After a long while, Maric finally finished reading all the documents and made all his zombies sit down and continue playing cards as if nothing had happened.
Then he sat across from the redhead and stared at him.
"Where did you get this?"
"I killed a 'Cold Blood' and he had the documents with him"
"What made you think it was a good idea to hand this over to me?"
Adryan didn't mind this interrogation because he could understand the delicate situation of Sharron and Maric, that's why he thought of the best answer to Maric's question....
"A hunch"
At Adryan's words, Maric's eyebrow began to tremble strongly and he had to take a deep breath to calm down...
Adyan was never in a million years going to tell Maric that it was because he knew he was from the 'Temperance Faction' and that he would be in better hands if whatever those documents were with them.
That would only make Maric seriously attack him....
Adryan was only a small sequence 9 so how the hell could he know that Maric was from that faction, it was enough that he knew his name.....
"Describe the man you killed to obtain these documents"
"He was a middle-aged man with straight black hair, cold eyes, and an inhuman aura...."
Trying to get more details from his memory, Adryan managed to remember the knife that the man used...
"And he used this knife..."
Pulling a knife out of his bag, he placed it on the table.
It was a beautiful knife of medium length with a black handle with the symbol of the red moon carved on the blade....
This was the knife that Adryan took from the body...
Seeing the knife, Maric's pupils shrank slightly but he quickly recovered, showing no other reaction.
Seeing the knife, Maric thought for a while...
"He was always accompanied by a woman, what happened to her?"
"She managed to escape"
The question threw Adryan a little off balance but it seemed like Maric knew the man he killed.
"What did you do with the body?"
"I threw it in the Tussock River"
The redhead's words could only make Maric sigh again.
Maric lowered his head slightly as if thinking about the lake and Adryan would let him think he had time...
After a few moments, Maric looked up again and looked at the redhead who was playing with a card that he grabbed from the table...
When Maric turned to see him, Adryan put the letter back on the table and fixed his posture.
"This information that you brought me is very valuable to me so I am going to pay you 400 pounds for it."
"That seems fine to me"
The 'reward' seemed fair enough to Adryan, as if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't decipher the documents, he would ask for a much higher payment, but restraining his greed, he accepted the money.
Adryan never asked why Maric wasn't curious if he had the Beyonder characteristics of the man but he decided to mind his business.
Plus he could sell them to Isengar in his class tomorrow and accumulate points with the church....
At this idea, Adryan's eyes shone slightly at the strange look of Maric and his zombies.
Ignoring the strange attitude of the redhead, Maric snaps his fingers that made a zombie come towards him with a wad of bills in hand.
Taking the money from the hands of the zombie Maric, he handed it over to Adryan who happily began to count it in front of him...
This caused Maric's eyebrow to tremble again and he had to close his eyes to not look at the redhead....
After counting that all the money was there, Adryan put the money inside his jacket.
"It's a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Maric"
Bowing in front of Maric, Adryan left the room but not before patting the old man on the shoulder who was watching all the interaction between them with his mouth open...
After the redhead left, Maric gave the old man a look. He understood and left the room and went to chat with his workers...
After that, the same blonde woman appeared at the window only this time she came out as if she were a ghost and sat in a chair near Maric.
Looking at Maric with those blue eyes the woman spoke.
"What were those documents Maric?"
Her voice was flat...
"They are all the places that the Rose School of Thought was searching for us, including those in charge of each search area...."
Maric was silent for a moment and then continued..
"Steve is in charge of the area we are currently in while Jason and Tire are in the middle of investigating their respective areas, the two of them should come to Backlund in 5 months..."
At Maric's words, the woman remains silent and close her eyes to think.
Opening her blue eyes, she turned completely to look at Maric.
"My intuition tells me that we have to stay here and wait for them...."
"But Sharron if they manage to find us we won't be able to fight them because of Scarlet Lunar Corona..."
"I know, Maric, but my intuition tells me that if we leave this place and keep running, we won't be able to survive, so we have to stay here."
At Sharron's words, Maric could only nod and returned to the table to continue playing cards.
While Sharron remained silent and still as if it were a doll.
'Adryan Kenway....'-was the thought of Sharron as she began to think about their next move.....
Adrian, as always, had just arrived at his house and after checking the traps he sat down and took out all his money so he could count it.
"220 pounds plus 400 pounds equals 620 pounds. This should be enough to buy the materials at Mr. A's party."
Sighing joy, Adryan saved all his money and saved his homework since tomorrow it was time to have classes with the Detective.....
Sighing again Adryan went to his room and slept since tomorrow would be a busy day.
The next day, Adryan woke up checking the time, it was 8:00 am, which allowed him to have a quiet breakfast.
While drinking his coffee with white bread, the redhead was reading a familiar book...
'Stormwind Mountain Villa'...
Adryan blames Robert for making him buy the book since he always saw him reading it while working.
It was to such an extent that Adryan was betting that he had completely memorized the book.....
Leaving Robert's strange pastimes for later, the redhead simply finished his breakfast, saved the page he left off, and went to the Detective's class.
He managed to arrive at 9:50 am and the servant from earlier opened the door for him and allowed him to enter.
Waiting in the room they used to study, the redhead patted a pocket in his jacket confirming that he hadn't forgotten the container.
Arriving at 10:00 am Isengar entered calmly.
"Good morning my student...
What happened to your face?"
"I was in a fight on Saturday night"
Ignoring Isengar, Adryan took out his homework and placed it on the table at the same time that he placed the container next to it.
Looking at the container sealed with a wall of spirituality Isengar narrowed his eyes and turned to see Adryan.
"In one of my night jobs, I faced some wild beyonders and I had to kill one while the other escaped"
This caused Isengar's surprise and before he could ask what had happened Adryan continued speaking.
"When I returned to the body, it had released something strange and not knowing what it was, I put it in the container and sealed it with a wall of spirituality"
"I thought you would know what to do with it"
Understanding the situation, Isengar grabbed the container and, undoing the wall of spirituality, looked inside.
Seeing the characteristics inside, Isengar resealed the container and turn to look at the redhead with a serious look.
"Good job Adryan give me a moment I'll put this in a better place and when I get back we'll continue"
"It seems good to me, teacher. I'll be waiting for you here"
"While you can continue reading the book of Hermes, it shouldn't take me long"
Saying that Isengar left the room and went up to the second floor.
The redhead began to read the book while calmly waiting for Isengar to finish doing what he needed to do...
After a while, Isengar came down from the second floor and sat in front of the redhead.
"Tell me my student what did you do with the body?"
At the question, Adryan couldn't help but blush again.
"I threw it in the Tussock River...."
Isengar's look was stupefied.
'Had they become gangsters to throw bodies into the river?'-was what Adryan could understand from Isengar's look.
Looking at Isengar's still stunned look, Adryan told his reasoning to the Detective.
"I didn't have any other option professor really the only thing I could get was that weird thing that dropped the body and then I threw the body into the river"
"I couldn't risk the boss of those guys coming to get it back"
"Don't worry Adryan I'm just a little surprised that's all"
Seeing how red his student was turning, Isengar decided to calm him down before he looked like a tomato.
Hearing Isengar's words, the redhead finally calmed down a bit.
"That's good to hear Teacher and one other thing, won't I get a reward for bringing that thing?"
This caused Isengar to look at him again as if another head had grown.
"If you are going to receive it, my student, tell me what you would like..."
"Actually teacher I would like to convert the reward into contribution points to exchange in the future"
At Adryan's words, Isengar couldn't help but sigh at his student's attitude.
"That's possible so if you don't have any more surprises up your sleeve we can start with the class"
"Yes, teacher"
And so the classes continued until 3:00 pm....
After class ended, Adryan had nowhere else to go, so he decided to go to the Club to hang out.
Upon entering the club, the redhead managed to see Robert who, as always, was reading...
Already completely immune to this sight, he simply waved at him.
"Good business, Mr. Robert, how's it going?"
Hearing the voice, Robert turned to see and saw that it was Adryan, he smiled and put the book away.
"Welcome, Mr. Adryan. Long time no see, how have you been?"
"I've been doing well attending a few classes and completing my work, you know?"
"I'm happy for you Mr. Adryan, while you are here, let me inform you that Mr. Charles, Isaac, and Viktor will attend the club again on Thursday and they say they have good news, so a large part of the club will be there."
Hearing Robert's words, the redhead couldn't help but cheer up a bit.
It had been a while since he had seen such a strange group.
"It's good to hear that, then I'll make sure to attend"
"But Mr. Adryan, there is no one at this time in the club. Mr. Grievius is out and the other members usually come on Tuesdays and Thursdays"
"So it's just you and me here?"
"Yes Mr.Adrian"
"That doesn't matter much if you don't mind I'd like to chat with you for a while."
Not waiting for the redhead's response, Robert was surprised and blushed slightly.
"So if you like we can chat while we have some coffee"
Saying that Robert went to make the coffee while Adryan stayed waiting for him.
So Adryan spent his afternoon chatting with Robert as time passed.
When 7:00 p.m. arrived, Adryan said goodbye to Robert and headed home.
Robert dismissed him and then sat back down and reopened his book to continue reading faithfully.....
When Adryan got home he simply made dinner and went to bed.
And so a Monday passed without much problem....