/ Fantasy / Demonic Tribrid System
In a world where the supernatural reigns and chaos rules, Viole Shivani, a young tribrid with four distinct souls, is an anomaly that threatens the very fabric of this precarious existence. His journey is a tumultuous odyssey of self-discovery, survival, and power.
At the heart of this gripping tale is Viole's quest to understand and harness his four personalities, each harboring unique abilities and temperaments. The dominant lion-like traits of Viole Shivani grant him the power to cultivate, cast spells, and transform. With dedication and meditation, he strengthens this core self, but the other three personalities are ever-present, waiting for their moments to seize control.
Aamon Valentine, the ancient Vampire King, longs to regain his throne, and his age-old ambition drives Viole to seek power through blood. Desmond Fester, the playful Mimic Demon, finds joy in mischief and is fiercely protective of his newfound family. Clark Maxwell, the sadistic Arachne, seeks to create a web of spies across the world.
As Viole grapples with his inner turmoil, external threats loom large. The Royal Blood Faction, a sinister organization, sees Viole's existence as a threat to their vampire dominion. They pursue him relentlessly, seeking to harness his unique abilities for their gain.
Throughout his journey, Viole encounters formidable enemies and allies, each with their own supernatural abilities. Each confrontation unlocks a new facet of his potential. When a personality is in control, their unique ability becomes the driving force, and it multiplies in strength. But it comes at a cost: the other personalities are temporarily dormant.
As Viole and his four personalities embark on a perilous odyssey, they unravel secrets about the world's origins, form unlikely alliances, and confront ancient prophecies. The narrative unfolds with a series of interconnected subplots, each introducing stronger enemies and revealing more about Viole's enigmatic existence.
From the vampire-ruled cities to the mystical landscapes of the Orc territories and the treacherous Goblin realms, Viole is in a constant state of flux, always on the run, fighting for his life, and inching closer to mastering the intricate dance of his four identities.
I’m back with another shameless review! I have been reading my fair share of vampire novels and I started thinking of how I could make something different.. This is going to be my first novel I’m going to discipline myself to write, let me know what I can do to make the story better or ways to write 🙏🏽❤️