73.68% Queen In Green & Gold / Chapter 14: The Eternals

章節 14: The Eternals

The tree's began to quiver. The birds in the forest suddenly flew to the sky. The once calm river has a strong wave smashing the boat in a zigzag formation down the river. Sakura woke up and stood riding the boat like a surfboard. Fish are jerked around hitting rocks the further the water carries them. So fast she had no idea where the current was taking her. The cloak of levitation circled her body giving her a gentle tap on the shoulder.

"Wait, you're still here? What are you doing?" The cloak lifted her up to the sky leaving the boat behind to plummet to its death under a waterfall, "Holy shit, you saved me buddy, thank you. Now let's go follow this river. It must have been a really bad Earthquake. I hope the civilians nearby are okay. We should probably check on them."

In her cloak she gently landed back on a comfortable patch of grass. A small village is deep in the forest with small homes made of wood and tall grass. Small farm animals are all over the village after their fences have been broken from the Earthquake. Animals are startled running like headless chickens. Using her mystical whip she flew above the crowd of animals to begin returning them. The long whip wrapped around their necks and she led them back in their barns to be protected from further injuries to occur. One after the other she helped guide the injured to one location so that they could be helped by their community. She flew to the rooftops to collect panicking children holding on to chimneys. A large tree started to crack from its own weight. The villagers ran screaming watching this massively tall tree start to fall. Sakura flew over the tree to chop it before the village sustained any long term damage. As it fell she then went under it and shielded anyone who was still standing underneath this massive tree. She saved everyone without much effort.

"Is everyone okay?"

A young man, high school age, shook the wood flakes from his head. He smirked as he came to greet her, "Are you okay? That was some tree, huh?"

"I'm fine. What is this place?"

"This is Peru."

"I'm in Peru? Druig..."

His eyes glowed bright gold, "Welcome to my humble home, my beautiful Sakura."

"Where are you?"

The man walked away suddenly without responding to her question. Behind her Druig touched her soft hands and pulled her to turn her around. His gorgeous blue eyes sparkled under the light of the sky. The wonderful couple was together again after so much hardship. He's wearing a sleeveless tan shirt, and long black pants. His figure is so mesmerizing she can barely speak or function. Druig's face visibly became red as he kissed her on the lips. He couldn't take her eyes off the most beautiful girl he has ever met.

"You are far from home. When I told you where I lived, I wasn't expecting you to come running after me. You have a new look now I see, and some new powers."

"I wasn't looking for you. I was forging in the forest for Herbs. My Asgardian healing abilities are far from perfect. So I am learning the ways of earth magic and medicine."

"Thor is a close friend of a colleague of mine. He used to tell me stories of how you healed an army by the sound of your gorgeous voice."

"I had no idea Thor was so fond of me."

Druig lifted her arm after noticing the rope burns along her wrist, "Are you hurt? What's wrong?"

Sakura thought hard about what she would say to him, "I was beaten so badly I wasn't able to heal myself. A human hospital performed surgeries until I was able to move again."

"What, who hurt you?"

"I am okay now. New York wasn't as safe as I'd hoped."

"I understand you have a village of your own to care for, but I would prefer you stay here so I can keep you safe."

"You couldn't possibly have a home here for us?"

"Come with me."

Through the thick forest he led her to a small house made of the wood from the trees in the forest. Surrounding the home is a gorgeous garden full of growing flowers or at least what's left of it. Fields of growing vegetables and fruits alike. During this massive earthquake this garden was uprooted but still beautiful in its own way. The home has a small porch stretched out from the front to the back. A nice dirt path brought them to this beautifully made home. The house has more than enough room to accommodate them. A rustic interior design with a beautiful fireplace. Druig walked her over to the house watching the smile across her face. This felt almost too good to be true.

"How did you build this place?"

"I mind controlled the villagers to build this home for us."


"A friend of mine once told me if you truly love someone you would do anything to protect them."

"...but you said..."

"Forget about what I said. I love you, Sakura Astoria. I don't want you to be alone raising Nari anymore. You shouldn't have too. Where is he?"

"The Avengers are taking care of him as we speak."

"That gives me plenty of time to spend with you." Druig kisses her gently on the lips touching her body.

Sakura pulls away, "Don't you have Eternals responsibilities? Are we safe here?"

"I was tired of watching humans destroy each other when I could stop it all in a heartbeat. So I left that life behind me to create this place. I have everyone in this village under my control. So if anyone were to set foot here to start trouble I'd know about it."

"How long have you lived here?"

"Thousands of years."

The two passionately kiss one another. Druig brought her inside the house to turn on the fireplace and warm up in the living room. The interior is beautiful. Perfect for where they currently live out in the forest. A simple home without any clutter. Sakura created an illusion of her sitting on the couch while she waved her arms around to pretend like her powers are beyond belief. Her real self turned on the television and opened the curtains around the house to bring in some natural light. She sat on the couch and turned the illusion off and casted a spell to remove her spider suit and crown. The cloak of levitation floated by the doorway for her. She now wears a cute black turtle neck cotton shirt tucked into some nice cotton pants. Almost unable to comprehend what she just had done, he sat beside her as if this was nothing he hadn't seen before.

"How did a human nearly kill you?"

"I was distracted."


"I had a lot on my mind. When I was in the hospital they performed what humans call tests with electronic machines I have never seen before."

"Why do you separate yourself from them? You are human."

"Have you seen how they treat me? I am an alien from another planet who's hurt innocent people in the crossfire. I am not a hero, I am a monster. So here I am in hiding protecting my children from the threat we call humanity from destroying the only happiness I have left."

"That's what makes you human," Druig gently places his hands at her hips rocking side to side smiling at her, "I can't believe we created the one problem that would keep me from leaving this planet. I will have to trap you here for eight months."

"Shit, I completely forgot about the mind reading powers you possess."

"Will you stay with me?"

"Yes I will stay with you."

The cloak of levitation shook the upper half of itself to express disappointment in her for her unusual life decision making. She casted the cloak to a different room and shut the door. Using its own fabric it opened the door and smacked her on the wrist. She glared and pointed back at the empty room. The relic obeyed and floated back to its room where it would remain for as long as she needed it too.

"Isn't that Doctor Strange's cloak?"

Sakura giggled, "So what if it is?"

"So after our conversation in Norway you decided to strengthen your magical abilities in New York."

"During the war, Tony Stark handed me a spider-suit. He asked me to help him save Peter Parker and the world. So I took the suit and learned how to fight like Peter, but the only one who could turn me into Spider-Woman is Peter Parker himself. So now I can use technology to be a better soldier. Then Doctor Strange raised me from the ground up on Midgard Magic. I won't stop until I know the world is safe for my kids."

"Nothing in life is permanent."

"You can say that again. Loki was supposed to outlive me and here I am."

"Come to bed, it's getting late."

"I will."

"No, come to bed right now," Druig lifted her up from the couch and carried her to the bedroom. A large king size bed protected by a net to keep the bugs out from eating them alive. They laughed and kissed all night before falling asleep staring at each other like kids who are falling in love for the first time. The cloak of levitation watches them from afar secretly judging them.

The roosters cried at first light. Villagers woke up early to start their daily morning routine. Every person is given a job to help the community. Someone knocked on the door waking them both up from sleeping on top of each other. Sakura jumped out of bed creating two daggers out of thin air. She positioned herself to prepare for an attack at any moment. Dragging her feet to the door to check who is knocking at such an early hour. Druig held his arm out to help lay down her weapons.

"Relax, you are not at war here," Druig reminded her as he opened the door, "Goodmorning,"

An old woman is holding a small basket of milk in dried out plant containers. Beside her is a llama cart containing a much bigger supply of milk. She was a sweet old woman trying to do her part to provide for the village. Druig stepped out of the way and stared at Sakura. He expected her to know what to do. The old woman handed her the milk and smiled before moving on. The entire area is swarming with workers at the first signs of light. Some greeted Druig on their way to work.

"This is amazing."

"I'll show you around."

A flock of colorful birds flew through the forest to perch above. This makes the view above just as vibrant as the view they see below. Druig guided her through a dirt path along the forest full of homes made of easily flammable materials. Most of these homes don't have doors or glass windows, only openings. In a section of the property is a large farm full of crops. Women are working the fields harvesting the crops. Men are plowing the dirt to prepare for winter to come. They only have so many months left before the snow sets in.

A line of people walked by carrying these crops over their backs to deliver them to people's homes in the area. Whatever is left over these hard workers can keep for themselves after a long day of work. So many villagers are rushing to stash food to last the long cold winter. No one is free loading until every chore is done.

"What do you grow here in this humid temperature?"

"Over there are our Avocado trees. Our banana's are beside the Avacado on the other side to the left. We also have our spices over in a concealed area with our berries. See those huge chicken wire cages?"

"That's incredible."

Further down lives animal cages holding chickens laying eggs in their nests for young children to collect in crates separated by colors. Green and blue eggs are given to the children who live in the village who find these to be more fun and appetizing to eat. Some taste differently lol but it has nothing to do with the pigment color of the shell. Brown and white eggs are given to the adults. This system helps keep count of how many are passed down to each household. Organization will help assure each villager is given the same amount.

Dancer fenced in humongous fields for them to roam and climb small wooden structures and eat without interruptions. Go Barnes have stalls to milk them to allow everybody to have cheese and milk for their families. When llamas are not transporting food and supplies they are useful to make leather from their hides to create harnesses and leads. Well to create rugs and clothing for the long cold weather ahead so nobody dies from hypothermia. Pigs happily live in pens covered in mud. Villagers feed them until they're fat enough to be cooked and eaten. With all these jobs to keep everybody busy nobody looks happy. Everyone is miserable keeping up with work that will eventually kill them if they cannot rest. Some are more bone than skin. Orphans lying helpless begging for food. During the day people escape to the river to cool down when it's too hot.

"This place you've built. I can feel the sorrow and fear built inside of them. A sense of longing for escape. Personally I feel the need to control everything in my life, but this is something else. I'm not against it, but..."

"You believe they should have free will."

"People are defined by their mistakes, and without mistakes, or personalities, or free will, they're not human anymore."

"Then what do you propose we do?"

Sakura reached out for his hands, and held them tight, "Humans only live for so long, so it wouldn't hurt to let them go every once and while. Give yourself a break."

"How would we be safe? What about our borders?"

"Let them go, and I'll show you. It won't be permanent I promise. Give something new a try, and if you don't like it then you can undo it."

"Okay," Druig smirked

Holding hands the two stepped on a brick circle at the center of the village. His eyes glowed bright gold. Sakura began to form a large dome circling their home. Sparked lines flew across the lines forming shapes. A spell casted to protect them from the evil lurking in the outside world. A strong wind blew through the village as she casted the Midgardian shield spell. Sakura used her Asgardian magic to cast another spell to make her barrier invisible. To make an illusion this place doesn't exist. Her spell casting is beyond powerful. Druig looked up to see her masterpiece and smiled.

"I underestimated you."

"I will help you build a perfect village for us to live in harmony."

"I'd like that."

Couple of days would go by as Druig would watch the love of his life help guide the children. The people seemed more happy and healthy as time went by. When rain poured Sakura would dance and sing in the center stones of the village casting weather spells for the crops to grow. She would soar across the sky to enjoy her accomplishments. All of this in only four days. People are happier now than they ever were before. Sakura guided the women who grow the crops, and she learned their language here in this country. She wore a gorgeous black jumper over a black short dress to keep the dirt off her clothes. Tending to crops is more work than it sounds. Druig snuck up behind her to kiss her on the neck. His warm tongue soothed her cold skin. He held her chin and pulled her face to look her directly in the eyes. Druig was wearing his dark bathrobe over his grey sleeveless shirt again. As if changing his clothes was never his his strongest feature.

"You've kept yourself busy, my beautiful Sakura."

Sakura kissed his lips, "We've doubled the amount of crops stored this year because of me according to the people here."

"Good, I'll be hungry after."

"After what?" Sakura giggled.

"I'll show you." Druig said reaching his arms out to her.

She gently touched the palms of his hands. He snatched her away from the plants to pull her towards the brand new church they've built. Large yellow barn doors with a yellow ceiling. Walls are split colored between yellow at the top and blue at the bottom. Small windows are high up close to the ceiling. Small wooden benches are lined up in two rows. At the front row is a centered wooden table. Behind it are some yellow cabinets. Sakura walked to the center of the room gazing at its charm. Watching her smile made everyone happy. She brought peace to the people of Peru. Sakura rubbed her hand over the clean wooden table taking in the smell of brand new furniture. The walls are so sturdy you can't hear anything outside. Not a peep from the children playing in the fields, or the calling out from the busy workers to purchase the crops they've worked so hard to grow.

"This is perfect for community gatherings. It's so quiet, so peaceful here."

"Quiet enough to have some alone time."

"Is that why you brought me here?"

"So what?" Druig pushed her against the large wooden table facing the benches. He kissed her on the lips and ripped off her dirty jumper to reveal her beautiful short dress underneath. This was perfect for a fast quickie before going back to work. The two aggressively kissed each other until Druig's eyes glowed gold. Sakura placed both her palms on his cheeks trying to call out to him.

"Druig, Druig, Druig?" Sakura called out.

Druig's eyes went back to normal, "Something's coming."

"What are you talking about? Druig, what is coming?"

"I don't know I can't focus."

"Stay here. I'll be your shield." Sakura said, transforming to a beautiful black gown much longer than what she was wearing before.

The further she walked away from the church the more she noticed a group of individuals who stood out from the crowd. They are wearing outfits from more modern communities. Sakura stood and watched carefully as one gently reached her arm out to approach with caution. A small girl white girl with red hair is standing with a British woman with medium long black hair. Standing next to her is a tall Scottish man built to be a leader. Beside him is a thin woman in all white and blonde hair with a tall hefty asian man who oddly looks exactly like Wong. The last person is a short Indian man with a brilliant smile protecting a hefty Indian man holding a camera in his hands. This group came here for a reason and knew exactly what they were here for. Sakura was cornered in front of the church without any way of escaping.

"Who are you?" The British girl asked.

A Indian man smiled, opening the palm of his hand to her, "Crowned Queen of Asgard, Sakura Astoria. The human who married a God."

"Why are you here? Where's Druig?" The small girl asked.

"My planet was destroyed, where did you think I'd be? When my husband died the Avengers brought me here. You must be the Eternals."

The Indian man wearing a nice blue jacket reached out to shake her hand, "Don't mind, Sprite. She can be grumpy most of the time. My name is Kingo. Thor and I go way back. It's nice to meet you."


The short red haired girl, Sprite, removed her sunglasses and hung them in her shirt. She looked up at the British girl wearing a white shirt and a green checkered flannel. She nodded and smiled at Sakura as if to welcome her.

"Nice to meet you, Queen Sakura. My name is Sersi the Prime Eternal."

"I thought Ajak was the prime Eternal?"

Everyone in the group gave each other a strange look as if something was terribly wrong right now. Why else would they be standing here all together if the world wasn't in danger. Sakura took a deep breath rubbing her temples. She turned to face the church where she just left to alert Druig of who was standing in front of her. The barn doors creaked wide open. Exiting the building is Druig with a big smile across his face.

"Please, make yourselves at home," Druig kissed Sakura on the cheek and pointed to the group to the door.

The couple sat front and center as all the rest of the Eternals shuffled in to find a seat on the benches. A woman in all white picked up an iguana by the entrance and sat with it on the front row next to a sturdy, hefty Asian man on the right side. Behind them Kingo sat in front of his friend holding a camera in his hand recording this interaction. This overweight man is a human wearing a grey suit. On the left side Sersi and Sprite are sitting together in the front row. Leaning against the wall is a tall man wearing a dark colored short sleeved shirt and dark pants. His arms are crossed looking a different way as if he didn't want to be here. Sakura overheard them say his name was Ikaris.

Sakura tilted her head to face Druig, "Something bad is going to happen. Why else would the Eternals after thousands of years come together? What is going on?"

"Ajak is dead," Sersi said.

"What? How?" Sakura questioned.

"She was attacked by a Deviant. Sprite and I were in London when we were attacked by the same Deviant that killed Ajak. We know because it was able to heal itself when no Deviant was able to do that before."

"The Deviants are back?"

"Yes, the Deviant is growing stronger. Icarus wasn't able to defeat it. The beast ran off somewhere we couldn't chase it for long."

"So you've been gathering everyone so that you can come up with a plan to stop this intelligent Deviant from taking over the world?"

"No, it's far worse than that. When Ajak made me the Prime Eternal I spoke to Ashram."

"The Celestial, what did he say?"

"He said he created Eternals to be synthetic beings made of cosmic energy to destroy the Deviants. He created Deviants for the same purpose. To destroy predators so that more life can grow. Ashram you placed a seed at the center of this planet. Once the planet meets the required population the Earth will birth a new Celestial, and destroy this planet in the process. We as Eternals have been doing this for thousands of years on different planets to help Celestials so that the universe can thrive. Without us the universe will die."

"How come none of you have memories of this before?"

"Ashram stored our memories in space to study what he has created."

"Why are you here?" Druig asked.

"We want to stop this convergence and save Earth from being destroyed. We thought maybe you can control the mind of the celestial to put it to sleep. That will give us enough time to think of a plan. Maybe we could evacuate the humans to another planet."

The room was quiet all of a sudden. Sakura's eyes watered trying to understand this chaos. Deviants are out of control. The world is about to be destroyed so that a celestial can be born. Ajak was killed by a strong Deviant. Evacuate an entire planet of over two million people. Madness is what this all is. Sakura turned her head to face Druig. She felt this was something completely out of her hands. Something only Druig could handle and the Eternals were capable of at this time. He rubbed her back to calm her down.

"You've given us a lot of bad news in one go, young lady." Druig said.

"Will you help us?"

"I am glad that-"

Sersi's phone started to go off interrupting Druig. She silenced her phone and shoved it back in her pocket. Kingo leaned over to whisper to Sersi, "What service do you have? I'm not getting any bars."

Druig stood up to pace around the room to face all of his fellow Eternals. He faced them all individually, not making a single facial expression. Kingo gestured to his friend to put the camera away, but Druig had other plans, "Do you all remember this forest? Beautiful. It was the last place we all lived together. I've protected these people for twenty generations now from the outside world and from themselves," Druig said walking slowly to Kingo's human friend, "Your kind, my friend, you will be responsible for your own extinction one day. Don't you think?"

The cameraman dropped his camera to his lap and spoke with a heavy Arabic accent in English, "I think we must learn from our mistakes and do better, sir. You must not give up hope."

Druig glared at this innocent human and turned his eyes bright gold. He was in control of his body now forcing him to toss the camera on the wall to smash it to pieces. Sakura, disappointed looked the other way to avoid this conflict. Kingo wasn't impressed either.

"Oh, no you didn't," Kingo said standing up to face Druig, "Okay, new rule, no more possessing peoples valet."

"Oh, where's your sense of humor, Kingo?" Druig smiled.

"I'm sorry, sir." The human said.

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault," Kingo replied still trying to control Druig, "You are not a God, you know that right?"

"How ironic. Kingo, the movie star."

'I've directed some things, too."

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"Some internet content."

"How many views?"

"I don't do it for the views."

"Let's go," Icarus said walking away, "He's wasting our time."

"We need him." Sersi said.

"Ikaris," Druig said chasing him down, "I missed you. Are you gonna charm me? Threaten me?"

"There's a third option if you prefer that?" Ikaris replied.

"It must be heartbreaking finding out your not mother's favorite."

"I'm sure she's real proud of you."

Sersi stood up from the benches, "Druig this is serious."

"I'll tell you what's serious. I've just been told I've been sent on a suicide mission for the past seven thousand years and that my entire existence is a lie. So excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now." Druig cried out. He removed himself from the church and headed back to his home where he would feel safe.

"Druig sucks, how do you put up with him?" Kingo asked.

Sakura stood up from the table and approached the group gently, "Do you blame him? He worked so hard to build a beautiful world only to have it destroyed. I will die, and that's what he was afraid of this entire time."

"I'm sorry, I'm confused. You two are a couple?" Kingo asked.

"We're more than that. I'm pregnant."

"I did not see that coming..." Kingo replied.

"How is that possible?" Sersi said.

"It's possible," Ikaris said, "Ajak said It was possible for us to have children with other species. The difference is they won't have cosmic energy flowing through them. The child will be human and nothing more."

"He's scared he's going to lose you." Sersi added.

"I know where he is," Sakura said, rushing out the door. She followed the long dirt path up to the house he built for them. He was standing by the garden staring off in the distance thinking as hard as he could. This was the worst feeling in the world. She stood by his side watching the petals detach from the flowers and blow away. His friends are waiting for him to decide in the village. Druig quietly picked a flower from her garden handing it over to her in a gesture of good faith. He held her other hand and kissed it.

"I won't tell you what I think you should do, but you've protected these people for thousands of years. You've tried to stop countless wars. All you ever wanted was peace. If you think this planet is worth saving then be the hero you were always meant to be.

"You know what I want to do?"

"What do you want to do, Druig?"

"I want to sit here and enjoy the sunset with you and our beautiful children. I'd love to see them grow up to be whoever they want to be in life as long as it's not this. The worst feeling in the world is knowing you were born to be a pawn."

"At least you were born with a purpose. Human's spend most of their time questioning why they even exist. Do you know what I believe? I believe nothing truly has a purpose in life. We're here to live like everyone else in the universe, and nothing more. We're all pawns to something more. Every species is fighting to survive. Controlling the world is boring. Don't dwell on the past, Druig. Fight for our future, or else we may not have one."

"You said you weren't going to tell me what to do," Druig laughed kissing her on the forehead.

"I was really hoping you'd choose me. I love you."

"I love you too."

Sakura leaned on him for comfort. She took one glance up at the trees to see if maybe she can have one glimpse of a rare bird. Instead there's not a single bird in sight. Houses in the distance are crumbling to pieces. People are screaming and running. Druig ran out of the garden to the center where a crowd of civilians are rushed to safety thanks to Sersi. She locked everyone inside the church and turned it from wood to metal with the touch of her hands. Ikaris is fighting in the sky with a flying Deviant. His optic beams are deadly. One hit and it will obliterate anything in it's path. Kingo and Sprite are fighting a Deviant on the ground. As she distracts it with her illusions Kingo is able to destroy it with his finger cosmic energy blasts.

Those are two occupied Deviants. The other is fighting Gilgamesh the strong, and Thena the strongest warrior of them all. The last deviant is still chasing Sersi running as far as she can, knowing all too well her powers don't do well in a fight. Sakura transformed into her spider suit and her crown appeared on her head. The cloak of levitation landed on her shoulders and carried her to the battlefield. She landed on this disgusting vine-like creature creating a staff out of thin air to stab it in the back. The Deviant rolled her off so the cloak distracted it the best way it knew how by floating in front of it. Sakura puts up her shield to protect herself as Druig runs in with his shotgun dodging the massive tail. He shoots but a gun can only do so much. Sersi touches a tree and it turns to metal. The weight brings the metal down and crashes over the beast leaving it to struggle to escape.

"You have powers?" Sersi questioned.

"I learned from the best." Sakura replied.

The beast squirmed out from under the fallen metal tree and chased after the three of them to the church. Sersi took one look behind her and it swatted her away. She rolled like a watermelon and collapsed in the dirt. They've been cornered between the church and the Deviant. Sakura put up her shield to defend Druig. Flying from the sky down came Ikaris standing in front of it. He grabbed its mouth and pulled it wide open to cosmic beam its throat to burn it from the inside out until it died. Two creatures are lying dead in the dirt. The last two are still on the move. Sprite and Kingo took shelter in a destroyed vacated house, but the Deviant chased after them. Ikaris flew to the rescue, wrestling it with his own two arms. It pinned Ikaris down leaving him defenseless.

Sersi ran to his rescue transforming a wooden stick to a metal spike to stab the monster on its neck, "Ikaris!"

Barely had any effect at all on the Deviant. The spike was still sticking out of its body when it struck her. She fell back in a large pool of water. It jumped in after her to finish off the job when a flash of light lit up the pool and water shot up to the sky. Everyone was in complete shock by how she turned a living thing to a tree. She stands in front of it drenched staring at this new creation she made. This was news to her as well. Ikaris jumped in the pool after her to give her a hug.

Druig pulled Sakura up from the dirt, "Are you okay, Sakura?"

"I'm fine. What just happened?"

"Sersi turned the Deviant into a tree."


The fight wasn't over yet. One Deviant still remained on the battlefield. The same powerful deviant who killed Ajak, and won't die so easily. Sakura and the Eternals rushed to help finish this fight. Ikaris lifted himself off the ground and flew to Gilgamesh and Thena ahead of everyone else to see what he can do to help. The Deviant ran as fast as it could to avoid the optic beams Ikaris fired. When the rest of the group arrives Gilgamesh is lying lifeless on the floor. His skin changed to a tint of grayish blue revealing markings nobody noticed before. Thena is crying over him repeating she would remember who she was over and over again. Sakura covered her in the cloak of levitation and comforted her as she mourned the loss of her closest friend. This wasn't supposed to happen.

-end- next chapter out soon-

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