64.07% Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 277: Chapter 195: A Little Different

章節 277: Chapter 195: A Little Different

Stepping out of the shadows with a calm, relaxed step, the masked Adryan found himself back in his room. A large bag was hanging on his shoulder.


Placing the bag on the floor, the redhead took out everything he needed to sacrifice it to the Monarch.


With the door of flames closing, Adryan reopened his eyes back in his body and stood up straight. He then made a military salute.

"Praise the Monarch!"

'I really have to think about a new prayer posture...' Adryan thought, feeling that the posture had no flavor or grace that a prayer posture should have.

He actually only used it because it was what the Fire Soldiers do every time they see him...

Destroying the wall of spirituality, Adryan removed his mask and modified windbreaker, placing them on the back of his chair, his black jacket resting on the table, leaving him only wearing a tight white shirt.

Grasping a strand of red hair and looking at it with a raised eyebrow, Adryan again sighed and tied his hair into a low bun, leaving two strands free that gave him a rebellious look.

Looking at himself in the only mirror in the room and giving himself internal praise, he sat in his chair.

Leaning his arm against the table and grasping one of the strands he let loose on purpose, Adryan played with it for a moment.

Looking in the mirror and seeing how long his hair had gotten, he stared at the red streak in his hand.

'When I had curly hair I couldn't try many hairstyles because it always ended up like a bush but now with this hair I can. And honestly?'

Tilting his head slightly and smiling at his reflection. Adryan nodded satisfied.

'I look fantastic!'

Having seen what the man had done and having an idea of ​​what was going through his head. Flora couldn't help but roll her eyes and comment sarcastically.

"Princess, I didn't know it was make-up time. Would you like me to give you some makeup or hairstyle tips? I believe pink would look fantastic on your lips!"

Adryan's smile grew a little more and he put a hand to his chest and acted like he felt flattered but he exaggerated every move.

"Do you really think so, Flora?! Honestly, I was thinking more of fuchsia but pink isn't bad either~"

This reaction took Flora out but Adryan wasn't finished yet.

"Turns out you have an eye for beauty but considering how old you are it makes sense. After all, you'd need a lot of makeup to hide all those wrinkles and that dry sack you call a face."

Having been hit where it hurt the most. Flora couldn't help but let out an annoyed growl.

Letting out a light sigh, Flora snorted.

"I have no wrinkles and I am not old! Also for your information, I am considered one of the most beautiful women the Jacob family has ever seen!" She exclaimed full of pride. The looks of envy she received from the other female members are still fresh in her memory.

"And what does it matter? Did you forget that you are only a worm now?" Adryan shot lightning-fast with a raised eyebrow.

Flora growl again and Adryan couldn't help but have the mental image of a very angry white cat.

"You bastard..." Flora said unable to counter the attack but she could only feel disappointed with herself.

Seeing that Flora stopped responding Adryan also stopped.

With the state she was in, it was impossible to even dream of getting her body back. Now she could only settle for not having to parasitize a rat and losing her mind.

'Well, at least I ended up with a really good view.' She thought looking at Adryan's tight white shirt, more specifically his chest. The shirt left nothing to the imagination and let her see almost everything.

Although that was her favorite detail, there were still other things she liked about Adryan. For example, his beautiful red hair that she wished she could play and touch with her fingers or those beautiful scarlet eyes that seem to be made of rubies or that personality of his that made her crazy and occasionally made her dreams unholy...

As Flora reviewed her list, Adryan continued to stare at the strand of red between his fingers.

'My hair is quite long already... Maybe it's time for a haircut.'

Thanks to the digestion of his potion, his hair growth had accelerated and now it reached his shoulders.

Honestly, it didn't bother him at all if his hair was long or short, it was the same to him. But an extra opinion wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, Flora? Do you think I need a haircut?"

The question took Flora by surprise and she came out of her mental dreamland and she looked at Adryan horrified.

"No!" Flora exclaimed in shock. As if what the man had said had been pure blasphemy.

"Woah, Ok! Damm! I didn't think you'd be so against it." Adryan said surprised at the woman's outburst.

"Don't ever think about cutting your hair again, Adryan!" Flora exclaimed extremely upset. The mere thought of Adryan's red hair being cut short made her sick.

She loved his long hair!

'At least I know that you like not only my chest but also my hair.' Adryan thought with a small smile on his face as he got up from his chair.

Approaching the mirror and standing in front of it, Adryan took off his shirt leaving his bare torso.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing Pervert?!" Flora exclaimed ashamed at what she was seeing but making no attempt to look away.

"Just checking." Adryan responded calmly.

Lowering his eyes to his waist, Adryan noticed how it shrunk again. His legs along with his thighs had also grown thicker.

His scarlet eyes moved up from his V, past his ripped abs to his prominent chest.

One of the things that stood out the most apart from their size was the claw scar that went across them.

Two necklaces hung from his neck, one was Tauk Millennium and the other was his mother's necklace.

His gaze went up to his face, it had become a little more delicate but it still retained its masculinity. It could be said that he had become more handsome and had gained a touch of beauty.

His scarlet eyes stared back at him. There wasn't much of a change in that, just that they had gotten brighter.

Looking down at his chest again, Adryan could only sigh in defeat.

'They got bigger...'

'When I fully digest the potion I fully believe someone would think there's milk in there because of the size...' Adryan thought with a small blush on his cheeks.

The plump pink nipples just make it worse...

Adryan was now seriously considering whether he should jump to a non-adjacent pathway or not.

'Monster sounds nice. I have contact with Will so the formula shouldn't be too hard to obtain...' Adryan considered it for 20 seconds before sighing and shaking his head.

'At least the potion is about to be digested and these changes should stop.'

He only needed one big act and Pyromaniac would be completely digested.

Trying to see the positive side of it, he didn't have to worry about these changes affecting negatively his mini-self. It was the complete opposite.

His crotch had grown tighter.

Flora could confirm it but she would never admit it and it wasn't like Adryan would ask her about it.

Shaking his head and still with his torso naked. Adryan fell onto his bed and closed his eyes.

To console himself and before going to sleep he would go to the City of Calamities to count the money he had obtained.


Wednesday Morning, Hillston Borough, House of Isengard Stanton.

The sun had already risen and its rays were hitting the dark detective's building making it warmer.

Inside it and wearing his classic white shirt with a black vest, Isengard brought the pipe to his lips and inhaled in an intoxicated manner before exhaling slowly and looking at the women before him.

Now they were in the living room, he didn't use his office for cases only for personal matters.

"The fee for 30 minutes of consultation is one pound. If I were you, I would definitely not waste a second."

The two ladies sitting on the sofa in front of him were Xio Derecha and Fors Wall. Xio's informant had managed to get information about Qilangos in record time thanks to a good payment and they had come to ask the detective to consolidate the habits and actions of their target.

Of course, they had removed the name of Qilangos and changed the description regarding supernatural events.

Xio placed the folder containing all the information they obtained and slipped it to the detective who calmly took it.

"Mr. Detective, we hope you can find habits in the target's actions using the material we gave you." Xio said with a deep voice and her back straight with an air of authority.

Isengard opened the folder and took out all the material in it.

Putting down his pipe, Isengard took his time reading each page seriously taking in every detail...

After dealing with the ladies and having his assistant escort them out, Isengard was left alone in his rocking chair with his pipe in hand.

Taking a deep breath and savoring the tobacco for a few seconds, the detective exhaled deeply, releasing the smoke.

Lowering his pipe, Isengard took out a bronze paperback book from his vest pocket. In the middle of the book was a vertical eye.

Looking at his unlit fireplace, Isengard had a deep thoughtful look as he rubbed the item.

"Qilangos has infiltrated Backlund?"

The ladies had done a poor job of concealing the target of their investigations and a 'Detective' like Isengard easily discovered the true target.

'Why would an Admiral come out of the sea where he is strongest to come here to Backlund and risk getting caught? What could attract the attention of such man? Is there something he wants to obtain?'

Frowning, the detective couldn't help but remember his student.

And remembering that he was now in East Borough 'hiding', Isengard heaved a heavy sigh.

"I hope you don't do anything crazy Adryan..."

But knowing his student. Something crazy was exactly what he would do.

章節 278: Chapter 196: Normal Team Training

Pum! Crack!


Falling on his rear, Charlotte put a hand to his face to care for his broken nose.

Looking up at his opponent, the man growled and yelled in fury.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"It's not my fault you don't know how to fight" Hazel huffed with a smirk looking down at the Mystery Prier.

"And what do you think these practices are for?!" Charlotte screamed in outrage, blood dripping from his nose.

Hazel rolled her shoulders as she moved to grab a first aid bag and a couple of water bottles and brought them over to Charlotte.

"It's better to get your nose broken here in a controlled environment than in actual combat." She said calmly as she placed the bag on the ground and took out a cotton ball.

She tried to treat Charlotte but the young man rudely took the cotton from the Marauder's hands.

"I will do it!" The man grunted, then groaned in pain as the cotton touched his bloody nose.

"Do whatever you want" Hazel rolled her shoulders again before grabbing the water bottles she brought.

Opening one and taking a sip, Hazel handed the other bottle to Charlotte who grumpily took it.

Leaving the cotton on his nose and opening the bottle, the man took a super sip. As if he had just come out of the hot desert after several days without water.

Cough! Cough!

But the man drank so fast that he choked on the water.


Hand to his throat, Charlotte turned and glared daggers at the grinning Hazel.

"What are you laughing at?!"

"Nothing." Hazel said calmly but her smile remained.

Charlotte opened his mouth to say something but the loud bang of something stopped him.

Hazel simply turned her head to the source of the sound and paid attention.

"They're back at it."

Also looking where Hazel was looking, Charlotte saw what had her captivated.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Compared to their little showdown, the fight between their partner and the boss looked more brutal.

Adryan and Sasha were sparring. Sasha was giving it her all while Adryan was more defensive but did not give room for the giant to advance.

"Come on Sasha! Is this really all you can do?" The redhead said with a smile as he blocked a low kick with his foot and put distance between the two of them again.

Sasha's expression distorted a bit but she immediately recovered and rushed towards her boss.

Adryan's smile only grew at that.

"Oh~ If you want to hug me so much you just have to ask! There's no need to chase me~" The redhead provoked and Sasha's expression became distorted again and she momentarily lost focus.

And Adryan took advantage of this and rushed towards her and in an instant he was already in front of her.

He launched a strong kick at the woman's face who barely managed to block it with her forearm.

"Urghhh" Sasha groaned as she felt the force of the kick and her arm trembled.

But she didn't get a chance to breathe because Adryan quickly withdrew his leg and plunged his left fist into Sasha's unprotected stomach she saw white for an instant.

This change of pace from offense to defense left her completely out of place and at the mercy of the redhead.

Pam! Pam!

In the instant that she was stunned, Adryan took advantage and landed two powerful jabs on her face before jumping up and wrapping his legs around Sasha's neck and squeezing trying to suffocate the giant at the same time he landed more punches to her face.

Instinctively, Sasha placed her hands on the redhead's thighs to try to separate them to breathe but Adryan didn't give her a chance.

Still, with his legs around the woman's neck, the redhead twisted his core and slammed the woman to the ground like a sack of sand.

Sasha's world spun and she swore she saw stars.


Her body hit the ground hard and Sasha grunted. She tried to get up but Adryan quickly and expertly wrapped his legs around her neck again as he grabbed her arm and locked her in a triangle choke.

With her free hand, Sasha tried to free herself but her boss's legs were clinging to her like a boa.

Since that didn't work she tried to free her other hand but the redhead had it completely locked.

When that didn't work she tried getting up to slam him but the redhead wouldn't let her do that.

"Ah Ah Ah! Bad girl~" Adryan teased with a smile and put more pressure with his legs cutting off the giant's blood flow.

Feeling how quickly her consciousness was slipping, Sasha quickly patted the ground to signal her surrender.

Plap! Plap! Plap!

As soon as that happened, she was released and took deep breaths as she sat up to try to recover. She still saw floating white dots.

Lowering her head to the ground, Sasha sighed heavily. Her arm was still trembling, her face hurt a lot, and she was sure she had a broken lip.

'I lost again...'

While looking at the ground, something cold touched her cheek, and looking to her side, she saw a bottle of water.

Smiling, Sasha looked up and nodded at her boss before taking the bottle and drinking it.


Letting out a satisfied moan, Sasha shook her head.

"I thought I finally had you on the ropes Boss but then you do your tricks and from one second to the next I'm helpless."

Adryan smiled calmly as he took a sip from his own bottle.

"In your defense you lasted 2 minutes longer than last time, you're making me work extra."

"You only say that to comfort me." Sasha complained while shaking her head again. She knew that if there were no rules the boss wouldn't even need to use his fire to finish her off. That move from earlier was proof of that.

While she was thinking that, Adryan was looking at her with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

'Her ability to fight is something else. The pathways that are centered in close combat really shine in that. She may be a sequence lower but she is far superior in hand-to-hand combat than that Interrogator...' Adryan thought impressed.

He was sure that she may become better at him at Hand to Hand when she advance to Secuence 7 Weapon Master.

'Below the High Sequences. There are things that Sequence 8 are better at that Sequence 7.'

Thinking of that the redhead sigh internally.

'Over 5 years of training in various Martial Arts to be surpassed by a Protein Drink... How funny.'

He understood why normal people thought it was unfair.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Very good fight Teacher, Miss Sasha." Hazel complemented with grace worthy of a noblewoman as she approached. Behind her came Charlotte who had two pieces of cotton stuffed up his somewhat crooked nose.

"You're a bad influence" Flora commented seeing Charlotte's nose and Adryan just smiled proudly.

"It was an awesome fight" The Mystery Prier also complimented, still somewhat bitter. His voice was nasal due to his stuffy nose.

This caused the corners of the lips of the three present to rise slightly in amusement.

Not wanting Charlotte to notice that they were laughing at his misery, Adryan spoke.

"Charlotte. How's your digestion going?" As soon as he said that, Adryan felt the familiar pressure but he just ignored it.

The purple eyes sparkled as a big smile blossomed, instantly eliminating his bitterness from before.

"It's going really well, Boss! That feeling that all of you said about appears from time to time for certain things I do- I mean 'act'. Is a really nice feeling. Although I can still feel some traces of the potion so I'm still missing a bit..."

Remembering something, Charlotte quickly straightened his back.

"Thank you very much for introducing me to your Lord, Boss! My job has never been easier and simpler!"

'Yes, I know Charlotte. Your calls have made me realize my mistakes and all the damage I did to Klein.' Adryan thought with a flat face.

It had already been 5 times that Charlotte had woken him up in the middle of the night to help him make a Charm or complete a ritual.

'Speaking of which. You really have guts. On the same day that I introduce you to the Monarch, is it the same day that you try to pray to me? Did you forget that you almost urinated on yourself as soon as you saw me and would have died if I hadn't saved you?' Adryan complained mentally.

As Adryan mentally insulted Charlotte's guts, the young man continued.

"The Scarlet Monarch always responds and makes my rituals and making charms much easier and stronger. Also, every time I pray to 'Him' for 'His' help in a ritual I can feel my potion digesting."

Adryan nodded calmly at that.

"That's normal. Your sequence is Mystery Prier. The more you pry in the mysteries of mysticism, the more your digestion of your potion will speed up"

Saying that, Adryan's expression turned serious.

"Remember that there are many things that must not be seen or heard and if the Perverted Whisperer shows his stinking mouth pray to my Lord for protection."

At the insult to a God, the expression of everyone distorted for a moment before returning back to normal.

"Thank you very much, boss." Charlotte nodded gratefully at this new illumination.

He then gave a military salute and said with belief.

"Praise the Monarch!"

The corners of Adryan's lips twitched but he repeated the prayerful posture.

"Praise the Monarch!"

Lowering his hand, Adryan turned to look at Sasha and Hazel who got the message and nodded.

"The digestion of my potion is going well boss but it hasn't changed much, it should be digested by the end of August." Sasha said very happy. Her digestion had accelerated and it had gone from the end of the year to the end of this month.

Turning his head to the noble, Hazel smiled proudly, a smile much like Adryan's.

"Like I told you, you're a bad influence." Flora commented upon seeing that and Adryan just ignored her to return Hazel's smile.

"Is it what I think it is?"

Hazel nodded excitedly and raised her head high.

"Teacher. My potion has been fully digested."

This earned her impressed looks from Sasha and Charlotte.

Sasha grinned and ran over to Hazel and hugged her tight and shook her side to side.

"I am so proud of you!"

"Miss Sasha!" Hazel complained to the giant's movement with a red face but she still had a smile.

Charlotte activated his Spirit Vision and looked at Hazel's spirit body.

He saw how Hazel's spiritual body was completely stabilized and her spirituality controlled.

Turning off his Spirit Vision, Charlotte stared at the noblewoman in astonishment.

"It's true..."

Being put down by Sasha, Hazel smiled at the Mystery Prier and took a rectangular piece of silver out of her pocket, and showed it to him.

"Did you doubt it?" She said as she waved the Charm in her hands.

Charlotte looked at this and unconsciously touched his right pocket and feeling it empty, his expression broke.

"Give it back to me!"

Hazel just smiled and tossed it to the man who caught it with a yell.

Adryan looked at this with a smile, he had already activated his Spirit Vision and was looking at Hazel.

The light blue color that marked her pathway had turned a little darker and moved calmly.

Double tapping his palm and turning off his Spirit vision. Adryan walked over to Hazel and placed a hand on her head and ruffled the young woman's green hair.

"You are incredible, my student. I'm sure Flora would think the same"

Hazel smiled happily at the compliment and nodded energetically, not bothered by her hair now being messy.

"Honestly, yes, it's incredible. With me, the digestion of her potion was disgustingly slow. But with you? It seems that her digestion took a train. How did you do it?" Flora asked in surprise. She saw everything that the redhead teach her and couldn't find anything that could explain the growth that Hazel had.

The smile on Adryan's face grew a little but he didn't say anything.

'It's quite simple my dear worm. You just need a Sephirah and that's it.'

In his world, the speed of digestion of the Tarot Club was always questioned because it was ridiculous compared to everyone else in the world. Fans theorized that it was due to the aura from the Sefirah Castle accelerating it.

And as Will said, Hunter's Hollow only hid the aura of the City of Calamities and didn't contain it. So any Beyonder who spends a lot of time with him will experience a Speed ​​Up in their digestion.

Looking into Hazel's brown eyes, Adryan asked calmly.

"Are you ready for your promotion?"

Hazel straightened her back and her smile turned into an elegant one. She nodded gracefully.

"I'm ready Teacher."

Adryan calmly nodded at that and took a piece of paper out of his pocket along with a red fountain pen.

He put the pen against the paper and waited for a second.

Understanding what the redhead wanted, Flora sighed and said.

"Sequence 8 Swindler Potion Formula.

Main materials: All Firmin Rat's legs, The tongue of the Silver Tongue Serpent.

Supplementary Materials: 20 centimeters of Feysac Vines, 40 milliliters of pure water, 5 milliliters of the juice of an immature Pale Lime and 5 of its seeds."

"Good girl~" Adryan whispered with a smile as he wrote the formula on the paper and handed it to Hazel.

"If you have a problem with any ingredient, tell me and I'll get it for you."

Hazel quickly read the formula while nodding to her teacher's words.

Adryan turned to look at Charlotte who shook his head.

"I haven't had any problems with my ingredients Boss. The Knuckles of the Magenta Lizard I got from a gathering and the Jumping Horned Toad is regularly sold on the black market."

"And your ingredients for your charms and rituals? Do you need more money?"

Charlotte shook his head.

"I still have quite a bit left of the 600 pounds you gave me."

"Good." Adryan nodded at that.

He had gotten a total of 3,600 pounds from Red Skeleton, added to the 9,000 pounds he had saved he now had 12,600 pounds.

Money wouldn't be an issue for a while, but Adryan knew he would need a lot more.

Adryan returned his attention to Hazel and said seriously.

"When you get all the ingredients for your potion, don't advance yet. Come here with us so we can assist you."

Hazel nodded.

"I'll do that Teacher."

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