Darkness was everything he can see..
He couldn't feel his body only an excruciating headache that was crushing his brain and a weird feeling of being wet.
But that did not matter at that moment the only thing that did was for that dammed headache to disappear but the longer he waited the more it hurt.
Tears were falling from his eyes and he realize he could finally feel his body.
He put his trembling hands on his head, he knew it would do nothing in terms of helping get rid of his pain but at least it comforts him.
After what was hours but in reality it didn't even take 3 minutes the pain began to subside and after another 3 minutes, it disappear like it was never there, to begin with.
Then he inhale like he never did before his lungs were also in pain, and his arms,his legs,his back.. why did everything hurt so fucking much?
While still trembling he tried to open his eyes but his vision was a blur and he have to close his eyes again and wait.
After a while he opened them again but the only thing he could see was the ceiling of a cave.....
Wait cave?!
Immediately after realizing that he tried to get up and after getting up he fall again,he was too weak..
... Why was he so weak?
Looking at his feet there was a chain attached to his ankle..
His ankle was very swollen and he could guess that it was broken.. that and he could feel it.
He tried to touch it but as one may guess that was a bad idea and a quick burst of pain made him flinch.
Biting his lips to no scream he could only grunt slightly to not make any noise and get undesire attention to himself.
While looking around again he discover that he was in a small 'cell'.
It couldn't be more than 2mx2m..
There were thick bars at his left and what look like a corridor going to God knows where he also realizes that there were a lot more cells that were a lot bigger but they were also full of people..
Men and women from the age between 10-50 wearing only rags and looking as if not worse than their clothes,their appearance was like being starved for a long time , he could even see the bones of the children that were there....
Looking away from that horrible scene he looks at himself again and he realizes that there was something very very bad with him...
His ankle was no longer swollen and he didn't feel any pain from it...
He tried to move it slowly and there were no bursts of pain...
It was healed...
It heal at such speed....
"what the hell is wrong with me?" after whispering that and trembling he could only get his knees to his chest and hug them..
Lowering his head to let it rest against his knees his long and dirty hair falls over covering his eyes...
He immediately froze again and with a trembling hand he raised it to his head and grabbed a couple of it he took it off and look at his trembling hand...
His fucking hair was red...
Immediately dropping it he grab his head and began to tremble again..
"what the fuck is going on? Where the hell am I?
Why my hair is red? and What happened to me?"
The sound of a metal door being opened abruptly took him out of his mind and the first thing that he did was lie down in a fetal position and fake being asleep with his back to the bars.
With his eyes closed he could only hear the heavy steps of a person in the distance getting closer and closer.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit" cursing as loudly as he could in his heart he keep his position and didn't move a hair...
"shitshitshitshitshitshishitshitshitshitshitshitshitfuckfuck!!!!!" cursing even louder in his heart sweat began to cover him because that unknown and dark person stop in from of his dam cell.
His heart began to beat loudly in his chest trying to escape this damm situation and he tried to calm himself.
"calm down calm down maybe he doesn't know I'm awake just keep faking it keep faking it" comforting himself he began to calm his heart if he keep it like that maybe he could.
His heart that was beating so fast immediately almost stop, the voice of that man was dark and crazy it was like a madman was speaking.
He didn't understand the language he was speaking it wasn't like any other language he had to hear before Spanish,english,portugues,japanese
but he knew that he was speaking to him.
Also at the same time his head began to hurt again not nearly as bad as the moment he woke up but it wasn't far from it he began to tremble because of the pain and this made the unknown man smile greatly.
The man spoke again and he still didn't understand a single word that came out of that smelly and dirty mouth.
His head began to throb and he began to tremble stronger the pain reached its peak and began to subside but the man quickly got angry because he was being ignored.
With a hard kick that made the bars tremble it sounded for all the corridor which made the people in the other cells woke up and they all huddled up in a corner as far as possible from the man who again spoke.
"Look at me slave or you can say goodbye to your private room"
But this time he understood him soo while still sweating and with fear he looked back at the man.
The man was very tall reaching 1.90 with a strong build and a cold air to him, his hair was unkeep and messy black the same as his eyes, his teeth were a very disgusting yellow, and he was wearing a white long sleeve shirt that was very dirty and whit the part of the chest open allowing to see an ugly scar that reaches his right pech to his neck with black pants and shoes that were covert whit all kinds of liquids.
"Well look at that the princess finally decided to wake up I was afraid we went a little too far with your welcome ceremony," said it with a smile and a little laugh.
'The way you said is obvious you don't regret it one bit' he slanders in his heart while still looking at the dirty man that looks more like a prisoner than a guard.
The 'guard' didn't continue to harass him and move away and he go to the middle of the corridor and scream.
"Alright scum wake up and get up is time to leave if I see anyone still asleep I will chop off their heads!!" his voice echoed and reached everyone and they slowly got up while still being as far away from the guard as possible.
At that moment a lot more steps came and a considerable amount of others guards came and enter all cells and tied a rope around their necks, and arms.
He was the last one and the one in charge to tie him was the dirty guard.
The guard opened the cell and kick him which made emptied his lungs of air and while he was coughing and holding his stomach the guard took the chain from the wall and started to drag him like a sack.
'¡What the hell you dirty smelly old ball sack!!
Dam I thought I would shit my organs!!'
While slandering the guard he took advantage of the situation and look around to get as much information as possible.
They were approaching the entrance of the cave and the sky was dark with a bit of crimson light.
'Great is night time and what is this crims.....'
His thoughts began to slow down and came to and complete stop when he was out and he could see the origin of the light.
It was a beautiful crimson moon.
'Lord of Mysteries....Mother Tree....Amon...Klein Moretti.....Medici...Adam...Will Auceptin..
Fallen Mother...'
While he was looking a the crimson moon the man who was dragging him stopped and look at him.
"Ey get up quickly and go with your group so I don't have to deal with you anymore "
After he said that he finally began to look around him and saw that they were in a type of dock he didn't even realize that they had come here.
'How long was I staring at the moon?'
With a cold sweat, he immediately stop thinking about it because he knew with absolute despair that even the fact that he was alive when he regained consciousness in his cell was not short of a miracle.
After getting up and reuniting with the rest of the slaves he tried to remember what had happened.
He could remember who he was...
His name was Joa Nahuel, 21 years old, studying to become an architect....a lover of videogames and web novels.....
He was the eldest son of a family of 4-his little brother being 19 years old- it was a lovely family blessed with health and very united....But that was it,they weren't special just a normal family.
His favorite novel was by far "Lord of Mysteries"...
He was a simple guy so...why of all the novels he read he had to end in the one that just knowing too much would either directly kill you or there were gonna be a paranoid knocking at his door before he could even react.
While thinking and cursing in his heart he suddenly feel a gaze on him....
His entire body began to tremble and he felt that his soul wanted to leave him...
Thankfully that gaze was just momentary just a quick one but he could feel it...
It didn't come from the guards either that beyonder of the 'prisoner' path,that gaze from a high place..... . . .
Before Joa could try to guess who it was a big ship already came to the dock, it was a typical pirate one painted black but the paint was already very faded like it hardly received care or mantinience.
It has 8 canons on each side and the sail was a bloody red.
If someone had asked him he would give it a 4/10 it could use some more canons...
Anyway, when he stopped criticizing, the ship docked and a man got out and approached the 'dirty guard'.
"Well it looks like you got a good bunch this time" -his gaze quickly passed everyone before it stopped on him-"and a high one too".
With that said he look at the 'dirty guard' again
"Good job Tames if you keep this pace you'll be able to leave this place"
This visibly excited the 'dirty guard' named Tames and he soon bow low in front of the other.
"Thank you for your kind words Captain James I will bring a bigger group next time"-having said that moved and stood next to James and next Tames ordered in a loud voice.
"EVERYONE BOARD THE SHIP WE DON'T HAVE ALL NIGHT"-while he said that he grab a slave at the front and quickly throw him towards it.
With that everyone started boarding the ship and Joa took advantage of that and took a quick glance at the 'Captain' ,he was a man of a strong build with long greasy blonde hair with gray eyes that shine with desire with a black tuxedo.
Before he could take a longer look his chains were pulled hurrying him to move faster..
They took them to the bottom of the ship where there were cells prepared for them, only this time he was with the group, not alone.
When all the slaves were already chained to the walls, the ship left the dock and embarked on an uncertain destination.
In the darkness, everyone was already sleeping the journey to reach the dock wasn't long but because of malnutrition, they were just too exhausted.
Joa was the only one awake sitting against the wall looking at the others cursing about his luck, then he leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes to think about his current situation.
'With the way Tames acts and his aura I can guess that he should be a "prisoner" of the "Bound" pathway and James should also be one but I'm not sure of his sequence...what I'm sure is that only the Rose School has the formula for this path and is obvious they aren't from the Temperance faction...'
'Thanks to the information from the book I know that the Rose School isn't especially known for trading with slaves so the most likely scenario is that everyone on this floor are going to be used as a sacrifice to the Mother Tree.....'
'Shit I would have preferred that the Aurora Society were to ones to trade with me at least I would have had a chance to better plan my escape but now I only have two choices or I find a way to escape from this ship in the midle of the sea with no land in kilometers or I wait for us to dock and be a sacrifice to Mother Tree'
With resignation, he decided to put the escape plan to wait and to try and discover who was the previous owner of his body.
Taking the classic meditation position, he tried to empty his mind to allow the memories of the previous owner to enter.
After a couple of minutes, he finally emptied his mind and began to search for the owner's memories.
Suddenly another burst of pain hit him again and the memories of this body began to flow, Joa was prepared this time for the pain so it didn't take it by surprise and as he gritted his teeth he began to remember.
The owner of this body was named Adryan Kenway, a citizen of the Feysac Empire who had come to Bayam to try to become a powerful pirate... it wasn't even a week before he provoked the wrong people and was kidnapped.
He was an orphan and never knew his parents, the only thing he still had of them was a necklace that looked like the tip of a crimson spear.
The lady that took care of him in the orphanage told him that it was the last thing his mother left him.
And even that was taken from him by 'Tames' when he gave him the beating of his life and then dragged him away to the cave where he woke up....
Joa could guess that 'Tames' took the beating too far and when he left him lying in the cell Adryan ended up dying from his injuries and he ended up occupying his body...
'What a poor and unlucky bastard"-was all Joa could say before leaving the meditation state.
Now lying on the dirty and wet floor, he looked up at the ceiling and tried to sleep, he could feel the tiredness of the day and it also seemed like he was getting his memories back, it took more than he could guess.
Before he knew it, he had already fallen asleep and the world of dreams opened its arms to tuck him in.