I walk into a classroom, where about 30 students are already sitting and I look for an open spot to sit. Surveying the room, I just so happen to lock eyes with the Princess, who motions for me to sit at the only table with open seats left.
I take a look around for the last time for any other spots before I reluctantly head over to one of three chairs, but she sits in the middle, so I was going to sit next to her anyway.
I ignore her gaze as she stares at me, trying to subtlety get my attention but thankfully, the teacher walks in. She looks to be in her mid 40s with brown hair and glasses, wearing a brown dress.
"Good afternoon class, I am your teacher for the support role for this semester, Ms. Naomi Lightbearer. As I look at the young faces sitting in this class, I notice a lot of determined gazes. That's good, determination is a supports best asset.