23.07% The 100: Advanced Preparation / Chapter 3: PRAIMFAYA


A/N: With this chapter being 3274 words long, I now formally renege on my earlier comment about chapters being 2k to 3k words long. They will now have at least 2,200 words per chapter, enjoy.

P.S: I'm free these days which is why I write so much, but later on chapters will reduce to around 2 per week, maybe more depending on the week.


The bunker Leon prepared was designed meticulously and on a massive scale. Since he spent the good part of three months designing it, it better be great. Fortunately, because of modern construction methods, such a large build can be completed in only around 3 years.

For the interior, Leon went with a Futuristic bunker design, white walls that were segregated into panels that span from ceiling to ground, and a width of 1 metre per panel. The ground and ceiling were an identical shade of pencil grey with the ceiling having neon blue lights along it's edges with the walls.

The bunker itself was a large cylindrical body consisting of 50 underground levels and one ground level at the entrance of the bunker which was in the side of a mountain.

The last 5 levels are super restricted while the five before those need special clearance to access. The clearance is divided on a simple scale. Primary Access which only the Primary user, Leon will hold. Secondary access, which will allow people who obtain it to enter any restricted floor and other special privileges.

Tertiary access, which guarantees premium food and luxury lodging along with limited access to some rooms depending on the job of the person.

Finally is general access, which is basically access to average food, normal lodging and no clearance to any special areas.

Here is a layout chart for easier understanding.

0. Isolation Level. [S-Model Storage]

1. Garage, Air filtration System

2. Common Area, Assembly Area, Lounge and bar

3. Cafeteria and food court.

4. Library, School, fitness centre, Pool

5. Command Centre, Monitoring, surveillance

6. Medical Facilities


7. 300 Luxury Units

8. 300 Luxury Units

9. 300 Luxury Units


10. 1,000 Normal Units

From level 10 to 37 are 1,000 Normal units per level.



39. Fire suppression, maintenance, sewage and water treatment.

40. Firing Range, Weapon and ammunition Storage

41. Leon's Private Floor [Restricted]

42. [Restricted]

43. [Restricted]

44. [Restricted]

45. [Restricted]

46. {Super Restricted}

47. {Super Restricted}

48. {Super Restricted}

49. {Super Restricted}

50. {Super Restricted}

[A/N: I won't reveal the rest to avoid spoilers. I will reveal most of the rest next chapter anyway]

A total of 900 Luxury units and 28,000 Normal Units that can accommodate an average family each. If there was no family, then the unit is to be shared with one or two others.

For larger families, rooms can open up to each other similar to hotel rooms. A normal unti contains a bathroom, kitchen, dining table, living room and bedroom. While the Luxury ones are like wings or suits in famous hotels.

___3 Years Later___

There's less than a year left until Praimfaya, and Leon was honestly over-prepared. Two years ago, he already finished everything and just spent quality time with Stella. The more time he spent with her the more he cherished her, it got to the point he couldn't imagine his life without her.

Stella too slowly fell into the strongest emotions has ever felt yet, Love. Whenever she looks at Leon, her eyes soften and she instantly feels better. Even when she does something wrong he never once shouted at her. They have gone out around the world, and experienced most of what this modern world had to offer before it was all gone.

Leon also began the final preparations, having began production on all the droids and implementing upgrades and test simulations. Since he started their production early on, they were already finished and are helping cleaning the bunker after it has finished building.

Leon, being mega ultra super rich spared no expense and bought the most luxurious furniture, fitted the bunker with the most unique and expensive marble and wood. Since money would be obsolete on just a year, he really fulfilled his second generation who doesn't care about money role.

Heck, even the toilets in the Luxury units were too of the line, heated seats, interactive flushing, and even a 'wash your ass for you' function. Stocking up on supplies that will last a lifetime in this day and age is a piece of cake. Specially coke, pepsi and Prime Hydration ◖⁠⚆⁠ᴥ⁠⚆⁠◗.

He also bought tonnes of weapons ammunition, both classic and the sci-fi looking ones. The security droids, model S, are equipped with shock batons and a tranquilizer gun when patrolling inside the bunker. When outside, they hold bombs, tranquilizer gun and an Assault Rifle.

These S models hold the same combat capabilities as a veteran Marine, only bullet proof and stronger/faster.

For Leon himself, although he planned to depend on the droids for his protection, he didn't want to be too reliant or just a sitting duck when shit goes down. So he collected as many combat styles and methods.

Krav Maga, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Tai chi, Taekwondo, Karate, Judo, boxing, kickboxing. And with the aid of Stella, combined several different styles with close-quarters combat techniques to create something new that triumphs all the other existing one. Because of Stella being an A.I, the combination went without a hitch, all disadvantages of different styles were discarded until only the best moves were left.

Since some of the techniques are polar opposites, they had split them into Defensive and Offensive styles, creating two brand new combat styles.

The defensive style focused on disarming, evading, parying, blocking as well as redirecting blows. On the other hand, offensive style focused on neutralising targets and dealing harmful or lethal attacks.

This was done early on so, now, Leon has spent 3 years training whenever he had some free time. He was personally trained by Stella, who despite her cute looks, is the strongest amongst all other droids. He would later recall those days of hellish trainers under 'the devil' and shiver.

Another aspect he focused on were training in firearms and swords, since he knew they would be important in the future, despite his sincere efforts, he was stil completely outmatched by Stella, and even the 2B models.

Speaking of weapons, Leon had managed to smuggle some missle parts then assemble 3 missles inside his very own missle depot in the bunker. Since he knew his Uncle Mike wouldn't agree, he payed expert mercenaries to do it for him.

He also wanted tanks but was denied by his uncle with a cold no, and since the tanks can't be disassembled as much a missle, each individual part was too heavy to smuggle, so he just gave up on the idea.

Leon also completed the modification of the black blood in just a year, but refrained from carrying out his body modifications after being told by the doctors the operation was too extreme so he won't be able to move afterwards for at least a couple of months, so the operation was delayed to directly before his cryogenic sleep.

Stella and the rest of the droids that have advanced A.I will enter Cryogenic sleep too. Since they can feel boredom, which includes all models except model S which is only a semi A.I which is not capable of proper thought or feelings.

During the sleep, he and Stella will be woken up every 20 years to check on everything and have some quality time together.

____3 months before Praimfaya___

Since I didn't know the exact date of the apocalypse, me and Stella decided to head in at the start of 2052 just in case.

Today, I will be injecting myself with the modified black blood, I mixed it with modified nano-bots that will heal any injuries I sustain over time, however they were MONUMENTALLY difficult to make.

I only made a litre of the spot during the last three years, also, they can't be manufactured so I hand to make the first one by hand them make the B- models and Stella replicate them one by one.

Currently in the lab, Stella held the metal syringe that connected with a large bloodbag containing concentrated black blood and nano-bots.

"Are you ready husband?" Stella asked sweetly.

"Yes." I smiled gently.

She proceeded with the syringe but stopped inches away from my arm and asked with worry lacing her words.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We don't know the effect of this modified version of the blood on you. We still didn't do any human testing! Also, we don't know how the Nano-tubes will react with--MNNM"

I sealed her lips with mine in a passionate kiss that had no hint of lust. Her eyes widened as she melted into the kiss.

"I'll be fine okay?" I smiled and looked straight at her amethyst eyes, our foreheads resting on each other in a primal show of comforting.

"Mmn" she nodded, took a deep breath(even though she didn't need to), then injected the blood into my bloodstream. After the last drop of blood left the bloodbag and into my body, I finally started feeling the changes.

A hot sensation spread along my veins as the blood entered, I could feel it spreading all over my body, in ever artery, vein and capillary, especially the neck and heart that were particularly hot.

It offered little discomfort but was otherwise manageable. Slowly, overtime I began to feel slight itchiness on certain parts of my body. I instantly thought that the nano-bots must be healing damaged skin or microscopic cuts that I suffered.

But I'm not about to hurt myself like some masochistic Wuxia Protagonist to test it out.

"Are you okay, how are you feeling?" Stella said while staring at my face.

I sighed and ruffled her hair," I'm fine so stop reading my micro-expressions and heart rate."

She blushed and looked down in shame that she was busted. Stella has the capability to read micro-expressions in the human face, along with heart and breathing rate along other data to determine if someone is lying or what someone is feeling.

"I'm sorry" she looked down.

I raised her chin then played with her cheeks for a while, once you got a grip on those heavenly marshmallows you wouldn't been able to stop.

"Alright, time for training, I want to test the effect of this blood aside from its healing and radiation protection capabilities."

What I didn't mention is that this blood can allow consciousness transfer as seen by the...what was their name again? Oh, the Primes, in the Sanctum.

We then head out of my room to the basement were a high tech room made completely of octagonal white panels. This was a simulation room, a state of the art training mechanism only used by the best of the best in the military.

We head inside and I place a bluetooth VR headset while Stella didn't as she just remotely connected.


Then a panel opens up infront of me. I configure the training settings then give a nodd to Stella.



The surroundings, inside the VR, then changed to show multiple featureless shadows like those in the shadow fight games.

I go into the stance of our own Offensive style named Stalleon, which we came up with after a bit of wordplay with both mine and Stella's names.

My muscles contracted as my body moved into this trained position almost instinctively from how much I had done this before during the last three years.

As the first shadow approached me, I move my right hand with great speed and at a very specific angle, right into the man's neck, the shadow explodedinto black smoke, indicating it died.

The one after hit me with an axe kick, using the defensive form of the Stalleon style, my own leg stretched upwards above my head, it barely made contact with the kick, guiding it harmlessly to my side, with the same motion, I use the same leg to pull the Shadow's leg from under him knocking him over.

I continued to fight shadow after shadow, they kept coming endlessly, and will keep coming until the timer ends, and as time passed their difficulty increases. And a person can fight up to five Shadows at a time, whenever one dies, another one immediately shows up.

As I fought, I noticed that my body seemed a lot healthier, I got tired slower and it felt as if I could keep going for hours.

Unfortunately, by the end, the shadows were incredibly skilled, even while using superior techniques, I eventually got overwhelmed and sweat started to gather on my forehead.


After a long siren, all the shadows disappeared along with a screen appearing displaying our scores.

[ LEON: 798 KILLS ]

[ STELLA: 2,036 KILLS ]

Instead of feeling disappointed, I laughed merrily. This is my best score yet! My previous high-score was only 560, so this was amazing, incredible even.

"Hahahaha" I was so ecstatic I starting laughing out loud. Running to Stella, I held her up and spun her around. She laughed and her tail swayed excitedly as she was already used to my actions whenever I was overly happy.

She held my cheeks and said

"Congratulations husband! You did great!" Her cheeks had a natural reddish hue and her eyes narrowed a little. Stunning.

I rubbed my forehead with her's," You also did as spectacularly as always. Especially with the new combat implementations update. I'm proud of you honey."

"Hehe~" she started at me for a moment, seemingly hesitant.

"Speak your mind"

With eyes darting around everywhere trying to avoid mine, she said in barely a whisper, "C-can we kiss?"

I blushed a little as I heard her and my eyes widened, despite being together for 3 years she never took the initiative to kiss me outside our one before sleeping and after waking up, where she was quite rigorous.

"It's okay now love. You can kiss me whenever, and wherever you want. Right now you are emotionally old, meaning stable. So you don't have to hold back"

Her arms flailed wildly and her cat tail turned into a freakin fan from how excited she was.


"Yes." I smiled and waited. Though not for long as she held the back of my head and pushed my face towards hers into a tight aggressive kiss.


"Relax love! You know you're stronger than me! A little considered for your human companion would be appreciated!"

She blushed in embarrassment but I was just teasing her, I liked it when she was this proactive.

I then gave her a quick kiss and let her down but she didn't let go of my neck, ouch, ouch ,ouch HEAVY!!

My eyes twitched as I said,"You're too spoiled honey."

I then princess carried her back up the stairs and into my bedroom. We took turns combing each others hair. It was kind of like our own little relaxing activity that we both enjoyed.

______One week before 2052______

_Operation Room_

Leon was on the bed ready for the operation, already had his Bionic Cybernetic Eyes implanted as evidenced by the white bandages wrapped around his head, covering his eyes.

Now, he was being given sedatives so that the world class doctors can begin the operation of this never done before one. They would be facing the legendary feat of replacing every single muscle inside Leon's body. At the same time applying Etholium to his bones to make sure they don't break from the Andrium muscles.

This grueling 19 hour delicate operation is probably the most dangerous they had ever done, but who could carry out such an operation if not these people who are the best in their feild.

The nervous Stella waited outside the operation room, suppressing her growing worry. While the operation was going on, Stella was having the most terrifying moments in her life.

In a single mishap, she could lose her precious husband, her worry was justified though but that didn't lessen it . Her only comfort was that she could check on his vitals from where she was due to her extensive hearing capability.

So once again, as she had done over a hundred times before, she listened closely to her husband's heartbeat.


As soon as the ominous voice hit her sensors, her eyes narrowed as she burst into the room right through the wall, completely disregarding the door.

As the dust settled, Stella could be seen holding the neck of a struggling doctor who was too weak and tired to move her arms an inch. Even all the men in the room can't even hope to make her release her death grip on his neck.

The doctor's face that had black bags under his eyes from the long hours of the operation was turning blue as he failed to breath. Then Stella's voice screamed out as her voice cracked.


Due to the particulars of the nature of the operation, the scene was gruesome with his whole skin opened, muscles layed on the floor and black blood everywhere.

"SPEAK!" She tightened her grip, just as she was about to tighten her grip further, the heart monitor came back to life, saving the life of the doctor.


Horrifyingly, the bloodied Leon who looked like a zombie with only 90% of his body being metal and the last 20% being organic muscles. Fortunately he felt no pain, but it didn't make this scene any more horror striking.

"I---m O---ka---y" he managed to mumble.

Stella dropped the doctor, her face instantly being filled with tears as she ignored the blood and hugged the weakened Leon.

"Waaaaa, I thought!! I thought!!! Waaaaa"

"Shshshshshsh, it's okay, shshsh, I'm fine" Leon said as he stroked his bloodied hands through her hair.

After that little incident, Stella refused to leave his side until the operation was finished. It turns out when they were replacing his cardiac muscles, it triggered a cardiac arrest. But fortunately, his blood managed to fix the issue in time.

The operation continued for another three hours before it was finished. True to their words, Leon couldn't move a muscle, nor could he speak or smile.

Stella then payed the doctors and apologized for her previous behaviour and lead Leon back home. Leon then spoke to her by sending messages via his cybernetic eyes which connected to her.

[I'll miss this place. We shared so many memories inside and it's also were I created you.]

Reading the message, she said.

"I'll miss it too, but we will make more memories in the future, as long as I have you."

[Yeah, you're right. I can always acces your database and rewatch those memories]

"Hahaha~ I didn't mean it like that dummy."

[Haha, I know.~]

They then stared in silence one last time at their home before riding the hovering car towards the bunker.

Seeing the mesmerising skyline that will come to an end, he lamented his Uncle Mike's death.

'No, it's good that he died before that shit show happens, at least it will spare him the greif and pain.' thought Leon.

Entering the bunker, they headed to the 47th floor were the cryogenic pods are located. Leon will be entering sleep early since he can't move anyway. Stella will be in the pod right next to him beside the already frozen B and C droid models.

[See you in twenty years]

"I'll miss you" said Stella.

[No you won't, for us, it will be as if we took a long nap, we won't even feel the time passing]

"I know, but I'll miss you anyway. See you in twenty years old man!"

[Heh, don't worry I prepared your glasses and hearing aids!]

After a short laugh, they both fully entered their chambers.

[I'll miss you too Stella. Goodnight Honey. I love you.]

"Goodnight husband. I love you too."

With one last eye contact, their cryo-chambers closed, virtually freezing them in time. When they wake up next, the world they once knew and loved in will be replaced by a nuclear wasteland, one which they will eventually return to.

Back to the surface.

Load failed, please RETRY


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