Looking at the face of the young man in front of him, Adryan couldn't help but be surprised.
'Although the stress of living in the East Borough has taken its toll on his face, I can still say that he is quite young.'
The young man in front of him had a sharp face and a small nose, he had a scar on his right eyebrow that almost reached his eye.
'And what eyes~' the redhead thought pleased, a sharp smile threatening to grow on his face.
The boy's purple eyes were sharp and alert, the boy was attentive to any movement from him and his body was tense, ready to react at any moment.
Sighing slightly, Adryan calmly commented.
"There's no need to be so tense, we're here to chat right? So why don't we relax and introduce ourselves?"
"... Alright."
Charlotte narrowed his eyes and took his left hand out of his pocket and placed it on the table. Now both men had both arms on the table.
In Charlotte's clenched fist, he held a hidden charm, ready to use at any moment.
"He's careful, I'll give him that but he doesn't know how to hide his motives, any self-respecting Beyonder would notice that poorly hidden charm!" Flora said with amusement.
Adryan smiled and nodded in agreement with the woman's words.
"You can call me Adryan, it's nice to meet you Mr. Mystery Pryer~"
"Hey don't say that in public!" Charlotte scolded quietly in annoyance.
He looked around and seeing that no one was paying attention to them he breathed a sigh of relief.
He then turned to look at the red-eyed man, somewhat annoyed.
"Don't call me that Mr. Adryan, if you do that again this meeting is over and I'm leaving."
Adryan chuckled quietly and asked.
"Then what should I call you? You haven't told me your name yet."
'This guy!' Charlotte thought in annoyance before sighing and answering.
"I'm Charlotte, nice to meet you sir."
"The pleasure is mine." Adryan said with a small smile.
Before Charlotte's watchful eyes, he took out his brown vest <Hangover Time> and opened it to check the time.
Charlotte looked at this tensely, he had to restrain himself from using his charm at this movement of the man.
To calm down he looked at the pocket watch and couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.
'It must be very expensive...' Charlotte thought in surprise.
Adryan did not pay attention to the look that the young man gave him, he simply closed the pocket watch but did not put it away but kept it in his left hand.
"Before we do anything Mr. Adryan, I'd like to talk more about our business." Charlotte said seriously.
"No problem, just tell me and I'll answer them with pleasure." Adryan said with a small smile as he leaned back a little more in the chair.
"In fact, I have prepared something for this, our business is private so I took some preventive measures." Charlotte whispered loud enough for only Adryan to hear.
He then took out from his jacket a small old notebook and a short pencil before Adryan's watchful eyes.
He opened it to a page and held it out to the man.
"Here are my questions and I would like you to answer them, please just write in the notebook."
The cafe is the safest place so he had to stay here at all costs.
So far the man called Adryan hadn't given him any reason to distrust him but that meant nothing.
He won't trust someone he barely knows for 5 minutes.
Who knows if he asked him to follow him to another place to talk and it turns out that it was a trap and he kills him.
"Very careful, that's good, you'll live longer." the redhead praised as he took the notebook and read it.
"Thank you Mr. Adryan." Charlotte said with a shaky smile.
There were several questions and doubts that Charlotte had about joining the team that he did not dare to ask out loud.
'<How much payment will I receive?>' Upon reading this question, the corners of Adryan's lips threatened to tremble.
"Well at least he focuses on what is important, I would also like to know that the team I am going to be a part of is rich or poor." Flora said in agreement with the young man.
Adryan didn't say anything but he also agreed.
Reading the question again, he couldn't help but be reminded of a certain money-loving Fool.
'You would get along very well with Klein, he also asked about the salary before joining the Nighthawks. If you guys met you might become best friends, maybe even soul mates bonded by money!.' the redhead joked as he continued reading.
The rest of the page was more of the same, asking about the services that the team had, the objective, and what they planned to do in the future.
Putting down the notebook, Adryan looked at Charlotte and smiled.
"I've read your questions and I understand them. It's not every day a complete stranger comes along and offers you a deal so juicy that you'd be stupid not to accept it."
"But answering them in writing is stupid when we're face to face so ask Charlotte."
Charlotte was speechless and looked at Adryan as if he had grown another five heads.
Adryan chuckled at this and gently shook his head at Charlotte's annoyance and astonishment.
"Our business is not something we can just talk about." Charlotte whispered in annoyance, looking around in fear that they had drawn attention.
"You don't have to worry about that, they can't hear us." Adryan said nonchalantly as he looked out the window of the bar.
"What are you saying? That they can't hear us?" Charlotte asked in a daze.
Adryan didn't answer his question but instead smiled mischievously at Charlotte.
The young man didn't have time to react when Adryan opened his mouth and said.
"This is a robbery! Everyone take out money and valuables and put them in the bag!" He shouted without changing his expression or demeanor.
"What the fuck..."
Charlotte looked at what the redhead had done speechless.
He froze without understanding what happened.
Adryan smiled calmly and tilting his head, he said.
"See? They can't hear us."
Charlotte looked around the cafe and confirmed that what Adryan had said was true.
All the people in the bar continued eating and drinking calmly, as if they had not heard what happened.
'This makes no sense! That scream must have been heard even by those outside the cafe! So how is it possible that nobody heard it!' Charlotte thought incredulously.
He had even been stunned by the loudness of Adryan's scream.
"How is it possible?" he muttered returning his gaze to Adryan.
Adryan smiled mysteriously and didn't reply.
Recovering Charlotte straightened his back and looked directly into the scarlet eyes of the man.
"So can we talk business now?" Adryan asked in amusement, though the answer was obvious.
"What is this team of yours about?" Charlotte asked seriously.
"It's quite simple. We seek to become strong and survive." Adryan answered calmly with a smile on his face.
That was a secondary reason that hid the main reason.
He wouldn't tell him it was to prepare his Sequence 4 ritual.
Charlotte narrowed his eyes and asked.
"Survive what?"
"You'll know if you join the team." Adryan responded just as calmly, looking into Charlotte's purple eyes.
Who clicked his tongue but held back from asking more about it.
'If I agree to join he'll tell me so it doesn't matter' Charlotte thought and he asked another question.
"How much will my salary be in the team?"
This was the second most important question for him.
One of the two main reasons he agreed to this was money.
If this team could offer him a good salary then he had no complaints about joining.
'With a salary of 20 pounds a week it would be a dream but I'll settle for 8 pounds.' Charlotte allowed himself to dream.
Adryan smiled and said amused.
Charlotte's thoughts were cut off by such a response and the only thing that could come out of his mouth was.
Adryan chuckled at this and he explained.
"You have an unlimited budget to buy what you need especially materials for your charms and rituals."
"What do you think Charlotte..." Adryan's voice trailed off a bit when he saw how Charlotte was looking at him.
The young man was looking at him with his purple eyes shining and his mouth hanging slightly.
"You're an angel?" Charlotte inadvertently asked and Adryan tensed.
"I beg your pardon?" he asked surprised and this made Charlotte react, blushing slightly.
"Hahahahahahahahahaha" Flora started laughing hard and Adryan could only sigh internally.
The young man raised his fist to his mouth and coughed falsely.
"Cough* Cough* sorry about that. Yes, that's perfect with me."
'Money is the way to a person's heart...' Adryan thought.
An awkward air surrounded both men.
Trying to disperse it, Charlotte asked another question.
"I'll give you a case, I've been looking for a formula for months but haven't seen a shadow of it, my question is, will you be able to get it for me?"
Adryan chuckled at this and responded.
"Funny, haven't you read the note my man gave you?"
"I have read it Mr. Adryan but I would like you to elaborate." Charlotte answered calmly.
He had fully understood what the note had said, but he didn't believe it was true.
'Don't worry about formulas or materials? That's too good.'
Charlotte looked deeply at Adryan.
"Just the same as the note said. You will never have to worry about obtaining potion formulas or materials again."
"If you join, the formulas will come for free and if possible even all the potion materials."
Charlotte felt a chill go up his spine and his pupils shrank.
Barely containing his excitement, he asked.
"How will I know you're telling the truth?"
Adryan smiled mysteriously and answered with absolute confidence.
"It's the truth, I have no problem confirming it, tell me the formula you're looking for and you'll have it before August 6."
Charlotte trembled and looked dumbfounded at the man in front of him.
'Are you so confident that you can get it before Monday? Have you lost your mind?' he thought incredulously.
He had been looking for the formula for more than half a year and had not found it anywhere.
As if Adryan could understand what he was thinking, he said with the same confidence as before.
"I have many contacts Charlotte, getting the formula you want will be child's play."
'This guy!' Charlotte thought with a shaky smile, he was trembling with excitement.
"I'm looking for the Melee Scholar potion. Do you think you'll be able to get it?" he asked, his voice thick with anticipation.
Adryan struck a thoughtful pose.
"Melee Scholar... That's the name of Mystery Pryer's Sequence 8..." he murmured doubtfully and Charlotte felt his excitement grew stronger.
If Adryan knew that Melee Scholar was the name of sequence 8 of the Mystery Pryer pathway that meant that!
"I can get it."
"Really?!" He was no longer able to contain the emotion.
Adryan smiled and nodded.
"Like I said, child's play. You'll have it before Monday."
"Before Monday...Monday...Monday..." Charlotte muttered in astonishment with his head lowered, staring at the wood of the table.
A huge, shaky smile on his face.
Dealing with his emotion, he looked at Adryan and asked another question.
"If I join you, will I become powerful?"
Adryan smiled sharply and answered.
"You will become much more powerful than you could have ever imagined."
That answer hit Charlotte as hard as thunder roars in a storm.
'He's telling the truth!' Charlotte's smile sharpened to mirror Adryan's.
This was not only thanks to his experience living in the East Borough and dealing with scammers and liars but a reminder of his intuition as a Mystery Pryer!
Everything the man had said had been true!
'Is this it Uncle? Is this the opportunity you were talking about? The chance to change my destiny?' Charlotte couldn't help but remember the words his uncle had said to him.
Looking at the man in front of him, Charlotte sighed to calm himself and asked his last question.
"What do I have to do to join?"
Adryan smiled victoriously.
"The note said it all Charlotte, absolute loyalty to the team and you will have to follow us where we go."
"We plan to leave Backlund before the end of the year. You know what that means right?"
Charlotte nodded determinedly.
Leave everything behind.
"Count me in, Mr. Adryan." He said decisively.
What did he have here in Backlund? Nothing.
He lost nothing and gained everything.
Adryan smiled at the smoldering look Charlotte had.
He then chuckled.
"Forget that sir, we're on the same team now. Just call me by my name or whatever you prefer, it doesn't matter."
Charlotte nodded.
"As you say, boss."
The other chapter will be published a little later.
Adjusting his hat better, Adryan calmly left Truqueda Cup.
"He's someone interesting, did you see how his eyes lit up when he asked about power?" Flora asked curiously looking at the street through the body of the redhead.
Adryan nodded slightly and answered just above a whisper.
"He has the desire to become stronger, whatever the origin of that desire is, it is not time to ask yet. When he is ready he will tell us."
Thanks to the fact that the streets were full and noisy, no one cared that the redhead was talking to himself.
Flora snorted.
"Just be careful that this desire doesn't put us at risk, although it's okay to want to become stronger one also has to be careful not to get lost in that desire."
"I've seen many members of the Jacob family get lost in the desire to become stronger, or who want so badly to restore the power of the family that they don't realize the danger they are putting themselves in." Flora said heavily.
"Many of those members wanted the best for the family but only managed to hurt it even more..." Flora continued speaking and Adryan frowned.
'She's letting go...' The redhead noticed and didn't like how this was going.
At that, the redhead could only sigh softly and spoke calmly.
"Flora it's not time to despise yourself, what kind of demigod does that? Where is your honor as a Jacob? Do you think your ancestor would like to see a demigod from his family sobing like a little child?"
At Adryan's provocation, Flora couldn't help but get angry.
"Fuck you Tomato Princess! At least let me vent a bit or do you have no heart?"
Adryan smiled and nodded.
"On my chest, there is only an ice cube and a bit of peach juice My dear~" the redhead teased and Flora snorted annoyed but Adryan could tell that there was amusement in that snort.
"There's my good girl! Leave that scorn behind that you're not like that, you're a proud Jacob and that's how I like it."
"Shut up idiot..." Flora muttered in embarrassment.
She noticed that the redhead was trying to comfort her in his own way and this made her heart warm a little.
She was sure that if she had a body now she would have a small smile, a blush on her cheeks, and would be playing with her hair...
Shaking her mind, she quickly tried to change the subject before her mind played another trick on her.
Dreaming of a night of passion with the redhead was enough...
"Why did you tell him that you'll meet again later in the cafe? Are you planning to ask him out on a date~?" Flora teased amused.
'And she is back to normal.' The redhead smiled victoriously as he answered.
"Not necessarily, I just want to introduce a new student to my class~" the redhead said amused and Flora immediately understood what the man wanted to do.
"Are you sure about that? Although the brat is behaving better that's only when she's in front of you, knowing her she will consider that guy as competition." Flora expressed her doubt and added.
"Her way of competing is brutal I'll tell you that."
Adryan smiled and nodded.
"I know, how could I not know that about my student being her teacher? That would be a shame!"
"Besides, don't you think that the two of them complement each other very well? From this, a rivalry will be born that will make them grow more than they would achieve alone"
"You and your crazy ideas." Flora sighed in exasperation but had to agree.
Someone who wanted to get special abilities and someone who wanted to get power would complement each other very well.
Even more so considering the brat's competitive personality.
"I'm not worried about the brat but the other guy, will he be able to bear it?"
Adryan smiled sharply.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure of that."
'Poor bastard doesn't know what he's got himself into.' Flora falsely lamented for Charlotte.
After that last exchange, both of them were silent for a long time...
And that was until Flora broke it.
"Hey Adryan...Don't you think that guy Charlotte...Don't you think he's a little gay?"
".." It took the redhead a few seconds to process what Flora had said.
And when he did...
Adryan burst out laughing.
At this Flora was upset.
"I mean it! Didn't he look a little gay to you?"
"Oh shit! Hahahahahaha!" At Flora's annoyance, Adryan continued to laugh incredulously.
The two of them may not realize it now or have simply decided to ignore it, which is most likely, but for better or worse, they had both become closer.
Blackthorn Security, Tingen City.
Klein swallowed a little, he adjusted his shirt collar a little because it was suffocating him.
'This presence is oppressive... I don't think even ice tea can calm me down...' he thought heavily, but before he could continue with his thoughts he felt a tap on his shoulder.
Just as he turned his head to see who it was his cheek was pressed by a gloved finger.
Looking at the owner of the hand, Klein could only sigh.
"Hello, Leonard."
"You seem a bit nervous." Leonard said with his usual poetic smile but Klein noticed that his smile looked strained.
'You feel it too don't you?' Klein thought empathizing with the poet.
He turned his head to the door of Dunn's office and felt a chill go up his spine.
Leonard also suffered the same but trying to ignore it, he sat next to Klein on the sofa smiling at the latter.
He had sat a little closer to Klein who ignored this by focusing his attention on the door to the captain's office.
At this, Leonard only sighed internally and also looked at the office door.
No one knew how long they were looking at the door but at one point it was opened and a group of 6 people came out of it one by one.
The first person was a woman, she had raven black hair along with deep black eyes and very pale skin, she is Nightmare Lucia Fraust.
Lucia looked at Klein and Leonard and nodded gently in their direction, she just did that and stood to one side of the door.
The second person to come out was a man, with ash black hair and light honey eyes, his nose was high and his lips thin, he is Soul Asurer Truquer Drimi.
Truquer looked at Klein and Leonard and smiled at them.
He nodded while touching his glabella and stood next to Lucia.
The third person was another man, with gray hair and deep black eyes, he is Spirit Medium Albert Frankes.
The man completely ignored the existence of Klein and Leonard and stood with his companions.
The fourth person was a woman Klein and Leonard were familiar with, she was still wearing her black hooded robe and silver bracelet, and her blue makeup only highlighted her blue eyes.
Recently promoted, Spirit Guide Daly Simone.
Madam Daly looked at them and gave them a small wink before coming to stand next to her companions.
The last two people came out together, one of them was Nighthawks Captain Dunn Smith.
The other was a man slightly taller than Dunn, he had close-cropped golden-brown hair and blackish-green eyes.
Nightwatcher Crestet Cesimir.
All five people wore red gloves. Even Daly.
Crestet Cesimir had in his hand a silver briefcase that since he arrived on Thursday afternoon, Klein noticed that he has never let go.
'What kind of sealed artifact is there that he dare not drop it?' Klein thought barely allowing himself a quick glance at the briefcase.
"So far we haven't found much but that's normal considering who we're dealing with." Cesimir said seriously to Dunn who nodded calmly.
Then the demigod turned to look at Klein who felt the same chill as before but much stronger.
"Thank you for your information, regardless of whether we catch our target or not, your contribution will be remembered."
Cesimir only looked at him for a few seconds before turning to his team.
"Come on, we'll be investigating for two days without a break. Remember to look for the house with the red chimney."
None of those present complained but nodded and the 5 of them left the office.
Only when the group left the room did Klein release a heavy sigh that he didn't know he was holding.
'Is that a demigod? They are terrifying!' He thought with his wet back.
'I have no idea who is stronger, Chariot or Cesimir but I don't want to find out! If a demigod gives so much pressure, how much more pressure will be two demigods fighting!' Klein thought in a cold sweat.
Leonard was no better as he wiped his forehead which was sweaty and hair was sticking to it.
"You should be happy Klein, receiving those words from the Sword of the Goddess is amazing." Leonard tried to joke but Klein just looked at him with an expression that said <Really?>
Dunn looked at the duo and could only sigh as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"Leonard is right Klein, receiving such a compliment is an honor, if you manage to move fast it's very likely that Cesimir will take you under his wing like he did with Daly."
'Not you too, Captain!' Klein thought, shooting the man a betrayed look.
Seizing the opportunity, Leonard asked the question that had bothered him since yesterday.
"Klein my friend tell me, how did you manage to see that red chimney in your divination? According to what I heard from the Red Gloves that should have been impossible."
Klein controlled his expression and made the excuse he had spent the whole night planning.
"It was just luck, I was divining about other things when I managed to see that red chimney by accident, when I tried to see her again by repeating the divination nothing happened so I didn't give it importance thinking that it was something else."
"I only decided to mention it because it might be useful and because I couldn't get it out of my head, I never thought it would be a key clue" Klein said honestly not honestly.
"So it's like that..." Dunn said putting a hand to his chin, deep in thought.
"You certainly are lucky Klein! I wish I was as lucky of you." Leonard said with a smile but his eyes were telling Klein something else.
Klein couldn't read minds but he could understand with extreme ease what Leonard was trying to say.
<We are special>