Klein felt his blood run cold and his mind slow down.
'A ritual in Tingen... One that points to an evil God... What am I supposed to do?'
While Klein was falling into a cycle of despair, the other members kept talking.
"What do you mean by ritual, Mr. Chariot? Is it a large-scale sacrifice? Is there anything we can do?" Audrey asked very concerned, unconsciously she put a hand to her heart.
Alger nodded in agreement to Justice's words.
He looked to Chariot and The Fool for answers.
"I haven't gotten much, I need to do more research before I can do anything."
"But I've managed to discover that it has to do with a large-scale sacrifice that should take about a month to be completed..." Adryan said darkly.
"Oh Goddess..." Audrey muttered in fear, she tapped her chest 4 times counterclockwise in a circle.
"I'll be investigating more looking for more clues but I can't promise anything..."
Adryan said heavily.
"Why don't we anonymously notify churches? They should be able to deal with this much more easily." Alger suggested.
"That's right Mr. Hanged Man! Good idea!"
Audrey and Klein immediately agreed, though only Audrey showed it.
But Adryan shook his head.
"There is someone very dangerous behind this ritual, it doesn't matter if we tell the Churches what is happening, the only thing we would achieve would be to reveal that we know what they plan to do and that will be enough for them to discover us."
"This person is capable of diverting the churches' attention long enough to complete the ritual. But it would also make him nervous and end the ritual early, but that doesn't mean there are no consequences." the redhead said mysteriously.
At Chariot's words, Audrey bit the inside of her cheek and turned to look at the Fool for help and answers.
Klein saw the look that the only lady of the Tarot Club was sending him and could only lament internally.
'I have no way of intervening in this Miss Justice! I'm just a little sequence 9!'
But he knew he couldn't keep quiet, it would ruin his image so he quickly made up a true lie.
"My blessed one is in Tingen now, I will entrust him with the investigation of this." he said serenely, he then turned to look at Chariot.
"If you get more information about this remember to pray to me and I will pass it on to him."
His voice carried power and calm as if the ritual towards an Evil God was rubbish for him.
'A blessed? Mister Fool has a blessed?' Alger thought in a daze.
Audrey was also surprised by this, but she already considered The Fool to be a great existence.
That he had a blessed was not what surprised her, but that he sent this blessed to investigate something related to an Evil God.
'This proves that Mr. Fool is a benign existence! He could easily have ignored this because it was none of his business but he didn't!'
'He cares about people's lives!' Audrey was relieved and happy, her image of The Fool had gone up multiple notches in her book.
'By blessed you are not referring to yourself right Klein?' The way Adryan thought of this was not a question but a statement.
His expression was calm, not having been in the least shocked by the revelation of The Fool's 'blessed'.
Klein noticed this but before he could complain, Chariot nodded seriously.
"I'll keep you informed of any progress I make, Mr. Fool."
'That's good, that's good...' Klein inwardly sighed with relief, outwardly he nodded.
"This will not be without reward, Mr. Chariot." He added calmly but didn't say anything else.
Leaving a generous image is important.
'This way Chariot will have more reason to work hard to investigate this... I have to pray that he doesn't ask for anything and decides to accumulate contribution points...' at that thought he sighed internally.
'When the time comes for Chariot to redeem these contribution points what am I supposed to give him? An invitation for iced tea in the afternoon?'
Klein's thoughts were similar to those of Adryan who suppressed a smile.
'What will you give me Klein? A cake with the words <Thank You> written on it? You still are the Poor God!'
He sighed internally and fell silent, turning his attention back to the crimson stars.
'One of these stars is Little Sun...' Adryan let his mind wander.
This move was quite a risky one, he had considered a lot on what to do and finally came to a conclusion.
He would give Klein crumbs so he could defend himself in his first life.
This was the best way to avoid drawing too much attention from 0-08.
One would consider that what he had said before was not a crumb but the whole bread but that was not the case.
It was simply a way to diverse Klein's attention.
He wasn't too worried that the Poor God would die for being curious, Klein was too careful to make a risky move.
More knowing that there is a hand behind all this.
'Make good use of this Klein...'
He had given im the tool, now it remained for Klein to know how to use it...
While the main reason was for Klein to defend himself against the Useless Writer, there was also a second reason.
A reason not so pure.
And that reason was acting in advance...
The Useless Writer's uselessness gave him plenty of room to try to Conspire against him.
It could be considered that this would be a small game of chess with Klein being the Black King and the Nighthawks the black pieces.
The game had already started and Klein was at a huge disadvantage.
But Adryan planned to be the hand that would help him turn the tables.
He didn't plan to play to Checkmate the Useless Writer, but rather to save as many <black pieces> as possible...
Klein looked at the people in front of him and seeing how each one was in their own worlds he decided to end the meeting.
"Let's end the meeting here" he said calmly.
The other members recovered and quickly said their goodbyes.
"By your will" the three said at the same time.
He watched as the figures vanished but he remained seated in his chair.
Klein began tapping on his armrest as he sank into thought.
'What Chariot said is a matter of emergency but how can I reveal this to the Captain? I have no way of revealing the source of this information without revealing that there is something wrong with me...'
"A large-scale ritual..." Klein murmured seriously.
'I'll try to investigate for any signs that might indicate Aurora Order activity, so I could use this as an excuse to say that I discovered the ritual by accident!'
'This will not draw too much attention to me and will avoid raising any suspicion as to where this information came from!'
'According to Chariot's words it will take a little over a month for the ritual to be completed…I have that long to try to find any Aurora Order activity and use them as a distraction…'
'But if I fail...' he narrowed his eyes slightly.
His gaze was dazed.
The faces of Benson and Melissa appeared in his mind.
'If I fail to find any information before the end of August I will tell the Captain about this.' he decided.
He would hide from where he had obtained the information along with the existence of the Tarot Club.
That was his most important secret and he had to protect it.
But there was a problem...
'I'm still too weak... I need to digest the Seer potion as quickly as possible and advance to Clown to make it safer to investigate...'
He could try to use Divination to find the place where this ritual would be performed but he immediately rejected that idea.
That was a ritual to an Evil God!
He had no idea what would happen if he saw something he shouldn't in the middle of divination.
The experience with Chariot was a good reminder of what could happen if he was not careful when divining.
Klein remained in his seat and looked up at the crimson stars.
If he wanted to have a chance at saving Tingen he needed to get stronger.
And to achieve that, the most important thing would be to discover what other abilities this mysterious space had.
Looking at the crimson stars, Justice's words echoed in his mind.
After a few moments of silence, Klein began to pray as a form of feedback instead of making a connection to those stars.
In the stillness and silence, he did not receive any feedback from the more than ten crimson stars around him.
'In order to receive feedback, I need to get someone above the gray fog before I can respond?'' Klein nodded slightly.
He did not plan to violate someone else's will by forcibly bringing them into this mysterious space.
Sighing, Klein was ready to leave but he habitually touched a nearby crimson star.
Just then, he felt that there was a faint and insignificant prayer deep within this crimson star!
The other 2 chapters will be published on Monday afternoon.
Today was a very busy day, I was barely home, sorry about this.
But to make up for that, how about a question?
This may or may not be related to the surprise.
What is the common characteristic between Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Michelangelo, and Picasso?
Multiple balls of fire floated in an abandoned office.
They moved gently like fireflies illuminating the dark room...
Sitting on top of the old desk, Adryan watched this scene calmly.
He was now in the abandoned ceramics factory.
He was using this factory as a kind of hideout.
There were various traps throughout this place, inside and out, whose sole purpose was to keep away any bums who might want to enter when he was here.
When he wasn't here he deactivated these traps.
He just used it to attend the Tarot Club and other things.
Attending the meeting in his room was very dangerous, if someone entered when he was not in his body he could not do anything to defend himself.
He couldn't place all the traps he wanted to attend comfortably and without worrying about someone attacking him.
And the traps he had set up in his room wouldn't be able to help him if the person who entered was determined to kill him.
That is why he decided to use this factory.
He could prepare all the traps he wanted and attend calmly.
Sighing, Adryan snapped his fingers and the fireballs went out, returning the office to its darkness.
'Every two to four days I will be giving information to Klein so that he pays attention to certain details around him...'
He would wait for the right moment to give the key information to Klein.
If he did this right, he wouldn't have to lift a single muscle against the Useless Writer!
Klein would take care of playing against him, without even knowing that he is playing!
A sharp smile grew on the redhead's face.
'Don't worry Klein~ You won't have to worry about looking for evidence... Because it will come to you!'
Klein will get all the evidence he needs when he kills Sirius Arapis!
This guy is a member of the Aurora Order and one of the people who help make the ritual possible!
When Klein killed him and searched his body, he found several letters that talked about various things.
One of the most important was a large-scale human sacrifice using Tingen!
When Klein read this letter he had not given it the importance it deserved due to the lack of information and also because he thought he had already stopped this ritual from happening by killing Sirius.
And it was not only Klein but the Nighthawk Captain Dunn that thought the same thing...
They were wrong.
The ritual was completed a long time ago and the result of it was growing, stronger every day inside a woman's womb.
Unfortunately due to this huge mistake, both of them died saving Tingen from what was born from the ritual...
But now with the information he had given Klein, he would make sure the Nighthawks took this seriously.
'If Klein manages to convince Dunn that this is cause for alarm, reinforcements may be called in and the Useless Writer will find himself in a very difficult situation...'
'When this happens and the Church is informed, he knows that it will be impossible to use 0-08 so that it is ignored since this would alert the Church even more and they would send stronger people... If he is not careful, an Angel could arrive...'
'So he will have to accept that reinforcements have to arrive and complicate his plan, but he will undoubtedly make the reinforcements a small team by making the request not so urgent with the help of 0-08... Maybe it will be Cesimir and his team...'
Crestet Cesimir, one of the nine high-ranking deacons of the Church of the Evernight Goddess...
One of the three powerhouses of the Red Gloves...
A.K.A The Goddess's Sword!
It would be ridiculous for the reinforcement to deal with a large-scale sacrifice to an Evil God to be weak!
That would be an unreasonable development!
The Useless Writer would know this and would have no choice but to accept a demigod entering the board.
With just a little bit of information, he had balanced the Black King's side a bit more!
But this would not be enough...
Raising a hand to his chin, Adryan thought more deeply about his next move.
'0-08 is too powerful, he will make sure that Cesimir and his team are far away when he attacks...'
'I also can't deny the possibility that he will try to hide Megose at all costs...'
Adryan shook his head.
'No...100 percent he will hide Megose at the slightest sign of danger...He will not only hide her but he will make sure that someone protects her until the day of the attack...He won't do it himself, he's too much of a coward for that and wouldn't risk his presence being discovered...'
'No... he would use a third party for this...'
Adryan's eyes narrowed.
'Aurora Order... He will use the Aurora Order to protect this woman until everything is ready!'
The Useless Writer had already used this organization once to create that thing. What prevented him from using it again to protect it?
Besides, who would protect her so fiercely if not them?
It was the child of their God after all...
Adryan's eyes narrowed even more.
'Involving the Aurora Order would be the smart thing to do to counter whatever team is sent but is also very risky...'
Getting more pieces onto the board would only make it more difficult to control.
'I can't deny the probability that he has a trick up his sleeve...'
Adryan wasn't sure what that ace could be, the only thing he was sure of was that it had to exist.
The Useless Writer had been preparing for this for too long, it would be ridiculous if he didn't have at least one!
There was also his strongest weapon, one that Adryan was very familiar with from his abilities and capabilities...
'If he doesn't have a trick up his sleeve it's because 0-08 is that trick!'
'As long as the useless writer has 0-08 on his hands, anything can happen...'
Sighing, Adryan got up from the desk.
Just as he was putting his mask on, the temperature in the room dropped and a chill ran up his spine.
"Finally..." the redhead sighed as he tapped his palm twice with his finger.
The familiar door of bones formed quickly, when the skull of that giant bird joined, it opened and Chicho came out.
"Good afternoon Chicho" Adryan said in Elvish with a small smile.
"Good...afternoon..." Chicho greeted with her thick accent and a hard nod.
She then extended something to him.
"From an old man..." she said as Adryan took it and looked at it with a smile.
It was a bell made of old black metal, with various details in the shape of bones and spirals throughout its body. All these spirals and bones of different animals were connected in the skull of a bird that was detailed in the body of the bell.
It was identical to the summoning bell from Bloodborne and it had details in the style of Adryan Kenway!
This was what he had ordered at the party of the Detective the last week!
'Now I no longer have to make an altar every time I want to send a letter!' the redhead thought satisfied as he looked at Chicho with a smile.
He reached into his jacket and pulled out an almond chocolate bar.
"Thanks again Chicho" he said as he extended the bar to Chicho who took it nodding slightly.
She unwrapped the bar and began to eat it as she disappeared into her bony door.
'It seems the almond one is her favorite...' Adryan thought.
He had seen how the giant's gray eyes lit up when she saw what the bar was.
Putting that aside, he lowered his head and looked at the bell with a smile.
He put the bell in a larger pocket of his jacket and opened the letter that came with it.
_ Thank you for hiring our service_
Hey Mr. Unknown!
It's been a while since you last asked for something, I was worried that you died or worse! That you have already found another Craftsman and replaced me!
The corners of Adryan's mouth twitched.
'You say that like we have something...'
I'm glad that's not the case and I'm still your only Craftsman!
I hope you like the artifact I made for you last time!
I thought the next time you contacted me it would be to make you another artifact but I was wrong.
You know, it's not the first time that I've been asked to do something to contact a messenger but it's certainly the first time that someone is so specific with what they want.
The normal thing is that it is something simple, a whistle for example.
But you asked me for a bell! and not only that but you also specified the details that it had to have!
You are very interesting you know?
The way it works is simple, send some spirituality and shake it.
It'll last you 2 years so I hope we'll still be friends when it's turn to replace it...
We are friends, right?
I hope you don't mind if I write you the odd letter.
Don't worry! I will not write to you about mundane things, but about jobs that may interest you and favors that I would like to ask you.
Again don't worry! You will have a good pay.
Also, don't worry about the price. You can consider me having the incantation for your messenger the payment~
If you need me to do something for you, all you have to do is send me a letter~
PS: Your messenger is also very interesting, I get why you asked to put all those details~
__The Craftsman __
Adryan had a weird expression.
"What the fuck is this?" he mumbled confused.
The personality of this grandfather confused him more and more.
'Are you so lonely that as soon as someone texts you twice, you already consider them your friend?'
'Life in the Church of the God of Machinery and Steam must be sad and depressing!'
Adryan knew well that a Craftsman not from this church was very rare.
So he was sure that this grandfather was part of it.
But it seems his faith isn't very strong considering he's accepting custom jobs from wild beyonders and selling them artifacts!
'I don't know how the measures of that church work but it is very likely that if someone knew what you are doing the minimum punishment would be death.'
Thinking about that an idea came to his head that made a sharp smile grow on his face.
'In other words...Revealing this guy would also mean a juicy reward~'
Thinking so, Adryan let out a soft laugh while shaking his head.
If he wanted to do that, he would have done it a long time ago.
He had the contacts to do it.
But it didn't for a very simple reason.
If I did and lost this guy.
Who would make his artifacts?
With that thought he crumpled the letter into a ball which he then burned.
'Besides those jobs and favors might be interesting~'
Shaking his head in amusement, he left the office and the factory.
He still had several things to do.
Today was Monday, July 30, 1349.
In 15 days it would be the mission of the snake.
He had to prepare himself for whatever the Diabetic Snake would throw at him.