"If I have to say it, without a doubt this suit is beautiful but it still hurts me that it was so expensive..."
Looking at himself in the mirror of his room, Adryan was checking that his appearance was adequate.
While fixing his red hair, Adryan began to think about the classes he had with Isengar in the morning.
The Detective had told him that he would have to practice more with his tongue to be able to pronounce better some of the ancient Hermes words, but for anything other than that his progress was very good.
'Thank you very much for the weird compliment, I suppose...' the redhead thought in his mind as he made movements with his mouth as if he were speaking, repeating the words that were most difficult for him.
Giving a last touch to his hair and pinning the last button of his shirt, the redhead looked in the mirror and nodded to his appearance.
His red hair was combed back giving him an elegant appearance, as always he had no beard keeping his face clean of any hair.
His red eyes together with his eyebrows gave him an exotic air that made people feel attracted to him.
Holding his new hat in his right hand, the redhead flexed his left forearm and a blade came out from under his wrist.
Nodding to this the redhead stopped flexing allowing the blade to hide again, the redhead looked at the clock and seeing that it was 16:40 pm he left his house.
Closing the door as he put on his hat, Adryan calmly walked towards a public carriage as it headed towards the West Borough.
The driver left him at the entrance of this and after paying he left as quickly as possible from there.
'You look like you're being chased by a mad dog at night, sir.' With a light laugh, Adryan watched the carriage drive away very quickly although he supposed it made sense.
It was, after all, an upper-class residential area, belonging to the wealthiest nobles and magnates.
'If I remember correctly the Royal Museum should be around here could I try to steal the Card of Blasphemy?'
Letting out another loud laugh, the redhead denied that crazy idea.
Not only was the Museum watched every hour of the day by mid-sequence official beyonders, but to top it off, a daughter was looking for clues about her father and she will not hesitate to kidnap him to get everything she needs from him.
Klein only managed to escape from Bernadette because he had gone with his spirit body and he only had to break the connection to escape without her being able to do anything about it.
That a sequence 7 beyonder made a sequence 3 saint look like a fool was certainly something that could be written for posterity....
But Adryan wasn't Klein, he was just sequence 8 and he wouldn't have the slightest chance of escaping if he tried to do that stupid thing.
His destiny would only be 2: One that the official beyonders catch him or Two that Bernadette catches him.
Two destinations that he was not interested in reaching.
He had planned to find his Honorific Name to be able to store things in the City of Calamities as if it were a giant closet like Klein.
But he hoped to digest all of his potion before attempting to do so since he had barely entered the City of Calamities even though he didn't need to use an incantation to do so.
He only enters when it was necessary for fear of attracting unpleasant existences or when it was the only way to save himself, being the only time so far when he managed to escape the True Creator's Rap by using the City of Calamities as a shield against it.
Maybe the fact that he doesn't need to say any incantations to enter should be a bad sign but Adryan never tried to find out the reason of this.
The last time he let his curiosity get the best of him he almost died so ever since that last dance with death he tried to be much more careful.
Leaving that aside, the redhead looked at the clear sky in this area.
The difference between the areas of Backlund was certainly disgusting being the fact that the rich area had a beautiful clear sky while the poor area was always cloudy with toxic clouds.
Letting out a slight grunt, Adryan meditated a bit to calm his heart before moving on towards his destination.
So with a slight whistle that had the tone of Tapion's ocarina he was on his way to the mansion where the party was to be held.
It had been a long journey but Adryan managed to reach the mansion at 5:13 pm, about 3 more minutes than Isaac had told him but it wouldn't affect that at all.
Handing over his invitation to a butler of the mansion and after checking that he did not have any weapons,he was allowed entry and the redhead had the corners of his mouth raised with satisfaction, the idea of the hidden blade had worked wonders and those who checked him didn't notice anything.
Following another butler to the great room where the party was being held, the redhead was able to see firsthand what the luxuries of the nobles were.
The walls were finely decorated with beautiful paintings framed in expensive materials, as well as a beautiful carpet and fine furniture.
'At least they know how to decorate' was the redhead's thought as they reached the end of the hall in front of a large open door where he could smell the good food and wine as well as listening to light music to give it atmosphere.
Adjusting his hat better, Adryan entered the large hall where the party was being held.
Looking around, Adryan could see that even though there were a good number of people, the large hall still had plenty of space for one to move about.
There were long tables on the sides in which there were all kinds of food from sweet to salty.
Waiters walked around the room with trays in hand in which there were glasses of what appeared to be wine.
Adryan was not a professional or wine expert by far, but thanks to his nose he could smell the sweetness of this wine.
Continuing to observe, he managed to see several groups of people were together and he could assume that these were some members of the clubs who still did not gain enough confidence to approach the others.
There were also numerous people loose in the room, and Adryan managed to recognize one of them.
So, approaching with a calm step, he came up to a familiar older man who wears a monocle over his left eye.
"Good afternoon Mr. Grievius, it seems that you are already well involved in the party"
Grievius simply smiled at him as he placed his plate that was full of food on the table as well as his glass of sweet-smelling wine.
"Brat, it was about time you arrived"
Saying that, he extended his hand and Adryan squeezed it hard with a smile.
"You know what they say, old man, the best things always takes time"
The man stopped drinking and raised a trembling eyebrow at Adryan's words.
"That was said by the Emperor Roselle, are you a fan?"
'I should have known', Adryan thought with a plain face as he ignored Grievius's question and looked around again.
Seeing that he had been ignored, Grievius blew out a harsh sigh as he returned to grabbing his plate and glass, then moved to Adryan's side.
"Mr. Grievius, you wouldn't know where..."
"If you're wondering where the three idiots are, they're with the famous collector over there" Grievius interrupted as he pointed towards the center with his hand holding the glass.
Ignoring that Grievius had interrupted him, Adryan followed where the man was pointing and managed to see Isaac, Charles and Viktor were talking to several people.
Looking at his familiar friends, Adryan saw that Isaac was next to a black-haired woman and Charles was next to a blonde woman who had a stomach with clear signs of pregnancy.
"They are the wives of Isaac and Charles?" he said as he turned to see Grievius who had just finished drinking his glass of wine.
"That's obvious" was Grievius's short answer as he placed the empty glass on the table and now with his free hand he grabbed a small sandwich from his plate to start eating.
'You look like my uncle in my cousin's fifteenth birthday' the redhead couldn't help but compare Grievius's attitude with his uncle from his previous life.
Inwardly approving of Grievius continuing to eat, he returned his attention to where Isaac and the rest were.
They seemed to be talking to a man around 23 years old with blue eyes and brown hair who was wearing a fine and elegant suit along with a medium height hat who spoke to the rest with a courteous smile.
'So that's Dutch...'thought the redhead as he looked at this curious celebrity.
The famous Dutch was standing next to a somewhat skinny young man.
He had ash yellow hair along with somewhat thin eyebrows and a rather delicate face.
'He seems gay...' was what Adryan thought as he looked at the man standing next to Dutch who seemed to treat him like a good friend.
Grievius, seeing how Adryan stared at Dutch, raised an eyebrow and followed his gaze to know what he was looking at.
Looking at the same young man as Adryan, Grievius nearly choked on the sandwich he was eating but managed to swallow but still let out a small cough.
This cough caught the attention of Adryan who turned to look at Grievius with a raised eyebrow.
At Adryan's gaze, Grievius simply adjusted his posture and placed his plate of food on the table as if nothing had happened.
"What was..."
"You didn't see anything brat and you should avoid staring that much at that guy" Grievius interrupted again as he took another glass of wine from a passing waiter's tray and then drink some.
Adryan wasn't too upset with what Grievius said, rather that last thing he had said had surprised him a bit.
"Why, who is he?"
At the redhead's question, Grievius looked at him as if he was mentally retarded.
An eyebrow twitched on Adryan's face at this and before he could insult Grievius into stopping it he replied.
"Brat you need to read and get out more, seriously it's surprising you don't know the recently promoted Viscount Glaint, are you perhaps an antisocial?"
At Grievius's response, any insult that was so close to coming out of Adryan's lips died faster than water in the desert.
Adryan gasped slightly at this information and could barely help but look at Viscount Glaint.
Recovering himself, he immediately asked Grievius so he could obtain information about Viscount Glaint's reason for being here.
"That's a surprise, Mr. Grievius. I didn't know the Viscount was interested in hunting."
"And he's not interested in hunting brat, he's been good friends with Dutch since they were young and they both share the hobby of mysticism"
"Is that so?"
"Yeah brat he probably came by to see if the rumor that Dutch would use the party to show off the new addition to his collection was true."
Adryan nodded at this information now knowing a bit of why Viscount Glaint was here this afternoon.
Hello guys Author here.
Just last night well I moved
Here are yesterday's episodes.
I want to remind you that this weekend the first volume of this book ends with the special.
The half of the chapters will be published in 2 hours or within 2 hours and a half.
See you in a while.