90.9% The Best Gift Ever / Chapter 30: Chapter 30

章節 30: Chapter 30


As soon as Camila said Santi was downstairs, and that he seemed angry, Gabriela didn't take long to wipe my hand and go downstairs. I was speaking sincerely to Gabriela when I told her I would face whatever came, at least I had been left with the satisfaction of giving him a small part of what he made my beautiful queen suffer.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, I didn't want to interrupt you." Camila said "Don't worry, it's nothing, she was going to leave anyway when he found out Santi was downstairs." I responded, because I knew she would do it. "At least she doesn't seem to be as bad as she was when you took her out of there." Camila observed, "That's because I'm pretty sure she's keeping it to herself."

"But with you she talked about…" Camila began "I know, but I also know she keeps saving things for her. I hope with time she will open up at least a little, I want to help her as much as I can." I answered, "And you're doing it, but let me tell you you're the person Gabriela trusts the most. Do you really think if she didn't trust you she would be with you again? You know Gabriela better than anyone and you know the answer. You should trust her more."

"And I trust her more than anyone" I assured, "I know that. I mean pay attention to what she tells you, as far as you're concerned. You may not realize it, but the rest of us do it." Gabriela's best friend said and I frowned not knowing what she's talking about. "Realize what?" I asked "Gabriela is more open since she's with you. I'm sure I'm not the first person to tell you this, but that shine lost years ago is back, and that's because of you. You make Gabriela the happiest person in the world. Leave those insecurities of yours, because everything Gabriela tells you is true, she wouldn't lie to you about anything."

"I know she wouldn't lie to me." I responded, "Well, that's it, leave those insecurities behind forever, or at least for another time, because right now we have to focus on your monster fiancée." She said with a smile on her face "She's not…" I started to defend her "She's not, I know, but if Santi tells her something she doesn't like, believe me, she's going to be a monster. She won't allow anything to happen to you, and she will confront whoever is necessary." The girl assured and I nodded, because I knew it would be like that. "Me too."

"That's why I tell you all that from before. You love each other and I'm not going to allow anyone to harm my sister, and that means you should not be separated from her." Camila reported, "I wouldn't let something like that happen either." I answered, "I know that too, but there are people who apparently want that. Now let's go before she starts World War III." I laughed because I thought it was a little funny, but I know how stubborn Gabriela is when she gets an idea in her head, it's not easy to get it out of her head, if not impossible.

When we got downstairs I could see some of her relatives at the kitchen door, so I assumed she was there, but I was surprised when I half entered the kitchen and saw that guy sitting there. Just seeing him makes my blood boil and my anger returns.

I notice how Camila puts a hand on my arm and Kevin doesn't take long to get to my side to avoid what they thought I'm going to do, because I might be angry right now, but I'm not going to do anything, I just want to know where Gabriela is. Is the only thing that mattered to me.

"Ho la sensazione che tu sia un ragazzo molto geloso. Dubito che il tuo con Gabriela durerà troppo a lungo, sinceramente. (I get the feeling that you are a very jealous boy. I doubt that yours with Gabriela will last too long, honestly.)" said the guy with a big smile on his face. "Non parlare di ciò che non sai , stupido ." (Do not talk about what you do not know stupid .)" I said between teeth "E proprio per queto che parlo, conosco Gabriela abbastanza da sapere che odio coloro che sono gelosi. (That is precisely why I speak, I know Gabriela well enough to know that she hates jealous people.)"

"E dovrebbe essere geloso di te? (And should be jealous of you?)" I asked "Ovviamente sei, sono stato il primo a fare sesso con lei. Gli piace ill violent session (Of course you are, I was the first to have sex with her. She likes rough sex.)" he responded making my blood start to boil in my veins "Maledetto figlio di puttana . (Damned motherfucker)"

"Alex, non ascoltarlo. Sai che quello che dice non è vero. (Alex, don't listen to him. You know what he says isn't true.) I had already taken a few steps closer to him to hit him, but between Kevin standing in front of me to prevent me from hitting that bastard and I know about what to say, what Camila said is true, stopped me, but that asshole's smile was getting on my nerves, so I turned my back to look at the rest.

"Where's Gabriela?" I asked to focus on something other than punching this guy in the face. "She's in the living room with Santi, but she said she doesn't want anyone to come in." Camila reported, "Well, that's the least of it, I'll wait for her outside, I can't stand to see this asshole's face any longer for the rest of my life."

"Quindi fuggi como il codardo che sei. (Yeah, escape like the coward you are)" he said "Qui l'unico vigliacco sei tu che devi violencere mia sorella solo perché eri più che chairo che non sarebbe stata come un ragazzo como te. (The only one who's a coward here is you who have to rape my sister just because you were more than clear she wouldn't be like a guy like you.)"

I could see how that guy's smile disappeared from his face and I smiled at Camila to thank her in some way. When I left the kitchen, I went to where Gabriela had told me the living room was when I was making food, I sat outside, leaned against the wall and just when I notice I can hear what they're talking about, so I pay attention.

"Santi, I'm not going to let you ruin your career." I heard my fiancée say, "If you don't want me to arrest him for what he did to that man, I can't find any other way to solve it." said this "Let me think, I know there's another way to solve this without you getting in trouble." Gabriela responded, "Well, whatever you come up with has to be good… Look, I understand why he did it, I would have kicked that guy's ass myself, but in case it goes to trial, I'm not sure what I can do to help you."

I could hear footsteps back and forth in the living room, and I'm more than sure it's Gabriela. I would like to go in, and in fact I was going to do so until someone grabs my arm to prevent me from doing so. "She's fine, she'll be thinking about what to do to prevent Santi from arresting you." Camila said with a smile on her face. "She has nothing to do."

"Isn't it clear to you what I told you before?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I understand, but they are consequences I have to face myself, after all, I'm the one who caused all this." I pointed out, "I'm not going to let you go in there, but I'm going to let you stay listening like you were doing a moment ago, I'm not going to deny that."

"I don't know why I get the impression you came to find out what's going on in there." I said, looking at the girl. "That's just what he came to do. "Camila is too curious and likes to know everything." When Camila hears Kevin say what he said, she turns to look at him with a threatening look, but apparently it doesn't affect her at all. "You know it's the truth, don't look at me like that."

"Shouldn't you be with that guy to prevent him from escap?" Camila asked, raising an eyebrow. "I don't want to end up breaking his face. Besides, we have the rest of the family, who even though they don't know what happened won't let him escape. Besides, I can keep an eye on him from here." Kevin responded, pointing to the kitchen door. "That's because you also want to know what they're talking about in there."

"Obviously I want to know, Gabriela wouldn't tell me what happens in there, so I'll have to find out somehow." said Kev "I don't know what you're complaining about, Gabriela tells you everything." The girl protested, rolling her eyes. "She doesn't tell me everything, I don't know why you all think the same thing." Kev defended himself "Because maybe you knew what had happened four years ago and in the meantime none of us knew. I can't understand how you covered her in something like that Kevin, that's something we should all know."

"First of all, I found out that day Gabriela said something rude to Carlota, I'm sure you remember it, Alex." he said, looking in my direction. "Was that why she didn't want to talk about Holland?" I asked surprised, "That's why." my fiancée's cousin agreed. "I think I'm lost now." Camila said in a confused tone. "It's something long to tell and I'll tell you another time, dear aunt."

"What part don't you understand I don't want you to call me that?" the girl asked in an annoyed tone. "It's what you are." This whole time we had been talking in whispers to keep Gabriela from hearing us, but it seemed like these two were going to start an argument, and I didn't want Gabriela to find out I'm here listening to something I'm more than sure she didn't want me to hear.

"Can you shut up a little? "I don't need Gabriela to know I'm here." I murmured "Ik zweer je dat ik jet soms niet kan uitstaan, dat zeg ik je echt. (I swear sometimes I can't stand you, I really tell you.)" I heard Gabriela say "Excuse me?" Santi asked "Let me solve one thing first, don't even think about moving from here, we have to solve this."

And at that point I had realized we had been caught, which made me a little angry at these two, because it's their fault that we were caught. It didn't take long for the door to open and show me a Gabriela with an annoyed face who's looking at us. It seemed like she wasn't surprised when she saw us there. "At least if you tried to listen to our conversation, you could be less obvious, don't you think?" Gabriela asked in an annoyed tone. "I can't help it, you know Kevin drives me crazy."

"I must say the same about you little devil." Kevin replied, rolling his eyes. "You should stop acting like spoiled little kids and get the hell out of it in your room." Gabriela muttered, "What are you talking about?" Kev asked "Graag je over Camila, Kevin, Kwijlt daar heb ik het over. (That's how much you like to drool over Camila, Kevin, that's what I'm talking about.)"

"You do what?" The girl asked, turning in his direction. "Doe alsof je niets weer, want je provoceert het ool met opzet , Camila. (Don't act like you don't know anything because you provoke him on purpose too Camila.)" my fiancée continued "You imagine things Gabriela, I don't do what you say." My fiancé's best friend defended herself. "Stop acting stupid because you know I'm right." I could see how they both blushed, which seemed weird to me, because I had never seen these two blush.

"Sei sfacciato, è così che tratti tua zia?" (You are shameless, is this how you treat your aunt ?)" he asked. acting offended "Sei mia zia quando ti va, ma sai che quella strategia non funzionerà per me. (You're my aunt when it suits you, but you know that strategy won't work with me.)" Gabriela assured "Sometimes I hate you're so stubborn and no one can change those ideas of yours in your head."

"Wrong, he can do it." He said that last thing pointing at me, which made my smile widen on my face. "Right now I hate you Gabriela." Camila whispered, "I know, but I'm waiting for you to leave." We get up from the ground and I was going to leave when Gabriela holds my arm, which makes me turn around and almost immediately lose myself in those eyes I like to see so much.

"You should still be there, finally it's you we're talking about." My fiancée said, "That's the least important thing to me and you know it." I assured even though I would like to be there. "I know, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be in there." She insisted "Is that what you want?" I asked. "You know what I think, but I would have to tell you later and I don't want to interrupt our night and ruin whatever you have in mind."

With those words I'm honestly a little shocked. With all this I had forgotten what I told her in the morning, but apparently she hadn't, and it seemed like she wanted to. "Do you still feel like going out?" I asked surprised "Sure, but if you don't feel like it I understand…" she started and I quickly denied "It's not right, obviously I want to spend time with you, I didn't have the opportunity to be attached to it all day as usual."

"You will have me for the rest of the afternoon and all night for you my life." She said with a small smile on her face "The luckiest man in the universe." I said, giving her a kiss on the temple. "Then we're both lucky to have each other in life, because I feel the same." responded "Gabriela I think… I'm sorry to interrupt guys." Santi apologized. "Don't worry and better tell me what your idea is." We talked for an hour and Gabriela discussed the plans Santi proposed, and she got considerably angry when I said it's better for Santi to do his job, definitely when my fiancée got angry it's better to walk away, especially because she kept quiet and her look is a little scary, or so it provoked others, I know she wouldn't do anything to anyone no matter how angry she is.

In the end, and even though I didn't want her to do it, she convinced Santi to do her plan, which consisted of her saying she was the one who hit him until she left him with those bruises and the odd cut to which Santi told her. I found a problem, and it's that she didn't have the injuries while I do, to which Gabriela responded that she had a plan to solve that, but she didn't tell us.

At this moment we're in the orchard and the atmosphere is a little tense on the part of her family who knew from their faces they were wondering what had happened a while ago with that guy. "You can change that face, in the end you wanted to celebrate, right?" Gabriela asked, "Obviously we wanted to celebrate, but how do you expect us to stay so calm like you're right now after we don't understand what happened four years ago?"

"Because like you said, it happened four years ago, it's in the past, and second, because I don't want to ruin your day." Gabriela said, "More than what Federico seemed to make you angry a while ago?" Angela asked. "He didn't, I was just surprised when I saw him in my grandma house." she responded even though I knew it wans't a pleasant surprise "Not a pleasant surprise."

"That was more than clear, Grandma, but I don't want you to feel bad anymore." She asked, "We will always do it, you're practically the pillar of this family, the one who gives it life and is there for whatever any of us need. From time to time we would like to be able to return the gesture." Angela confessed, "But it's not necessary."

"That's what you think, but we really wish we could help you more often." Lara supported her mother "You do it, but seriously, I'm fine. I will tell you later what happened four years ago, seriously, but…" she began to say "You always say that and in the end you never say anything Gabriela." Her grandmother had been staring at her intently, trying to decipher if what Gabriela said was true.

"Nerea, she tells the truth." Angela said with a small smile on her face "How can you believe her grandma? She always does the same." the girl protested, "Because right now she's not lying. Also, if she says it's in the past, that's fine, she'll tell it if she wants, it's her life in the end." her grandmother reported, "Thank you, grandma. Now what I was going to ask you before." She said with a smile "What is it?" Angela asked curiously. "Take out what you've been waiting for since Alex showed up at home."

"Oh really?" Angela asked and I could see how her eyes lit up. "Seriously, but don't tell ridiculous stories, please." With that, she quickly left for the house to go get the albums, but apparently she seemed happy to be able to show them, and Gabriela's smile confirmed it to me.

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