Jerry's expression flattened and her eyes deepened.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Holmes," she said calmly but Adryan chuckled darkly.
"Don't play with me little mouse. Your hands gave you away so let's be civil shall we?" there was a subtle threat in Adryan's tone that Jerry easily detected.
Jerry's skin turned a little paler and she nodded weakly.
"What will you give me in return Mr. Holmes?"
At this, Adryan laughed heartily.
"That's funny! You are very loyal to a gang that will replace you in a heartbeat as soon as you are no longer useful~"
Jerry trembled slightly and she slowly moved her hand to her pocket.
But before she could grab it, Adryan continued.
"But I am a fair man. In return I will cure your father of his disease" the redhead said calmly, his eyes on the pocket that Jerry was reaching for.
The girl's hand froze and her eyes widened in shock.
"You're lying" she said recovering herself, not believing what the older man had said.
"Use those eyes of yours to see that I'm telling the truth, that should be easy for you right?" Adryan said and Jerry lowered her head shaking with a little more force.
At this, Adryan sighed as he shook his head gently.
"Let's do this, this will be free information so listen well"
"That medicine you give your father is making him sicker."
Jerry looked up confused.
"What are you saying?"
"The Grimm herb is poisonous, consuming it will make you sick for several days and the Moonlight herb, although it is a medicinal herb, is only applied to the skin.
If someone consumes it, the only thing you would achieve would be to have diarrhea and get slightly sick."
"Are any of these symptoms familiar to you?"
Jerry was silent for a few moments before her expression broke into one of pure fury.
"Damn you Martiel! You swore it!!" she snarled with pure anger.
She clenched her fists tightly and then started hitting the wall in anger.
Adryan watched Jerry's outburst calmly, he decided to let the girl let out her anger for a few moments.
"That's enough!" he said with power and the girl stopped.
She grunted but still stopped hitting the wall and lowered her arms.
She stepped in front of Adryan, her gray eyes blazing with anger.
"Can you heal him?"
Adryan lowered his head so he could see Jerry.
The girl was not even 1.40 meters so Adryan had to lower his head to see her.
He slightly moved his gaze to the girl's knuckles and saw that the skin on them was broken and blood was slowly coming out.
He returned his attention to Jerry's eyes.
"If you tell me where Dead Shot is and they're there, I'll cure him. Do we have a deal?"
At some point in the conversation, Jerry's eyes had gone glassy and she was looking deeply at Adryan.
After a few moments in silence, she nodded.
"We have a deal."
Adryan adjusted his windbreaker as he looked at a building in the distance, he was standing on the roof of a building.
Thanks to his enhanced Vision he could clearly see the details of the target like a hawk flying high in the sky watching its prey.
It was a simple three-story residential building that did not have any special detail that made it stand out from the rest of the buildings on the street.
But according to Jerry, this was a special building because this was where the weapons were tested.
The basement of the building had been modified to be able to do the tests every weekend so as to not attract attention.
Every weekend multiple members of Dead Shot would go out looking for workers to 'hire'.
But until the weekend arrives, the building would be abandoned.
But still, Adryan decided to come here to investigate the terrain, he couldn't attack a well-armed gang without having a plan.
That would be against his code as a Hunter!
'From here I can see the building but nothing else, I could get closer but I won't risk it, maybe there are some hidden guards...' Adryan raised his arm and sent spirituality to a tattoo on it.
In a moment golden dust appeared and formed a bird on his arm.
The bird spread its wing in a salute and Adryan nodded.
"Fly over the building there and come back in five minutes" he pointed to the building in the distance and the bird looked at the designated place with its reddish-orange eyes.
The bird turned to see him for a moment, made another military salute, and took off.
Adryan with that done, he got down from the building to an alley and hid, he closed his eyes and began to draw the sphere of light in his mind.
Returning to the City of Calamities, he send spirituality to the golden dust that floated on his arm and the screen was formed.
He saw the aerial view of the street from the building.
'This is like having one of those super-advanced drones although in this case, it's a bird...'
As he looked down the street, Adryan couldn't help but remember some conspiracy theories that made him let out a heartfelt laugh.
'In this case, wouldn't it be true that the pigeons are cameras created by the government to spy on people?'
Still letting out small chuckles, he returned his attention to the spy bird's camera.
He could see the workers moving and the homeless lying in the alleys sleeping.
'No matter where you go you'll always find homeless, maybe the only place where there isn't is Empress Borough...' Adryan thought calmly as he watched this.
He looked at all the people who walked the streets looking for any strange detail...
'Bingo' the redhead thought victoriously as he saw a group of workers and homeless people.
He noticed that the same workers had already walked the same street 3 times but on different sidewalks. And it was not a small group but a considerable one.
While the homeless were sitting on the sidewalks begging for money, this wouldn't be strange if it wasn't for the fact that after a while one of them always ended up looking at the building.
Also in the windows of the buildings around and in front they had multiple people watching outside on guard.
'Luckily I didn't go in person, if I went and caught their attention I might end up receiving bullets as a welcome gift' Adryan thought with a smile as he cut off the supply of spirituality, and the golden dust wrapped his arm again.
Adryan's expression became serene, and he sat down on the floor of the City of Calamities and crossed his legs.
He put a hand to his chin.
'Now I can think about the Jerry thing...'
'How is it possible that Flora just chose the girl who was Half-Spectator? The path I want most on my team? This is too much of a coincidence!!' the redhead thought ridiculous.
'Is this the hand of the Paranoid?'
The more Adryan thought about it he couldn't help but feel that this wasn't the case.
No matter how much he wanted he would never realize that this was the man's command so it was unlikely to be so.
But that didn't mean Adryan would rule out 'His' involvement either.
'I have to think deeper about this...'
'Flora chose the girl while I chose the gang....'
Thinking that, Adryan realized something ridiculous.
"I didn't pick a gang, I just left it to chance..." he muttered astonished.
Flora had chosen the girl using her intuition while he had left it to chance!
"Using a song to choose may not be so random but it's the same..."
"Was it luck or the Paranoid?..." the redhead said doubtfully, his brows furrowed.
Jerry was back in her room, she had her hands together as she looked at her father doubtfully.
She lowered her head and spreading her hands she saw the vial that Mr. Holmes had given her.
In this vial was a clear liquid that was warm and had a sheen that made her feel purer.
She noticed that just having this vial here made her room feel cleaner.
'According to Mr. Holmes he just has to drink this and he'll be cured...' she thought confused as she remembered how the masked man had given her this.
The man had taken out an empty vial and then he took out a beautiful gold medal necklace that he put inside the vial and said something in a language she did not understand.
She miraculously saw something similar to water appear in the vial and the man took out the necklace and hid it inside his shirt.
"Make sure your father drinks all the water, I'll come again in two days to give you more, but if I don't come back, don't worry. With a few days' rest he'll be as good as new" the man had said confidently as he handed her the vial.
Looking at that very vial she was hesitating.
If Dad really heals with this...
She looked at her sick father again...She then looked up and saw the newspapers that were taped to the wall.
-The Fire Mage. Hero or Villain?-
She saw how the word Hero was circled multiple times and she sighed as she lightly squeezed the vial in her hands.
With a determined look, she walked over to her father and sat next to him while gently lifting his head.
The man opened his eyes weakly showing his brown color. He looked at his daughter.
"Little mouse..."
Hearing her father's weak voice made Jerry laugh with tears forming in the corners of her eyes, tears that she quickly wiped away with her shirt sleeve.
"Here's your medicine Dad, drink it" she said as she rested the vial against her dad's lips but the man jerked his head away.
"No more little mouse... Don't spend money on medicine anymore... I'm not going to get better..."
"Go to your aunt, she'll take care of you..." he said weakly and Jerry had to wipe her tears again.
"Please Daddy, this last time, I promise you'll get better this time so please drink it…for me" she begged as she rested the vial against her father's closed dry lips.
At this Jerry this time let the tears fall down her cheeks...
The man looked at the tearful face of his daughter and could only lament.
Tears also fell from his eyes.
'What kind of father am I? Make my daughter cry...I'm pathetic'
He parted his dry lips and drank the liquid from the vial.
Jerry upon seeing this, a sweet smile formed on her face as she helped her father to drink everything in the vial.
Hello guys author here!
I have good news and WONDERFUL NEWS.
First the good one: my exams finish tomorrow Friday. That means that the 2 chapters a day are back!
Now the wonderful ones: the surprise already has a date but I'm not going to say it so it's still a surprise.
The most I will say is that it will be in May.
What do you think it will be?
A chapter special?
Or something else...
You are free to guess!!
That rhymes...
I just know you're going to love it!!
Or at least I hope that you will...
Have a good night!
Adryan heaved a sigh as he looked at a ball of fire in his hand.
He hadn't gotten much sleep because there was so much going on in his head. To avoid drawing Flora's attention, he had faked being asleep and entered the City of Calamities to think about certain matters...
'No matter how I look at it, I don't know why the Fanatic would give me a hand... It's impossible for him to know that I know Will so is there some ulterior motive?' the redhead thought heavily while the fireball danced in his hand.
'Also if is not 'Him', why would the Paranoid help me? 'He' has no reason, 'He' should seek to help the three-flavored soup...' Adryan narrowed his eyes.
'Is he looking for me to grow up to become a good pot? Like, fattening the cow for juicy meat?'
He is the carrier of the City of Calamities.
For someone like the three-flavored soup he was one of the most juicy and a target to possess!
'That would be a good reason but now that I know I have Hunters Hallow that shouldn't be possible...Of course unless he has a way to take this robe from me...' he thought as he closed his fist crushing the fireball.
'I'm sure that this strange robe has many more abilities that I don't know about. Who says that possession of that soup isn't something it can prevent?'
'At first I thought that Hunters Hallow didn't have this ability because Steve had managed to possess me but when Flora had tried the last level of parasitization the robe reacted and trapped her inside me without the ability to escape or steal and spy on any of my secrets...'
He could even use Miss Worm as if she were an artifact with no negative effects!
'Besides, the Raven didn't even dare possess Klein so what hope does the soup have of doing it with me if he doesn't even have a fragment of his original strength?'
"You are a stinking corpse now, not even a shadow of what you were, you have no chance of carrying the corruption of the City of Calamities..." the redhead said amused as he looked at the City in the distance.
"Besides, it's not like the soup is going to get a chance to possess me.
As soon as he comes out of the seal he will be trapped in the body of the Useless Writer and I would be far far away from Backlund..."
Adryan's biggest concern was the Paranoid and the Fanatic...
But again he couldn't help but feel that this was not the hand of the Paranoid.
It was the same with the Fanatic...
Also, it's not like he was planning on taking Jerry to be a part of his team!
She already had her life here and her father.
He wouldn't take that from her.
Shaking his head, he released another sigh as he began to sketch the sphere of light in his mind.
"Xio are you sure about this?" Fors asked with a bit of fear in her voice as she looked at her friend.
Xio adjusted her sword and looked strangely at Fors.
"Holmes is weird but so far he's proven to be reliable. I'll get the formula and you'll confirm it. Besides, it's not like you're going to talk to him."
Fors felt a hit at those words and she looked away while laughing awkwardly.
At first, Xio had offered to accompany her to obtain the formula but she had refused.
She didn't want to be around someone like James Holmes!
In addition, the man's mask made her uncomfortable and she didn't even saw the real one!
Only images from newspapers and drawings.
Only after a deal to be able to sleep all day until Friday was she convinced.
Xio, faced with her friend's attitude, shook her head while lifting her hood.
"Get ready, we'll leave in 10 minutes"
Fors looked at her tiredly as she got up.
"It's 6:00 in the morning..." she muttered as she got ready.
Xio rolled her eyes at that, and watched as Fors changed without any energy with a bit of disbelief.
'You slept 9 hours, how come you're still so tired?' she thought, not understanding how Fors got tired so quickly if she spent all day lying down.
Seeing how the woman took out a ball mask and put it on along with a mouth mask, she felt déjà vu.
"What are you doing?"
Fors took off her ballet mask and looked at her friend.
"I'm not going to let that crazy man see my face, I don't want him to know who I am" she responded determined, putting on her ball mask again.
Xio's expression became flat, she raised an eyebrow without changing her face.
"It's not like he doesn't know who you are already."
Fors froze as she looked at her dear friend.
"What?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
"How do you think he knew that I had a friend who is an Apprentice?" Xio replied nonchalantly.
This was something that she had realized when rereading the letter that Holmes had written to her.
She hadn't noticed that detail because she hadn't paid as much attention when reading it the first time.
'If I had noticed this detail, would my reaction upon reading it have been different?' she thought as she watched her friend fall weakly on the sofa.
The first thing she had done was go directly to her house to look for Fors.
She hadn't thought of the possibility that there was someone on guard ready to follow her when she took the letter.
Besides, she never thought about the great coincidence that the second formula that the man mentioned was the one that Fors needed.
It was so obvious that he knew the existence of Fors...
'I'm still very inattentive. I have to be much more alert and careful' she thought heavily as she touched the hilt of her sword.
Releasing a sigh she looked at her friend who seemed to have lost her soul.
"Get up we're leaving"
Fors let out a sad groan as she stood up and tossed aside her ball mask and mouth mask.
But her ball mask bounced off the sofa and fell to the floor.
"No!" she screamed in terror as she knelt down and carefully lifted the mask.
She had moved so fast that it shocked Xio.
She turned it around in fear but seeing that there weren't any scratches or cracks she let out a relieved sigh as she hugged the mask and wobbled from one side to the other.
"You're fine, you're fine, you're fine" she sang in relief as Xio watched this with a quivering eyebrow but still somewhat understanding her friend.
That mask had been a rather expensive gift that Fors had received from a fan...
Even her heart jumped when she saw how the mask fell to the ground but she hid it.
Sensing that it was getting late, she walked up to her friend and grabbed her arm.
"Let's go!"
"Hey wait" Fors said taken by surprise as she was dragged but as she could she freed herself, quickly and carefully placed the mask on the table, and followed Xio.
Adjusting her hood, Fors kept as close to Xio as possible as they moved through the streets of East Borough.
This wasn't the first time she had entered the East Borough but it was the first time she had gone so far.
She could feel being watched like a piece of meat but no one came close due to the majesty that came out of Xio's body.
Although this did not prevent everyone from avoiding them, Xio was more than enough to deal with the brave few...
After turning aside and taking several alleys to lose anyone who followed them, they arrived at the factory.
Reaching the fence that surrounded the factory, Xio skilfully climbed it and fell on the other side.
Xio turned to see her friend and saw how she 'crossed' the fence with a calm step.
"What?" Fors asked with a bit of arrogance in her voice at Xio's gaze.
Xio shook her head.
"Holmes should be inside, come on" she said calmly as she walked to the entrance.
Fors froze for a moment and stood in front of the factory alone.
The wind hit her and a chill ran up her spine.
'Don't leave me here!!' she screamed in her mind as she ran to the entrance.
She entered the factory and looked around her but all she saw was old machinery, garbage, and dust, a lot of dust.
Xio was standing next to an old and rusty machine waiting for her. She had pulled her hood down and was looking at the ceiling above her.
Fors found this curious but she didn't pay attention to it, instead she ran until she was in front of her friend and angrily said.
"Don't leave like that!"
Before Xio could say anything, an amused laugh sounded just behind Fors who turned pale.
She slowly turned her head around and saw a tall man dressed in black with a creepy mask on his face standing just behind her.
"What's wrong? Did the Boogeyman eat your tongue?" Adryan asked mischievously.