92% MHA:UA’s Ghoul / Chapter 46: The Big Three of UA

章節 46: The Big Three of UA

Their next scheduled hero lesson started a little differently than usual.

"Today's lesson will be a little different than usual, continuing on from yesterday we've organised some guests to come and speak to you about their own experiences with hero work studies." Aizawa addressed his class, his eyes scanning over the class for their attention before turning to face the door, "Alright, you can come in now.

The classroom door opened, welcoming three students all vastly different in appearances through the door as Aizawa turned back to his students, the three guests walking up to stand beside him. Class 1-A all offhandedly starting murmuring slightly as they recognised their upperclassmen standing before them. Izuku only took a second to recognise one of the smells on the students before matching the face of the man hiding behind the bins to the upperclassmen at the front of the room.

"These three have a lot of experience when it comes to hero work studies, and they have lots of information which will be of use to you. You've probably already heard of them from your peers, but if not, these three students are the big three of UA, i suggest you take advantage of the opportunities and advice they will provide."

Huh. Izuku could only wonder where his blond upperclassman was interning with the odd quirk he had seen him using only the day or so before.

"They've offered to help with some training and to offer you help with your hero work studies throughout the rest of this scheduled lesson,"

Aizawa continued, the class nodding at his words with understanding, "All thought if you have any further questions they have offered to help you outside of class too. With that said, I should probably let you introduce yourself. Amajiki, you're up first."

The trio began, well attempting, to introduce themselves; Izuku too lost in his own thoughts to listen to the questions Hado was firing around the room as she took over from Amajiki. As far as Izuku could remember none of the big three had won any medals during the last sports festival he had watched at home with his mother, leaving him wondering how on earth they had developed their quirks so quickly to reach their goals and how exactly Izuku could follow in their footsteps to becomes a better hero.

"Oh! I recognise you two!"

Izukus thoughts were momentarily put on hold as

Hado skipped over to the two tables he and Bakugou were seated at. A wide, disarming grin had made its way onto Hados face as she closed the proximity between them, setting Izuku slightly on edge; still not totally comfortable with people unexpectedly approaching him.

Awkwardly, Izuku replied to her, a little confused,

"Uh- Hi.?"

Hado smiled at him widely, before looking between Bakugou and himself, "Aren't you the two who managed to escape from the league on your own! That's so impressive! How did you do that-!"

The girl's trail of questions was sharply cut off by their only saving grace, Aizawa-sensei, who silenced her with his quirk and a harsh glare. His actions simultaneously saving Hado as he shut off Bakugous' quirk, who had spun around in his chair to vilely sneer at her, his quirk lighting up in his palms.

"Hado, that's enough!"

Izuku just sat back in shocked silence at the sudden and intrusive questions, leaving him unsure of what to say with his mouth tightly sealed, as he slowly took in the stunned and uncomfortable expressions surrounding him from his classmates; the topic and situation he was in making him cringe worse than when the blond guy had asked him while alone.

Hado jumped back at Aizawa's stern voice, quickly turning to face their sense with an awkward smile as she rubbed the back of her head guiltily.

"Ah, I'm sorry Mr Aizawa" Hado began before turning to the two boys and offering them an apology too before hopping back to the front of the class to stand between her friends.

Aizawa let out a frustrated and tiresome sigh, turning to Mirio who was standing closest beside him.

"You better get their focus back on the lesson quickly before you lose them entirely." He grumbled out as Mirio grinned brightly whilst giving him a big thumbs up.

"Don't sweat it, Erasure! I'll take it from here!"

Mirio declared as he took a step forward to address the class, his loud voice attracted attention from all over the room.

" Hey, guys! Guess what! The futures gonna be.!"

The class all watched Mirio with a confused look.

" Gonna be what.?"


The silence around the room was enough for tumbleweeds to start rolling through the class as they all stared blankly at him, no one in class 1-A understanding the joke at hand, leaving mirio to straighten himself out before trying again.

"Oh crap! It seems like none of you got my joke at all, come on guys this is where you're all meant to start laughing!" Mirio declared brightly, before realising he wasn't going to get a reaction out of them, "My name is Mirio Togata, and I'm your senpai. I thought this was going to be an easy day for me, but it seems like none of you has any sense of humour!"

Izuku sat on the right-hand side of the room and could just about hear the confused murmurs coming from some of his classmates, as he tried to figure out what was going on, a little unsure on how to react.

"Since none of you got my joke, it seems as if you guys are gonna need more training!" Mirio declared, causing both Amajiki and Hado to look over to him with weary yet fond expressions as their friends yelled out, "Rd new plan! All of you are going to fight me!"

The students all stared at him in shock, unsure of what on earth was going on as mirio turned to face Aizawa, who owned a tired and somewhat irritated expression on his face at the excitability of the blond in front of him.

"Say, Erasure! Would it be alright if we went out and did some training? If you want them to experience what work studies are like, fighting us would be a rational place to start! Am I right?"

Aizawa looked around his classroom at the stunned and slightly scared looks on his students' expressions at the proposal, eyes momentarily pausing over Izuku before turning back to Mirio and his friends with a sigh.

"Fine, do what you want, if that's what you think is best," Aizawa began dully, before looking back over his class," Use your kits instead of your hero costumes though, there's no point getting those destroyed again, and Midoriya stay back for a bit."

Mirio cheered his way out the door, followed by a pack of nervous and excitable students closely behind him, Izuku stood by and waited with Aizawa for them all to leave. As the door finally shut behind the last few stragglers, Aizawa turned to Midrioya to ask him a quick question.

"I just need to know how much you had to eat this morning before i allow you to join them, Midoriya" Aizawa began calmly, with no hint of irritation or exhaustion in his voice that there had been previously in the lesson.

Izuku Winced a little, "It wasn't as much as I'm normally given for training lessons, since I didn't know we were going to be participating in physical training this lesson."

Aizawa nodded softly, " Alright, I know it's a pain, but I need you to quickly go and check in the staffroom if you have enough for afterwards." He began, walking towards the door before pausing with his hand on the handle, "There probably won't be a problem, Midoriya, and I trust your judgement, but there is no point in risking it at this stage. You know the drill."

With a small smile at his senses comforting words, Izuku offered him an understanding nod as the pair walked out of the classroom and started walking their separate ways.

"Thank you, sensei! I got it!"

With that Izuku quickly dashed to the office before going to the changing rooms to catch up with his friends.

It didn't take long for Izuku to realise that fighting against Mirios quirk was going to be far harder than first anticipated, as he watched half of the long-range fighters in his class go down within only a short half minute.

Mirios' quirk was something else, allowing him to phase through matter Izuku had now realised, making him almost impossible to hit. But almost, still made it possible.

"Midoriya! Watch out!

The call-out from one of his friends only gave him a minuscule advantage as the senses with his quirk aided him immensely, giving him a large advantage over his classmates when it came to noticing their blond-haired opponent approaching him from behind, allowing him to avoid all of the attacks sent his way.

It seemed as if Mirio had caught on as well, as the pair faced off one another as the rest of the class sat back in pain and watched while actively avoiding the fight in front of them and it didn't take long for Izuku to realise he was the only one in their class left standing.

With each move, Mirio would make Izuku was just able to scrape past and avoid the attack with only little scraps left in their path, and every time Izuku would counter, the attacks would barely make contact before Mirio was able to activate his quirk and lessen the blow.

It was only after Izuku felt himself slipping a little did he activate one for all, enhancing his senses further as he flipped over Mirio to avoid an attack.

The new power boost gave Izuku the speed to kick Mirio in the back as he finished his flip, landing with all the silent grace of a ghoul behind him, quietly panting from the physical exertion.

Quiet 'Oohs'from his impressed classmates would subtly be heard, as Mirio was able to quickly catch himself from the attack, turning quickly around to look at Izuku with pleasant surprise and excitement.

"You were able to predict my moves and avoid them on time, do you have some sort of enhanced sense quirk?" Mirio asked, causing Izuku to pause uncomfortably as he looked over to his classmates in a moment of distraction. The eyes all watching him from all sides of the room instantly made Izuku feel exposed as he realised that they had all been intensely watching the fight.

"I- uhh-"

Izuku's words were cut off as Mirio pulled a dirty yet impressive trick, using his distraction against him to knock Midoriya onto the floor as his concentration was too far interested in his classmates around him, the blond sneaking through his guard.

Izuku landed on the floor with a thud.

"Ouch..." Izuku groaned out in pain as he rubbed the back of his head where he had whacked onto the floor, looking around through his wincing brows to see Mirio putting his clothes back on, as Aizawa walked over to them to signal the end of the match.

Once Mirio had gotten his clothes on, and his classmates had all managed to scrape themselves off the floor, Mirio stood before them having one final discussion before the end of the lesson.

"You know, it's really rare for someone to catch me off guard! Let alone hit me! I'm really impressed with how you all worked today, you first years are really something else!" Mirio began cheerfully, looking happily at the group of students around him before his eyes settled on Izuku, "That being said, I really am curious to know what your quirk is, Midroiya! It was really impressive!"

Izuku awkwardly laughed as he rubbed the small bruise forming on his head. He couldn't really tell him that it was his ghoul quirk responsible for the advanced senses, even if almost half the people in the room knew about it.

Izuku wanted to hold onto some sense of the humanity his oblivious classmates were fooled into seeing.

"Oh, It's just a super-strength quirk, nothing that fancy!" Izuku said awkwardly, ignoring the knowing stares he was getting from some of the people in the room, the tension rising between them.

Unbeknownst to him, Aizawa stood at the back of the group, taking in the reactions of some of his students around the room; offhandedly overhearing the distasteful murmurs coming from Mineta about lies and the uncomfortable looks some of the other students were giving Midoriya.

Oblivious to the tension Mirio let out an impressed whistle, his hands resting on his side as he let out a chuckle, "Wow, that's even more impressive that you managed to dodge my attacks!"

Izuku chuckled nervously and Mirio turned away from him to address the rest of the class.

"That being said, you all did really well!"

It was as the class was discussing how the battle went, that Izuku had a question pop into his mind.

"Umm," Izuku began, catching Mirios attention, "| was just wondering how your quirk works? You seem to be able to teleport and let physical matter pass through your body as well."

Mirio smiled, " Actually, my quirk doesn't let me teleport at all, it's called permeation and lets me pass through things, including the floor!" He began, raising his finger as he made a point, "What you think is teleporting, is actually just me falling through the floor, deep underground! When I come back up I just have to angle myself and release my quirk and I pop back up to the surface!"

'Ohs'and 'ahhs'of awe filtered through the hall where they stood in, as Mirio explained his power, Midoriya stood with his hands on his chin as he digested the information.

' I guess it makes sense now why I couldn't smell him once he had vanished.'

Izuky's eyes widened at the thought and remembered the disturbing lack of clothes on Mirio as they had sparred. Did that mean that he had been naked behind those bins!?

Asui, who was standing only a little way from Midoriya who was still in shock, spoke up.

"That's really impressive, you were born with a really heroic and powerful quirk."

Mirio quickly dismissed her words with a meaningless wave of the hand.

"You're wrong, it's taken me years to get to the stage I'm at now, and I had to really work my butt off." He began, "But the training I've taken over the last few years at UA is finally starting to pay off and soon, hopefully, I'll be able to say l've fully tamed my quirk!"

As the rest of his class walked forward and began asking their senpais questions, Izuku couldn't help but compare their quirk.

One for All would have been far more difficult for him to control without the assistance of his ghoul quirk, and the power he was unwillingly given and the instinctual abilities which came with using his Kagune differed drastically compared from the quirk Mirio had and yet Izuku realised that if he was to fully control and have power over his quirks he would have to train just as hard as, if not more so, than Mirio.

Even though the assistance he received and the food he was given for free was available now, Izuku knew that one day there would be a situation where it just wouldn't be, and he would need to train and prepare to fight the urges which came with his quirk, no matter how desperate he became.

Izuku needed tame and have full control over his quirks if he was to become a hero, and just like Mirio, he would have to learn the ins' and outs of his quirk; whist discovering anything new or dangerous in the vast territory of unexplored abilities his ghoul quirk could possibly possess.

That was one thing he was going to have to ask Kaneki about.

Once the lesson was concluded, Aizawa took Izuku back to the main office for a quick snack before his next class. Eating in the staff office had become the norm for luku, as he comfortably allied himself to relax in one of the sofas across the room from where Aizawa had set himself up for a nap in his sleeping bag.

The blacked haired hero watched Midoriya get to the last bite of his food before speaking up on something that had been troubling him, catching Midoryia by surprise as he was pulled from deep within his thoughts.

"..Midoriya, I've been meaning to ask, have any of your classmates been giving you any trouble?"

Izuku blinked with surprise, looking up from the last bite of food he had with his mouth still open as he gave Aizawa a questioning look.

"Trouble..?" Izuku asked slowly, a little confused and nervous at the sudden question.

Aizawa simply nodded, "Trouble with your quirk."

Izuku made a small 'ohh' sound of understanding before hesitating to answer. Things had become far friendlier in the class ever since he had made up with lida but it hadn't prevented the hostility and fearsome of his other classmates, mainly Mineta, still held against him.

He took the final chunk of his snack, awkwardly swallowing it and the shame of being watched eating before he replied.

"When I got back to the dorms the first time, some of the people who had seen me during the summer camp were a little unsure and unease with my presence, which was completely understandable, to be honest." Izuku began calmly, looking towards Aizawa but not quick reaching his eyes before a small smile made his waxonto his face at slightly happier thoughts, "But since then I've been able to work things out with the help of my friends, things are a lot better now than they were to start with."

Admittedly, Izuku was brushing over the situation lightly, but compared to reactions and isolation he felt, Izuku was doing much better now; he didn't want to be the cause of getting anyone unnecessary in trouble for something his fault anyway.

In some ways, Izuku couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the late attempt of his teacher trying to assist him, but late was better than never. It seemed as though even if he was finally under the care of his teachers, there would always be problems they would never be able to solve for him.

As Izuku became lost in thought again, Aizawa sat in silence as he thought over Izuku answers, thinking back to the cold behaviour he had undoubtedly noticed since the new term have begun; ultimately deciding to wait and see if Midoriya would come to him for help first until he overheard the cruel whispers come from Mineta during the training.

But now looking at Midoriya, Aizawa realised he'd left it a little late, knowing that the poor boy had managed to sort at least some of it out on his own already. He may be a teacher to hundreds of students every year, but social confrontations really weren't Aizawa fort; he never claimed to be good at everything.

Aizawa stayed silent for a moment, watching Izuku fiddle with his hands as twisted slightly in his sleeping bag from where he was laying, shifting slightly so he could sit up properly as he let out a subtle sigh.

"Alright, then." Aizawa began, Midoriya awkwardly sitting opposite him, "If anything does happen, please come and speak to me, as irrational as it is i can't assist you unless you come and speak with me first.

Izuku quickly nodded as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, Aizawa understanding the anxious need his students had to leave. Watching his hands, Izuku heard the sounds of his sensei getting out of his sleeping bag before rolling it up and stashing it away, walking back over towards him.

Aizawa knelt down in front of his students, his hand resting comfortingly on his student's shoulders before pulling away to rest them on his knees.

"Keep your head up, Midoriya. I will always be here for your classmates and you, and i will do everything in my power to help you," Aizawa began softly, "There is nothing you should have to be worrying about at the moment other than your studies, so just use the quirk you were born with and train hard, i know you have the will to become a true hero."

Izuku looked up from his hands with a look of surprise, his jaw slightly slacked as he looked at his teacher's soft expression, the contagious look forcing a small smile onto Izuku's face.

"Thank you, Aizawa-sensei!"

Aizawa words had offhandedly reminded him of what All Might had told him during their meeting with Nezu, that all the other staff had been told that One for All was his birth quirk, just to keep some semblance of secrecy around him.

Aizawa only nodded in response, standing up straight again before sending Izuku on his way to his next class. Putting away the supplies, Aizawa couldn't help but hide the twitch of a smile behind his scarf from the empty room before he reminded himself of comments made by Mineta.

Aizawa let out a deep sigh. Izuku was a good kid, far too good for his own good sometimes, but Aizawa could only hope that Izuku would come to him next time things got tough.

Finding a hero studies on one's own was difficult, Izuku had come to find as Gran Torino hung up the phone after encouraging him to ask All Might. He had been hoping to work with his old mentor, instead of finding someone new and having to explain his situation to them, but it seemed as if that wouldn't be the case.

Izuku had been a little hesitant to go to All Might for help, even if Izuku now trusted him with the majority of his problems, but in the end, it hadn't mattered as his mentor had spoken of an offer during one of Izuku's private lunches.

"Sir Nighteye?"

Izuku listened with deep interest as All Might explained about the phone call he had received and the final meeting the staff had, discussing how they would handle the media revolving around the students.

"Nothing has been fully put into place yet, my boy," All Might began drinking his cup of tea in his skinny form, "The staff finally came to a decision today during our morning meeting, but I thought I would tell you about the possibility now rather than later."

Izuku nodded his head, hands on his chin and he looked own, deep in thought,

"Sir Nighteye was your first and only real partner if you exclude David Shield, but as far as I'm aware you haven't worked together in a long time..." Izuku mumbled to himself aloud out of habit, causing All Might to overhear his muttering.

Yagi let out a sigh, lowing his tea slightly as he confirmed Izuku's thoughts, " You're quite right, Young Midoriya, but it seems as if Young Togata mentioned you to him, Most probably about the fight i heard you gave him a run for his money with."

Izuku looked back up from his mutterings as All Might's words piqued his, " You mean, Mirio-senpai?" He asked aloud, causing Yagi to nod in response.

"Young Togata, as far as I'm aware, has been working with Nighteye for the last year or so," All Might began, returning to his tea, " In fact, a short while after i met you, Nighteye had put forward Togata to me as a possible successor for One for All. I turned him down pretty quickly since I had already met you.

Izuku sat back in his chair as he looked at Yagi full of shock, his jaw slackened slightly with surprise. It wasn't all that surprising. In retrospect, Mirio was fortunate enough to have been born with a very powerful quirk, giving him all the more reasons to become One for All's successor. However, the thought of how close Mirio had been to receiving the same quirk, which ultimately saved Izuku from a life of pain and suffering, was nerve-racking.

Shivering slightly at the thought, Izuku decided for a change of subject, "All Might, why did you and Sir Nighteye stop partnering up for missions? If you don't mind me asking.

Yagi shifted slightly, uncomfortable with the stop but replied nonetheless, letting out a tiresome sigh as he lowered his tea again. "After my battle with All for One six years ago, we had a disagreement about some things, and decided to go our own separate ways."

As All Might lifted his tea to his lips to finish off his drink, Izuku couldn't help but wonder how many bits of the story his mentor was decidedly choosing to leave out, almost as if his mentor was trying to hide something.

"Oh, I see," Izuku replied quietly as their conversations drifted off into silence.

At the end of Izuku's Lunch break, All Might had handed him a small piece of paper.

"This is Nighteyes contact details if you decide to go through with the work studies." All Might had begun, shifting awkwardly in his skinny form as he passed the note over to Izuku, "just be careful, Young Midoriya. Sometimes Nighteye can come on as a bit... intimidating."

Izuku could only wonder what All Might could have meant.

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