62.7% Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction / Chapter 271: Chapter 189: Old Friend?

章節 271: Chapter 189: Old Friend?



'What happened?' Derrick noted uncomfortably as a tense, thick silence covered the bronze table and the rest of the members.

He looked at Justice and noticed how she had tensed and frozen for a few moments, the same with the Hanged Man.

'Is it really just a small problem to react like this?' Derrick thought suspiciously as he narrowed his eyes at Chariot.

'If it really is, it's not small…' Derrick glanced discreetly at the figure in the seat of honor.

The Fool just had a small smile, his posture calm and unshakable.

This immediately relaxed Derrick and he just looked around in confusion.

'If it's a problem that doesn't bother Mr. Fool then there's nothing to worry about.' Derrick thought, losing almost all interest in the subject.

"Mr. Fool, would you like this to be a private chat or for the other members to listen to us?" Adryan asked calmly, his tone unhurried and polite.

Klein immediately narrowed his eyes as his eyebrow twitched.

'Little problem you say? Bastard we are talking about a large-scale ritual to an Evil God! What part of it is small?!' Klein thought with annoyance at Chariot but putting that aside, he thought of the man's strange request.

'Why would Chariot offer to do a private chat? Is there something that is not appropriate to say? Something dangerous?'

'No, it can't be that. If it was that dangerous then he would have requested a private talk directly instead of asking my opinion on it. There is something else...'

After weighing the risks for a few seconds, Klein gently shook his head.

"Let's chat normally. With more minds, we might even come up with unexpected solutions."

Adryan nodded at The Fool's words.

"Regarding the information from a few days ago, I managed to obtain several important details."

'Information from a few days ago? When did Mr.Chariot...Oh! I almost forgot! Mr.Chariot will surely pray to Mr. Fool and report any progress in the investigation.' Audrey thought, remembering what Chariot had said a few weeks ago.

'I wonder how the investigation on the Blessed Fool's side is going...' The noblewoman thought worriedly as she put a hand to her chest.

'Goddess please let this not end in a tragedy.' she prayed internally.

Klein nodded to Chariot's words without saying anything but feeling very curious to know what the man had obtained.

Adryan smiled mysteriously and said.

"It seems that the skull they used for the ritual belonged to the direct Son of someone with whom you are very familiar."

'Someone Mr. Fool is familiar with?' Everyone present thought in surprise and looked at The Fool with stunned expressions.

As soon as Chariot finished speaking, Klein regretted his decision and wanted with all his might to smack his head against the bronze table for his stupidity.

'Why the fuck didn't I choose the private chat?!!!'

Because the revelation had been unexpected, Klein had frozen and thanks to this he had not shown any abnormality that would have attracted the attention of the rest of the members.

Discreetly making the grayish-white fog around him thicker, Klein smiled and said calmly and mysteriously.

"So is it that..."

He didn't delve into what Chariot had said or ask about it.

He had no idea what the man was talking about.

'If it's someone I'm familiar with then Chariot must refer to someone familiar to the Antigonus Family Ancestor, The Half-Fool...'

Klein felt his heart heavy.

'I knew dealing with this wouldn't be easy but this? What kind of monster am I going to face?'

While Klein thought about what to do, Adryan continued.

"Although there is something very curious Mr. Fool. It seems that the state of this person is very bad, horrible even."

The redhead then let out a disappointed sigh.

"For someone as great as 'Him' to sink so low is a true tragedy. 'His' current strength does not even touch the shadow of what 'His' Peak touched."

Klein's pupils narrowed.


'Is my old friend a great existence? And what do you mean that 'His' condition is horrible?'

Klein discreetly glanced at Justice in the hope that the noblewoman's curiosity would save him again.


No matter how curious Audrey is, she wasn't stupid. If it was a matter personally related to Mr. Fool she didn't dare offend him to satisfy her curiosity.

'Don't meddle in God's business...' Alger thought, not inquiring into the subject at all.

Derrick was more lost than before, not understanding anything that was happening.

Seeing how silent Justice was, Klein wailed deeply.

'This is what happens when you're dependent on someone else…I really need a Smurf account…' Holding back a sigh, Klein nodded at Chariot's words.

"Mr.Fool your blessed one won't have to worry about meeting 'Him'. The last sighting was several centuries ago and he may well have left Tingen so your Blessed can investigate Lamud Town in peace."

The Blessed who was actually Klein almost let out a huge sigh of relief and had to suppress the desire to sink into his chair and cry with joy.

'You should have started with that! I was so afraid of meeting an ancient monster that in the end it was in vain!'

But before Klein could continue to gloat, Adryan said something that chilled him.

"Honestly I'm surprised. The Death Consul was originally thought to have died over a thousand years ago but it turns out that 'He' had gone into hiding. Hehe I think that makes sense, someone as special as 'Him' wouldn't die so easily."

Silence filled the Hall of the Giants again.

'Death Consul...'

The mere thought of the title of this existence made a chill go up the spine of those present.

Klein felt his leg shake and he wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation and the fury he felt burning in his heart.

He wanted to suffocate Chariot with all his might.

'But say something else Damn! I'm not the Ancestor of the Antigonus Family so I don't have the slightest fucking idea who the Death Consul is! How do you want me to investigate this with peace of mind knowing that something with that title could be out there!' Klein on the outside remained immovable and imperturbable but on the inside he exploded in curses and insults.

But again demonstrating his incredible and ridiculous ability to control himself, Klein gave Chariot a small smile and nodded slightly.

"Thank you for your information, Mr. Chariot. Is there anything else you want to report, Mr. Chariot?" He asked calmly and Adryan shook his head.

"That's all Mr. Fool. I hope this helps your Blessed One."

'Klein your ability to control yourself has to be a superpower at this point. I thought you would have another reaction but you controlled yourself wonderfully. Do I have to use another Roselle adventure to get a reaction? Klein should advance to Clown soon...' Adryan thought feeling a bit mischievous.

The Tarot Club did not last much longer, after a few more minutes Klein cut the connection with the Crimson Stars and the Crimson and Black Flame and was left alone in the Hall of Giants.

Tap* Tap* Tap*

Rapping his finger on the edge of the bronze table, Klein thought about what Chariot said.

"Lamud Town... That's not far from Tingen, about two and a half hours by carriage... But how can I investigate this without drawing the attention of the Nighthawks? The situation is too dire to request a vacation trip... ." Klein lampooned trying to think of what to do but after a while, he could only imitate the sensation of falling.


"Argh." Letting out a little groan, Klein rubbed his legs.

As soon as he returned to his body in his room, his legs complained from standing still for so long.

Raising a hand to his head, Klein rubbed his temple and sighed.

'Stretching would be a good idea...'


Bringing a hand up to cover his mouth, Klein yawned, feeling sleepy.

'A nap would be better...'

As soon as he lay down on his bed, Klein fell asleep and went into a dream.

He was a bit dull for a few moments but his eyes sharpened.

He was now in the living room chair and with his half-height hat on the table in front of him.

Klein wasn't alarmed that someone had put him to sleep but sighed quietly and turned serious.

'Looks like the Captain has something to say.'

Knock* Knock*

Giving permission, Captain Dunn Smith entered the room with his tall hat on his head concealing his receding hairline.

The man wasted no time and looked seriously at Klein.

"We have a mission, I'll wait for you downstairs in the carriage."

Klein only had time to nod weakly pretending to be sleepy when the dream was broken and he woke up in his bed.

Burying his head on his pillow and sighing, Klein got up from his bed, and after fixing himself and placing his mid-height hat on his head and his revolver in its holster under his left armpit, he left his room and left the apartment that he shared with his siblings.

Benson and Melissa were out, one in work and the other in school so Klein had had time to relax by himself.

Entering the black carriage and sitting next to Dunn Smith, Klein asked.

"What is the mission about, Captain?"

Dunn looked at Klein and answered calmly.

"The Machinery Hivemind encountered a woman disturbed by an encounter with a Wraith. Her name is Elizabeth and her faith is that of the Goddess so the case was passed on to us."

At the Captain's words, Klein suddenly felt a chill and couldn't help but ask a question.

"Captain. The woman Elizabeth, where did she meet the Wraith?"

"In the ruins of a castle in Lamud Town." Dunn responded calmly finding nothing unusual in the question.

Klein's pupils narrowed.

章節 272: Chapter 190: Familiar Face

'Lamud Town?! This is ridiculous!

Just when Mr. Chariot told me that someone familiar to The Half-Fool was there, I have to go on a mission?'

Klein quickly controlled his racing heart and giving Dunn an excuse to rest, he entered a state of Semi Cogitation.

With his eyes closed and his head resting against the uncomfortable and shaking seat of the carriage, Klein tried to reason about his situation.

'This is a huge coincidence but I don't know if it's a <coincidence>... The space above the gray fog is supposed to be safe and no one apart from me should enter... If when I saw the red fireplace they couldn't find me that proves the safety of that mysterious space.'

'Is this just a normal and nothing special coincidence?'

Klein couldn't just tell the Nighthawks or Red Gloves what he knew. This time he had no way to explain about Lamud Town and how he knew about it...

'But there could still be a hidden danger... I can't just walk in knowing there's a chance something could happen. What will I do if someone dies because I didn't tell what I knew?'


After thinking about it for a few moments, Klein made up his mind.

'I'll talk to the Captain when we get to the office...'

It wasn't worth risking it, the Red Gloves had some confidence in him due to his previous report. He could bullshit his way so that at least one of them will accompany them.

With a fixed plan, Klein straightened up and looked at the Captain.

"Captain, how will we deal with the Wraith?"

It was better to get as much information as possible before he bullshited his route.

Dunn looked at Klein and answered.

"It's a Wraith so we can't get too confident. The situation could get out of control if we do that. Oh, we'll take Frye. His abilities with corpses and spirits will come in handy."

Klein looked at Dunn and nodded, saying nothing but waited until Dunn finally added.

"Oh, we are three people on the team. We can request to use Sealed Artifact 3-0782."

"3-0782?" Klein repeated confused but after a minute, he recalled that the Sealed Artifact was called the Mutated Sacred Sun Emblem.

The Mutated Sacred Sun Emblem constantly purified any corpses and spirits within a 15-meter radius. The negative effect was that it also purified the soul of a living person at the same time. If a normal person stayed in the radius for more than an hour, they would turn into an idiot who only knew how to praise the Sun. For the Beyonders the time was six hours.

'To think the Captain would remember the code name of this Sealed Artifact...Damn, I feel like the Captain's memory is better than mine.' Klein suddenly froze, he wanted to hang himself.

And, with a slightly suicidal Klein and a Dunn who felt like he was forgetting something else, they both made it to Blackthorn Security Company.


Klein, with his medium-height hat on his head and his cane in his right hand, walked with a calm Dunn up the stairs to the office.

Greeting the receptionist Rozanne, the two entered the room.

The first thing they both saw was a familiar poet sleeping.

Leonard Mitchell was sleeping with his hands behind his head, his feet resting on the desk and he was rocking his chair on only the two hind legs, just when he was about to go too far he would instinctively return to avoid falling.

'Wow Dear Poet, I didn't know you had that talent. And what about your hair? How do you look so good when you're asleep?' Klein thought, impressed by the poet's display of balance and appearance.

The man's hair was casually combed and due to how he was asleep it was a bit messy but it didn't diminish his good looks but gave him a poetic and flirty air. His fine lips were slightly open, coquettishly inviting someone to wake him up with a good morning kiss...




The sudden sound of the door closing made Klein jump a bit but also woke up the sleeping Leonard who lost his balance and fell hard on his back.

"Good afternoon Leonard."

"G-Good afternoon, C-Captain." Leonard responded somewhat pained and with a hand on his head.

Dunn who was the one who closed the door looked at Leonard's funny fall and simply kept a flat face. He walked his way to his office followed by Klein.

When they both passed by where Leonard was still lying, Dunn looked at the poet for a few seconds and raised his right fist to his mouth, and turned his head to the other side, his whole body trembling trying to contain his laughter.

Klein, for his part, looked at the poet with a cheeky smile, not trying in the least to contain his amusement.

Leonard for his part glared at Klein all the way to the Captain's office and until the door was closed.


As soon as the door click sounded, the loud laughter of Dunn and Klein sounded.

Leonard could only lower his head blushing full of embarrassment but remembering something, he suddenly smiled amused.

It looked like the Captain forgot about her and Klein was clueless.

Listening as the men's laughter suddenly got cut off, his smile only grew.


In the room, standing tall and firm like soldiers in line, Dunn and Klein looked nervously at the woman sitting in Dunn's chair.


"Not even a hello? You're too bad Dunn, I thought we were closer." The blue-eyed woman wailed as she gently shook her head.

The pipe in her red gloved hand let out a small cloud of smoke and the smell of tobacco.

Spirit Guide, Daly Simone!

Cold sweat covered Klein's forehead who looked nervously at the woman.

'What the fuck is she doing here?' Shouldn't she be investigating with the rest of the Red Gloves?!' Klein thought, swallowing hard.

'Why the Captain didn't tell me…' Realization came to Klein who looked at Captain Dunn Smith.

And it seems that Dunn had the same idea since their eyes collided. Dutch's gray eyes said a silent apology and Klein's brown eyes showed disappointment.

'Of course, you forgot...' Klein thought with a light sigh.

Daly looked at Dunn and clucked several times with a sly smile on her face.

"Dunn, don't tell me you forgot to tell him that you invited me on this little trip? Seriously, you're quite a case."

Before Dunn could defend himself, Daly continued with the same sly smile.

"I'll accompany you on this little trip. Don't worry I won't interfere with anything and it's merely a few days off I'm taking. Just act like I'm not there."

'That is impossible Madam. You are... striking.' Klein thought as the corners of his lips twitched.

'At least this fixes having to ask for help...'

Looking between Dunn and Daly and seeing that the Captain was a bit nervous, Klein quickly thought of an excuse to leave and save himself.

"I'll go tell Frye and request 3-0782, I'll be back when I've got everything ready."

"Ah? Of course Klein, you can go." Dunn answered out of habit and because he was somewhat tense but just when he realized he would be alone with Daly Simone, Klein had already left the room.

Daly smiled amusedly at the door.

'Clever Boy.' She then shifted her gaze to the Captain and her smile turned somewhat flirtatious.

Dunn looked at this and swallowed unconsciously.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Klein was glad to have escaped the room.

"And what about it~ Madam Daly always the personality don't you think?"

'Fuck...' Rolling his eyes in exasperation, Klein turned around and saw a smiling Leonard, the poet's smile carrying immense pleasure because he had been avenged.

Seeing that his partner was upset, Leonard playfully raised his hands and smiled.

"Oh come on, you deserved it for not helping me before and making fun of me. Besides, we're even now, right?"

Klein looked at the poet for a few moments, then sighed as he nodded.


Leonard's smile grew. The man walked up to his friend and patted his shoulders a few times.

"Don't be down my dear friend, I'll give you a hand so why don't we go for Frye and 3-0782?"

"Thanks for the help." Klein nodded his thanks and Leonard winked.

"For you my dear friend? Everything." After saying that, the poet took advantage and brought his mouth close to Klein's ear and whispered.

"Besides, we special ones have to help each other~"

'You have a serious Protagonist syndrome. Please find help.' Klein thought with a flat face while rolling his eyes.

With Leonard's help, Klein joined Frye and after preparing for the trip, the two went and met a slightly blushing Dunn and a smiling Daly and they all got on the carriage to Lamud Town.


When the sun's rays were already painting the back of the town's cathedral, the Nighthawks' carriage finally arrived at Lamud Town.


I'm free!!!!!

Doby is free!!!!!

My classes ended and my vacations started so please get ready to be Lovebarded with a lot of chapters!!! ( At least 2 more later today)

This volume will end before the 30 so please be ready for a bumpy and crazy ride.

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