98% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 49: Ghoul quirks

章節 49: Ghoul quirks

The morning after Izuku spoke to All Might, was one of the first free weekend days he had off in a long time. There was no training organised, no hero agency requesting his presence for the day, no friends in the dorms to hang out with. Normally he would have spent the day with Uraraka, but she was currently at her own internship, or Todoroki, who was at his Provisional License lessons.

He couldn't even hang out with Bakugou because even he was out along side Todoroki, leaving Izuku utterly stuck as to what to do. Izuku let out a bored huff, laying on his bed with no rush to get up, as he wondered what to do with himself.

As Izuku was left pondering, his thoughts wondered to his other classmates. Sure, he could hang out with the few of them left in the dorms today, but Izuku still wasn't fully comfortable being around them outside of school times. He let out a sigh, it was still awkward between him and the few classmates who knew about his powers but didn't know the story behind them, there would always been that tension which would arise, especially when they weren't concentration on becoming a


With that thought laying uncomfortably in his mind, Izukus thoughts trailed to his internship, about Eri and the words Nighteye had discussed with him afterwards.

In someways, Nighteyes words reminded him of the explanation Mirio had when explain his quirk to his classmates. At the time, Izuku had only put it to thought, about discovering the true depths of the power his ghoul quirk had, along with one for all; without putting any effort into doing so.

This was different, now Nighteye had practically encouraged its development, and- well Izuku had nothing better to do today. He still wasn't sure if he was allowed to leave UA unless it was for his internship without permission, so Izuku realized is best bet was to ask Aizawa for permission first.

It didn't take long for Izuku to walk down the stairs to the ground floor of the dorms before heading towards the basement where Aizawas in building office resided. It wasn't actually a dorm room itself, but Izuku knew Aizawa human scent well enough to know his sensei was just beyond the door.

With a small double knock on the door before calling out his name, it only a second for Aizawa to reply and the door to open with a tired expression on his face, still comfortable wrapped up in his sleeping bag.

Izuku assumed his sensei had stayed the night in the dorms again. It wasn't the first time, considering Izukus personally situation, and it certainly wasn't going to the last.

"Midoriya? What's wrong?"

Izuku jumped a little as he heard Aizawas subtle words of concern, subconsciously rubbing the back of his head as he grin awkwardly.

"Oh i was just wondering if it would be possible for me to leave campus to see one of my friends? I know the others just sign out using there ID, but i wasn't sure if i'm allowed out yet unless it was for my internship without supervision."

Aizawa seemed to relax at his words, seemingly expecting Izuku to come to him for something far more worrying, when he nodded his head up with understanding; turning back into his office as he beckoned Izuku to follow him.

"I have nothing personally against you leaving the school grounds to do what ever you teenagers do without getting in trouble, but unfortunately you would still have to be supervised and the paperwork involved would take a lot of time to go through before getting Principal Nezus approval." Aizawa began, Izuku deflating sadly at his word.

Ahh. I see..." He said disappointingly as Aizawa made it to his computer and sat down.

"That being said, Midoriya," Aizawa continued before Izuku had a chance to leave the room, "It would be far easier to get them permission to enter UA, considering they don't have a previous criminal record."

Izuku perked up at his senseis words

"As far as i'm aware they don't have one." He quickly replied, leaving Aizawa nodding in approval.

"Good, i'll have to check on the police database but i can get them a visitor badge by lunchtime. Usually we don't let students do this with friends, otherwise the school would be packed with civilians and the amount of paperwork would be unreasonable, so don't tell any of your classmates about it. Ok?"

Izuku nodded with a smile, quickly giving both Hides and Kanekis names for their respective paperwork before quickly sending them both a text.

It didn't take long for Hide to respond but unfortunately his arm was in the process of regrowing from a recent... Meal, but was quick to get an answer from Kaneki himself who agreed to come over.

"Hides already had his Visitor badge and back ground check done, Midoriya, so he can come when ever he likes." Aizawa commented still looking at his computer screen as Izuku was busy looking at his phone.

"Ah, that's good, he's just said that he couldn't come today though. Kaneki said he's still available though!"

Aizawa momentarily looked over his shoulder before silently giving his student a quick nod before getting back to work. Izuku looked up from his phone silently before a small unseen smile grew on his face as he stood behind his teacher, feeling utterly grateful for the favour he was going for him for free.

It felt odd, Izuku couldn't honestly remember the last time a teacher before the staff at UA had actively tried to help him, even for the smallest of things. It left him feeling a little bitter and solemn inside, the amount of hate he used to get for being quirkless, and now even with a ghoul quirk he was more excepted than back then.

With a hesitant sigh the thought pushed from his mind, Izuku promised he would find a way to thank his sensei for everything he had done for him, one way or another.

"That should be all the paperwork," Aizawa began, sending it off to his printer, "Just remind your friend to bring his ID with him at the entrance so i can double-check over some things, sometimes data on these files don't get updated as often as they should do; especially for people without criminal records.

Izuku nodded enthusiastically before asking his teacher a question, "What gets changed that wouldn't be in the files?" He asked curiously

Aizawa who had stood up to grab the paper from his printer spoke without looking away, "Only small insignificant things such as Quirk names and a more up to date photo of the holder, it's mostly for confirming their identity if anything and registering his official quirk name into the school logs.

Izuku paused in his thoughts, eyes widening slightly at his teachers' words. He didn't know what quirk was on Kanekis ID let alone why the school would need it.

"..Why does it matter what quirk visitors have.?"

Izuku asked cautiously, looking up at his sensei who had turned to look at him at the question.

Aizawa paused before carefully replying.

"It's not to hold anything against the persons' quirk, it's just a record for safety purposes that Nezu enforced after the USJ attack." Aizawa hesitated before continuing," If it's any cause for concern, we opted not to put your other quirks in consideration for you, just encase it were to get leaked. The only people who know about your other quirk are the UA staff, the staff and heroes on your case, as well as any friends who know."

Well, it would be a bit of a stretch to call Mineta a friend, but Izuku got the idea. The green-haired boy with the few white patches still sticking through nodded his head silently.

"Ah, that makes sense..."

The room their pair of them stood in fell into an awkward silence between them only the sounds of them breathing and Aizawa filling in a few details on the paperwork in pen willing the air.

It was only as Aizawa put down his pen did he break the awkward silence.

"So how did you and this friend of yours meet?"

Izuku blinked in surprise at the question, hesitating to answer as he thought up a plausible explanation.

It may seem like an interrogation question to some, but Izuku was far too used to his teacher to recognise the surprising genuineness behind

Aizawas' question.

"O-oh we met at Hero convention at an All Might trivia quiz, he was only a few points behind me and afterwards he came to speak to me and we just never lost contact."

It was a blatant lie, but as much as Izuku wanted to trust Aizawa with his secrets, it was not his place to tell Kanekis own personal secret. Izuku knew he had gotten incredibly lucky with how his own treatment had turned out after his identity had been discovered, especially considering the new public knowledge on Ghoul quirks he had revived.

Izuku had been thrown into the horrific world all alone but Kaneki had always kept under the radar perfectly over the course of his life, actively avoiding any suspicion with the skills and knowledge he had to last over a lifetime, that he had learnt himself or from others. And while Kaneki's activities had never been publicly reported, there was no chance that he would get away as lightly as Izuku did.

Besides if anything, it would surprise people more to tell them he had never been to one, even with all his personal merchandise. Oh the joys of growing up without friends..

Aizawa turned to give Izuku a blank expression, almost able to hear the 'really..? coming from his senseis thoughts, as Izukus rubbed the back of his head sheepishly smiling. Aizawa let out a tiresome sigh.

"Right. In that case, i better deliver these papers to Nezu," His sensei stated, beckoning Izuku to follow him as they walked out of the room and up the stairs to the main room. It was only as they both walked past the front doors that Aizawa paused to quickly ask Izuku another question.

"Midoriya, another thing. Do you need anything for when Kaneki comes? Or anything additional or quirk requirement to make considerations for before he arrives?"

Izuku slowly paused in thought, caught a little surprised by the question, before slowly shaking his head.

"No, not as far as i know..."

The truth about Kanekis' quirk was something that Izuku would swear to keep secret until the day he died, no matter how much trouble he would get in if he was caught. Kaneki saved Izuku from the murderous path he was forced to walk and was the sole reason he was able to go a full two months without murdering anyone, and for that Izuku would trust him.

That being said, Izuku didn't even know what

Kanekis' quirk was classified as on his ID, so it was better to keep his mouth shut anyway.

Aizawa gave Izuku a confirming nod, before turning to leave the room.

Aizawa gave Izuku a confirming nod, before turning to leave the room.

"All right, the paperwork should be done within the next half an hour, but I'II let you know anyway."

With that, Aizawa left the building.

A few hours later, Kaneki arrived at UA with a small smile on his face as Aizawa took Izuku to meet him.

Double-checking over IDs before handing Kaneki his visitors badge, Aizawa let the pair of them go back to the dorms where Izuku quickly lead Kaneki up to his room to avoid the possible noisy classmates that could have been lurking around.

When they got to his room, Izuku closed the door behind them with a sigh of relief before turning back to face Kaneki who was looking around his room at the piles of All Might memorabilia which plastered the walls.

"I'm glad you messaged me when you did about the

ID, i was about to leave my house without going somewhere else before you asked me over, although I'm surprised they let me into this school so easily; especially with all the attacks over the last year."

Izuky let out a tired sigh as he slumped down onto his bed, resting on his arms leaning behind him.

Izuku let out a tired sigh as he slumped down onto his bed, resting on his arms leaning behind him.

"Yeah. Normally people can't get into this place so easily, but Aizawa Sensei offered to do me a favour since I'm not allowed off the school grounds unless it's for my internship."

Kaneki turned to face Izuku with a raised eyebrow, a little confused at the odd ruling.

"That's a weird rule, do you make your way to your internship unsupervised?"

Izuku shrugged before nodding, "Yea, i think it may be because i go there with another upperclassman but i agree, it doesn't really make any sense."

Izuku let out a sigh as he let his arms giveaway as he flopped his back onto his bed, "It keeps them happy, whoever they may be, I'm just glad not to be in Tartarus or something."

Kaneki visibly cringed where he stood, awkwardly looking away to one of Izukus' figures as he nodded in agreement.

A calming silence was shared between them for a moment, Midoriya resting his head under his arms as he allowed himself to relax. The mid-day sunshine brightly out the window with a breeze Izuku could only imagine was refreshing in the early autumn sky behind his locked balcony window.

Izuku subtly shifted his head as he looked back over to where Kaneki was gazing over some of his notebooks, allowing his mind to wander when he suddenly realised that this was the first time he had seen Kaneki since before summer camp, a little over a month ago.

The thought took Izuku by surprise. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, so many new rules and living conditions had changed that Izuku really hadn't had the time to adjust back and link his past routine with his present. Sure, he was certain that Hide had spoken to Kaneki, that Kaneki had told him that he was ok, but it was comforting to talk to him in person again.

It must have been uncomfortable and worrying, watching the story unravel on the news without hearing a word from him until Hide was called into the school and to be honest, Izuku wondered if it had been the same with the rest of his friends.

He assumed so, he hoped so.

Besides, Izuku was alright now, he was in safe hands and he was sure to let his friends know he was ok.

"I've got a lot of the teachers here at UA who are surprisingly willing to help me, so l'm in good hands, i won't be going to prison anytime soon."

Kaneki turned back to Izuku with a weary smile, Izuku grinning sheepishly back before speaking out again

"That being said, i was meaning to ask you something," He began, sitting up on his bed as Kaneki turned to him with his full attention. " I was wondering what your quirk is? On your ID, i mean."

Izuku reiterated.

Kaneki blinked with surprise before he smiled and reached back into his pocket to pull out his ID, passing it freely as Izuku took a look.

Nose Detector.

Huh, that was something Izuku wasn't really expecting.

Izuku raised an eyebrow in surprise, before handing Kaneki his ID back, "Nose detector?"

Kaneki laughed awkwardly as he reached up to scratch his cheek, "My mum didn't want to me be written down as Quirkless, that's something at least i can be thankful for before she died. I'm sure you can figure out why..."

Izuku stayed silent as he nodded in agreement, deep in thought. He could understand more than anyone why his mother would have done such a thing, but a nose detector was an odd choice. Even so, with a quirk such as their own, Izuku could see why it was a viable option. It was definitely something they could both have proved, either way.

"So what did you want to do anyway?" Kaneki began switching the topics with a smile, "How's it going for your hero course?"

Izuku happy moves with the conversation, returning Kanekis smile, "It's been pretty good, l've recently started working in an internship at Sir Nighteyes agency.

Izuku's smile dims.

Last time i was there i went out on patrol with my upperclassman, i can't give out many details about it but... " Izuku paused before sighing, grimacing all the while, "We came across a girl who we later found out had run away from the villain the agency was tracking."

Kaneki visibly grimaced as well, "Oh, that's awful..."

Izuku nodded in response before putting on a smile as he answered Kanekis other question.

"It's actually why i was wondering if you could help me with something. I couldn't ask over text or call just in case someone was listening."

Kaneki looked at him with visible curiosity, "Oh, what was it you needed?"

Izuku sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"I was wondering if you could help me learn more about my.. Quirk, and what i can do with it." Izuku sighed as he lowered his hand, "The thing is, i'm not allowed to use it or go anywhere to train without supervision now so i thought i'd ask you!"

Kaneki blinked in surprise, straightening himself up a little as he replied, " Well, i don't know that much, only what my Mother told me." He lifted his hand up to his chin, deep in thought, "That being said, she was friends with a few others when i was younger, although we lost contact after she died.

Either way I'll see what i can find for you.

Izuku smiled gratefully, bowing his head in appreciation.

"That would be great, thank you. You'd have to send anything you find to Urarakas' phone number tholght, i still don't know if anyone's watching my messages."

Kaneki nodded understandingly with a warm smile.

"It's better to be safe than sorry."

The pair worked together over the course of the day to research whatever they could find, the sun reaching its highest point in the air before slowly falling down to the skyline, until Aizawa came to inform them that Kanekis times was up for the day.

Aizawa left the pair in the room as Kaneki packed up his stuff, the pair walking down to the main exit not long after. Thankfully it was only Bakugou who saw them on their way out, the boy looking at them curiously at them as they made their way out of the building. On the stairs Kaneki turned to face Izuku behind him as he walked down in front.

"I'll try and do some more research for you in my own time, i'll see if i cant track down my mums' friends too, but try not to tell Hide though." Kaneki began, a small sneaking smile partly hidden under the darkness from the evening sky, which Izuku easily returned.

Kanekis' grin fell into a heartwarming smile at Izukus' response, glad his friend was happy and safe, before letting it drop as he paused to ask him something.

"Hey there was something i was just wondering about, since UA asked to see my ID, i was woNdering if they ever questioned you about Hides?"

Izuku tilted his head in confusion, furrowing his brows as he paused in thought.

"They had asked where i had gotten my food from, during the months before the summer camp but they never about Hides quirk... Why do you ask..?"

Kaneki visibly hesitated before he replied, seemingly sifting thought his options.

"…..Legally, Hides still quirkless. He never got his quirk registered after the accident to prevent people asking questions..." Kaneki slowly began,"I just thought it was odd that he managed to get in without getting interrogated, he never mentioned anything, but if they have conducted the same background checks they did with me, surely they would have realized something was off."

Izuku paused at the thought, eyes slowly widening at Kanekis' reasoning. It made sense, in theory Hide should of had to have gone thought the same checks as well...

Kaneki let out a sigh and just shrugged his shoulders. "I just find it a little odd they didn't ask questions, but if they never brought it up, its probably nothing to worry about."

But it was... Izuku had known from the start that his cover stories where never perfect, that the plot holes had always left hints for them to follow, but he'd never expected to have to worry about that after he had been caught; let alone for the sake of someone else life.

Izuku knew better than anyone that Nezu wasn't one to miss things, that he was always trying to get one step ahead, and that wasn't somethinghe hadn't accounted for...

Izuku wasn't called back to his internships until the end of the week, so his days pasted plainly by.

Kaneki hadn't found much either, but Izuku was still glad for the help. The night before he was called back in, Uraraka had dragged him into the kitchen whilst having a conversation with Tsu about their shared internships.

It was interesting, to learn what Urarakas' experiences with Ryukyu were like, before discussing the parts of his own internship where he could. It came as a surprise when Aizawa came up to the three of them and told him that he'd be travelling to Sir's agency as well.

So when his time to return to Nighteyes agency came, it didn't come as a shock when Asui, Uraraka and even Kirishima started walking in the same direction as them, riding the same train before getting off at the same stop.

It became abundantly clear where they were all headed as they caught Mirio and his two friends only a few blocks short of Nighteyes'

agency. something was happening and Izuku wasn't entirely sure what, the short conversations between Kirishima and himself didn't settle his nerves either.

It was around 10am when Izuku, his classmates, and Aizawa finally made it to the agency, the crowd of heroes in the main foyer filled with no named pros and the odd few ranking in the top 100 that Izuku recognized as he peered around the room.

What ever was going on, it was big deal.

The meeting hadn't started yet there was nothing to do. Izuku was spending his time trying to identify all the heroes around the room, stood besides his friends as conversations filtered thought the air, only just noticing one of the heroes he didn't know staring at him with a disapproving glare from across the room.

Unsure why the random hero was glaring at Izuku, slowly he turned around to see if there was anyone behind him, before looking back and walking over to the other side of his friends where Aizawa was standing.

Nope, they where definitely glaring at him.

Izuku swallowed nervously as he pulled his eyes away from the hero, Aizawa noticing his new presence besides him as his sense looked over to where he had just been looking.

It only too a single look from his teacher, before Izuku heard the sigh of displeasure coming from his mouth.

"Oh, it's him. "Aizawa began with a tone of annoyance, leaning down slightly to inconspicuously whisper to Izuku, "Don't pay him much attention, Midoriya. He's looking this way because he was part of your investigation, he's here because he recently relocated agencies. If he bothers you at all, let me know, alright?"

Izuku slowly nodded. Ah, that made sense, that hero knew who he was. Well, that wasn't awkward and off putting at all.

Thankfully, the meeting started not long after, with Bubble girl walking into the foyer before calling them into the room and explaining the situation.

"Thank you all for coming at such short notice,"

Bubble girl had began, apologetically before continuing," The Agency has called you here today to discuss the Yakaza group, Shie Hassaikai, and the criminal activities we believe they are participating


Izuku watched silently along with the rest of the room in anticipation, as a photo appeared on the screen at the front of the room, showing a group of men in hand cuffs.

Bubble Girl continued her discussion.

"About a year ago, we started our investigation after a bank robbery resulted in an altercation between the Yakaza and the criminal committing the heist. At first the police thought it an accident, as the criminals involved with the robbery were left unharmed, but there was a few things which didn't add up; so we began to investigate their trail."

The screen switched to an image of Chisaki, Overhaul, wearing his creepy mask that left Izuku feeling uneasy as Centipeder took over the discussion.

" During our investigation, we discovered that one of the members of the Yakaza group, Kai Chisaki, otherwise known as Overhaul, had begun to grow their network of connections; were they where recently spotted interaction with one of the league of villain members, Jin Babagawi, otherwise known as Twice.

The screen switched again over to the member of the league of villains without warning, leaving Izuku sucking in a small, trembling breath at the sight of one of his past captors. He didn't notice the worried looks coming from Mirio besides him, and Aizawa from the opposite side of the table.

"This interactions between the two groups has left us to believe they may have begun talks of collaboration together, some kind of mutual agreement." The hero paused, looking down at his papers, "They where weary of being tailed, but with the aid of the police we where able to confirm an altercation has occurred between the two groups."

As the screen switched to the ruins of a building, across the room from Izuku, Gran Torino chose that moment to talk up.

"The Police asked for our assistance, but unfortunately we arrived there to late."

The old hero looked across the table to Izuku before sighing, "It's a shame about the situation, but i'm glad to see you out and about kid, but it seems like things are going to get ugly again..."

Izuku looked over to his mentor with surprise, before giving him a shaky yet determined stare.

"It doesn't matter, I still want to help!"

Well, only if he didn't have to see the league of villains again. He'd rather stay away from them for the rest of his life, but yet again..

He had to something for Eri.

A/N I know I have not been posting for a very long time I have a good reason I finished school and got a job I also have been traveling to different states and out of the country so yeah I have been a very busy person these past couple of months

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