At all times he remained calm, his breathing normal and his eyes sharp, ready for anything unexpected.
Alger couldn't help but feel a little curious.
What would the Messenger of the annoying and mysterious member of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Knowledge look like?
The answer didn't take too long to appear when the skull of a large bird was inserted into the middle of this bone door.
When this curious skull was inserted into the door it swung open revealing a dark and turbulent space.
Out of this black space came something that could only be described as a giant woman.
Alger's eyes widened slightly at this.
From what he knew, a messenger in human form was a very rare thing.
'Chariot has many more secrets than I thought...' Alger thought seriously.
From being a member who did not appear in any church document, possessing advanced knowledge, and having a messenger in human form...
The level that Chariot had had to be very high.
This giant woman only looked at him with serene gray eyes, showing no other emotion.
Alger noticed how there was a brown stain next to her lip.
He could also smell the very faint smell of chocolate?
He did not point this out so as not to offend the giant, he did not know the strength of the messenger or if she was short-tempered so he would not risk offending her.
The giant only put her hand in the turbulent space that was still open and took out a long bag that she extended to Alger.
"From Chariot..."
'Elvish?' Alger immediately recognized the language but not wanting to disturb the messenger he nodded and took the bag.
The giant woman just turned around and entered the door of bones, which fell and disappeared after she entered.
'A spirit in human form and capable of communication...'
Thinking of that, he immediately realized a problem that caused him to curse under his breath.
"Shit... She saw my face."
If Chariot's messenger was able to communicate that meant she could tell Chariot what he looked like.
This caused an uncomfortable feeling to fill his stomach.
"I was careless..." the blue-haired man mumbled before sighing trying to calm down.
'Chariot may now know who I am but he wouldn't dare attack me after all...We are both under the gaze of Mr. Fool...He wouldn't allow that.'
The great existence that was most likely a God would not allow one member to attack another.
With this realization, any fear or insecurity he might have felt vanished as if it were never there.
Looking down at the bag in his hand, Alger sighed and placing it on the table, he opened it.
A golden glow was reflected in his eyes and this made the corners of his lip quiver.
Clucking, he grabbed his promised share of 800 pounds from the bag and set aside the rest.
Leaving Blue Avenger, Alger did not meet any of his men as they had gone to enjoy the 'special services' of the island.
Already used to this, he simply went to where the auction was to take place.
As he walked, the quick review what he was looking to get.
The Sphinx's brain and the Conspirator and Melee Scholar formula for Chariot, and pages from the Emperor Roselle's diary for Mr. Fool.
'A week without pages is enough... I don't want Mr. Fool to think I'm not trying to fulfill his errand.' Alger thought heavily as he clenched his fists.
Mr. Fool had said that it was not always necessary to turn in a page from the diary but that did not reassure Alger.
'If I consistently fail to deliver a page what will Mr. Fool think of me? Maybe if I don't give Him any for a long time I'll be expelled from the Tarot Club...'
That was something Alger didn't want at all.
After walking for a while, Alger arrived at the auction site.
In front of him was the entrance to a cave that was illuminated by several lamps and this was guarded by a considerable number of men.
Keeping his cool, Alger walked to the entrance and one of the men standing there stood in his way.
"What do you want? This is a private zone if you don't have any business get out." The man said in a deep and strong voice.
This man was a man as tall as Alger, he had black eyes and black hair.
' This is not normal...'
Alger thought seriously.
Normally they would just look at him but never talk to him or cut him off.
'Something happened.' Alger concluded but remained calm.
"I'm here for the special function." Alger said.
"The function is somewhat unique and strict, if you are not more specific I will not know what you are talking about." the man said seriously as he flexed his arms making his muscles swell.
Alger remained relaxed and undaunted by this.
Being now sequence 7, it takes a lot more than that to intimidate him.
"I'm here to attend the Auction hosted by the King." Alger got right to the point causing the black eyes of the man in front of him to sharpen.
The man looked at him in silence for a few seconds before relaxing his gaze and moving out of the way.
"You're just in time, twenty more minutes, and the Auction would have started." the man said mockingly.
To Alger, this low level of mockery was nothing so, he ignored this and only advanced into the cave.
The tunnel to the cave was quite large, you didn't need to look closely at the walls to know that it was not a natural formation.
After walking for a while, Alger finally arrived at the Auction.
A huge open space that could easily fit a small neighborhood.
Pirates or lone Beyonders walked the streets.
There were several small stalls selling low-level charms or ritual materials or the like. Things that weren't worth putting up for auction.
Speaking of the Auction...
Looking straight ahead, at the end of the cave was a large 'theater'.
The red curtains were closed signaling that the show had not started yet.
There were a lot of seats around this theater, easily more than 100 people could sit there.
Some seats were already occupied by some people, what was most surprising was the order that there was.
Many pirates who hated each other sat just a few meters away but did not attack each other, they just sat ignoring each other's presence.
And all this was due to one reason...
Or rather a person...
Swallowing, Alger wiped the sweat from his brow and chose a seat not too far from the theater to sit down.
He subconsciously lowered his head slightly and waited for the auction to start.
"I can't believe this."
His ear caught a conversation and Alger, seeing an opportunity, spied.
"Tell me. Who does that bitch think she is? Thinking she can become an admiral? How ridiculous!" a man growled in annoyance and his surrounding men nodded.
Another man next to him snorted loudly and added.
"As desperate as she is, I wouldn't be surprised if she offers to sleep with someone to join her crew!"
A wave of laughter rang out and Alger just inwardly shook his head at that.
Then at that moment, the previous man said something that caught his attention.
"With Captain Admiral Pale in the water, that chick doesn't stand a chance!"
'Captain Pale?' Alger thought confused and stunned.
It was the first time he heard that name.
Trying to make sense, he thought of various possibilities.
'Did a new Admiral appear? That is... I was in the ocean for 8 days, I couldn't have missed the birth of a new Admiral... But it makes the most sense...'
' But why would there suddenly be guards? Someone like him doesn't need them so is there another reason? Does this Captain Pale have an investor that makes someone like him take precautions?' Alger thought heavily as he frowned.
What's going on?
As he thought about that, the seats around him began to fill up, and quickly all of them were filled, although there was also a circle of people standing around waiting for the auction to start.
At that moment, the ringing of bells filled the cave and the red curtain was parted revealing a thin man in a colorful suit and red hat with a wide smile on his white face.
"Welcome everyone!"
"Sorry for the delay and the new security, things have been hectic lately but don't worry! Security is everything so nothing will happen to you inside this cave!" he said cheerfully with a laugh but no one laughed.
The man didn't feel bad about this, he just chuckled and added darkly.
"But of course, you'll be by yourselves when you leave the island."
The weakest trembled at the presenter's dark voice and this caused him to laugh.
"Leaving that aside! We must thank whoever makes this auction possible!"
The presenter moved and pointed to a tall person sitting on a throne at the back of the stage.
He had a squarish face with slight wrinkles. The wrinkles on his face looked hardened and filled with magnificence. He had a short black mustache beneath his chin, and his black eyes swirled with a red glow. He wore a tall pointed crown and a gorgeous black robe with silver fringes.
"Give a round of applause to the King of the Seven Seas, Nast Solomon!"
Immediately, a wave of applause was followed by standing ovations for the king.
Alger also clapped his hands and kept his gaze lowered, unable to look beyond the shadow Nast cast.
"Put the games aside and start the Auction." Nast said calmly but his voice carried an enormous authority that made the presenter and those present tremble slightly.
"Y-Yes sir!" The presenter said with his smile broken.
Turning to the audience, his smile reappeared as if nothing happened and he continued with his arms outstretched in the air.
"Let the Auction begin!"
"Let's sail!"
Closing his cabin door, Alger blew out a soft sigh as he walked to his chair and sat down.
Placing the container which was the same size as his head on the table, Alger looked at it with a complicated look.
He opened a drawer and from it took out a bottle and a mug, uncorking the bottle with a loud Pop Alger poured the brown liquid into his mug.
Recorking the bottle, he set it down on the table and grabbing his mug he took a deep drink.
Feeling the rum go down his throat, Alger put his cup down and sighed again.
He then took out a yellowish piece of paper from his pocket and looked at it.
-Melee Scholar Potion Formula-
He reread the formula on the paper a few more times before placing it on top of the container.
After that, he also took out from his pocket several yellowish papers with strange symbols on them.
Counting everything again, Alger heaved a pleased sigh and couldn't help but smile.
'20 pages... I'm sure Mr. Fool will be quite pleased by this.'
Looking down at the container, the smile on Alger's face disappeared and was replaced by a flat expression.
'Chariot just asked if I could get the formula for Conspirator... It's not my fault it wasn't at the Auction, besides I got one of the formulas he wanted so he can't claim anything from me.' Alger thought unimportantly as he stuffed the diary pages into his pocket.
Later he would keep them in a more suitable place, now he had to deliver this to Chariot.
Grabbing the container and the paper with the formula, Alger placed them in front of an altar that he had used earlier to summon Chariot's messenger.
Lighting the single candle on the altar, Alger prayed.
I!" he said in Ancient Hermes.
"I summon on my name" he changed to Hermes.
"The Special Spirit that wanders through the upper realm;
The Trustworthy Spirit who is friendly to humans;
The Companion Spirit of Chariot"
As soon as he finished the last line, he felt how the temperature in the room decreased.
"Thanks again Chicho" Adryan said with a small smile as he handed the giant a chocolate bar.
The woman just nodded roughly as she grabbed the bar, Chicho looked at the bar for a few seconds and then looked at the redhead carefully.
'Hey... Don't look at me like that, I can't always give you that chocolate. That would be spoiling you!' Adryan thought with the corners of his mouth quivering slightly.
"That chocolate is quite special, if I gave it to you every time you deliver a letter you would get bored of it and you don't want that, right Chicho?" Adryan defended himself with his sly tongue, then added with a questioning tone.
"You don't want that delicious chocolate to lose its magic, do you?"
Chicho looked at him attentively with her gray eyes, deep in thought.
After a few seconds, she nodded, feeling that what the redhead was saying made sense.
Adryan's smile grew slightly at this but he controlled himself and nodded.
"That would be all Chicho, if I need your help again I will call on you."
Chicho nodded slightly, and with calm movements, she unwrapped the chocolate and began to eat it while she entered the door of bones.
When the door of bones disintegrated, Flora took the opportunity to speak, her tone amused and full of curiosity.
"Did you see the chocolate stain on her face? How long do you think it will take her to realize it's there?"
"Not much, maybe when she gets to wherever her house is she'll find out. Although I hope she will not be upset that I didn't tell her it was there." Adryan said scratching his head not sure if it was a good idea or not.
He had used a lot of iron will not to point out the stain and provoke his messenger a little.
Flora snorted and Adryan could imagine the woman rolling her eyes as she did so.
"Come on at least give me a number. I say 2 days."
Adryan smiled as he shook his head.
"Well, I say 15 minutes or maybe 20. It depends if she has a mirror in her house or some friendly spirit tells her about her problem."
"That's a good point..." Flora murmured under her breath in agreement.
"One hour."
Adryan chuckled at this before looking at the container on the table next to the yellowed paper. Next to these was the same bag he had sent, only much smaller.
'There must be the change...' he thought feeling a small pain in his chest.
The bag was still a bit big and this meant that Alger hadn't been able to get everything he asked for.
Walking over to the table and grabbing the paper, he opened it and read it.
-Melee Scholar Potion Formula-
Main ingredients.
*Grounded Knuckles of the Magenta Lizard
*The 4 legs of the Jumping Horned Toad.
Supplementary ingredients.
* 70 milliliters of purified water.
*15 grams of oxidized iron.
*10 small drops of the saliva of the Jumping Horned Toad.
* 5 grams of Zync.
Seeing that the note ended there, Adryan sighed softly before putting the note in his pocket.
"At least I kept what I promised to Charlotte..." the redhead muttered but he couldn't help but feel disappointed.
'Now I only have the meeting of the Hermits of Fate and Bakerland...' the redhead thought heavily as he looked at the worn wall of the office.
If the Hermits of Fate failed, he would have to hunt down Bakerland to obtain the formula.
Sighing slightly, he looked at the container on the table and an idea floated into his mind.
"I can always make advance by consuming the main ingredients..." he muttered, considering the idea for a moment.
"I WILL NEVER ALLOW IT!" Flora screamed so loudly that it stunned Adryan for a moment.
"What the hell Flora?!" the redhead groaned holding his head.
Flora snarled angrily and snapped.
"Do you want to kill yourself?! If you consume the main ingredients without the supplementary ones, the most likely case is that you will die or lose control!"
Adryan could hear the concern in Flora's tone and sight a little embarrassed.
"Sorry about that Flora, it was just a momentary idea, nothing more. You know how careful I am and you know that I would never try something as crazy as that." the redhead defended himself.
"You better be Adryan." Flora grunted and then fell silent but Adryan could hear her muttering things under her breath.
"Stupid tomato head. Who do you think you are to even think of that as an option? You fucking asshole. Scaring me like that..."
'Now I feel kind of bad...' Adryan thought as he scratched his head.
Flora's reaction made sense since his idea was practically a Russian roulette with a pump shotgun.
Consuming the main ingredients without the supplementary ingredients would almost certainly cause him to lose control or die.
Either because of the remaining consciousness in the ingredients that weren't suppressed or because of the damage it would do to him...
There were many possible ways to die and none was painless.
Sighing, Adryan decided to speak to Flora later to apologize and turned his attention back to the container.
Placing his hand on the lid and lifting it, breaking the wall of spirituality it had, he was able to see the Sphinx's brain.
In a jar that a puppy could easily dig into, floating in a greenish liquid was a large purple brain.
This brain didn't look normal. It had multiple bumps all over it and black veins that seemed to throb every second as if it was still alive.
A desire to consume this brain slightly dazed the redhead who shook his head as he closed the container.
Releasing a small sigh, he gently patted the container.
"You were hard to get but now you're mine."
Grabbing the container, after reapplying the wall of spirituality, Adryan carefully placed it on the altar he had prepared earlier.
Kneeling before it, Adryan clasped his hands, and bowing his head, he prayed.
"The Scarlet Monarch that burns depravity..."
Monday, 3 p.m.
Above the gray fog, in the great hall of the giants, two crimson flashes and a torrent of crimson flames appeared.
Appearing in her seat, Audrey turned happily to greet the figure covered in a gray fog as was almost custom but something new stopped her.
Alger also noticed this something...
Adryan also notice it and this caused a sharp smile to grow on his face.
'Looks like my worries were in vain~'
Before anyone could say or do anything, Mr. Fool's voice echoed through the Divine Hall.
"This is our new member code name..." Klein took about 2 seconds to give a little drama.
First of all, I apologize for disappearing for almost a week and not posting any trails.
The exams came back stronger than ever and they left me devastated, I barely had energy for anything and I barely finished them on Friday.
I took the weekend to rest.
The chapters are back and I really apologize for what I did and also forgive me for worrying you.