Guyssss I'm back!!!
Dear godddd!!!
Sorry for not publishing any chapter these past months but I have a really good reason.
I was robbed a few months back and lost my cell phone, along with other things.
The problem was that my webnovel account was only saved here.(Don't worry I wasn't hurt badly, just a few bruises and a black eye)
But thank god I managed to recovered the account.
Dont worry I wrote the remaning chapters in one of my uni books so all volume 2 is completed I just need to write it here but give some time is really a lot.
I will publish the last 40ish chapters that this volume has left this coming Monday 22. So stay tuned!
Again, I'm sorry for not publishing anything, but Live was not fair.
The masked man didn't even bother to watch the hunter's last moments, as soon as he threw his fire dagger he had already summoned several Fire Ravens. There were still 3 more enemies left and he had to finish them off fast.
His sharp scarlet eyes focused on the man closest to the only way out of the room. The bald-haired Bryan, who despite having a revolver in hand was completely frozen in terror and with a dark stain slowly growing on his crotch.
Adryan didn't miss the opportunity to stir the soup a bit and with a smile, he spoke provocatively and condescendingly.
"What happened buddy? Didn't your mommy tell you it's wrong to pee yourself in front of others? And your cut! Wow! Tell me the name of the barbershop to avoid it!"
As he said that, with a thought the Fire Ravens quickly flew towards the other remaining guards who froze where they were as soon as they realized who was attacking them.
"BASTARD!" Bryan's blood immediately ran hot and all his fear evaporated with that. If there was any idea of escape in his mind it died the instant he let his anger take over. And raising his revolver, Bryan pulled the trigger several times.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Adryan smiled calmly under his mask and zigzagged, dodging the bullets that hit the wall behind him.
With a sudden acceleration, he arrived in front of Bryan, and flexing his left forearm the Hidden Blade reappeared and plunged it into the man's chest right in the heart. At the same time, the Fire Ravens impacted hard on the chests of their targets sending them flying into the wall, their chests caved in and burned.
"Damn it..." Bryan said barely above a whisper, his strength quickly leaving him, his hand no longer able to hold the revolver and it fell to the ground. No matter how hard he struggled against it, his eyes closed never to be opened again.
Adryan withdrew the Hidden Blade, which was dripping warm blood. With nothing to hold him, Bryan's body fell to the ground with a thud.
The red-haired man, again not even bothering to look at the bodies of the people he had just killed, walked over to the cage where the people were locked up and were now cheering him on with huge smiles and tears falling from their eyes.
"Mr. Holmes!"
"I knew you would come to save us!"
Smiling under his mask, he placed a hand on his chest and gave a small bow. He looked at all the people in the cage, but his eyes focused more on Jerry who was looking at him with huge eyes and her mouth slightly open in shock.
"Forgive me for taking so long to come save you." Adryan said softly. All the people in the cage began to cry harder.
"It's okay Mr. Holmes! Because you're already here, everything will be okay!" The woman he now knew he saved earlier said between sobs as she tried to wipe her tears away, but they wouldn't stop.
Adryan smiled softly under his mask and nodded.
"I'm sorry to ask this to all of you, but you'll have to wait a little longer. I'll go out for a moment to get the key to the cage, but don't worry, I'll be back soon."
Thanks to his previous scouting, he knew that the only key to open the cage was held by the "boss" of this building, the man named Tomas.
Of course, Adryan could easily break the lock if he wanted to, but he wouldn't do it.
'There were two hunters here. I'd be a complete idiot if I thought the cage didn't have some kind of trap.' Adryan thought coldly as he finally looked at the dead bodies of the hunters.
'I checked with my soldier, but found no trap, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. It might be inside the walls and under the floor and will activate if someone tries to force the lock... It's not likely but not impossible either. After all, it seemed they didn't want anything serious to happen to their beloved cargo.'
But he still would not try his luck.
The people inside the cage, still sobbing, nodded.
"Don't worry Mr. Holmes. We will wait for you. We trust you will come back for us." Again the same woman as before spoke, looking at Adryan with shining eyes full of admiration and respect.
The rest nodded at the words of the woman who had unconsciously become the leader of the group.
Adryan said nothing, internally he was very surprised by the enormous confidence that these people had in him.
And noticing how the red-haired man was, a certain woman took the opportunity to tease him.
"After all you do for the people of East Borough, you didn't think about how you would be seen by them? Have you forgotten what these same people call you? You're their hero Princess Tomato, like Spiderman from Emperor Roselle's comics" Flora spoke amused at Adryan's situation while the redhead felt his eyebrow twitch at the mention of the arachnid superhero.
'Damn it, Roselle...' Adryan only allowed himself to think that of the famous Emperor. That was all he would give the, as he called, Shameless Copycat for now.
Thanks to the memories of the previous Adryan he knows that Emperor Roselle's hero comics are still very popular all over Feysac...
Adryan shook his childhood memories and looked at the group in front of him.
"I'll be back soon."
Before turning his back to the group the red-haired man returned his attention to Jerry and nodded gently, done that he turned around and walked into the shadows disappearing into them.
A normal person if they had seen that wouldn't think much of it, but for someone like Jerry, who was a Half-Spectator and could read between the lines, it provoked only one reaction...
'I'm here now. You're safe.'
Tears fell from her gray eyes again and Jerry could only sob like the little girl she was.
"Get ready Flora" Adryan said coldly as he stepped out of the shadows into the hallway, the warmth and softness in his voice were gone being replaced by a glacier.
He was now a predator ready to finish off his prey.
"Copy that." Flora said seriously.
Adryan said nothing and began to move quickly down the corridors in the direction of the nearest group of guards.
There were still 16 guards left and they were moving in pairs all over the place. Moving in pairs was for safety since one would protect the other and if one was attacked the other could shout and alert the rest...
But this worked the other way around as...
Leaping into the air and landing on a duo of guards, Adryan plunged the Hidden Blade into the head of one and with his other hand snapped the other's neck.
'They just made my job of hunting them easier' Adryan thought coldly as he stood up and accelerated to the next duo he heard.
So went each guard falling. Whether by the Hidden Blade or by his hands, no guard even realized what happened until they were already dead.
Adryan was now standing in front of a door on the top floor of the building. His left hand was dripping with the blood of the guards he killed and behind this door were the last 2.
After listening to the inside of the room for a few seconds, the red-haired man nodded and braced himself.
He could hear how someone was writing something at the same time he heard how someone else was standing against the wall taping his fingers.
'Judging by the sound of it, the seated man is Tomas and the standing one is the last guard... This will be quick.'
With that thought Adryan made a Shadow Jump into the room, more specifically behind the chair where Tomas was sitting.
As soon as he stepped out of the shadow the red-haired man didn't waste a single second and materialized two fire knives, one in each hand...
As Adryan said, it was fast.
He first plunged the fire knife in his left hand deep into Tomas' head and before the other guard reacted he threw the remaining knife at his head.
Watching as the guard's body fell to the hard floor, Adryan returned his attention to Tomas' body. He still hadn't pulled the fire knife out of his skull.
Tomas' eyes had rolled back and his mouth hung open drooling.
Adryan huffed and twisted his wrist and with a loud CRACK Tomas' neck snapped as well. Only after that did Adryan undo the knife and Tomas' body slumped in his chair.
Adryan looked with cold eyes at this.
"It doesn't matter if you are a Beyonder or not. If I attack you by surprise the only thing you can do is die without knowing what happened."
With the guards gone and the building clean, Adryan let out a sigh and looked around the room for a few moments before his eyes focused on the book Tomas was writing.
The redhead grabbed it and read the first word that was written.
His eyebrow twitched and his grip on the book grew harder.
*Merchandise Update. Friday, August 3, 1349*.
We only managed to capture 20 people. 10 less than last week...
"This is an Inventory, but not a normal one...It's a Human Inventory!"