Before Xio could leave the room full of bodies she was stopped by Adryan's arm who received a sharp glare from the Sheriff.
The masked redhead shook his head and advanced first with his always silent step, Xio could only follow the man closely without being able to complain due to their previous agreement.
'I have a horrible feeling about this…' Adryan thought seriously as he approached the door.
He stuck his head out again to see a short hallway that was just as horrible as the room they were in.
The hallway walls were the same as the rest of the house, the paint had been peeling off a long time ago and mold was slowly covering the wall.
Without taking his eyes off, he signaled to Xio behind him and began to advance down the corridor, being closely followed by the woman.
There was no sound in the house, everything was absolutely silent....
Moving slowly down the hall, Adryan and Xio found more rooms just like the one they had entered with multiple skinless bodies hanging from hooks but found no trace of Joseph.
Moving down the aisle they came to what must have been the main part of the store at some point.
What appeared to be cabinets now barely appeared to be standing and the counter was cracked.
Everything was empty and there was also a horrible smell but it did not come from this part but from some stairs that were in a corner that went down to a basement.
Turning to look at Xio, Adryan pointed to the stairs and Xio nodded, they both started heading towards the stairs, the smell had gotten much stronger the closer they got.
Looking at the bottom of the stairs they both could see how there was a light coming from deeper in the basement.
Looking at each other and nodding, they both began to slowly go down the old staircase, being careful not to make the old wooden steps rattle.
But due to a misstep by Xio the stairs screamed in protest causing both of them to stand still and look at the bottom of the basement but again no other sound was heard.
Turning around and looking at Xio who apologized as best she could with her hands they both went down to the basement.
It was a large space being illuminated by several lamps and this was without a doubt the worst place in the whole house.
'What kind of monster is Joseph' Adryan thought...
Ironically the floor was extremely clean, if one took the floor and ignored the rest of the horrible basement one would think it was the floor of a middle class restaurant...
The well-preserved skins of all of Joseph's victims hung on the basement walls like laundry spread out to dry,all of them still have hair.
There was a large pile of naked bodies in a corner that varied in age and gender there was also a bed next to it with a body already on it....
But again there was no trace of Joseph but Xio approached as quietly as she could to the pile of bodies before the doubtful gaze of Adryan who just followed her.
He watched as Xio looked around the pile for a few moments before she stopped after seeing a certain body.
Following Xio's gaze, Adryan saw that she was looking at the body of a girl who was still wearing an old gray dress and had a little green bracelet on her right wrist.
It seemed that she had been hanged because he could see the mark of rope that had been left on the girl's neck,and she wasn't the only kid that died like that,this made the blood of Adryan boil.
'Fucking bastard, she must be someone Xio knew...' Adryan thought as he watched Xio who seemed to be trembling with fury and clenched the sword and revolver in her hands.
Deciding that the best thing would be to look around the basement, Adryan saw a door that they didn't saw before.
They had not seen this door before because the hanging skins had covered the door and prevented them from seeing it from the stairway.
There was a little light that was coming from it.
Touching Xio who looked at him with some anger, Adryan pointed to the door and Xio look at it with a little surprise after that she nodded strongly but before going to the door she lifted the girl's body in her arms and separated her from the pile, after gently placing her on the floor next to the stairs she returned to Adryan who watched all this in silence.
Now they both began to move carefully towards the door, Xio with sword and revolver raised and Adryan ready to unleash a torrent of fire if necessary.
Arriving in front of the door, Adryan noticed that it seemed new, it seemed to be made of a very dark wood and it had some small details all over it.
The same feeling from before returned so he placed himself in front of Xio and prepared himself for whatever was behind it.
But he couldn't prepare any more because Xio stepped forward and kicked the door hard, forcing it open and revealing the interior of the room.
The interior of the room was the same as the door in that it looked new, not part of the abandoned fishing house.
But that didn't mean it was less demonic, there were several shelves on the walls that had many vials filled with a green liquid and floating in that liquid were human heads, organs, fingers, eyes, hands...
There was also a large table at the back of the room with the half-skinned corpse of a woman...
But this was not the most important thing they saw inside the room, but there was something else that made both their blood run cold.
In the middle of the room not far from the door was a large pentagram painted on the floor with what appeared to be blood, on top of which was an altar that had candles that were lit and danced in green fire.
When the door was opened and Adryan and Xio saw the altar, the blood that made up the pentagram shone for a few seconds.....
Adryan didn't think it and hugging Xio, who didn't have time to protest, and covering her with his body, he conjured a sphere of fire that enveloped them both....
At night in the harbor known as Mulock's Viscera, the abandoned fishing house exploded in a huge green fire.
Following the explosion of green fire multiple pieces of the fishing house began to rain down and not only that but numerous parts of the numerous bodies that were there as well.
This left the street full of rubble and parts of human bodies...
The basement where the explosion happened now only had a very deep crater that even reached the sewers and dirty water began to fill it.
In one of the huge rubble there began to move and then they were blown away by an explosion of orange fire.
Now in that place there was a kneeling Adryan, his black windbreaker had been destroyed and his back was badly hurt, bleeding from various parts.
He was even still hearing a loud ringing in his ear but the redhead didn't care but looked at what he was protecting with his body.
Carefully removing the scarf and hood he could see Xio's unconscious face, she had some bruises and cuts but was still breathing which made Adryan breathe a sigh of relief.
'Thanks Gods', Adryan unconsciously thought gratefully.
He looked around at how the basement had been left and could only feel very lucky that the sphere he formed was enough to withstand the explosion and save both of their lives.
'We can't stay here, the Machinery Hivemind will be here soon,' thought Adryan in alarm.
Removing the burnt band and what was left of his black windbreaker he used it to carry Xio on his back and climbed out of the crater.
He couldn't risk using a Shadow Leap with Xio, he didn't know what other kinds of injuries she could have and he didn't know what the Leap itself would do to her so he could only carry her.
Leaving the crater and seeing the state of the street, Adryan could not waste time and began to run away from the place as fast as he could.
'Xio needs to rest but where, we can't stay in East Borough...'
running while using the alleys to avoid being seen Adryan still had his mask on but his red hair was exposed.
'At this rate it will take me 2 hours to leave the East Borough....'
Even running, he heard how Xio let out a few moans of pain.
'Shit shit SHIT'
Without much other choice, Adryan just went to the only place that came to mind.
'Urghhh my head...'
Recovering consciousness and opening her eyes, the first thing Xio noticed was the huge headache she had.
"Are you better miss?" a male voice asked her which made Xio alarmed and she turned to see where the voice came from.
Next to a campfire was a man with a gloomy mask on his face that seemed very familiar to her...
The memories of what happened in the basement came back making her get up from the makeshift bed made of a vest but that made her leg ache and she could only fall back lying down.
Looking at her leg, she saw how it was bandaged and she only raised her hands to her face full of shame, silence returned and neither of them said anything.
"Thank you for saving me Mr. Holmes" the first to say something was Xio who removed her hands from her face and looked at the masked man who just nodded.
The silence returned and Xio once again felt an enormous guilt growing inside her.
She almost kills them both, if it wasn't for Holmes she would be dead and she couldn't keep her promise with...
Her eyes widened and after grunting a bit she began to cry helplessly, not caring that there was a stranger there.
Holmes did not give importance to this and he continued to look at the fire calmly, letting her vent.
After half an hour Xio finally calmed down and still lying down she turned to look at the man.
"I'm sorry for almost killing us Mr. Holmes" Xio said regretfully and Holmes looked at her.
"What made you act so impulsively miss?" The man ignored her apology and asked Xio who stared at the man's mask.
After a few moments in silence she spoke...
"That girl's name was Coin Lauft, she was a girl who lived with her mother on the outskirts of East Borough...."
"I met her during my work as a bounty hunter, I saved her from being kidnapped but in the process she injured her leg so I carried her home where I met her mother."
After saying that she let out a dry laugh as she shifted her gaze to the campfire…
"You have no idea how the mother reacted, she thought I hurt her daughter and the first thing she did was hit me with her broom."
"Coin had to calm her down and after that she invited me to eat with them although the best thing would be to say that she threatened me with the broom to accompany them."
Holmes was silent as he listened to her tell her story.
"After that, during my next jobs in that area, I bumped into her a lot and Coin always talked to me, telling me about her day or how her classes were going at church or if I could help her with her homework..."
"Before I knew it, it was normal for me to visit her at her house several days a week to teach her or spend time with her"
"Her mother always thanked me for that because Coin didn't have many friends not even a friend as good as me"
When Xio said that she let out another dry laugh.
"It was like that for 2 years until 2 weeks ago, when I was at my house her mother who was crying hysterically visited me, I tried to calm her down but nothing worked, after a while she could barely tell me that Coin didn't come home after her classes and she didn't know where she was."
"It didn't take 5 minutes and I was already out looking for her, that day the only thing I found out was that she had been kidnapped on her way home."
Tears began to fall from Xio's green eyes who kept looking at the campfire.
"I swore to her mother that I would bring her home but after a few days I only found out that she was kidnapped by the head of Black Skull, after tracking down some members and attacking them that's when I met you"
"The rest you know, we went to the bar, we kidnapped Billy, we interrogated Billy, we killed and buried Billy, we went to the fishing house and then..."
Xio didn't say anything else but remained silent and Holmes just bowed his head looking at the ground....
Welcome to the new readers of this story and I hope you enjoy it.
I greatly appreciate your comments and opinions.
I want to say that I am not a professional in writing stories and any spelling mistake I will try to correct as soon as I see it.
Also if you have any questions regarding the current story you can ask and as long as it does not involve spoilers I will solve them.
Once again, thank you very much for your support and I hope we can all enjoy LOTM 2 together.