Adryan was now in front of a hole in which Billy's body was, he calmly grabbed a shovel and began to fill the hole.
Xio also grabbed a shovel, together they filled the hole and after a while with the hole covered they went back inside the garage and sat on some chairs in silence, the only light being the lamp on the floor and the red moon outside.
"Then miss, what will you do with the information we got?" Adryan was direct as he looked at Xio who was watching the flame of the lamp.
"Joseph is a dangerous man, one of the main reasons why it takes so long to get the information out of Billy is because he is terrified of him"
"I already assumed that, one can't put up with what he put up with without a good reason and what better reason than the fear of the punishment he would receive when Joseph found out he sold him"Adryan added calmly as he looked at the red moonlight outside.
"I have several things to prepare if we plan to kill Joseph so it will most likely take a while maybe until next week"Xio said as she looked at the man sitting in front of her.
"He he, don't worry about that, miss, it's even convenient for me since I have some problems to solve tomorrow" Adryan said with a small laugh when he returned his gaze to Xio.
"Then the point of contact will be the same as we agreed, have a good night Mr. Holmes" with those last words and a short farewell Xio left leaving Adryan alone.
Watching the crimson light illuminate the streets, Adryan just sighed before also leaving the warehouse.
Returning to Nathan and Sasha's house, Adryan had entered using Shadow Leap and he could see how Sasha was awake with her sword in hand in the living room.
When she saw him, the first thing she did was raise her sword, but when she saw him better, she lowered the weapon.
"Sorry about that, boss, you're a little late"Sasha said somewhat embarrassed as she put away her sword.
Removing his mask, Adryan just smiled at the woman as he put a bag on the table.
"Sorry I had to make a quick stop at the store" he said as he took out some red candles, red poppies and some papers from it, seeing this Sasha raised an eyebrow.
"Boss, what's all that for?"
"Nothing special just to use it while I take a shower, it's to give a atmosphere to it" Adryan replied with a small laugh as he went to the bathroom.
"Whatever you say, boss..." Sasha said rolling her eyes as she sat back down on the sofa.
Locking the bathroom door, Adryan placed the candles and red poppies in position while drawing the spear symbol on the paper and placing it is place.
Sighing, Adryan remembered how he had to make a stop at a store to get all this, the store was closed but Adryan had the Burned Band so a shadow leap was enough to enter.
He just took the flowers, candles and paper and left 2 solis for it along with a small note apologizing for what he had done.
Leaving that behind, Adryan extended his finger and a small flame formed on it, he ignited the candles, after that he closed his eyes and began to recite the incantation in a low voice.
"The Fire of Destruction that eradicated depravity;
Incarnation of Calamities;
The closest to the Oldest One;
Your devoted servant prays for your attention;
I pray for you to take this offerings;
I pray for you to open the gates to your Kingdom"
Listening to the murmurs, Adryan entered the City of Calamities and finding again the small pulsating flame, the passage of his spirituality forming the door of fire.
Using the power of the sefirot, Adryan released the yellowish smoke that enveloped Hangover Time and the magician glove and sent them to the door.
After doing that and passing his spirituality to the soldier who was in his house, Adryan left the City and returned to his body.
'I really have to change the Honorific Name', Adryan thought as he grabbed the magician's glove and Hangover Time and set them aside.
Sighing, he undressed and went in to take a shower, with his body cleaned, Adryan put on the pants that he asked Nathan to get for him along with a shirt.
Leaving the first 4 buttons open allowing the top of his chest to be seen, Adryan reattached the hidden blade to his left arm and tucked the Burnt Band into his pocket.
Grabbing the glove and the watch, Adryan left the bathroom and headed to the room where Sasha was.
"Sasha could you bring Nathan please" Adryan asked with a smile as he placed the pocket watch on the table along with the glove.
"Understood boss his shift ended a few hours ago so he must have rested enough" Sasha nodded as she went to where Nathan was asleep.
Due to the great danger posed by Thursday, Adryan made them take turns sleeping so they would not be attacked by surprise, now Sasha and Nathan's mattresses were in the kitchen, they slept there due to the danger of sleeping on the upper floor and so far apart.
After a while Sasha came back with a Nathan who was scratching his eyes.
Sasha and Adryan were part of a sequence that greatly strengthened their bodies and stamina so they didn't need as much rest unlike Nathan who was a clown and his body wasn't strengthened like them.
"I'm sorry I had to wake you up Nathan but we have things to discuss regarding today." With a smile Adryan pointed to the items on the table.
"Let me introduce you to Hangover Time and the Magician Glove...."
Sasha and Nathan looked at each other for a moment before sitting down at the table to listen to what the redhead had to say.
His legs were shaking and his mouth felt dry, he had to use the clown ability to avoid making a divination for every bump the carriage passed and several times he almost grabbed his revolver for this.
'Calm down Nathan, calm down, just remember the plan, remember the plan...' Nathan said mentally to himself while his legs couldn't stay still.
Seeing how her partner was doing, Sasha just gave a small sigh as she grabbed his hand with hers.
This made Nathan look at her with his blue eyes, Sasha gave him a comforting smile as she lightly squeezed his hand.
This did much to calm Nathan who gave another sigh and gave her a weak smile.
"Thank you Sasha, I needed that" the grateful man said as he calmed down more.
"Don't mention it Nathan we are in this together from that day in Bayam to today in Backlund" Sasha said as she reminisced.
Taking a quick look out the window Nathan looked at the streets and only managed to see people going about their days, no sign of attack was present, a light rain was present.
"There are no signs of anything and my premonition of danger has not yet warned me of anything..."
Holding the hilt of her sword, Sasha let out a light sigh as she meditated to calm her nerves.
Patting her gloved hand Sasha also took a quick look outside her window but like Nathan she couldn't find anything.
'Luckily I managed to advance to sequence 8 a while ago so I can help more in the fight.....' Sasha thought as the carriage kept moving through the light drizzle.
Outside the carriage in the driver's seat were two seated figures both dressed in black windbreakers but one of them had a gloomy mask.
The one without the mask was casting the fifteenth look at the man next to him.
'What weird guy, instead of getting into the carriage with his friends, he would rather be out here in the rain?' the man thought as he looked at the masked man who turned his head to look at him.
"Good morning, sir, I'm Mr. Holmes, a pleasure to meet you," the man under the mask introduced himself with a rather serious voice.
"A pleasure Mr. Holmes, I am Ducer"
Seeing the gloomy mask in front of him, the driver returned his gaze to the front and continued looking at the road that was more empty than usual.
In fact, the whole street seemed to be empty, even the sidewalks were much emptier and now there were only a few pedestrians left, the funny thing is that they all moved forward...
Inside the carriage, the hairs on Nathan's skin stood on end, his pupils shrank, and a cold sweat broke out on his body.
Quickly Nathan went to the window at the front of the interior of the carriage and opening it he yelled.
"They are here Mr.Holmes!!!!"Adryan hearing the news didn't waste a second and grabbing Ducer he jump while carrying the man just like Sasha and Nathan left the carriage going left.
Not a few seconds later, the pedestrians who were advancing took out revolvers and all shot at the carriage, causing it to be destroyed by the hail of bullets.
Having reached an alley to cover themselves, Adryan grabbed Ducer's shoulders who was in shock and shook him hard, causing him to react and make him look at Adryan in terror.
"Mr. Holmes what is happening..." Ducer was interrupted by Adryan who lifted him off the ground.
"Run and flee Ducer, things are about to rise here" The man said in a grave and mocking voice as he took out a revolver from under his left armpit.
Leaning his torso slightly, Adryan took a quick look as he fired three shots causing three enemies to fall to the ground dead, he couldn't shoot anymore because the others fired where he was and Adryan had to take cover again.
"3 less, 15 to go..." were Adryan's words while under his mask his red eyes shone brightly.
On the other side of the street were Sasha and Nathan who had also taken cover, Nathan had his revolver out and Sasha her sword.
Somewhat nervous they watched as Adryan leaned out and fired three shots, managing to kill three.
"Even in this situation the boss is cool-headed and cold-blooded" Nathan said looking at all this and Sasha could only nod.
"We can't stay behind right?" Sasha said as she readied her sword, Nathan just nodded as he prepared to fire.
Before they could do anything the deep voice of Adryan in disguise rang out across the street allowing everyone to hear it.
"WHAT'S UP GUYS, ARE YOU SCARED?, COME ON, I'M HERE!!" When Adryan said that, the remaining 15 men pointed their weapons at where Adryan was and fired.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, Nathan leaned out and aiming, fired 5 shots but 2 of these missed and only killed 3 and wounded 2.
"Shit!" Cursing under his breath Nathan had to take cover again to avoid shots coming his way.
The rain was now pouring down on the street making it difficult to see so that no one could see as Adryan stepped out of the shadows of a chimney on the roof of a building and moved quickly behind the enemy.
But hearing the sound of a shot, Adryan had to jump back, in the place where he was suddenly was destroyed as if something very heavy and invisible had hit the place with force.
"You finally show your fake face uh?"Adryan spoke mockingly to a figure that was on the other side.
While at Nathan and Sasha's place, Nathan's clown sixth sense kicked in and he didn't hesitate to let Sasha know.
"DODGE SASHA TO THE RIGHT" they had barely managed to dodge when in the place where they were a dense, golden and holy flame hit destroying the wall.
The beyonder enemies had arrived.