7.69% The 100: Advanced Preparation / Chapter 1: Beginning Preparations
The 100: Advanced Preparation The 100: Advanced Preparation original

The 100: Advanced Preparation

作者: Silver_Chaos77

© WebNovel

章節 1: Beginning Preparations

A/N: Hello, Author here. This fic will alternate between first and third person and will actually start one year before the date stated in the sypnosys, you will know why as you read.

P.s: This is NOT a self insert and all R18 scenes are with females that are over 17/18 or are droids.

P.P.s: You will be warned when there is R18 as there will be very little dedicated R-18 chapters. A warning with one star tag (*) is light lemon, (**) is moderate, and R18 tag is some heavy stuff.

P.P.P.s: Most scientific terms and processes mentioned in this novel are either conceptual or bullshit of my imagination.


NOTE: Author from the future here. I don't really like how I went about character interaction with this fanfic. I find it silly, and cringe, and could have been done better.

I also don't like how I went about the whole AI with emotions thing.

Other than that, enjoy.


In a healing pod, a young teen about 15 years of age layed there motionless. This didn't last long as his eyes fluttered open revealing soft electric blue eyes.

Bewildered, the man looked around but appeared too weak to move, he would have panicked for sure but strangely remained calm, possibly due to the medicine or sedatives pumping through his veins.

'Sleep paralysis?' the teen wondered. His first though upon waking up, as one would expect, was not that he was in another world. He recognised the place as a hospital but didn't recognize any of the futuristic, sci-fi looking equipment.

'Am I in a secret military facility? Am I being experimented on!'

Slowly thoughts like this began surfacing in his brain, increasing his panic. But then it stopped, as slowly memories of the day before or in other words, his last memories started coming back to him.

'I...I died?' It was a weird feeling. He was sure he died, he literally felt his heart stop beating. He has been working on his new droid/robot for three days straight until he finally dropped.

It wasn't because anyone forced him to work this hard or that he had a deadline he had to meet, it was his own passion that drove him so far.

In fact, the young teen, Leon, was the first man on Earth to create a working, self conscious A.I. But after it started spewing some...rather apocalyptic and genocidal words, he shut her down.

He then spent hours, days, weeks and years into this A.I, constantly fixing, upgrading and enhancing it. Until he finally wrote the code for an A.I that, although recognises itself as different from humans, has 'humanity', if that makes sense.

It would even have feelings, the problem was that every time he loaded it, it overwhelmed the device it was on, burning it. There was no device that can host his dear A.I, some might say he was ahead of his time.

So, he put his A.I aside and focused on cybernetics and robotics, trying his best to create a realistic robot that feels and sounds like a human, unfortunately he died of overwork before he ever got to finish it.

After taking in and accepting the fact of his death, Leon assessed his current situation. He reasoned that if this was really a secret medical facility the government had hidden, they wouldn't possibly take him there.

He wasn't anyone famous before, despite being a genius he never published his work in fear it would be weaponized.

[A/N: He knew all too well about that American Freedom 🤣]

'Sigh, it's no use making assumptions now, let's just try to get up,'

After trying and failing to move his fingers for a while, he finally succeeded in slightly clenching his fist. It appeared that he was recently injured, in fact, if not for the pain relief and sedatives that are going through his body, he would be screaming.

It was then that a sudden wave of memories accompanied by copious amounts of information flooded his brain.

He wasn't superman, and his brain certainly wasn't, facing this huge load of information, Leon lost consciousness as his brain attempted to not get fried like a damn chicken wing.

While his body entered a stasis like state, his mind was active, he had his conscience active inside his brain. So he started getting all the information and memories in his sleep.

Turns out this body shared the same name as him. He didn't know if he transmigated or was reborn but only now regained his memories, and perhaps he never will. But the fact of the matter is, he is here, in this body.

Leon Starzesta. Heir to the Starzesta family, he and his family where involved in a plane crash, and that was his last memory before darkness.

Fortunately, his feelings with his family didn't carry over, as Leon was doubtful they survived as he did. And he didn't want to go through the pain of losing his parents... twice.

But what really caught his interest was the information he received. Apparently it was 2047, and by now humanity had made advancements in all fields. They even sent spaceships to colonize other planets and mining operations to asteroids, it was Eligius as he remembered, and it belongs to the Eligius corporation.

'Weird, I'm sure I heard that name somewhere before..'

Shaking the weird feeling off, he continued through the memories. Like him, the previous Leon shared the same interests in Robotics and A.I.

Sensing the huge amounts of new information about his two favourite topics in his mind, he started reading and with great interest. He didn't know how long he will be in this bizzare state for, he guessed by the time it was done, he would be able to recall all the knew memories like the back of his hand...but he didn't..no he couldn't wait that long.

It was like getting a new season of your favourite anime you thought was discontinued and being told to wait while it was right Infront of you.

Like so, Leon started studying in his own mental space or whatever it was with great interest. This remained like so for the near future.

-------One Year Later---------

It was now 2048, fortunately, Leon's family was rich as fuc-- well off. So he didn't have to worry about them pulling the plug on him

for whatever reason.

In the last year, not only has Leon gone over the new memories multiple times and committed the new knowledge to heart, he also improved on it and came up with multiple ideas and improvements he could make to both his A.I and Robot.

Additionally, it turned out his family was friends with someone named Becca Franko, who created Black Blood and was working at the space station named Polaris. Becca Franko, Eligius, Black Blood...

The signs were too clear and it lead him to a dreadful realisation. This world was about to end, and come face to face with it's very first Nuclear Apocalypse. This world, was The 100...

******Leon POV*******

I can't believe I'm in a TV show..No this isn't right, it was a TV show, now it's my reality. Well, I already figured this out a while ago while I was reviewing my new memories but damn.

While I don't know how I got here, I am still grateful for this second chance at life, and I'll be sure to make the most of it this time. Besides, most women in the show were a 10, simply hot as fuc--ahem, nice personalities and moral character...

I'll make my dreams come true, but first let's get the plans I thought of into action since I just woke up a minute ago.

I already accelerated my breathing rate, so my heart is beating faster. I'm feeling as though my body is completely fine, if not a little stiff.

Any minute now.


A nurse came rushing in, she peered into my 'pod' and I glanced at her, seeing this her eyes widened and she hurriedly ran out while shouting.

"Patient 267 is responsive! Contact....."

Afterthat, what happened was what to be expected of someone who just woke up from a coma. They brought an old, kind looking doctor who broke it down to me in VERY simple terms. Guess they were afraid of a phsycological backlash or trauma.

But seeing I was fine and dandy, I was handed a device that had gum inside and informed to eat one every morning for two weeks. Apparently, one gum had all the essential vitamins my body needs, convenient huh. Better that taking pills.

Shortly after the doctor left, a strict looking man with a black Business bag, of course he had one, who I assume to be a lawyer told me about my situation and that my parents died.

Putting on a 'sorrowful' expression, I asked "Then what do I do now?"

The man smiled, "I don't want you to worry, your father has already written precise instructions for a scenario like this."

Then taking out a glass tablet, which I thought was cool, he read, "All companies, assets and shares will be transferred to you. Additionally all bank credit and accounts were switched to your name."

"Please sign here," he then handed me the tablet.

Bewildered, I looked towards him and scratched my head, "Uh, I don't have a pen"

The man looked even more confused than I am and said, "Why would you need a pen?"

It was then I noticed a box in the bottom right corner of the tablet's screen. I pressed my thumb against it, and voila! A ding sound ushered from it confirming my finger print, then the lawyer took the tablet back and bid his farewell.

It was then I finally had some alone time, looking around the spacious, VVIP looking hospital room, a contented smile adorned my face.

Sigh, luxury really is great feeling. Mom, dad, wherever you are now, I made it. I'm finally a billionaire, I know you wanted a doctor but it is what it is, and I can simply buy a PHD...

Looking at the table next to mine, I saw what looked like a rectangular, sleek white box the size of a TV remote.

Holding it, it suddenly split apart from the middle revealing a glass screen. So that's a tablet too? It was the size of a normal tablet. Cool.

I tried touching the screen but nothing happened, so I pressed my thumb against it and words appeared on the screen.

Do you seek power?

Just kidding, it said [Welcome Back Leon Starzesta], followed by the home screen. Looking at the date, it read, 1st February 2048.

So I have four years left huh.

Then instead of panicking, a wide, toothy grin took over my face, I can't wait.

___2 weeks later___

I was finally permitted out of the hospital, since the day I woke up, I had to exercise everyday, other than that the hospital food was amazing too. Seems even the culinary arts improved if hospital food is this good.

Or it got a larger budget cut from the governme--*Cough*Cough*

But while I was not exercising, I did not just sit on my ass. I contacted various firms and sold all my shares in all the companies I now own. I also sold most other family owned companies.

This, besides making me one of the richest men in the world, created a ruckus as the media rained down on me. Thank god I was in the hospital and interviews were strictly prohibited. I couldn't just tell them the apocalypse was coming.

First of all, I will be labelled as crazy, which will impede my plans, second if it worked, social order would collapse. It's a dead end on both sides. Third, I didn't need Alie on my ass in the future. Which is why everything I did and will do will be on my own private server.

Apparently my family had some hands in the military too, so I contacted a military higher up who happened to be a family friend that owed my family and asked him for a building licence and a couple things extra.

A licence for what, you might ask? Well, for my very own bunker of course. I already have all the schematics in my head. While the location did bother me for a while, I ultimately chose the area opposite mount weather from where the dropship would land, between the dropship and polis, and Arkadia and polis.

[Map (blue mark)]

Which is now north of Rockville, Washington. The man happily complied and brought me the licence quite easily. I thought it would take a little threatening honestly, guess I'll release his wife...JUST KIDDING, OMG chill.

Ahem, apart from my outdated sense of humour, the next step was to begin construction. I spent the first week drawing schematics for the bunker and consulting hundreds of experts on the design, material and structure. Which was easy to do since, well...I'm rich.

Finally, I contacted tens of international, multinational and specialist companies to construct my bunker. I made them sign a confidentiality agreement of course, didn't need all this getting out to the media.

While I did contemplate just stopping Alie, I encountered two primary issues. First, that bitch was in space.

Second, I dug around a little on information not available to the public. This world is dying. Despite all the technological advances, the climate is at an all time worst with water levels already flooding most coastal cities, while the despairing difference between rich and poor has never been wider.

Cities are faced with terrorist attacks almost on a weekly basis while the crime rates are through the roof. It got to the point poor people were restricted from entering major cities. So if I walk around, I will find no homeless people, no poor people and no beggars.

This is avoiding the problem not solving it. So with or without Alie, this world is on a tight clock.

Back to topic, the bunkers would take 3 years to be fully constructed, which will leave me one year to furnish it, stock it up and boot it up.

Now aside from beginning work on my droids, I need to get me some genetic black blood. Which wouldn't be hard, just a phone call to Becca and we're good. I will also fit my bunker with cryogenic pods, I'm not waiting a hundred years for the show to begin nor am I leaving my grandkids with that mission either. They were fairly easy to acquire, for me at least.

Yeah, fuck my grandkids.

The reason I need black blood is that if I didn't, I'll end up like the mountain men, and get radiation rap*d. I need that resistance to radiation. On the topic of body modifications, I will be going through some myself, let's cyberpunk this shit.

Andrium metal. It is a top secret metal that is both incredibly hard, durable, with great tensile strength and is soft to the touch. Perfect in acting as normal muscles, it is an alloy made of carbonium and brightsteel along other rare metals.

This metal will be molded into muscle fibres that will be joined into muscles that will remain hidden under my skin. It's going to be a painful operation for sure, good thing I will be knocked out.

Black blood will be capable of self repairing these muscles, so they will have same functions and flexibility as normal muscles but countless times stronger and better.

This is usually impossible, but after I modify black blood a little, and contact the scientist in charge of this operation, all will be dandy.

And because the tention the Adrium muscles will release when they contract will surely break my bones, I will be enhancing my bone strength by inject Etholium, which is a substance that merges with the calcium in the bones to increase its strength, into my bones.

The second and final modification I'm getting is Bionic Cybernetic eyes, 10 times better than 20/20 vision, blind proof and has night and thermal visions. Also has the capability to scan objects and identify them by cross referencing across a database.

Becca and my father used to be best friends but ultimately grew distant. Using that connection I will.

Now I already sent a text to Becca, and until I receive my black blood, I will start working on my droids, robots, automata, whatever you wanna call them.

[A/N: I will be referring to them as droids.]

First, let's go home, no matter how nice it is, I'm getting sick from this hospital. Wearing an expensive black suit, I put on sunglasses and walk out of my room towards the entrance of the hospital.

______Author POV______

A handsome teen with stylish medium-length raven-black hair and electric blue eyes covered with sunglasses headed out of the hospital.

He was surrounded by bodyguards who protected him from the crowd of reporters who where rushing towards him and yelling out questions.

"What do you feel after losing your parents?"

"Any thoughts on the recent----"

"What are your future plans--"

"Why did you sell your----"

The paparazzi didn't stay still, with a camera flash occuring every point one seconds. Why do they even use these anymore is a mystery. There were also multiple drones overhead also taking pictures.

Like that he headed towards his levitating car and sat in the passenger seat as the driver drove away, leaving the reporters disappointed. Leon stared intently at the high tech city, the sky scrapers in the 50s while hundreds of unique buildings with mouth opening architecture graced the sky line. The streets were clean and the air was clear.

After a 30 minute drive, they arrived at a lavish neighborhood stock full with massive, Luxury villas and mansions. They came to a stop at a particularly large one, the Starzesta household.

After sending everyone away, Leon headed to his room according to his memories. The lights lighting on automatically. His room can be considered an apartment all by itself. There was a private labratory, bathroom and a high tech table which uses holograms to construct holographic models.(like Tony stark)

Since it was still mid-day and he was not feeling tired, Leon began work immediately. The latest high spec computer was a piece of art that Leon started to use to code the most important aspect of his droid project, the A.I.

It took till sunset for Leon to type in the core code for the A.I, and this was just the beginning, he still has to model a body and set movement parameters as well as input all the supplementary code.

But..all this was before he studied the new code, now it was time to show what he learned during his year of constant studies and planing. Self learning. He can now put code that will allow his A.I to learn and self evolve, becoming better and better with each understanding or failure, essentially, learning.

An A.I that could learn and improve upon itself, sweat was dripping along Leon's forehead as the mere idea prompted a crazed smile to appear on his smile. His feet tapped the ground repeatedly in excitement.

Time to work.

Load failed, please RETRY


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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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