47.61% Soul Master in Gensokyo / Chapter 9: The Girl that chases after the Prodigy and the easygoing Prodigy

章節 9: The Girl that chases after the Prodigy and the easygoing Prodigy

"From now on, Rin is going to be my attending physician. I hope you'll treat her well."

That's how Akyuu introduced me to the servants the next day. It took a moment for them to take the information in. As they slowly processed the newly learned information, countless voices of protest arose from the servants.

"Silence! Are you questioning the decision made by a Child of Miare?! Do you think I am making a wrong choice here?"

"But she is an outsider..."

One of the servants whispered from behind. As they heard that, the others slowly joined in with agreement. It seems that they have doubts about entrusting the health of the Child of Miare to an outsider.

Of course, seeing their reaction, Akyuu was about to reprimand them, but I stopped her right before she could do so. Thanks to that, I earned a confused look from her.

But I just winked at the cute girl beside me, telling her to "trust me."

"I understand your concerns about entrusting the health of your mistress to a stranger, but don't you think that makes you all quite the hypocrites?"

I said that flat out with a twisted smile on my face. It's obvious, but it was natural for the servants to feel offended by my actions.

"Wha- How dare you say that!"

"Akyuu-sama, that outsider is revealing their true colors!"

"How dare you imply that we don't have Akyuu-sama's best interest in our mind!"

"What would an outsider like you even now!"

"Yeah, they are not trustworthy!"

"Are their skills even real?"

"Throw them out!"

"Yeah! Throw them out!"

As expected, the commotion my comment created was quite nasty. Nasty to the point where Akyuu's concern was more than just visible on her face.

Careful not to overwork that little girl's heart.

"Oh, is that so? Then do tell me, why does an important person, such as the Child of Miare, not have an attending physician in the first place?"

The mood switched instantly, and the loud and noisy room turned almost silent to the point where you could hear the tension in the air.

"Just to make sure, but does this village even have a proper doctor?"

The silence grew as I asked that.

"Really? No doctors?"

"W-we have people selling medicine!"

I couldn't help but laugh at that defense. Imperishable Night isn't going to happen for another year, meaning that Eientei didn't go out of hiding yet, and considering how much the villagers started to rely on Eirin's proper medicine...

You can chalk it up to the incredible effectiveness of Eirin's medicine, or her immaculate service, but it was a fact that the medical level of the human village before the arrival of Yagokoro Eirin is dubious, to say the least.

"Oh? Medicine? Do tell me about it. What does it do? What is it used for? If you have or had an acquaintance who used that so-called medicine you bought, how effective was it for them?"

They couldn't look me in the eyes. After all, who dared to talk about something they know nothing about in front of an expert?

"Sigh- Listen, I am not trying to bully you or anything, but the fact is, you lot don't know anything about medicine, and based on your reaction, I even doubt that anyone here in this village knows 𝘄𝗵𝘆 the medicine that you use works. If someone is incredibly sick, how do you know if they'll recover once you give them the medicine?"

Once again, no reply from their side. Sighing from "frustration", I looked away from everyone.

For them, it should look like a frustrated person that tried to hide an ugly expression. While they were right that I hid my face, it wasn't because of frustration, but because this was almost too easy.

Turning back to face everyone again, I showed everyone a complicated expression while scratching my cheek as if I couldn't find the right words to say next.

"Look, I am not asking you to trust me right away. All I am hoping for is that you all give me a chance to prove myself. While I am not confident to say that I am the best expert out there in the medical field, I'd like to think that I am still fairly competent."

Whispers and hesitant faces.

While my words seemed to convince them, their hearts were still closed. It required one final push for me to reach the doorstep.

"How about this. You all see that Akyuu-sama is feeling better because of the treatment I gave her yesterday. While I still plan to work full-time as Akyuu's attending physician, I won't mind checking on you or your acquaintance's health if I have free time. Of course, it won't stay at me just checking up on you, but if you have an ailment I'll try my best to help you as long as it is within my capabilities. How does that sound?"


A week has passed since I started working as Akyuu's attending physician.

I was currently gathering and picking up herbs in the Forest of Magic. Appraising the rare herbs that I held in my hands, I started laughing.

I was surrounded by more star lilies than I ever saw in my last life and while they weren't exactly common, they were still plentiful enough to create a flower field almost by themselves.

Plucking a few of them, I threw them high up into the air before lying down for a moment, looking at the clear blue sky.

It was incredible how easily a week can pass if you don't concentrate on the passage of time. The past week wasn't an easy one in any way possible.

It was a week filled with hardships, trials, and tribulations I had to overcome. Especially on the side of human relations.

The effectiveness or why my medicine works were only secondary to my job. For the common consumer, a pleasant customer experience was more important.

People want to receive treatment from a caring person who understands their struggles and not from a cold and heartless, but efficient machine.

Still, even though I made that kind of offer, not many people were willing to take them at first. That sentiment slowly changed over time as they saw how Akyuu gained a bit more strength with each passing day.

Slowly, people started to open up to my services and thus to me.

It took some time, but I've finally found my place in the human village.

"System, open skill tab."

I seriously need to consider stopping that habit of speaking out loud when using the system, but I just felt more comfortable doing it like this.


[Appraisal Lvl 1 (Over the level Cap)]

[Strong Vitality Lvl 2 (Over the level Cap)]

[Presence Detection Lvl 2 (Over the level Cap)]

[Dash Lvl 1 (+)]

[Alchemy Lvl 1 (+)]

[Body Enhancement Lvl 0 (+)]

[Six Senses Mental Lock (Introductory Level)]

Looking at the list, a bit of pride welled up inside me. Fun fact, the System gave out daily and weekly quests.

The daily quests were simple and usually trivial tasks tied to my life, which is why they are classified as a "0" star rating by the system and if I am honest, the difficulty quite reflected the rewards I was receiving on them.

Measly 10 System Points for each daily done. Which is painful, considering that I only receive a single daily mission once a day.

But the daily missions aren't the exciting rewards given by the system. It's the weekly 1-star rated mission.

Are you wondering what those usually are?

Look for yourself. I just completed my weekly mission.

[1* Weekly Mission - Do 7 Daily Missions (7/7)]

[1* Weekly Mission - Complete]

[Reward 1 Skill Point]

You might say that 1 Skill Point isn't a lot, but I have to disagree. It was the point needed to level up my Body Enhancement level to level 1.

After that, I don't have a single skill point to my name.

Now you might call me stupid for using up all my skill points and that saving them in case of an emergency would be the intelligent thing to do.

To which my reply is, we are in Gensokyo. I am under no mortal threat as long as I can declare a Spellcard Battle.

As for what exactly a Spellcard Battle is?

That's a question for another time. Just know that here in Gensokyo, I should use my resources instead of hoarding them like a dragon.


"Oh, is Miss Nurse lazing around right now da ze~☆?"

Just when I was in the middle of appreciating the beautiful blue sky...

[Lvl. 31 Ordinary Magician, Marisa Kirisame]

...a certain ordinary witch came to bother me.

Way to sour the mood.

"So what if I am? Have a problem with that?"

Marisa Kirisame, the second Protagonist of the series and Reimu's best friend. Right now, she seemed a bit startled at me glaring at her.

"No, of course not. Not as if I had the right to tell you how you should work. It's just unusual seeing someone sleep in the middle of the forest of magic. Aren't you worried that a stray Youkai might come and devour you in your sleep?"

Yes, that's a fair thing to be concerned about, especially for an outsider like me. Still, I already had an excuse prepared for situations like these.

"I am confident in hiding and running away. So, you don't need to worry about me like that."

"Oh~. Bold words for someone who didn't notice me until I was this close."

"Well, I knew that it was you, Marisa."

"Did you now, da ze~☆?"

I did. It was especially easy with my upgraded Presence Detection skill.

"Why don't you ask the Matsutake mushroom in your left pocket?"

She immediately guarded her left pocket after I made that statement.

"How did you know?"

I just pointed at my nose and gave Marisa a knowing smile.

"Bold of the mushroom otaku to think that the medical professional can't distinguish ingredients from their smell."

Gritting her teeth, it seemed that Marisa was reluctant for some reason.

"You can't have it."

And it seemed that Marisa was reluctant because she thought I wanted to take her Matsutake mushroom away from her.

"Excuse me, what?"

"You can't have it. Do you know how rare Matsutake mushrooms are! I won't share it. It's mine!"

Oh my, what a cute reaction, Marisa. The thought of taking it didn't cross my mind, but now I couldn't help but want to tease you because of it.

"Bold words for a thief who took my potions without permission."

"Wha- I am not a thief! I am just borrowing things until I die!"

"What the hell are you talking about? We are both humans, if you borrow my stuff until the day you pass, what makes you think that I'll still be alive until that day to take it back? Not to mention that they expire pretty quickly."

Being backed into a corner by my rebuttal said thieving witch was seemingly trembling to come up with an excuse. It was either that, or she really didn't want to part with her Matsutake Mushroom.

On second thought, it's probably the second reason why she was trembling.

"I didn't borrow much yet. It was just three items."

"Indeed. It was "just" three items. Now that I am thinking about it, the time has been a blur since my arrival here. How much time has passed since I arrived here in Gensokyo?"

Marisa flinched, trying to avoid my eyes.

"ᵃ ʷᵉᵉᵏ..."

"What was that? I couldn't quite understand you?"

"I said it has been a week!"

"Exactly. Just a week has passed since I arrived in Gensokyo and you already stole from me on three different occasions. If we assume that you didn't steal everything in one go, that means you stole from me every other day. What is your defense for that?"

Silence. It seemed that she was at the end of the line.

Just giving a smug smile, I stretched my hand out toward her.

Marisa just clicked her tongue when she saw my gesture, rummaging in her pockets for a moment before pulling a white mushroom with brown scales out.

From my sense of smell, I could confirm that it was indeed a matsutake. As expected of a mushroom otaku.

She looked genuinely hurt having to hand a treasure like that over to someone.

I just flicked her head.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"Just ask next time. I'd be glad to help you in whatever you are doing, as long as it is within my capabilities, but stealing is not cool, alright?"

Marisa started pouting, swatting my hand away.

"Don't treat me like a child, da ze."

"Am not. Just trying to set a thief on their right path."

"Keep your nose out of my business."

"I can't if it's involved in my business."

"Do you need to always have the last word?"


"Do I truly just have to ask and you'll help me out?"

"Oh, I'd at least like to know and supervise you if you were to request dangerous compounds that are poisonous or toxic or the like, but yes. You just have to come and ask me."

Marisa Kirisame. A hard-working girl chasing the shadow of the Hakurei Shrine Maiden. Magician extraordinaire. Ran away from her home to chase after her dream.

A determination I never had, not in my last life, or the life before that. I was just "going with the flow" so to say.

"Stop following me."

"You are going to the Hakurei Shrine, right?"


Why was that a question?

"What a coincidence. I was also just on my way to the Hakurei Shrine~! While I am confident in running away, I'd prefer if someone strong like you were there to protect me."

I said while clinging to Marisa's arm.

While Marisa was surprised at my action, she didn't push me away. She just sighed before continuing to walk and so we just wordlessly walked to the Hakurei Shrine like this.

"Hey, Rin. For an outsider you are quite weird, or is it because everyone in the outside world is like you?"

That came out of nowhere. Still, being called a weirdo stung a bit in the heart. Letting go of her arm, I put my frivolous smile away and changed it for a more serious expression.

"How about you? Aren't you quite the weirdo yourself for abandoning your old life to chase after your dream?"

Marisa laughed after I said that.

"How did you find out?"

"Living with Gensokyo's chronicler and enjoying hearing interesting stories has that effect."

"Oh~? You didn't strike me as the person who would enjoy a book or two."

"That's because you've only seen me when I was working. After all, I am working with the health of people. Everyone who takes a patient's health easy isn't suited for this line of work."

Marisa flinched when I said that with utmost seriousness.

"Yeah. Still, I can't help but think it's weird how easy you are to adapt to your circumstances. It's one thing to leave your old life behind and start anew from scratch, but..."

Marisa stopped. Her easygoing and easy demeanor disappeared.

"...I can't imagine being thrown into an unknown world without any memories and just going with the situation."

Is she suspicious of how I have been dealing with all of this? Though that is to be expected of the one that is investigating incidents with logic instead of intuition. Marisa was quite perceptive.

"Then tell me, Marisa. How did you get your witch clothes? I am sure your father didn't have that giant black witch hat just lying around somewhere in his shop and while that black undershirt and white apron certainly are things that could be lying around somewhere, those things tend to be more in western households, and not in the eastern one you grew up in."

Marisa just gave me a confused stare.

"What has that do with anything? But yeah, my current outfit isn't thanks to my old man. Kourin helped me out with this."

"Well, it's the same for me."

"Huh? What the hell are you on about?"

I probably should stop making people go "huh?" when they talk to me, shouldn't I?

"Let me clarify. What I want to say is, that there are things that are easier for one to abandon. For you, it was the life of the daughter of a merchant in the human village, for me it's the memories of my life in the outside world. We left those things behind because we know that those things would bring us more pain than what it's worth. The things we let go are bygone, what is left are the things we hold close to us and what truly matters."

"So, you are saying that even if the path ahead of us will get more thorny once we leave some tools behind, it would still be easier because we left the deadweight behind and only carry the tools that truly matter with us?"

"Yeah, kind of. Though it isn't a fair comparison to make, since I don't remember what it was that I left behind in the outside world. Still, there is one thing that I know for certain after spending a week here in Gensokyo."

The magician looked at me for a moment, pondering what that something that I know for certain might be, and then she asked.

"So, what is that you found out?"

"I feel at home here. I know that's quite a strong statement for someone that has barely been here for a week, but the fact is that I feel happy here. Thinking about the past and future, are these things really more important than being happy in the present?"

As orchestrated, a sudden gust of wind passed the area, gently swaying the branches of the nearby trees, as the leaves rustle in a gentle rhythm.

"Man. When I woke up today, I certainly didn't expect to get lectured by a newcomer, da ze~☆. I agree, what's the point of thinking about the past or the future if it makes you unhappy."

"Is that a bad thing? Getting lectured by a newcomer?"

"Nah, it's quite the opposite. I'd even go so far as to say that I feel thankful to you right now, da ze~☆."

I laughed. It seemed that Marisa was back to her usual self after our serious conversation. The tense atmosphere disappeared as if it was a lie and this time it was Marisa who got close to me by wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Anyways, what business do you have with Reimu, or why did you want to visit the Hakurei Shrine?"

I just gave Marisa the most deadpan look I could muster.

"Don't tell me you forgot?"

Marisa just gave me a big smile, acting as if she didn't just forget.

"Who? Me? I would never forget something about Reimu."

I just ignored the obvious frivolous attitude of the magician and continued walking. Something that was over fast, since we were basically already at our destination.

The Hakurei Shrine.

"Yo, Reimu! Da ze~☆!

And like a flash, a certain ordinary magician already entered the Shrine without looking left and right as if that was the most natural thing to do.

Completely missing the shrine maiden she called out to that was sweeping the shrine grounds.

"Did she seriously just miss me, Rin?"

"Yeah, that's quite unusual for her, Reimu."

[Lvl.97 Shrine Maiden of Paradise, Reimu Hakurei]

Hakurei Reimu, the face of Touhou Project, enforcer of order in Gensokyo with a level that would make me piss myself. Currently staring into her home with a worried expression as her best friend made herself comfortable without her invitation.

"You know why I am here, Re-"

"Later, I need to deal with a thief."

With that said, Reimu just handed me the broom and walked toward her best friend with a menacing expression.

"Oh, there you are, Reimu. Where were yEOWCH!"

That looked as if that hurt. I am praying for you Marisa that you won't need immediate medical attention after you are through whatever Reimu planned for you.

Though it seemed as if I was wrong as all of a sudden, the two suddenly declared a Spellcard Battle out of nowhere.

"Magic Sign: [Stardust Reverie]."

"Dream Sign: [Evil-Sealing Circle]."


After the fight calmed down again, I was tending to the wounds the two girls inflicted on each other.

While Spellcards were made as a means of battle to convey feelings to each other and essentially not kill each other to give everyone an equal playing field, it still was strong magic that was thrown around and as that, quite painful.

"Unngh... can't you be more gentle?"

"That's something you should have thought before you started a Spellcard Duel out of nowhere, Marisa."

"Yeah, but you don't have to...!"

I pressed the cotton ball drenched in disinfectant deeper into the magician's burn injury. To my surprise, her complaints stopped immediately.

"That's not fair, why am I getting that treatment while Reimu isn't?"

"That's because she made it out of the fight almost unscathed."

"It's your fault for picking a fight with me, Marisa."

The Ordinary Magician was moping at the Shrine Maiden who was nearly unscathed from their recent duel.

While Marisa's blond hair was singed at the ends, Reimu's brown-black hair was completely untouched by the countless projectiles Marisa threw at her.

Even her Shrine Maiden clothes were almost untouched. Her red skirt, the sleeveless red top with a white collar that was tied with a yellow ribbon, and the long, white detached sleeves. All of it didn't indicate that she was in a battle, wouldn't it be for her red ribbon that was slightly burned.

"It seemed that you were a bit careless during your duel."

I said to Reimu, pointing at my own ribbon to gesture that hers was damaged.

"Do you want tea or not?"

I immediately changed the topic as I wasn't someone who was about to refuse someone's hospitality.

Let's not mention that she was reusing old tea leaves.

"So, what brings you to my humble shrine?"

"I was bored."

Marisa just flatly stated.

"And you, Miss Nurse?"

"Why are people calling me by my profession? Not that it really matters. You know why I am here, Reimu."

Reimu immediately avoided my gaze.


"You know, you are quite the weird outsider. Despite my obvious threat at our first meeting, instead of being intimidated you just jumped on me and did a medical examination on me."

Right. Immediately on the same day, I was hired as Akyuu's attending physician, Reimu, and Marisa visited me.

"If you cause trouble here, I will exterminate you."

That's how Reimu greeted me. With the threatening aura she was exuding and her status bar above her head, I think I might have genuinely pissed myself at that moment.

I was pretty sure she was a lot stronger than the demon lord I fought in my last life.

Still, seeing her state, I couldn't help but...

"I am a nurse first and foremost and when I see a sick patient, I can't help but want to treat them. That's all."

"I am not that sick..."

I just pulled her red top, revealing her stomach.


She tried to pull it back down, but I didn't allow it.

"I can see your damn ribs, even if you try to hide it with your Sarashi, besides that stomach looks way too thin to be healthy. You can't tell me that you don't have malnutrition!"

"I get it! So, please..."

I got whacked by Reimu's gohei thanks to the stunt I just pulled.


After that, ehem...

...interesting event, the situation calmed back down as I gave Reimu a general medical examination.

"So, did any of you two leave a donation in the donation box yet?"

"This medical examination is my donation."

"I'd prefer hard money..."

After a while, I finished the examination.

"So doctor. What's the result."

"I already said that I am a nurse and not a doctor. Anyways, the results are that you have malnutrition."

Reimu just sighed. Apparently not surprised by my prognosis.

"I could have figured. It has been a while since my last decent meal."

"Can I ask what you've been recently eating?"

"White rice."



That couldn't be all, right?


"Just white rice."

Reimu said matter of factly.

Even Marisa was surprised at the answer.

"Reimu, I knew you had it bad, but I didn't know it was 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 bad."

"What did you expect? With all the donations I receive every week, it's not as if I could afford a lot of food."

"Sigh, still a diet of just white rice..."

[Purchased Fuuma Manju x30 for 5 System points]

"...I thought that would be the case when I saw you. Here, take these."

I casually said while pulling the manju out from my sleeves and handing it to Reimu. Her eyes started to sparkle.

"Manju? Thank you, Rin! It has been a while since I had some sweets."

"Reimu, wait!"

It was too late. Reimu already grabbed a Manju and put it into her mouth.

Her expression wasn't a pleasant one.

"Sigh, that Manju was a nutritional supplement I created to give a patient a day's worth of nutrients."

"Wow, that actually sounds like something I want when I immerse myself in my research again."

"The drawback is that the texture is like eating compact sand and the smell is comparable to rotting fish."


Marisa and I stared at how Reimu barely managed to swallow it after washing it down with tea.

"Hah... hah..."

She was desperately ringing for air as the smell of rotten fish still lingered in her mouth.

"You could have warned me!"

It seems that Reimu wasn't happy with what just happened and so she grabbed me by my collar and dragged me up.

"You started inhaling the manju before I could!"

Still, I wasn't about to step back just because a patient couldn't wait a minute for me to explain.

The argument was about to grow into a nasty one when I suddenly felt something going on down the mountain the Hakurei Shrine was on.

My sixth sense tingled as I could feel a heavy existential weight cover a large area.

Don't tell me...

...that it's already time for 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩!

Immediately freeing myself from Reimu's grip, I crouched down and...

"Hey, I am not done with you yet-!"

...immediately sprinted down the Hakurei Shrine at 40 kilometers an hour.

"Huh, why did Rin leave like that?"

"Something is going on."

"Huh, what? Reimu!"

Not waiting for anything, Reimu's intuition told her that a serious situation was at hand and the Shrine Maiden of Paradise immediately set out flying in the opposite direction Rin ran into.

"Tch, nothing good could come out of those two leaving like that. Especially considering Reimu's intuition. An incident must be afoot."

Being left alone at the Shrine, Marisa took off into the skies with her broom. Starting her investigation of whatever was worrying her two best friends.

[5* The Scarlet Mist Incident]

[Mysterious Red Mist is spreading through Gensokyo. Go and investigate the events, find the culprits, and support the people that are going to solve this incident.]


Oh, I didn't explain what her new skills do? I doubt that you want the full explanation of the old skills every time, so I'll just give you the most important changes for them:

[Dash Lvl 1 (+)]

Instant one-directional acceleration

[Presence Detection Lvl 2 (+)]

Nullifies existential weight on the senses. Using 1 of the senses to the extreme to detect existential weight becomes possible.

[Body Enhancement Lvl 1 (+)]

Uses energy to create imaginary fibers that support the Musculoskeletal System.

As for the new ones:

[Appraisal Lvl 1 (Over the Level Cap)]

[Appraising an item is the act of identifying an object with the accumulative knowledge one has. Recalls all the knowledge the user has on an item in an instant]

[Alchemy Lvl 1 (+)]

[Alchemy is the subject of dissecting the world and searching for the truth of the world. Using alchemical tools becomes slightly easier]

HopelessHikikomori HopelessHikikomori

I am sorry for the long waiting time before this release, but this was my input time.

Load failed, please RETRY


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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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