Still leaning against the wall, Adryan continued to look at the disguised Miss Xio.
"Miss, did you manage to finish your preparations?"
"Everything is ready" was Xio's short answer as she approached Adryan.
Standing closer to him, she took out some papers and extended them towards the masked man.
"These are all the data I managed to gather from the place where he should be hiding"
'Not bad, Miss Judgment,' Adryan thought with a whistle and grabbed the papers and read.
Apparently the place where Joseph lives was more than 70 years ago a very successful fishing hunt but due to various tragic events the original owners negotiated bankruptcy and was abandoned.
Supposedly no one has lived in or set foot in that house since it went bankrupt more than half a century ago.
'What better place to have your necrophiliac fantasy, the poorer port of the East Borough has a horrible stench on its own so no one would care about a new one and no one will know what he is doing'
While he was thinking that, Adryan finished reading the papers and handed them back to Xio who grabbed them and put them away again.
"Miss I hope you brought something else besides your sword after all we have no information of what Joseph is capable of"
"You don't have to worry about my Mr. Holmes" Xio answered as she took out a revolver from her waist and the redhead could only smile behind his mask.
"So how about we go get him?" he asked as he bowed.
The disguised Xio didn't say anything and she just nodded and they both went in the direction of that port in East Borough....
The East Borough's poorest port is better known to locals as Mulock's Viscera, this name couldn't be better due to the hideous viscera of this monster fish,being the only thing that surpasses it in smell the Canned Wolf Fish.
It was already very late when Xio and Adryan had arrived and now they were both looking at an abandoned building from a distant alley.
The paint in the fishing house had been peeling off a long time ago and the ceiling had huge holes, the windows were all broken and the door was broken in big pieces at the corners.
'My poor nose...' thought Adryan with reddened eyes due to the horrible stench coming from the house.
This was a huge drawback of having such a sensitive nose and he could even say that there should be at least 10 rotting corpses in there.
"Just like Billy said, it's there" the masked man said disgustedly and Xio nodded with a wrinkled nose.
Even though her senses weren't as sharp as the redhead's she could still smell the scent of the bodies from where she stood.
"Let's go in from the back..."
Xio said quietly as she took out her sword in her right hand and her revolver in her left hand.
Adryan just nodded and before they both started to move Xio said one last thing.
"If there are any guards inside, we'll kill them and when we're inside we won't talk anymore" when Xio said that she began to move cautiously towards the fishing house.
Adrian just sighed and followed Miss Judgment closely as he looked around for any surprises that might appear.
As the two of them got closer to the house the smell got worse and Adryan could only curse his nose.
But ignoring his discomfort, there was one thing that gave Adryan a bad feeling and that was the fact that they were not running into anyone, he understood that no one should know that Joseph is here but even so, was he really alone?
Not wanting to confide in luck, Adryan discreetly put on the Burnt Band and moved closer to Xio in case he had to make an escape he could grab the Sheriff and run away quickly.
With his current spirituality it was possible he could handle taking an extra person although he didn't know if he could do it because he never tried so the best thing for them was that he didn't have to jump blindfolded headfirst into the pool and hope that it is full.
Arriving at the back of the fishing house, Adryan and Xio found an open window and the smell coming from it was much worse.
Beckoning to Xio who just nodded, Adryan approaches the window while crouching down he stuck his head out and looked into the room...
The room appears to have been modified to be a human butcher shop, there were several rows of human bodies hanging from hooks, the bodies varied in size and shape, some clearly those of children.
These human bodies had no skin, and Adryan could clearly see the rotting muscle on the bodies, and that wasn't the most disturbing thing.
The most disturbing and disgusting thing was the fact that all these bodies seemed to be wearing makeup?
Even Adryan could see various traces of dried fluids on the bodies.
'Sick bastard' was what Adryan thought as he stopped looking inside the room and closing his eyes for a few moments to meditate, he turned to look at Xio who was waiting for some indication.
Sighing internally, Adryan just nodded and entered through the window. Seeing this, Xio quickly and silently approached the window and before entering, she saw the demonic scene inside.
Xio almost vomited when she saw this if it weren't for the fact that she covered her mouth and that the little vomit that came out she swallowed again.
She quickly meditated to calm down and after a few moments she opened her eyes again but she didn't look at the bodies but looked at the exit to this room.
Sorry for not posting chapter yesterday and so late today guys.
I'm a little sick but I should be better tomorrow.
Note to readers: all the chapters published up to this point were chapters that I wrote over the course of two months from my other story with the same name.
I have published this new one in the fanfics part because the other one is in novels.
I hope you like this book.
Before Xio could leave the room full of bodies she was stopped by Adryan's arm who received a sharp glare from the Sheriff.
The masked redhead shook his head and advanced first with his always silent step, Xio could only follow the man closely without being able to complain due to their previous agreement.
'I have a horrible feeling about this…' Adryan thought seriously as he approached the door.
He stuck his head out again to see a short hallway that was just as horrible as the room they were in.
The hallway walls were the same as the rest of the house, the paint had been peeling off a long time ago and mold was slowly covering the wall.
Without taking his eyes off, he signaled to Xio behind him and began to advance down the corridor, being closely followed by the woman.
There was no sound in the house, everything was absolutely silent....
Moving slowly down the hall, Adryan and Xio found more rooms just like the one they had entered with multiple skinless bodies hanging from hooks but found no trace of Joseph.
Moving down the aisle they came to what must have been the main part of the store at some point.
What appeared to be cabinets now barely appeared to be standing and the counter was cracked.
Everything was empty and there was also a horrible smell but it did not come from this part but from some stairs that were in a corner that went down to a basement.
Turning to look at Xio, Adryan pointed to the stairs and Xio nodded, they both started heading towards the stairs, the smell had gotten much stronger the closer they got.
Looking at the bottom of the stairs they both could see how there was a light coming from deeper in the basement.
Looking at each other and nodding, they both began to slowly go down the old staircase, being careful not to make the old wooden steps rattle.
But due to a misstep by Xio the stairs screamed in protest causing both of them to stand still and look at the bottom of the basement but again no other sound was heard.
Turning around and looking at Xio who apologized as best she could with her hands they both went down to the basement.
It was a large space being illuminated by several lamps and this was without a doubt the worst place in the whole house.
'What kind of monster is Joseph' Adryan thought...
Ironically the floor was extremely clean, if one took the floor and ignored the rest of the horrible basement one would think it was the floor of a middle class restaurant...
The well-preserved skins of all of Joseph's victims hung on the basement walls like laundry spread out to dry,all of them still have hair.
There was a large pile of naked bodies in a corner that varied in age and gender there was also a bed next to it with a body already on it....
But again there was no trace of Joseph but Xio approached as quietly as she could to the pile of bodies before the doubtful gaze of Adryan who just followed her.
He watched as Xio looked around the pile for a few moments before she stopped after seeing a certain body.
Following Xio's gaze, Adryan saw that she was looking at the body of a girl who was still wearing an old gray dress and had a little green bracelet on her right wrist.
It seemed that she had been hanged because he could see the mark of rope that had been left on the girl's neck,and she wasn't the only kid that died like that,this made the blood of Adryan boil.
'Fucking bastard, she must be someone Xio knew...' Adryan thought as he watched Xio who seemed to be trembling with fury and clenched the sword and revolver in her hands.
Deciding that the best thing would be to look around the basement, Adryan saw a door that they didn't saw before.
They had not seen this door before because the hanging skins had covered the door and prevented them from seeing it from the stairway.
There was a little light that was coming from it.
Touching Xio who looked at him with some anger, Adryan pointed to the door and Xio look at it with a little surprise after that she nodded strongly but before going to the door she lifted the girl's body in her arms and separated her from the pile, after gently placing her on the floor next to the stairs she returned to Adryan who watched all this in silence.
Now they both began to move carefully towards the door, Xio with sword and revolver raised and Adryan ready to unleash a torrent of fire if necessary.
Arriving in front of the door, Adryan noticed that it seemed new, it seemed to be made of a very dark wood and it had some small details all over it.
The same feeling from before returned so he placed himself in front of Xio and prepared himself for whatever was behind it.
But he couldn't prepare any more because Xio stepped forward and kicked the door hard, forcing it open and revealing the interior of the room.
The interior of the room was the same as the door in that it looked new, not part of the abandoned fishing house.
But that didn't mean it was less demonic, there were several shelves on the walls that had many vials filled with a green liquid and floating in that liquid were human heads, organs, fingers, eyes, hands...
There was also a large table at the back of the room with the half-skinned corpse of a woman...
But this was not the most important thing they saw inside the room, but there was something else that made both their blood run cold.
In the middle of the room not far from the door was a large pentagram painted on the floor with what appeared to be blood, on top of which was an altar that had candles that were lit and danced in green fire.
When the door was opened and Adryan and Xio saw the altar, the blood that made up the pentagram shone for a few seconds.....
Adryan didn't think it and hugging Xio, who didn't have time to protest, and covering her with his body, he conjured a sphere of fire that enveloped them both....
At night in the harbor known as Mulock's Viscera, the abandoned fishing house exploded in a huge green fire.