33.33% [ MOVED TO A NEW LINK] / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Is this the end?..

章節 8: Chapter 8: Is this the end?..


"We should forgive those who had wronged us, but not before they are hanged"....


The last few hours wasn't so great after all, I kept on staring anxiously at the clock, over and over again, for the damn clock to finally ring, indicating that's it was lunch time, but no it didn't....

It's actually looked like the clock wasn't also on my side either, as it kept on going so slow, making me a whole lot anxious...

"What if she decided not to tell me her full name again" I thought, still fiddling with my hands anxiously....

"No she wouldn't do that, and she obviously looks so naive to lie" Another thought can running in, as I massage my forehead still so tensed up....

"She would lie, in order to save those shitty fools" I thought frustratedly, as my head kept on spinning, only to finally look up, discovering that I was the only one left in class...

It was lunch time and my plan finally starts now, I thought for a brief second, as I quickly stood up, leaving the class to my destination, still with so much anxiousness in my heart....

"If she tries lying to save those monsters, then I would have no other choice than to result to plan B.... "Violence"....

I mumbled under my breath, as I clenched my fist angrily, still with the tensed frown on my face, as I quickly marched to the art class, slowly drifting my eyes around before finally landing on my assumed enemy, as I watched her happily hopping to meet me, with that pathetic smile of hers....

"Someone seems excited to have lunch with me" She grinned, still beaming, as my lips slowly curved into a big frown, cause I really didn't have time for all this....

"Just tell me what your full name is" I blurted out, almost too quickly, as I slowly watch her expression changing into something that I really just couldn't read....

"Gosh, why do you keep asking that" She said, with a big frown on her face, as I stared straight into her eyes blankly....

"Are you going to tell me or not" I replied in a really rude tone, pissed off already, as I stared straight into her face, as the frown grew wider...

"I really thought that you wanted to have lunch with me and maybe be my friend" She blurted out, with a hint of disappointment and pain, as I tried controlling my emotions....

Gosh, is she trying to emotionally blackmail me or what, I thought, still staring straight into her eyes with nothing but pain and hatred in mine...

"Harris" She blurted out, looking at me blankly, as I raised my eyebrows confusedly....

"What" I blurted out sharply, as I kept on trying to read her expression....

"You asked for my surname right?" She said, with a hint of bitterness in her voice, but I really didn't care about that right now.....

"So what are you trying to hint at" I spat out, folding my hands together questioningly, as the disappointment in her face grew more noticable....

"My name is Grace Harris, anything else you want to know" She replied, quickly looking away, with her already hurt feelings, as I kept on fixing my gaze at her, unsure of whether or not she was actually telling the truth...

If the truth is really what she just said, then I have no business with her at all, cause my target was to get information about my bastard grandparents whereabouts and nothing else...

I thought still staring at her with my arched eyebrows, as she sharply turned around to leave disappointed, but luckily I was quick enough to grab her hand, containing her books...

As my eyes quickly drifted down to the name, trying so hard to read what's was actually written on it....

Gosh why does the writing have to be so little, I practically rain curses on my mind, as I slowly tried connecting the letters together...

"Grace ...H-a-r-r-i-s" The letters spelled out, as my racing heart slowly calm down...

"Why are you still holding my hand" Her angry voice called out, as I slowly jolted back to life, now staring at her angry face blankly...

Damn, she's still angry with me, I thought pressing my lips together, as I stared back at her...

I actually mistook her for someone else, and I guess I actually did deserved what I was actually receiving now, I ranked my brain, thinking of a possible way to get out of this mess, as I slowly met her still disappointed eyes....

"Don't you want to have lunch" I said, immediately changing the topic, as I stared straight into her already confused eyes, slowly forcing out a fake smile....

"Please just leave, am not forcing you" She replied, but her eyes kept on telling otherwise, making me realize that the lonely one here was actually her, but sadly I just can't be her friend....

A bloody revenge seeking psycho just can't be, am a lonely wolf and I like it that way, I thought for a brief second, before quickly parting my lips....

"Your eyes tell otherwise, so don't try pretending" I mumbled out, with the fake smile, as I quickly held her eyes awkwardly, before frustratedly pulling her to the cafeteria, as I could feel the little smile on her face, that kept on creeping me out the more....

"So what do you want to have" She replied, looking at me, beaming once again, as soon I let go of her hand awkwardly....

"I really don't care" I replied, already feeling suffocated by the cheerful morons that I was sadly surrounded with...

Oh Gosh, how could I have forgotten that I hate everyone in this school, I thought squeezing my lips angrily...

"Ivy?" Her voice, slowly pierced on my ear, bringing me out of my thoughts, as I stared back at her once again...

"I thought for a second that I had lost you there" She said, with a little smile on her face, as I angrily gave a fake smile.....

"I'll eat anything I see" I replied, still with the fake smile on my face, as I angrily took my sit, before it finally faded completely....

"Bon appetit" She smiled jovially, as she slowly dropped the tray on the plastic table, before finally digging in, as I kept on looking at food, with absolutely no appetite at all, cause my mind was really far away....

Gosh, I really thought that I had already found that adopted bitch of my grandparents, I really thought that I would finally be able to know where they are and anyone else that made my mom's life so shitty...

I really thought, everything would be over by now, but no, I still got nothing, I thought frustratedly, as bitter tears slowly gathered round my eyes...

Everything just seems so messed up now and there's really nothing I can do about it, I thought as I clenched my fist angrily, still looking at the piece of garbage so pissed off....

"Can I ask you a question" Her voice slowly called out, as it brought me out of thoughts, as I cautiously wiped away my tears from falling, before finally looking at her and luckily she didn't notice a thing....

"Just eat your garbage" I spat out frustratedly, before looking away, still with so much bitterness in my heart.....

"But it's urgent" She mumbled with her mouth still full of food, as I kept on staring at nothing in particular, already becoming pissed off again, as she kept on interrupting me from dying once again in the past....

"Please just keep shut" I blurted out harshly, still looking away....

"I just can't keep shut, cause I really have to say this" She spoke back, as I clenched my fist angrily....


"Why are you so bitter about everything" Her faint voice echoed on my eardrums, as I grit my teeth with so much frustration in me....

"And why do you always seems to be such a pain in the neck" I yelled out, with my grit teeth, still looking away angrily...

"What part of keep your fucking mouth shut don't you understand" I spat out, with so much frustration in me, as my blood kept on boiling....

Obviously expecting her to rebel and speak back again, but surprisingly, I didn't hear a word, as I slowly turned to her direction confusedly, only to discover that she was staring at something else now....

"Damn, You asked a question and you don't even listen" I spat out, as I could feel my blood boiling angrily.....

"Am sorry" She blurted out, as I let out an angry scoff....

"I just couldn't resist" She blurted out with a little smile on her face, as I raised one of my eyebrows confusedly at her, as she kept on smiling, irritating me the more.....

"You are just so damn pretty"....

"And what on earth do you mean by that" I blurted out, almost too quickly, as I stared angrily at her.....

"Well not me, but someone has clearly been staring at you, since when we sat here" She giggled silently, as i slowly traced my angry eyes to the direction she had constantly been looking at, only to see no other person but that brown hair fool Ryan, as my blood slowly boiled angrily.....

"Damnit" I yelled out angrily, as I banged the table, sadly drawing attention of almost every one to us, but I really didn't darn care ....

"What's wrong" She mumbled staring at me confusedly, as I could feel my blood boiling the more...

That fool was shamefully staring at me and she kept on acting as if I would be so happy to hear about that bullshit, I thought angrily, as I kept on staring at her, with my already clenched fist...

"What part of eat your food silently, don't you understand" I yelled out angrily, staring into her eyes.....

"I ...

"Just save it" I spat out, before angrily standing up and leaving a those bloody fools behind, angrily walking to the first place that had sadly popped into my mind, as I massaged my forehead frustratedly, staring at the medium size swimming pool....

"Gosh, what exactly does that fool actually wants from me" I thought to myself with grit teeth, still pacing around, so fed up already....

"Why does he keeps on acting like a shitty maniac and just can't leave me alone" I yelled out angrily, as I threw a little peeble down the swimming pool angrily....

"Well maybe it's because am addicted to you" A voice blurted out, as I arched my eyebrows in confusion, quickly turning around, only to see the one person that had kept on pissing the shit off me, every single darn day.....

"What the fuck are you doing here, you shit" I spat out disgustingly, piercing my eyes straight into his, as a little devilish smile curve round his lips...

"Well to see if you are alright obviously" Ryan blurted out, still with that horrible grin of his, as I arched my eyebrows angrily....


"Well I mean, you totally embarrassed Grace back there, At the cafeteria, it was really so damn epic" He said, still grinning, as my face sadly flushed red in guilt.....

"I.... didn't mean to, you know that too well" I spat out, still fixing my gaze at him angrily, as the grin in his face grew wider, making me irritated the more ...

"I didn't see that, that way" He blurted out, still piercing his eyes with my angry ones, as I pressed my lips together angrily....

"What the fuck are you whining about" I spat out, still glaring at him disgustingly, as he folded his arms together tightly, still fixing his gaze with mine...

"Just saying, I think you're fucking jealous....

"What the fuck" I blurted out almost too quickly, as I stared at the awful smirk on his face with my already boiling blood....

"Oh c'mon don't you dare pretend now, cause immediately you found out that she was actually staring at me, You exploded" He blurted out, with a mixture of lust and disgust in his eyes, as I clenched my fist angrily.....

"You're seriously crazy" I spat out, staring at him with so much frustration in my heart, as I tried controlling my boiling anger....

"No, I think the only one crazy here is sadly you for me" He grinned, as I tried controlling the urge to punch him right on the face, or else I might just get sadly get arrested for attempt shitty murder...

Damnit, I thought angrily as I kept on glaring at his shitty face, that kept on making my blood boil.....

"Am done talking to you" I spat out with grit teeth, as I angrily turned around to leave, only for him to pull me back, as he tightly held my arm, as I kept trying to shrug it away, still so pissed off....

"What the hell are you doing" I spat, angrily glaring straight into his eyes with my boiling blood, as he kept on staring at mine with a mixture of anger in his ..

"Just say it" He blurted out sharply....

"What?" I arched one of my eyebrows, still staring at him angrily, as he kept on staring at me, without loosening the grip....

"Just say that you love me and I'll love you back" He blurted out, staring straight into my eyes, as I clenched my fist angrily.....

"LET.ME.GO.NOW" I yelled out, as I angrily yanked my arm from him, before slapping him hard on his shitty face....

"What's the fuck....

"That's for not using your brains, you shitty fool" I spat out disgustingly, as I kept on staring angrily at his fucking face, with so much disgust in my heart....

"Damn, I swear you will regret this" He roared out angrily, as a little grin slowly creeped up on my face....

"All you do is bluff and that's all, cause you are a nobody, Don't you dare try me" I spat, grinning irritatedly at him, before turning around to leave, but still he wasn't still satisfied with the slap, as he held my hand, pulling me back to him again....

"Damn" I yelled out irritatedly...

"You think that you're funny, little bitch" He yelled out, staring straight into my eyes angrily....

"I think you want me to slap you again right?" I spat out angrily, as I kept on glaring straight into his angry hazel eyes....

"Oh you mean like this" He yelled out angrily, as he swiftly turned me around, making my butt face him....

"Let go" I yelled out angrily, as I tried freeing myself from his grip, but he was much more stronger...

"You are really so pathetic, but I still love you madly" He whispered right on my earlobe, before bitting it softly, as my whole body vibrate in disgust and anger....

"I said let go you shit" I yelled out irritatedly, as he drew me a whole lot closer to him, as I could feel his breathing on my neck, before planting little kisses on it, as I cried angrily....

"I said let go" I yelled out, as I stumped angrily with all my strength on his foot, as he forcefully let go of me, before holding his foot in pain....

"What the hell" He yelled out angrily, as I glared disgustingly at him from head to toe, before grinning angrily again....

"Oh gosh, Bad boy seems injured" I spat out at him, grinning victoriously....

"You will pay" He yelled out with grit teeth, as my blood kept on boiling angrily...

"Oh keep those damn empty threat to yourself" I yelled out, raising my finger up at him angrily, as I kept on glaring disgustingly at that shitty fool....

"Am warning you, Don't you ever dare come close to me again, or I'll kill you, do you hear me" I spat out, looking at him, with so much disgust in my heart, as a devilish grin slowly grin up in his shitty face..

"Oh really let me see you try" He blurted out quickly and the next thing I know, I was sadly in the pool, already drowning as I struggle to swim.....

"Help me" I cried out sadly, as fear clenched on me tightly....

"What makes you think that I'll save you" He blurted out, grinning evilly at me, as I kept on struggling to swim, but keep on failing....

"I'll drown if you don't" I cried bitterly, with so much fear in my heart....

"Well you should have thought about all this, before slapping me right on the face" He spat angrily, as he turned around, sharply leaving me sadly, to face my own doom fate, as I cried fearfully, as the water seems to drown me deeper, the more I try to swim.....

No this can't just be the end.....I can't just die like this" I cried bitterly, still struggling with the water, fighting for my life, before my eyes slowly closed shut....

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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