They were eating the cookies for a while until the bag ran out making Mantis have a sad expression.
Seeing her daughter's expression, the mother gently stroked her daughter's back causing her to look at her.
"Do you seriously think that I only brought you cookies as your surprise?" the mother said somewhat mockingly but Mantis opened her mouth in surprise.
"Really mommy?" At the question, the woman only nodded with a mysterious smile while she grabbed the bag from before and from it she took out the brown bread and the dried meat.
Now somewhat confused but at the same time amazed Mantis turned to see her mother who had a soft smile.
"I know we haven't been eating well the last few days so I bought more food to make up for it and I know beef jerky is your favorite."
Grabbing some of the dried meat Mantis took a small bite and tasting the meat and salt she couldn't help but cry a little.
"Sniff sniff it's not my birthday yet mommy sniff sniff" said Mantis sniffing and her mom just hugged her and patted her head while humming.
"I know my love but you deserve it for being such a good girl" said the mother as if it were a fact making Mantis laugh a little.
"So why don't you have some more jerky and bread and then go back to sleep hmmm?" the woman asked and Mantis nodded as she hugged the woman.
"Okay mommy"
"That's my beautiful girl"
Placing Mantis on the only chair in the room, the mother grabbed some glasses and poured water into them from a container.
It was not safe to drink the East Borough tap water directly so the people of this area had to boil the water before consuming it, otherwise they would almost certainly get seriously ill and living in this area that was a assured death.
Placing the glasses on the table, the mother also grabbed one of the slices of hard brown bread and accompanied with the dried meat, began to eat with Mantis who had a happy smile but the trail of tears were still there.
Frowning slightly, the mother stopped eating for a moment and approached Mantis.
"My love, stay still for a moment please," she said as she gently grabbed her daughter's chin and began to wipe her daughter's tears with the sleeve of her clothes.
"Hehehehehe that tickles mommy hehehehe" Mantis giggled as her mom finished wiping away the last trace of tears leaving only Mantis's smile.
Nodding to her work, the mother kissed her daughter's forehead and patted her head.
"Much better" he said as he lightly squeezed Mantis's cheek.
"Enough mommy he he he he he" said the girl feigning annoyance but the smile did not help in her act but still laughing her mother let go of her cheek.
"Sure, miss," said the mother jokingly as she grabbed her food again and resumed her breakfast with her daughter.
After eating breakfast until their stomachs were satisfied the mother and daughter duo returned to the mattress and now lying down they were looking at each other.
"Mommy, could you tell me a story to make me fall asleep" asked Mantis sleepily while scratching her eye, in her arms was her beloved Mr. Fluff.
"Of course my love, what story would you like me to tell you?" the woman said with a smile as she caressed the cheek of her daughter who liked this.
"Please tell me the story of the three little pigs again" Mantis asked while yawning.
"Of course my love, let's see how it goes mmmmm...
In the heart of the forest lived the three little pigs, who were brothers.
It turns out that these little pigs were always chased by a wolf that wanted to eat them.
To escape this wolf, the little pigs decided to build a house.
The little one made it out of straw....
The End" the woman finished telling this popular children's tale created by the famous Emperor Roselle.
Caressing her sleeping daughter's cheek, the mother couldn't help but sigh when she saw the state of the girl's clothes.
'When we leave this place I swear I'll get you nicer clothes Mantis, you'll never have to be cold or hungry again,' the mother thought determinedly before moving closer to her daughter and hugging her while she covered them both with the blanket.
This is how Thursday morning passed for the mother and daughter duo who did not get up until 1:40 p.m., having filled their stomachs made them quite tired and they were able to sleep very well.
Getting up from the mattress, Mantis could only yawn as she hugged Mr. Fluff and watched as her mother was making her some sandwiches with dried meat and brown bread.
"Mommy, don't you have to go to work today?" Mantis asked doubtfully as she sat on the chair and watched her mother shake her head with a smile.
"I won't have to work here anymore, I managed to save enough money for us to move to an area where you can attend school."
her mother said proudly and this greatly surprised Mantis.
"Really mommy can I go to school?" she asked hopefully and her mother nodded.
"If you can, my love, you can even make friends with children your age"
"Friends..." Mantis repeated as she hugged Mr. Fluff.
"Friends!" she repeated again but this time with much more joy.
"Yes my life" her mother said as she placed the sandwiches in front of her and Mantis ate with a big smile.
These were the best days of her life!!!!