Finding himself back in this world that was upside down and twisted, the annoyance was clear on Adryan's face.
But this only lasted a few moments as he only sighed as he walked towards the black steeple with a huge silver snake coiled around it.
"It's about time you contacted me..." muttered the redhead who barely took two steps and was already in front of the rotten wooden door.
Before entering, Adryan turned to look at the huge silver snake that was sleeping on one side and he seemed to think about something for a few moments.
Not seeing the damage, he just extended his hand towards the snake and touched its silvery body.
The sensation was cold and he could feel at touch the dense patterns and symbols that covered its entire body.
'I can feel its scales but it seems as if they weren't there as if they were illusory...'thought curiously Adryan looking at the snake that was still peacefully asleep,it seemed that it didn't feel his touch or didn't care.
Having enough of this, Adryan gently patted the snake a few more times before walking through the rotten wooden door.
Seeing the same scene as the last time with the stairs going up and down in a spiral, the corridors, shelves and rooms were either normal, inverted or some embedded in parts of others, he only began to advance through walls and doors until he reached the same but at the same time different place than last time.
He was no longer in the previous darkness but in what seemed to be a child's room, in a corner there was a bed big enough for a child with blue sheets, with a window to the outside showing the barren plain and a simple wooden desk with a wooden chair.
Looking at the floor, he saw how he had several toys scattered around it, from numbered squares of different colors ranging from 1 to 9, a small black teddy bear and various papers with drawings on them.
He bent down and grabbed one of the papers but instead of having a drawing it had a short sentence.
-August 14 at 3:27 p.m in the port of Backlund, wait for someone-
Adryan read this sentence with a flat face, then reread it several times and even turned the paper over but there was nothing written on the back.
Reading the sentence again he just looked around the room but again no sign of Will.
This caused him to let out a slightly dark chuckle as he spoke in a sweet and soft voice.
It was the voice that a mother used to tell her son that she was not going to hit him but she always lied and ended up doing it anyway.
"You bring me here in the middle of the night, you make me walk here and you just show me this note? Don't you have manners? Tell me, didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to disturb someone when they're sleeping?"
When he said that nothing happened around him but he managed to hear the amused laugh of a child in the distance, at that moment the dream where he was was broken.
Opening his eyes and looking around, Adryan found himself back in his room but there was no longer a crimson light coming through the window but now it was white.
Looking up he saw that it was already morning and as always the sky was cloudy covering the sun.
"At least you made me wake up in the morning maybe I won't spank you the next time I see you...." the redhead muttered with a calm tone as he reached for his nightstand and grabbing Hangover Time he opened it and saw that it marked VII.
Now being at his table eating a breakfast that consisted of scrambled eggs and a cup of black coffee the redhead was taking a sip but his mind was elsewhere.
'August 14 at 3:27 pm in the port of Backlund, wait for someone...'
"What kind of mission is this?" Adryan said annoyed as he put down his cup of coffee.
Will had revealed almost no information about what he had to do and this bothered him a lot!
No description of the person's physical appearance, how he would be dressed, or most importantly, what he had to do!!
Letting out a small sigh to calm himself, Adryan began to think with a colder mind.
'If he didn't tell me what that someone would be like, it's because that someone would be the one to find me but that doesn't tell me what my mission is about....'
He tried to think about what it could be but nothing came to mind which made him sigh again.
"I just have to wait to see with what this naughty snake surprises me with..." the redhead murmured as he took a bit of egg to his mouth.
As he ate, Adryan put aside the snake's 'antics' and decided to think of something else.
'I have 700 pounds left, I hope the hunt for Joseph is resolved soon so I can 'borrow' some money from the gangs'
'Viktor's funeral is tomorrow at the Holy Wind Cathedral, there are demigods there so entering with any artifact is suicide.'
'But it doesn't mean that I can't hide them elsewhere and when the funeral is over I'm going to pick them up'
'Maybe on the roof of a house quite far away, leaving them in an alley is very dangerous so it's best to be in a high place.' the redhead thought seriously as he ate.
As far as he knew the Holy Wind Cathedral had at least 1 demigod, Ace Snake or as he was known in the beyonder world 'Spellsinger of God'.
Adryan knowing his luck he would not bring any artifacts to the funeral so he was already planning where to hide them.
Already having a roof top in mind, Adryan put his fork down on his empty plate and reaching for his coffee cup he took a sip.
'The next Tarot Club is in two days, since my Monday is already free I don't have to worry about being in an awkward situation when I'm summoned.'
'In this meeting Audrey will obtain the Spectator potion formula and for the next one she will already be one, Alger should also advance to sequence 7 in the next one and Klein should already be a Beyonder' thinking about this Adryan noticed a problem that made him frown slightly.
'Klein will have a much greater spiritual burden because he will have to bear the spiritual drain of keeping two sequence 7s being sequence 9, wouldn't this make The Sun unable to join as in the original?' Adryan thought worriedly.
The Sun or Derrick Berg was too important for him not to join the Tarot Club properly and this worried Adryan immensely.
Trying to calm down, Adryan tried to remember what the process for Derrick to join had been like.
'If I remember correctly Derrick joined after Klein digested the Seer's potion, plus he was still a normal human so his load should be light...'
'When Derrick became a beyonder it didn't take long for Klein to advance to sequence 8 so he should be fine...'
'Maybe the problem is that the meetings will be short but as long as Derrick joins everything is fine...'thought the redhead somewhat uneasy.
'Klein will test his spiritual vision at this Tarot Club!' Adryan thought in alarm as he turned pale.
He had no idea what could happen if Klein looked at him!!
Would Mr. Fool explode in front of the still innocent Audrey and the overthinker Alger!!
Or would he lose control and turn into a monster and attack them!!!
'Shit shit I don't even want to imagine what could happen if Klein looks at Hunters Hallows!' Adryan thought in alarm as he raised his hands to his head.
'Now my only hope is that his intuition causes him to unconsciously ignore me like when he didn't look at Megose!'
Adryan was quite worried and alarmed so to calm down he closed his eyes and began to draw the spheres of light on his head, slowly entering Cogitation.
Slowly his mind calmed, his breathing slowed and his worried expression relaxed.
He slowly opened his eyes and let out a soft sigh.
"Klein I hope your intuition keeps your mask from falling off." Adryan said as he got up from his chair and carried the dirty dishes to the kitchen to clean them.
He had originally planned to have a 'chat' with the mage glove today afternoon but decided to leave it for another day.
Right now he didn't need the glove ability, plus he already carried a lot of artifacts, he wasn't immune to their negative effects so he had to be careful not to bite off more than he could chew.
Cherwood Borough was located near the Tussock River,it has many small companies and several residential buildings.
It was also in this borough that the headquarters of the Church of the Lord of Storms at Backlund were located.
Although it was better known as the <Holy Wind Cathedral>
The Cathedral was huge and when you see it, the first thing you would relate to it would be the sea.
It was painted in diverse and beautiful blues that combined it seemed that the Cathedral was hit by the waves, if one entered inside it the idea would only get stronger.
The salty smell of the sea was everywhere inside it, they could also feel the sea breeze.
The walls were covered with stained glass windows, they had thunder, storms and raging seas.
There were multiple rows of benches leading up to a tall podium which was painted a blue-gray similar to the color the sea turned when a horrible storm raged.
Now the rows of benches were full of people but there was a bit of a strange layout.
There were men, women and children, the number of men was greater than that of women.
If there was a woman in any row, she always went to the left of her husband, if the woman was single she was in a single row for them.
All these people looked tired, some with dark circles under their eyes and others were even crying,these people were grieving.
Despite the emotional pain that these people were going through, they were attentively observing the podium in front of them, on which there was a person standing.
Atop this podium was a silver-eyed old man, he wore a soft hat, dressed in a black robe with the symbol of the Storm Lord embroidered on it.
He had in his hands a thick bible with a blue cover and it had the same symbol of the Lord of Storms.
In one of the rows towards the end was a red-haired man who watched this old man trying his best to avoid showing his discomfort.
'This is the aura of a demigod.' Adryan thought as he took soft breaths to calm himself.
The old man was Ace Snake who was praying for the believers who died at the party.
Ace's voice was strong and there was a power behind it that made people subconsciously lower their heads.
One would think that it was because the voice reached so deep into the hurting hearts of the people that they could only lower their heads to start praying.
Even Adryan also lowered his head but didn't start praying he just kept his mouth and eyes closed.
'Even his voice makes me have no choice but to lower my head and he's not even trying, the power of demigods is ridiculous!' the redhead thought in astonishment.
The suppression that a demigod could exert on a normal person was enormous, even mid-sequence beyonders would have no choice but to lower their heads when in front of one!!
Adryan's supersensitive nose detected that the smell of seawater had grown stronger just as the sea breeze had grown stronger.
He even couldn't help but be moved by Ace's words and slowly he began to see a beautiful shore with a blue sea in his mind.
In this celestial sea, a beautiful ship was floating on,It was a beautiful ship made of the noblest of noble woods, it had three tall masts that seemed to resist any storm.
The sails were a beautiful light blue that perfectly reflected the color of the sea.
A large number of people were standing on it who were working together to make the ship work.
Adryan was standing on the shore and around him were all the people who were in the church and were looking at the vote crying loudly.
He managed to recognize several people in the ship, several of those who attended the party and had died he could even see the Punishers who had fallen and they were the ones giving the orders.
He saw someone working on the sails of the ship wearing a sailor's uniform just like the rest.
That was Viktor and he had a big smile as he did his part.
Adryan saw this with a soft smile but suddenly the captain of the Punishers began to sing.
"The waves on the shore swell,
the wind shakes the canvas
and murmurs in the white waves,
I hear your savage saying.
It calls me away, the ship beckons,
rocking impatiently, on a long way.
There it stretches in the desolate distance,
you can't come with me, you see, my boy
how easily my stars sink,
how easily the wind turns into a storm,
then death threatens in a thousand ways,
How did I challenge him, if I knew you were in trouble?
Or untie the noose from your arms
and also separate your heart from me!
Do I know if I can do it?
and victorious return home?
The wave that sings so seductively now
maybe it's the same one that's devouring me.
It's still in your hands
you have not entered into anything unsolvable yet,
Or quickly part your young life
of my uncertain being
Oh I want, or I want, before you have to
Giving up is easier than losing.
Oh let me drive in consciousness,
that I am alone on earth
so bow down to the monster
before the unheard of not my mind.
I play with terror
and suddenly I could be at my destination.
Cause high up on my masts
your photo will always be inspiring,
and, scorched by lightning,
increase courage with its brilliance.
The howling winds, no matter how eager,
don't drown out the sound of your voice.
And if only I could see and hear you
then there is no problem with me,
I don't want to do without life
and I want to fight with death;
How would a world become a burden to me?
embrace angels as beautiful as you.
You won't break my image either,
inaugurate it with tears of friendship,
it will be in days of pain and joy
be your comfort and confidante.
Yes, stay, even if everything is gone,
my friend in paradise home.
And then throw the wrong wave
I died back to the beach of flowers
i know better than that
another, a faithful hand,
that does not reject contempt or pain,
to bury my remains."
Viktor sang his heart out as did everyone on the ship.
Suddenly, several women dressed as sailors came out of the ship's cabin while holding trays full of wooden glasses with foamy beer filled to the brim, they did so while dancing and singing sharing the beers with the men on the ship, these women were some of those who had died at the party
The lady Viktor was flirting with at the party approached him while singing and in her hands she had a wooden cup full of foamy beer which she handed over to the man who received it with a smile.
Taking a big sip he wrapped an arm around the woman's waist who giggled.
Viktor sighed satisfied with a foam mustache and kissed the lady, separating from the woman she now also had a foam mustache which caused them both to laugh.
At the end of the song the sails were high and the wind began to blow, slowly the boat moved away from the shore and all those who were on the boat looked out and began to say goodbye waving their arms while laughing loudly.
Adryan watched this with a soft smile and his eyes were slightly teary.
'At least in this vision you had a happy ending,' thought Adryan sadly as he extended his arm and waved it goodbye to his friend who laughed loudly, still with his arm around the lady's waist.
"TAKE CARE VIKTOR" Adryan yelled at the boat that was getting further and further away, Viktor just raised his wooden cup towards him with a smile.
Slowly the ship moved away on the horizon until he lost sight of it and the vision faded until he found himself back inside the Cathedral.
Tears fell freely from his red eyes, taking a hand to his face to wipe away the tears, he could hear the loud sobs and cries of people crying for their loved ones who would no longer return.
"The believers in the Lord of Storms will embark on a journey across the ocean to the divine kingdom of our Lord, the journey will be one without pain and sadness where there will only be celebration and joy because the Lord will receive them with open arms" Ace said as he closed the blue-covered bible.
"May the Storm be with you" he said as he punched his left chest with his right fist.
"MAY THE STORM BE WITH YOU" shouted all the believers who hit their left chest hard.
"May the storm be with you," Adryan repeated as he also punched his left chest with his right fist.
Guys the song is not mine and all rights belong to the original composer <Franz Schubert>
The song is called <Schiffers Scheidelied> if you want to listen to it.
What do you guys think of Viktor's farewell?
I don't know how the church of the Lord of Storms says goodbye to the dead, so I thought this would be a good way.