The beam of light fell with power and it would have done great damage to Sasha and Nathan if it weren't for the beam falling on top of the blonde who showed a shocked expression.
Letting out a scream, the man's body was slightly burned by the beam of light but since he was a secuence 7 beyonder and it was his own attack the damage was not greater but that would change if he continued to receive the beam so lowering his arms he cut off the attack making the clouds of rain covered the sun again.
Taking advantage of the fact that the beam of light could no longer hurt them, they returned to the attack, Nathan grabbed more cards from his pocket and threw them at the man while Sasha attacked him again with her sword.
"What did you bastards do!!!, how is it possible that I received my Lord's punishment!!!" the blonde shouted in complete indignation,he now had some second degree burns on his body and no longer had that golden glow surrounding him.
"Guess how bitch!!" Sasha yelled as she slashed multiple times with her sword trying to cut the blonde who had no choice but to dodge or use his revolver to block the sword.
Nathan let out a light breath as he clutched the pocket watch tightly in his hand.
He had used the Hangover Time Distortion ability to make the blond attack himself.
Changing his intentions from: -Purify the corrupted- to -Purify himself from corruption- thus he had made the man hurt himself with his own attack.
The boss had spent the night before explaining the abilities of Hangover Time and Magician Glove, so he decided that Sasha would be the one to wear the glove and Nathan to use the watch,because Sasha's spirituality was not as big as Nathan's who would use the artifact that required more spirituality.
Preparing more cards Nathan tried to look around to try to find his revolver and saw that it was at the bottom and not far away was also the blonde's dagger.
So throwing several cards towards the blonde who had managed to momentarily separate from Sasha, Nathan ran towards his revolver.
Barely able to dodge some knife-like cards but still getting hit by some, the blond saw what Nathan was trying to do and he pointed his left hand at where the revolver was and it was engulfed in golden fire.
But the blonde couldn't enjoy this move because he had to block Sasha's sword again.
"Shit" Nathan said seeing how his revolver was engulfed in fire but not wasting much time he decided to instead grab the blonde's dagger.
Returning to Sasha and holding the dagger tightly in his right hand and with more cards in his left hand, Nathan threw the cards towards the blonde's legs who had to step away from Sasha to avoid it.
But Nathan took advantage of this and stood next to Sasha who looked at him and then nodded and both attacked the blonde at the same time.
This was something that they couldn't do before due to the difference in strength between them but after Nathan advanced to Clown that changed, now they could fight together in a lethal combo in which Sasha would be the main force while Nathan would be the support.
So that was how in a combo of strong and fast attacks they both attacked the blonde who was barely able to defend himself and the blond was visibly getting more and more angry,with no other option he had to use his ability again to be able to resist, so the golden glow enveloped him again, but this time it was weaker.
'It seems that using that ability tires him a lot, just as the boss said, that ability consumes a lot of spirituality' Sasha and Nathan thought the same way as they distanced themselves from the blonde.
The boss had also explained to them the different abilities of the beyonders of the bard's pathway, that's how they knew the price the blond had to pay for using this ability.
But not taking any risk, they both increased their vigilance and seeing how the blond extended his hand towards them, they separated again and where they were before now there was golden fire.
Aiming his revolver at Sasha this time the blonde pulled the trigger and a bullet fired but Sasha dodged it by jumping against the wall towards the blonde who tried to shoot Sasha again but all that was heard was a click.
'No!!!' he had never reloaded the weapon and now that was going to take cost him.
Seeing how the woman was already too close and with her sword held high, the blond tried to use his revolver to block but what he had done instead was to use his forearm to block and because of this his forearm was completely cut off by Sasha's sword.
Nathan had used Distortion on the blonde again, causing him to use his arm instead of using his revolver to block, causing him to lose it.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" the blond's scream resounded around but Sasha hadn't finished and she had tried to stab him again with her sword but the blond had held the woman's hands with his remaining arm barely stopping the attack.
But this had left him completely exposed to Nathan who had already arrived to help Sasha and slipped to the side and stabbed the blond in the back, where his heart was, Nathan had done it in the same way that the blond had attacked Sasha.
The blond's grip loosened allowing Sasha to break free and she quickly decapitated the man who had an expression of extreme indignation and hate.
Before the man's head had touched the ground a loud explosion rang out from the roof of some nearby buildings.
Looking at each other, they nodded and went outside to see how the masked Adryan was on the roof and an unknown man on the street.
Moments before with Adryan.....
Jumping to another building still with his fire bow in hand, Adryan continued shooting several fire arrows but the faceless man always dodged without much problem and kept his distance with flaming jumps along with air bullets.
"Fake Face stop running like a rat and face me!!" Adryan yelled at Faceless who had a small smile.
'Now I have an idea of what Klein's enemies were going through with so many jumps that he use' thought the redhead, somewhat irritated by the situation.
Moving to the left, he once again had to dodge an air bullet and the faceless one again gave another flaming jump, once again making distance.
'This bastard is just wasting time while his partner fights Sasha and Nathan...' while he was still moving he undid the Fire Bow.
Extending his left hand, multiple fire crows came out of it and rushed towards the faceless while Adryan ran to where Nathan and Sasha were fighting.
'Then let's reverse the situation bastard, let's see if you can stop me' Adryan thought as he ran across the roof.
'He's going to Esteban's fight, dammit'
The faceless, seeing what the masked man was doing, realizing the man's intentions and cursing internally, he could only make various Flaming Jumps, quickly approaching Adryan.
Reappearing several meters in front of the masked man, the faceless launched multiple cards in his direction along with several air bullets.
Using a Shadow Leap, Adryan managed to dodge the attack and coming out of the shadows a few meters next to the man, he formed some fire daggers that he threw with speed towards the faceless who used another Flaming Jump to dodge the attack and reappeared this time in the other building in front of Adryan.
The rain was still heavy hitting against the windbreaker of both Adryan and the faceless who looked at each other for a few moments.
"You're very annoying, you know that?" Adryan said causing a small smile to form on the man's face.
"I could say the same about you, sir." The rain continued to fall and a ball of fire formed in Adryan's hands and the faceless man had several cards in his hands ready to launch them.
But before they could continue fighting in the alley where their respective companions were fighting, suddenly a great scream from a man was heard.
'That voice doesn't sound like Nathan's at all…' A smirk formed under Adryan's mask who looked at the Faceless whose smile had frozen.
"Looks like your partner is having trouble." The taunt is heard loudly in Adryan's voice wich make the corners of the Faceless's mouth tremble...
Using a series of Flaming Jumps, the faceless began to quickly approach the alley from which the scream came.
Seeing this, Adryan did not stay behind and he also began to make several Shadow Leaps trying to stop the Faceless but the distance only increased.
'This is the difference between the ability of a living beyonder and that of an artifact,' thought Adryan frustrated, as he was still far behind the Faceless.
The difference in the distance that both could jump was to big and he knew this.
'At this rate I'll just end up draining my spirituality and when I reach it I won't be able to do much to stop it from bothering Sasha and Nathan.' Trying to think of a way to stop the man, Adryan just watched as he made long Flaming Jumps randomly,which would make it difficult for him to guess where he appeared next.
'So if I can't hit the specific place I can just bombard everything in front...' Adryan thought as two fire spears formed in his hands and he threw them towards where the faceless should appear but he didn't stop there but he created several more and relaunched them.
That was when the faceless came out of the jump of flames, he had multiple spears of fire raining down on him, so with no other option, he used another Flaming Jump and appeared on top of the spears, managing to dodge them, but they exploded and the man had to use another paper figurine to dodge the fire.
The entire roof of the building was destroyed and was set on fire, seeing this Adryan felt his heart heavy and using the connection he had with his fire, he made it disappear so as not to do more damage.
'Luckily these are all departmental buildings so the owner should have enough money to repair the damage...'thought the redhead as he extinguished his fire.
The faceless has now reappeared but this time in the middle of the street and he looked up at the roof where Adryan was who returned the look under his mask.
The Faceless had a somewhat agitated breathing and his skin seemed a little pale, initial signs of excessive consumption of spirituality while Adryan was also agitated and even more tired he also had begun to hear murmurs but tried not to show it too much so he could only distract the Faceless so his condition would not be discovered.
"Don't you know how rude it is to leave a dance in the middle of a song? On top of that, you tried to interrupt another dance, don't you have honor as a gentleman?" Provocation dripped from Adryan's voice while the faceless's gaze finally began to show anger.
But he suddenly gave an acrobatic jump dodging several shots, looking at the origin of these shots, Adryan could see how Nathan and Sasha had come out of the alley, both seemed injured but they could still fight and this made a smile form on Adryan's face who returned his attention to the Faceless who had a bitter and hateful look.
"It seems that the situation has been reversed Fake Face, so it seems like a 3 vs 1 now, bur to make it more fair I will not use one arm, what do you think?" Adryan said as he placed his left arm behind his back and bowed to the faceless who now was scowling, his eyes shining with anger.
Faceless did not stay longer but used multiple Flaming jumps and escaped with his tail between his legs.
Watching how the flashes of fire were getting further and further away, Adryan just sighed and jumping down the roof he came to Sasha and Nathan....