anything. Adryan sighed as he sat down in the only chair in his room and began to tap the table with his finger.

Despite the cold temperatures today, he felt quite warm.

Closing his eyes and feeling his spirituality, Adryan could feel it warming his entire body from the inside.

Opening and closing his fist, he felt the change that came with fully digesting the potion.

'Not only did my reserves of spirituality become greater than before but my body became stronger and my strength, reflexes, and senses increased...'

A small ball of fire formed in front of him, this ball quickly turned into a small bird that flew around Adryan.

'And my control over fire increased... Now I feel like I can finally control fire that I didn't create.' 

He could feel it through the gas lamps in the rooms next to him, if he wanted to with a thought he could make them explode.

'But I can only control fire in a radius of 10 meters... When I advance that should increase.' Adryan thought as the little firebird disappeared.

Sighing again, he looked at his forearms.

Several cuts covered them but most striking was the huge black bruise on both arms from Qilangos' blow.

Closing his fist, Adryan remembered the feeling of punching the red zone and couldn't help but grin.

'Turns out not only reveals the weak point but it also reveals the window to attack and land a crit hit... Not even the scales of a Wind-Blessed could handle the hit, I wonder if a Zombie skin would be the same?' The redhead thought before sighing.

Lowering his arms, he crossed his legs and rested his elbow on this one and his cheek rested on his right palm.

'Flora is resting now. The last time I stole an ability she was asleep for 3 days but it was a sequence 7... I don't know how long she'll sleep this time, maybe 5 or 6 days?' 

He was already missing the nagging voice of his devil on the shoulder.

Remembering the battle of a few hours ago, Adryan placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart beating slowly.

The image of that woman with the blue-covered notebook was fresh in his mind.

'What was that artifact? In the fight, I was sent to sleep in extremely dangerous situations but Hunters Hallow didn't act, maybe because there was no real threat or did that book point to something that Hunters Hallow protects and caused it to react?'

Hunters Hallow's activation had been a tremendous shock and he couldn't understand why it happened.

Shaking his head, the redhead could only leave it in the back of his mind. Without more information about it, it was just a waste of time trying to find the reason for it.

Slapping his cheek, Adryan felt the mental fatigue of the day was taking its toll on him.

'I'll sleep for a while before I leave this building. I have to find another place to live... On top of that, I still have Will's mission next week... Fuck.' Adryan grunted as he stood up and threw himself on his bed.

Closing his eyes, he was finally able to rest and almost immediately fell asleep.


On the night of that same day. In the room of a certain snake...

On a child's bed and covered with a blue sheet, Will was fast asleep looking like an innocent child.

But his brow was furrowed and he was sweating profusely. His skin was pale and now and then he was letting out moans of pain.

He began to twitch showing clear signs of discomfort. It looked like he was having a nightmare.

Every so often his movements became more violent, to the point where it looked like he was convulsing in his bed.

Opening his black eyes with a start, Will sat up suddenly and breathed extremely shakily. His entire body was covered in sweat and he was extremely pale.

Bringing a trembling hand to his face, Will shivered and tried to remember his dream.

"What was that?!" He muttered, trembling with terror.

He had seen Backlund at night, the city was being bathed by the crimson moon. 

But suddenly everything started to shake and he had seen the whole of East Borough shatter and something come out of the ground but before he saw what it was, his dream was abruptly cut short.

But before he woke up he had heard as if some glass shattered slightly.

'This is the first time I have had such a vivid dream revelation since the Third Epoch...' Will Auceptin thought swallowing his spit.

His last vivid dream revelation had brought horrible results for the world at that moment...

His black eyes shifted and he looked to the east, towards the East Borough.

'Something really bad is going to happen...'

Before he could think any further, he felt someone write something on one of his Origami papers.

He immediately knew who it was and frowning, he closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes inside the dark room, in front of him appeared a platinum blond man with a young face and heterochromatic eyes, one blue and the other brown.

"I apologize for the hour at which I am writing Mr. Will but I have something important to inform you of." 

Will's brow furrowed further.

"What happened Roy?"

Roy King nodded to the boy and spoke.

"The portal to the Tower that was to open in Backlund at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 14 just changed location to Lenburg on August 30 at 9:00 p.m."

"And I'm not the only one, all the people who had a portal to open in Backlund in the next few days have been moved to another location."

'This has never happened before...' Will thought feeling like his spirituality was going crazy.

"..." Will fell silent for a long 15 seconds before nodding.

"Inform all members located in Backlund to leave the capital as quickly as possible and that no one else is to come here. No one is to stay or enter." 

Roy King's eyes widened at this order but recovering himself he nodded.

"At your orders."

The dream was broken but Will remained in the black space.

After a few seconds, in front of him appeared a red-headed man who had a grim look on his face.

"This time it better be a good reason brat." Adryan growled as he was summoned but his expression turned serious as he looked into the boy's vacant eyes.

"The mission for Tuesday, August 14th has been canceled."

Taken by surprise, Adryan looked dumbfounded at the boy in front of him who from the first time he met him had an expression that didn't match his age.

"This is kind of sudden Will. Is there something I should know?"

Will was about to say something but immediately shut his mouth, his spirituality screaming at him to shut up.

Adryan immediately noticed this and narrowed his eyes at the boy.


The snake then smiled at the man and shook his head.

"Aside from letting you know that the mission was canceled, I wanted to tell you that I will be moving in with my current family to Lenburg." 

"When you finish your business here I recommend you visit."

Adryan narrowed his eyes at the snake before giving a bounce and nod.

"I'll keep that in mind, now could you return me to my bed? I'm tired."

Will just nodded and the red-haired figure disappeared from his sight.

Being alone, the boy's smile faded and only an emotionless face remained.

"Looks like you're at the center of what's going on... If you survive I'll be waiting for you in Lenburg, Adryan Kenway." Will spoke in an icy tone to the air before vanishing from the black space.

Rising from his bed, Will walked teary-eyed towards his parents' room.

章節 303: Chapter 220: True Behind His Mask

Opening his eyes and seeing that he was in his room, Adryan settled better on the uncomfortable bed and let out a grunt.

'Will was acting weird, something's wrong with him... He looked... scared.' The redhead thought heavily. The atmosphere in his room suddenly felt heavy.

If there was anything that could scare a Sequence 1 Angel, he'd rather not know it!

'Could it be that the Fanatic got too close and he's frightened?' As soon as that idea came it left. Shaking his head, Adryan held his chin and narrowed his eyes.

'If it had been the Fanatic, Will would have reset and started as a baby in a different family, not moved to Lenburg with his current family...' His pupils shrank and the redhead let out a shaky sigh as he lowered his hand and stared into the void.

Remembering the abrupt change in his demeanor, the man's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

'Besides he specifically said that last thing, as if he was trying to tell me something without explicitly saying it...'

Frowning, Adryan looked out his window at the crimson moon.

'The last thing he said was that when I finish my business here I should go visit him in Lenburg...'

Tap* Tap* Tap* Tap* 

Tapping the table beside him calmly, his mind was silent for a moment repeating the snake's words.

"Did he mean that when I advance to Sequence 6 I have to go to Lenburg... Or that something could happen in Backlund and I should be careful?" The man mumbled looking up at the dark crimson night sky.

"... As soon as the Hermits of Fate meeting is over I will get everyone out of here..." 

Adryan thought about the coin that was stored in the City of Calamities.

He shifted uncomfortably in the seat and after a while, he summoned a fireball and relit the ritual candles.

His spirituality was telling him that he should take out his Admission Ticket.


Looking at the silver coin that was slightly larger than a penny, Adryan's frown deepened.

As soon as he had pulled it out of the City of Calamities, the coin glowed for a few seconds before returning to normal.

So it was with some distrust that he was analyzing it for oddities.

On the front was the symbol of the Hemits of Fate and on the back was the complicated code that dictated where and when the next meeting would be.

Adryan's red eyes looked at every detail of this coin, he couldn't decipher the message encrypted on it but he could realize something after looking at the coin for over half an hour.

"Some symbols are a little different..." He muttered with a frown.

While he couldn't remember things through dreams like the more mysterious Paths, a Pyromaniac's memory for recalling details was not to be underestimated! 

Thanks to that he could remember how the coin was slightly different from the last time he saw it.

Was that good or something wrong? He couldn't tell as the only one who could figure it out right now was unconscious and he had no idea when she was going to wake up.

'I just hope the meeting hasn't been moved forward...'

Shaking his head, Adryan placed the coin on the altar and put it back in the Wardrobe.

Cracking his neck, the redhead grabbed a fresh change of clothes along with soap, shampoo, and a clean towel, he put on the Burnt Band and hopped into the shower...

Once he was clean he would be leaving this building but not before thanking the owners for letting him stay so 'nicely'. 

'The safe was in the office right?' thought the red-haired man remembering a conversation he eavesdropped on as he undressed and stepped into the horrible shower.


Wednesday, August 8, Earl Hall Villa. 8:00 a.m., Breakfast Time.

"You seem to be in a great mood today Audrey." Caitlyn Hall commented graciously looking at her only daughter with a sweet smile.

Blushing slightly, Audrey tried to lessen her smile and gave a soft curtsy to her mother.

"Sorry about that Mother, it's just that I received some good news and I can't help but feel very happy." 

Earl Hall raised a curious eyebrow at his daughter's words.

"Oh? And what might that be, dear?" 

The older sons were out of the city for business and wouldn't be back until the end of August.

Audrey smiled graciously at her father and shook her head softly.

"Ladies secret~" 


At her daughter's words, Caitlyn Hall couldn't help but laugh softly while Earl Hall only sighed.


Seeing her father's reaction, Audrey couldn't help but join her mother in laughter.

The reason for her joy was because yesterday Mr. Fool had contacted her to tell her that the first Tarot Club mission had been a success!

Qilangos had fallen at the hands of Mr. Chariot yesterday and she couldn't help but feel proud for helping to take down such a foul person!

'But I can't help but also feel a little bad... I would have liked to have done a little more.' Audrey thought slightly disappointed but that was quickly overshadowed by her pride.

'When I get stronger I'll be able to have a bigger part in these missions! Maybe for the next one, Mr. Chariot won't have to carry everything by himself!' Audrey thought determined to digest her spectator potion as quickly as possible to advance to Telepathist.

'I will use the Viscount Dutch party to act and digest more of my potion. Then I'll take advantage of the Orphanage opening two days later to act some more.' Audrey already had a plan and was waiting for August 12 to arrive.

She had taken Mr. Chariot's words to heart and only acted when she was at a party or tea room. She never acted as a Spectator when she was with her family.

'Don't lose yourself in acting...' 

She kept repeating that to herself whenever she had the urge to act to calm herself down.

Lifting and taking a soft sip of her chamomile tea, Audrey's emerald eyes strayed to her father.

'Dad's been stressed since yesterday morning...' 

The head of the family had been called away in the middle of breakfast and had to attend an emergency meeting.

Before she could continue to think about what could be the matter with her father, the man's butler came through the door carrying a neatly folded newspaper in his hands.

"My lord." The man extended the paper to Earl Hall who took it with a sigh.

"It's happened already eh?" The father murmured as he opened the paper to the surprised eyes of his wife and daughter.


"Father, is something wrong?" 

The man never read the newspaper at breakfast so this was a surprise to them. More so for Audrey as this was totally out of character for her father.

Earl Hall read the title of the paper and let out a long, heavy sigh.

He handed the paper to his butler who took it to his wife who took it hesitantly.

Reading the title, the woman's mouth dropped open in shock and her eyes were like marbles.

Turning to her husband, Caitlyn Hall had a stunned look on her face.

"This was the meeting you had to attend in such a hurry?" she said as she handed the paper back to the butler who took it to Audrey who was about to explode with curiosity.

'What's in today's paper? Is it something bad? Something good? A new species discovered?' 

All sorts of thoughts were going through Audrey's mind as she took the paper from the butler without forgetting her etiquette as a noblewoman and read the title.

"Huh?!" Her mouth dropped hanging and her emerald eyes widened wide.


Yesterday, Tuesday, August 7th at 8:30 a.m. a historic event took place. 

The infamous Admiral Hurricane Qilangos had infiltrated Backlund with unknown motives and had been on a murderous spree.

But that was until the Fire Mage of East Borough confronted him on Sunflower Street in a brutal fight that ended up destroying the entire street and severely damaging the buildings.

In this brutal confrontation, James Holmes emerged victorious and took the life of Qilangos!

The Fire Mage defeated an Admiral!

And that's not all! During the brutal combat, the man's distinctive mask was destroyed revealing his face to the world!

The true identity of James Holmes is that of 21-year-old Adryan Kenway!

The man who disappeared about a month ago and was presumed dead was actually James Holmes all along!

The Loen Kingdom has raised a reward of over 10,000 pounds for any information on the whereabouts of this hero!


Beneath that long title, was a highly detailed drawing of a handsome young man. With red hair and crimson eyes.

Audrey's jaw hung as she read this. Not because of what the newspaper said but because of what it meant!

'Mr. Chariot was the one who finished off Qilangos... And if James- Adryan Kenway was the one who confronted Qilangos...'

Looking at the drawing on the paper, Audrey couldn't help but shiver.

Mr. Chariot was James Holmes!

Adryan Kenway was James Holmes!

Mr. Chariot was Adryan Kenway!!!!

Looking for the first time at the face of one of the Tarot Club members. Audrey put her hand to her forehead extremely stunned.

This was not the way she thought she would meet the face of one of her fellow club members!

"Was confirmed that Qilangos is dead?" Caitlyn asked with a whisper to her husband who nodded somewhat pale.

"Someone claimed his bounty on Sonya Island during the early hours of the morning..." Earl replied uncomfortably.

According to the Kingdom's intelligence, the bounty had been claimed using only the pirate's head.

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