24.13% Harry Potter and lust / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

章節 14: Chapter 13

Desiree: 30 year old Salma Hayek

Fleur: Katherine McNamara

Apolline Delacour: Katheryn Winnick with DD cups


The morning of the second task Harry woke up without the usual feeling of Desiree's mouth around him. Much like the first task she had taken a no sex policy. This time he had to remind her they were going to be in swimwear and he couldn't risk popping an erection while looking at Fleur in her bathing suit. His pleading eventually worked and she laid down on the bed after making her breasts three sizes bigger and pressing them together. Desiree didn't view skin on skin or more like skin on penis a type of sex. Also Harry needed to get out one climax so he was clear headed for the task.

Harry didn't need to be a genius to figure out what this was. Quickly he climbed on his genie and stuck his cock in between her massive brown tits as she wrapped them around even tighter as his hips slowly started to move. Harry quickly found himself moaning at the feeling of soft skin encapsulating his manhood, stroking him up and down. "Shit Desiree, this is just what I needed." He didn't consider this sex either and just like a hand a much softer hand that wasn't attached to him.

Desiree wished he could wait until after the task but he was conditioned for sex every morning which was partly her fault. She didn't help matters by taking his cock in her throat before he even opened his eyes. "That's it, master, use my tits, then get ready to come in first for the task." If he did come in first she planned to reward him with something really special. But that could wait until after Fleur or Rita since they were going to be around during the task.

Harry's hips were moving in a blur as he thrusted in and out of Desiree's perfect tits. "I'm gonna cum first alright."

Desiree chose this moment to let his cock poke out of the top of her cleavage so he shot his seed all over her face which was her preference. Soon she felt hot ropes of cream start to lay themselves over her Arabian features. All the while she stuck her tongue out hoping for some to land in her mouth. She moaned as she felt two ropes land on her tongue as the raining of hot cream stopped. Swallowing what she had in her mouth she opened her eyes and saw Harry staring down at her with that loving look he sometimes had after he cums. "What do I have something on my face?"

Harry just nods his head, "You could say that. You could also say this is how you are supposed to look." Desiree always looked her happiest when she had a cock in her or was covered with cum.

Desiree laughed at that remark. "Anything for you master." She had no issue with her face being covered in cum. The dirty feeling that came along with it was one she would always cherish. It was the same as when her master would repeatedly cum in her ass and then watch her gaping hole leak all over the bed.

When Harry was done he climbed out of bed before heading over to the shower the magical room provided. Starting his day he needed to get clean before going down for breakfast before the task started. While this was the point where Desiree usually joined him he knew he had to shower alone.

Desiree slowly cleaned her face of all his seed with her finger and tongue. Without Harry watching there was no chance of him watching and getting aroused. Once her face was clean she changed back into her genie form.

Harry finished his shower and stepped out to see Desiree had laid out his clothes on the bed. After drying his body he even took his time after seeing Desiree staring at him. Just for fun he decided to tease her back for all the times she teased him.

Once he was dressed he made it to breakfast where there was a visible panic buzzing in the air. Heading to his table he noticed Hermione and Ron weren't there. Looking around he saw Cedric talking to the Ravenclaw table clearly looking for someone. 'He must be looking for Cho, which means they must be something dear. If they chose Ron to be my something dear then they are mistaken. If I wasn't so dead set on winning I would let him rot down there.'

Eating a simple and light breakfast mainly toast, fruit and bacon Harry finished up before heading down to Black Lake. Now there were stands of people roaring and cheering waiting for the task to start. They seemed very enthusiastic even though it was going to be another hour or so before it started.

Stepping into the champions tent he already saw that Krum and Fleur were there. The latter ranting and yelling at Dumbledore and Crouch. Harry walked up to the group, "Fleur what's wrong?"

Fleur looked to Harry while happy to see him she was still very angry she couldn't find her sister. "How could you use my sister in this task? She is a child and the Merpeople hate Veela."

Dumbledore did his best to calm the fiery witch down, "Miss Delacour I assure you nothing will happen to her. We have a treaty with the Merpeople and they will not harm your sister. Now it is all up to you to rescue her."

Fleur was about to start yelling again but she felt Harry's hand on her arm and she stopped herself from raising her voice and threatening them. Looking at Harry who had a pleading look in his eyes she calmed down and just walked away in a huff.

Harry was upset at Dumbledore and Crouch for putting Fleur's loved ones in danger especially if things were that tenuous between the Veela and Merpeople. Choosing to keep his mouth shut he just chose to follow Fleur instead of giving those two a piece of his mind.

Following Fleur outside the tent he saw she was shaking with rage. "Are you okay?"

Fleur turned around with fury in her eyes which seemed to dissipate when she saw it was Harry. "I just want my sister to be safe and I can't think straight if she is in danger."

Harry wrapped his arms around Fleur and brought her in for a hug which she accepted. "I promise nothing bad will happen to your sister. If I have to, I will save your sister first if I have to."

Fleur didn't expect that. 'He would throw this task for me?' Pulling away she found that his face was very serious. "What about your hostage?"

Harry waved it off, "He is a prick. He can be fish food for all I care. What matters is you and your family." Ron had turned the whole house against him so as far as he was concerned Ron was dead to him anyway.

Fleur breathed a sigh of relief, "If you rescue Gabrielle I will be in your debt and I promise you that is a place you want me to be." The last part was said in a very suggestive tone.

"Then it's a promise now let's get back to the tent." Before he could say anything else Fleur gave him a quick peck on the lips as a thank you before storming back into the tent. Harry was about to join her when he heard a familiar voice say, "Well that was touching."

Harry turned to see Rita Skeeter appear out of nowhere meaning she was just in her beetle form and had heard everything. "I hope you learned your lesson from last time Rita."

Rita smiled at the young champion. "Oh maybe it didn't stick and I need a refresher." She teased. The days after that amazing shag from this student she had been desperate to feel that again.

Harry rolled his eyes seeing the reporter flirting with him. "I didn't expect for you to be so eager to be punished." While he found her annoying he equally found her sexy. Remembering being inside Rita all he wants to do is take her to the grass and shag her all over again.

Rita was now in arms distance from Harry and was pushing her enhanced breasts out. "I didn't see it as a punishment. In fact I think it was a reward." She purred since she got a new pair of tits out of it and the best shag of her life.

Having more experience with BDSM with Desiree lately he wanted to give her a repeat with everything he learned. "Fine, next time I will make sure it sinks in properly." If she kept being defiant he could tie her up and lay I to her with a whip or paddle before giving her the roughest shag of her life.

Rita could feel her knickers get a little wet from the threat. "Anyway I just wanted to thank you for these." She said, jiggling her new tits. "I have gotten so many free drinks and men falling over themselves because of it. You know if you were to open a shop on Diagon Alley you would make millions." She wanted him to do that so she could tell people and brag about how she was the first of many who had Harry Potter enhanced new tits.

Harry crossed his arms, "You are welcome. I take it you are still aware of our deal and won't publish anything you heard between Fleur and I?"

Rita scribbled in her notes, "Yes but I will have to write a little something for the paper and I might have to add something about you but I promise it will be the truth." In her head she was already imagining possible headlines of Harry Potter in love with a Veela.

Harry knew she was up to something but he didn't have time to figure out what since the task was starting soon. "Be careful Rita or I won't hesitate to take it out on your ass."

Rita just smiled at that, she would gladly take a punishment from him. Last time she ended up cumming so many times she lost count. So any repeat performance was worth it to her. "Don't die. It would be a shame for that cock to go to waste." Rita said flippantly as she changed back into a beetle and flew away.

Harry scoffed and walked back into the tent to see the other champions sitting on couches waiting for the task to start. Cedric and Krum had taken off their jumpers and we're now just wearing their short sleeved shirts that they planned on swimming in. Following their lead he pulled off his jumper and noticed that his genie bottle tattoo was on display. Turning around he quickly casted a few glamours over it before turning back to the group. Fleur noticed that tattoo after the ball but was too busy paying him back for the amazing night to say anything.

Just before Harry was about to sit next to Fleur, Crouch announced, "Can all the champions join me outside so we can start the task?" Mindlessly and anxiously the champions started to make their way out of the tent. All of them were thinking of ways this could go wrong as they stood on the starting platform. The cheers from the crowd were loud enough to drown out some of their inner thoughts. 'Desiree I want you to stay on the surface. Let me do this task alone like the dragon.'

Desiree wanted to talk him out of it but knew that he needed to do this on his own. 'I will master but be safe. Come back to me unharmed.' She was just as nervous as Fleur was for her sister seeing Harry face certain danger without her. Not like she could do much but be there for moral support.

While Harry couldn't promise that, he could at least not die by drowning thanks to her. 'I will.' With that said he focused back on the lake and was ready to jump off the moment the cannon went off.

"Ladies and gentlemen are you ready for the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament?" The applause and cheers were even louder at the question. "Well give it up for our four champions Cedric Diggity, Victor Krum, Fleur Delacour and the dragon slayer Harry Potter." The crowd became deafening at the mention of Harry's name. He was now the biggest draw of the tournament if these people were wearing his merchandise and waving banners with his name on it were anything to go by. "The champions will be given one hour to swim down into the lake and save their hostages. If they don't then they will be lost forever."

At that Harry felt Fleur grab onto his arm and squeeze so hard he was sure she was going to break skin with her nails. He just mouthed it was going to be okay.

"When the cannon sounds the second task will begin so get in positions!" Crouch was nearly screaming at the end of the speech clearly amping up the crowd.

The cannon going off a moment later was the only thing to cut through the sound of the roaring crowd. Not a moment later all the champions jumped into the water head first. In the water he saw Cedric and Fleur use the bubble head charm while Victor made himself a half shark. Harry didn't have to bother and started to swim towards the center of the lake where the Merpeople would most likely be.

He was out in front with a considerable lead for a minute before Krum sped past him fast as a real shark. 'Why didn't I think of that?' Harry asked himself just before he was being passed by the others. 'Okay so I'm not the strong swimmer I thought I was.'

The rest of the trip he was behind Fleur and Cedric which wasn't the worst thing at least that's what he told himself as he stared at Fleur's backside. His trance was broken however when he saw a spear whiz past Fleur just barely missing her. Harry and Fleur both looked to see where it came from while Cedric continued on with the task.

Fleur had barely avoided the thrown spear which could have been fatal if it had hit her. Looking down she saw the streets of the underwater city lined with Merpeople soldiers all with spears staring hatefully at her. Deciding to just try and reach her sister she kept swimming as fast as she could. Her arms and legs were starting to burn but she fought through the pain.

Harry now had his wand in his hand ready to strike down any creature that tried the same with him but no one even made a motion towards him. 'Goes to show how real the hate is between Merpeople and Veela.'

Fleur kept swimming and in the center of the city she saw that the hostages were tied up. As she went for her sister though four Merpeople soldiers were waiting for her and blocked the way each of them pointing their spears at her. She readied herself and fired off a quick stunning spell which hit one of the soldiers but the other three quickly advanced on her. One had lunged so quickly he cut open a large gash on her left arm and before she could react to him another soldier swiped at her with the intention of cutting her throat open. As she moved out of the way his spear was lucky enough to cut her bubble. With her bubble popped there was no choice but to retreat.

Harry saw Fleur in trouble and was seconds away from her but she quickly started swimming up to the surface. Seeing Fleur retreating along with the blood left in the water he wanted to follow her to make sure she was okay. Just before he made a move to follow he saw that one of the soldiers she had been fighting winded back his arm and was about to hurl his spear in her direction.

Feeling nothing but rage Harry swam right behind the unexpecting soldier and casted a piercing hex at his throwing shoulder and a orange color spell came out of his wand and went right through the soldier's shoulder causing him to drop the spear. The soldiers turned to him and quickly scattered when they saw the magic pooling at the tip of his wand indicating he was very serious and wouldn't hesitate to kill them.

With his obstacles gone he swam to the center of the city and saw there were only two hostages left Ron and Gabrielle. The latter he found looked very much like Fleur. Starting with the closest to him which happened to be Ron he cut the rope tied to his ankles. He let Ron float to the surface and once he was half way up he turned his attention to Gabrielle only to notice that there were now upwards of twenty soldiers surrounding him. Looking around he heard someone say, "You can only take one."

Harry refused to be told what to do at this moment. There was a life on the line and he wasn't going to leave Gabrielle here. "You aren't going to stand in my way." With that said now every spear was pointing at him. Not taking his eye off the weapons pointed at him he flicked his wand towards Gabrielle's bindings before grabbing her and trying to swim away as fast as he could. It was useless though with how slow of a swimmer he was. Letting Gabrielle go he tried to let her float to the top while he fought the Merpeople.

Flicking his wand down he cast a severing charm on the arm that was currently attached to the hand around his ankle. Like expected the arm was soon severed and blue blood started to pool around them. That soldier quickly retreated just as another lunged forward intent on impaling him with his spear. With a quick Expelliarmus he disarmed the soldier before stunning him. With two down they soon started to line up and try to overwhelm him with their numbers. Unable to keep this going Harry used elemental magic to turn some of the water around him into ice spikes before launching them at the soldiers. With many of the spears hitting the Merpeople soon knew that they were outmatched and swam back to the safety of their city. Swimming away with shards of ice impaled in their skin.

Harry was out of breath after casting so many spells in a short amount of time with the added stress of having his life on the line. Once the Merpeople were far enough away he swam back to the top. Once he broke the surface he looked to the stage to find everyone silent. As he swam to the stage he saw that Gabrielle was awake and being hugged by her sister.

The crowd's silence was soon over as the crowd erupted in cheers for the fact Harry was alive. The fact that both of his hostages returned to the surface without him wasn't a good sign.

As Harry pulled himself out of the water he noticed that he was covered with a sheen of blue blood from the Merpeople. Once he was on the stage he just laid there on the dock panting. Now that he was breathing fresh air he could feel his body relaxing a little more. Before he could even regain his bearings he was pounced on by Fleur who kissed him on the lips for saving her sister. Harry accepted the kiss before she whispered in his ear that this wasn't his reward.

Crouch used a sonorous charm and announced, "Harry Potter ladies and gentlemen. He saved two hostages when Miss Delacour couldn't save her own." His words were a direct jab at the Veela champion who fell short.

Harry eventually managed to make it to his feet and noticed that Ron hadn't come over to even give him a thank you. Walking over to the sulking red head Harry just said, "You're welcome."

Ron scoffed, "Didn't ask for your help Potter." That response made Harry wish he could punch Ron in front of the entire school and audience. Harry should have just saved Gabrielle at least then he wouldn't have had to fight an army of assholes with spears.

Hermione wrapped in a blanket came over and pulled Harry away, "Don't listen to him Harry." Once they were out of ear shot of Ron Hermione said, "Don't let him ruin this for you."

Hermione was right, "Let's go wait for the scores."

Everyone waited as the judges discussed before eventually coming to their scores. Krum earned a nearly perfect score for being first along with the complex magic used. Cedric was second so far and received a modest score for being the most simple. Fleur received almost nothing because she didn't retrieve her hostage, getting a one from every judge.

The judges gave Harry a high score only two points behind Krum for saving both hostages and for the never before seen spell used to breathe underwater. During the points section Harry had Madam Pomfrey fussing over him and checking his body for injuries while cleaning the blue blood off of him. As it turns out Merpeople blood was magical and couldn't be washed off with only water. You needed to vanish it or scrub it off with a scourgify. She glossed over his arm glamour that was covering his bottle tattoo.

Once the scores were given Crouch announced that the next and final task would be on the twenty fourth of June which was the day before the end of the term. Harry was glad it was that far away because he was going to need time to recover after this. His whole body already felt sore for swimming so long along with the fact Madam Pomfrey told him he had minor magical exhaustion.

Just before Harry was about to call Desiree, Fleur dragged him over to her sister and family. "Harry, come meet my sister and parents." She was excited for Harry to meet her family because this just compounded how much she cared for Harry and how much he really cared about her. Boys who were simply attracted to her wouldn't risk their lives for her sister.

Gabrielle lit up when she saw Harry Potter walking her way. She had grown up on his stories and this was like a dream being told she was rescued by her idol. She felt her face get hot the closer he approached. Before Fleur could properly introduce him she pounced like a lion by wrapping her arms around him.

Harry was nearly knocked over by the force of which he was hugged. "Hey there. Are you okay Gabrielle?" He was happy she didn't seem hurt with how hard she hugged him.

Gabrielle nodded with a wide smile, "Yes thanks to you." Hugging him tighter she said the next thing loud enough for only him to hear, "You are my hero." She rubbed her cheek against his neck nuzzling him as she enjoyed his body pressed against hers.

Harry slowly managed to get untangled from the young girl much to her chagrin. If it was up to her she would have never let that hug end. Looking to what were clearly Fleur's parents he stuck out his hand. "I'm Harry, pleased to meet you."

Minister Delacour shook his hand, "Thank you for saving my daughter's. I didn't know this was going to be so dangerous." While he was Minister he was stupid for thinking this tournament wasn't going to be dangerous. When he was convinced by the British Minister about entering the Tri-Wizard Tournament he was told it would be completely safe.

Apolline Delacour didn't look happy though and in fact looked very irritated at her husband. "Didn't think it would be that dangerous? Did you forget that the Merpeople hated Veela when you agreed to use our daughter as a prop in this task?"

Minister Delacour suddenly looked six inches tall compared to his wife who was angrily questioning him. "Dumbledore and Fudge said it would be safe."

This had Fleur a little upset now. "If it wasn't for Harry I might have died along with Gabrielle." When she arrived at the surface she had to get mended by the nurse and her arm was still killing her. The cut went far deeper than she had ever been cut before and she was told it was going to be a while before the pain would completely subside. She was given a pain reducing potion but she could still feel the cut.

Minister Delacour just shrunk his shoulders and shut up. Clearly he was going to be in the doghouse for a while. Harry just bowed his head, "I am always happy to help a friend and Fleur is a good friend." Looking over at Fleur she still looked radiant even though she was cold, wet and upset.

Apolline could see what her daughter saw in this boy. What she didn't see at first was his heart. While he wasn't bad looking, he wasn't what she had imagined for her daughter but now seeing him pull off that feat of heroism made her feel like he was perfect for her daughter. In fact seeing him emerge from the water covered in the blue blood of Merpeople had her a little aroused. Stuffing those feelings down she said, "Why don't you join us for dinner tonight in our carriage?" They had of course come with their own and besides a dining room it had three rooms in it.

Harry could get behind a good meal because right now he felt dead on his feet. After he was done talking with them he planned to go back to his room and take a nap. Besides casting the world's largest patronus last year he had never felt this magically exhausted. The elemental magic mixed with swimming until he was sore wasn't a good combination. "Sounds great Mrs. Delacour."

"Oh, call me Apolline." She even said it with a little wink which made him look at Fleur who saw it too but said nothing.

After Harry wished them all a goodbye he made his way back to the castle. When he was away from everyone he heard, 'So how do you think that went?' Desiree had seen every moment of the task and was curious to know what he thought of the whole thing.

Harry sighed, 'It was a mess. That was tougher than the dragon. I would have died if I used the bubble head charm. Those Merpeople were relentless.'

Desiree just nodded as she followed, floating behind him up the steps to the seventh floor. 'Yes I have never seen those creatures before and I certainly don't like them after that. I understand why the Veela have had feuds with them.'

'Me either. I hope I never see another one of those assholes again.' He was still furious just thinking of those fishy monsters. He didn't know if he killed any of them but he would have killed them all if they managed to hit Fleur with that spear as she swam to the surface.

Desiree could hear his inner thoughts and agreed that if they managed to seriously wound Fleur then he would have scorched earth in retaliation. 'Lets just calm down before your big dinner tonight. I'm not sure if you know this or not but Fleur owes you and you know what that means.'

Harry agreed tonight should be interesting. 'Yes I do but it also means I shouldn't expend too much energy before tonight.'

Desiree saw his reasoning and pouted, 'I see your point. You will just have to make up for it tomorrow morning.' When master made it up to her it usually meant his amazing tongue would do the work.

Harry knew what that meant and was fine with that arrangement. 'Fine. You win, now let's think about things other than sex before tonight.'

Later that night

When Harry arrived at the elegant carriage that was parked right next to the Beauxbatons carriage. While the school's carriage was bigger both looked like they were pieces of art that had been hand carved and cost hundreds of thousands of galleons. Knocking on the door he had to wait a moment before the door opened.

Gabrielle had been waiting by the door so she could be the one to answer it and be the first one to see Harry. "Hello Harry, come in." She quickly grabbed his hand before dragging him in only to get scolded by her mother. "Gabrielle calm down, stop yanking the boy around like he is your dog."

Fleur was about to scold her sister for the same thing as she walked over to her "boyfriend". While she didn't use the term that's what he felt like right now when she got close enough she kissed him on the lips before whispering, "Just go with it tonight."

Harry didn't know what she meant by that but he assumed he was meant to play the loving part of her boyfriend. "Can do." He replied before they were ushered to the dining room table which had a giant buffet of food that would make the Hogwarts elves blush. He did however notice there were only four chairs. "Where is your dad?" He asked Fleur.

Apolline answered, "I sent him back home to France. I am too angry to even look at him right now. He should have known better and shouldn't have put Gabrielle in that lake." Even after the task they had a blown out argument on Veela history that she had told him about throughout the years. Facts he just ignored when he let Gabrielle be bound at the bottom of a lake. While she still loved her husband it was going to be a while before she forgave him.

Harry admitted that Apolline was a little scary and he would hate to get on her bad side. Looking at Fleur he asked, "How much trouble is he in?" He didn't know how a Veela temper differed from a regular personas temper but Apolline was pretty scary.

Fleur shook her head, "I don't know but the last time I saw maman this upset papa had let Gabrielle eat her weight in ice cream before she threw up all over her favorite rug." While she laughed when it happened her mother made them all clean it up by hand.

Harry wished he could have seen that, "Well I am sure he will be fine." Smiling at Fleur she smiled back and filled his heart with a happiness he hadn't felt in so long.

Once they were all sat down they started to load up their plates. Apolline started, "Be sure to eat up, you both need your energy." Both Fleur and Harry needed a big meal after the day they had.

Gabrielle didn't need to be told that since she always ate more than anyone else. Since Veela never had to worry about gaining weight Gabrielle was a little black hole for food. Her plate was already full by the time her mother warned Harry and Fleur. Meanwhile Fleur had a little decorum and didn't pig out like her sister and gathered enough food for a modest dinner.

Harry did as he was told and loaded up on meat. Looking for something to drink he noticed his cup was filled with a red liquid. "What's this?"

Apolline and Fleur giggled as they took a sip out of their own glasses. "That's wine. Have some, it goes quite nicely with all that meat on your plate." Apolline said.

Harry took a sip and found that it tasted pretty good. 'She is right this goes perfectly with the meal.' This was his first time having anything alcoholic that wasn't Butterbeer.

Desiree took that moment to reappear. 'Oh I forgot how much I missed wine. Next time we are alone you have to wish for some.'

Harry just looked at his genie and thought. 'Why don't you find a bottle here and take it back to the room. I will meet you when I'm done.' While he loved Desiree right now he just wanted to be alone with Fleur and her family.

Desiree liked his idea and went to search the carriage for a bottle of wine. When she found a few bottles she liked (the kind she liked being hundreds of years old and expensive) she had to have Harry wish her back to the room because she couldn't carry the bottles while in her genie form. He first questioned how that was sex related but Desiree just answered she was going to enjoy her time alone in a sexual way not able to wait for him any longer. Harry breathed a sigh of relief when she was gone as he continued to eat, enjoying dinner with a real family.

Apolline waited for Harry to be close to done with his plate before she started digging into the more personal questions. "So Harry Fleur tells me you are an adequate lover." She asked the question while swirling her wine in her glass almost as if she was asking about the weather.

Harry nearly spit out the sip of wine that was in his mouth. Choking and gagging on the wine currently traveling down his throat it took him a moment before he could swallow it and not cough it back up. Looking at the matriarch he was almost confused at her question. "Umm….I don't-"

Fleur cut him off, "He is a fantastic lover, mother." Fleur couldn't gush about Harry enough to anyone that would listen which included the two only other women in her life who would understand being her mother and sister. Veela were sexual creatures so talking about sex with her mother and sister was considered natural to them. While her sister couldn't have sex until her maturity she eagerly listened.

Gabrielle was excited for the turn this conversation took. "Oooohh does that mean I can share him with you sister?" Gabrielle was excited that her sister and Harry were so close. She had wanted to shag the boy since as early as she could remember. Whenever she read his stories as a child she imagined the pillow she hugged at night was him and that he was sleeping next to her.

Apolline cut in, "Not until you go through your maturity young lady." It was very important she not lose her virginity before her maturity or it would ruin her brain. When she took her daughters to the Veela reservation she showed them the Veela that had sex before their maturity. They were all whores and had to nearly have their hands chained behind their backs to keep from rubbing themselves raw. It's the reason young Veela's before their maturity were so sought after on the black market because once they had sex they would become addicted to it and crave that feeling for the rest of their lives. Most of the time it wasn't the Veela's choice to become this way but some select young Veela were always too charged with sexual energy. Of her two daughters Gabrielle worried her the most because she was thinking about sex so much earlier than Fleur who always focused on her studies. If anything Gabrielle was going to wait for Harry so she didn't need to worry about anyone else taking her virginity.

Fleur looked at her sister. "He is mine but since we are family I guess there is no harm in sharing with family." Fleur gave Harry a saucy smile which promised him a lot of fun in the future.

Harry didn't know how to react to the fact that they were talking about sharing him like he was a cute jumper. 'This must be from my wish that girls don't care if I sleep with other girls because unless Veela are absolute sluts then this doesn't make sense.' Clearing his throat Harry asked. "What do you mean by sharing? Are you talking about what I think you are talking about?"

Apolline set down her glass and refilled her cup with wine. "Veela are very open with their partners and other Veela. When a Veela has a man like you they have a need to show them off. If you do well enough there might even be a chance you could be a guest at the Veela enclave in France where we would present you to the royal court. I don't have to tell you what happens from there but it is very pleasurable."

'What did I get myself into? I thought Veela were like everyone else but they have their own culture and traditions that revolve around me.' Harry downed the glass of wine in front of him starting to feel a little buzz coming on. "Well I like Fleur."

Apolline giggled, "Oh Harry we all know you like her as well as other women. As Veela we can smell the other women on you. For someone so young you have a smell of someone twice your age. I think you are just the right kind of boy for our family."

That stunned Harry into a moment of silence as they gave him the okay to sleep with other women. "So you are saying you don't mind if I sleep with other girls?" Even though he knew that wish was still active this was the first time someone was so open about it and it threw him for a loop.

Apolline nodded, "Yes take me for example my husband and I have an open relationship. He can shag other witches and I can shag other witches and men." Now she was openly ogling Harry and was starting to feel a familiar need under her knickers.

Harry was blown away by that and from the look Apolline was giving him he sensed his night was far from over. That's when he felt her foot touching his before it snaked up his leg and the arch of her foot found his bulge. Harry could feel his face get a little red feeling the older woman's foot on his manhood. "Fleur, are you okay with this?" He was talking about her mum flirting with him.

Fleur nodded and just smiled at her mum, "My arm is still a little sore and tender so you can have him tonight maman." Apolline smiled at that and said, "Let's finish up so we can go to my room Harry. Fleur told me about what happened after the ball and I want to see if she was exaggerating."

Harry scarfed down the rest of his plate before also downing another glass of wine. He was now four glasses deep and had a wonderful buzz to go along with his raging hormones. Apolline soon stood up and walked around the table to him before taking his hand and leading him towards the master bedroom. Looking over her shoulder she said, "Put your sister to bed Fleur and get some sleep. If he isn't too worn out in the morning you can join us." This received a "no fair" from Gabrielle who wished to be apart of this act of sharing.

Inside the master bedroom Apolline started to strip out of her clothes before the door even closed. With one zipper pull her dress fell and her body was revealed. She wasn't wearing a bra but she was wearing a black G-string now the only piece of clothing in the way of him seeing how aroused she was.

Harry was stunned at how beautiful the woman was. While she wasn't as beautiful as Fleur, she was still beautiful enough to get a reaction out of him. Without thinking he started to strip also and when he pushed down his trousers and boxers together he heard Apolline gasp. Her eyes were glued to what was swinging between his legs. Gripping himself around the base he taunted her, "Your daughter seems to like it."

Apolline smirked as she closed the distance between them and had her right hand join his around his cock. "She is like all Veela who think bigger is better. I bet she moaned like a whore when you took her ass for the first time." Harry just nodded at that wondering how she knew that. "As Fleur's mother it was my job to make sure she was ready for any sexual challenge and since she reached her maturity I have taught her about the joys of anal sex." Leaning forward into his ear she whispered. "I want it in my ass too." She had gone a year without a good buggering since her husband had been busy with work and she hadn't found a bloke who met her high standards. For a buggering, an average wizard wouldn't be enough for her. If she was going to get her ass fucked she really wanted it fucked.

Apolline spared a thought for her husband who had a cock she couldn't be mad at but was a few short inches away from what was in front of her. The biggest she had ever been with was her husband's eight or maybe a nine along the road but never a ten or bigger. Her body hummed in excitement to see what kind of damage this fat cock was going to do to her Veela holes which were made for big cocks like this.

Harry pulled in her hand at the mention of taking her ass. "Do you want me to start right now?" If she wanted to skip to the dessert he was more than happy to oblige.

Apolline giggled as she pushed him back on the bed, "Not yet. Let me taste you first. Anal is always a treat not the starter." Just as he flopped back on the bed Apolline put her head in his lap and started to take him down her throat. Being older and with so much more experience she didn't struggle as she put her lips around the base of his cock as her nose poked his stomach.

Harry groaned loudly as his hands went to Apolline's hair and held her there. Her throat felt perfect and even if she didn't move he was sure within a couple minutes he could have cum. Especially with her blue eyes staring up at him. Letting go of some of his pressure he felt her mouth retreat until just the head was in her lips before she slammed her head back down. She was fucking her own face on his cock and he wouldn't be able to last minutes with this kind of treatment. The blowjob reminded him of Desiree who had a thousand years on Apolline, though he couldn't tell that if he wasn't told.

Apolline enjoyed all of his little reactions to her amazing blowjob. Being an older Veela she had long since mastered everything there was about the blowjob. So it made sense his hips bucked or his hands wanted to hold her head down for as long as possible. Thankfully over time he became more bold and started to fuck her face. 'Yes give it to me Harry. Show me why I should let you keep seeing my daughter.'

The blowjob went on for longer than either one of them expected but Harry was holding everything back trying to savor the feeling of the older woman's throat around him. It was very similar to Desiree's blowjob just without the love his genie put into it. "I'm gonna cum Apolline."

Apolline didn't slow or stop her movements. She had wanted to have him finish down her throat. Her daughter told her about his bigger than average loads and she had to try it for herself. Veela absorbed magic through virile semen and Fleur told her after one night with him she felt an increase to her energy.

Feeling the woman not letting up he just stared into her blue eyes as his hands were wrapped in her blonde locks as he came with a groan down the throat of his girlfriend's mother. Apolline kept swallowing everything that was shooting down her throat and about halfway through she could feel the warmth from his magic spreading throughout her body. 'Oh he does have plenty of magic to spare. I can taste the power in this load.'

Once she felt the torrent of cream down her throat end she pulled herself off the boy. Sucking her way off she was rewarded with a few drops of salty cream on her tongue and she didn't mind his taste. It was leagues ahead of her husband in fact if Harry was going to be a permanent addition to their lives she might come back for more. 'Maybe add some more fruits to his diet.'

Harry was panting on the bed after the day he had he was still a little wiped out after that big orgasm. "So what next?" He asked wondering how this night could get any better.

Apolline crawled on top of Harry and slid his still hard cock in her pussy. She was so wet he slid right in with no issue and she could feel every ridge and vein on his magnificent cock. "Yes Harry. Let me do all the work for the boy who saved my daughters." As she raised her hips she quickly dropped them and felt him lightly tap her G spot and she already knew she wasn't going to last long.

Harry was in awe of what he was feeling. She was an older woman and yet her pussy felt just as tight as girls his age. Even though she had children her pussy was just as tight as it was when she was a teenager. Now there was no doubt in his mind he needed to keep Fleur forever. Harry saw that Apolline's tits were jiggling up and down the harder she rode his cock so he reached up and cupped them. 'A little bigger than Fleur's.' That aside he loved how soft they were and how easily his hands sunk into them.

Apolline smiled when she felt his fingers find her nipples and started twisting them along with pinching them. She had always had a weakness for her nipples and he found it. Sometimes she would even twist her own nipples during sex with her husband or during her alone time with her wand. "Yes Harry!" She was seconds away from an orgasm of her own. "You are hitting so fucking deep, my daughter is so lucky. Your cock is magnifique."

Harry could feel the older woman tighten up so he pinched her nipples harder in addition to bucking his hips harder and harder. All this came to a head when Apolline screamed out in ecstasy, "I'm cumming!" Harry felt her orgasm around him but that didn't stop him from chasing his own. Moving his hand away from her breasts he brought his hand to her clit. Without warning he started rubbing and lightly pinching all these things kept Apolline cumming over and over.

Apolline didn't know what to do but she kept having orgasm after orgasm like never before. Multiple orgasms has always been a dream of her's and here she was having it with her daughter's boyfriend while she was in the other room with her sister. No doubt they were both listening to what was going on in this room. 'Get an earful girls, this is what a real man is supposed to feel like.' Flipping her sweaty hair out of her face she said, "Keep going. Keep fucking me until you fill me up." She needed a creampie right now. That was Veela's weak spot. When cum is shot in their womb besides pregnancy they absorb the magic quicker.

Harry kept thrusting into the Delacour matriarch's pussy but he had a sudden moment of clarity. "Are you on the potion?" He couldn't afford to have kids right now.

Apolline wished she wasn't. "I am so do it cum inside me." She felt his speed and power increase for a few seconds before she felt jets of hot cum shoot inside her. His cock was smashed against her cervix so he deposited every drop right in her womb. Apolline felt her eyes roll up into the back of her head as his orgasm never stopped and soon she couldn't take another drop.

Harry heard her cute little whine when she felt enough of his climax. Pushing her off of him she rolled off him next to him in the king bed. After a minute or so they had both caught their breath enough Harry turned to her and said, "One last hole to take."

Apolline smiled and rolled off her back onto her stomach. "Take it. Consider it a gift for saving my Gabrielle." She was excited to feel this big real flesh and blood cock in her ass. The biggest she had ever gone was with her husband. When she slept with other men it was an honor most of them never had the pleasure of having.

Harry almost wanted to make a comment of "like mother like daughter" because like Fleur they both started off on their stomachs. And much like Fleur, Apolline had an amazing ass for someone her age. Harry brought both hands to her cheeks and gave them a little squeeze before prying them apart and seeing her pink asshole. Getting into position he rubbed the tip of his cock up and down her crack getting her ready for what was about to happen.

Apolline was worried that he was about to thrust in with no lube but she felt her asshole being filled with plenty of lube which made her almost giggle at the squishy feeling inside of her. "Ah fuck." Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt his fat cock start to push its way into her tight hole. It didn't hurt by any means but it had simply been a while and it was like she almost forgot what it's like to have a cock up her ass. The stretch from her hole to accommodate his girth or the feeling of his cock reaching so deep in her bowels it felt like he was in her stomach. It was all amazing and orgasm inducing.

Harry groaned and moaned feeling her hot insides wrapping around the top half of his cock. 'Shit Veela's really are the perfect girls.' Once again he felt her tight ass was just as tight as Fleur's. It seemed every Veela was born with the perfect holes that cause the maximum amount of pleasure.

Apolline felt Harry shove the last half of his cock inside her ass which drew out a moan from her whore mouth. Here she was getting buggered and the rougher he was the more she responded. "Don't hold back Harry. I can take it just fuck my ass." As a Veela she was built for sex and didn't care how rough he wanted to be, she would take it.

Harry did just that, bracing both hands on each side of Apolline's head; he brought his hips back before snapping forward and burying every inch back inside her. He repeated this over and over enjoying her moans the louder they became. They were bouncing off the walls and even penetrating them so everyone in the carriage could hear them.

Apolline was in pure heaven feeling a massive ten inch pole giving her asshole the work out of her lifetime. It made her remember how much she enjoyed anal. 'If I make up with Sebastian I will have to ask for more of this in the future.' She couldn't fight the tight coiling in her stomach which let her know an orgasm was imminent.

Harry heard her wails get louder and he knew both of them were at the breaking point. Much like her he couldn't hold on much longer. "I'm going to cum Apolline. I'm going to cum in your fucking ass." He said the last part aggressively but that was the moment he felt the floodgates open and a rush of cum flew out of his balls into her bowels. Just like the last two orgasms he made sure to enhance his loads.

Apolline couldn't believe how much the boy could still pump into her. She felt more spunk shooting up her ass than she ever felt before. All she could do was groan and take it. By the end it felt as if he shot a cup and a half worth of cum inside of her which somehow soothed her body in magical ways. She had never felt as calm and euphoric as she did then right now with a hot large load of cum shot in all of her holes with her body absorbing the residual magic.

When Harry was done he pulled out of the older woman and laid back on the bed next to her. Catching his breath once again, "So was that good or do you need more?"

Apolline felt both of her lower holes throb after being stretched wide around a fat cock. "In the morning. You successfully wore this old Veela out, congratulations." Now this was her age because if she had been Fleur's age she would have ridden him until he broke and was begging for his mommy. 'Ooohhhh there is a fun thought. Making him call me mommy.' She thought. 'And if Fleur and Harry get married I will be sure he calls me mommy for the rest of my life.'

Harry smiled at the compliment. "I really didn't expect this when I came to dinner tonight but I have to say it's been an amazing night." Harry was loving the way his life was starting to unfold. Besides the unpleasant start to the day with the second task this more than made up for it.

Apolline agreed, "Any time Harry. You really are an amazing boy." She reached out and ran her hand over his cheek, "Fleur is lucky to have you. I hope you two can last because it would be a shame if we couldn't do this again." If he was around she couldn't help herself from leading him to an empty room in the house and having him shag her brains out.

Harry nodded as his hand ran over her skin taking every soft inch. "Me too. Although I can't promise it will be easy. I seem to have bad luck with most things besides getting girls into bed." At least he hoped that his life wouldn't get any more troublesome. In his mind he was just unlucky and since entering Hogwarts it's been one unlucky year after another.

Apolline moved closer to Harry and started to cuddle into him enjoying his warmth. "Veela can deal with crazy and we can be more understanding than most. I know Fleur doesn't care who you sleep with which works out for me and eventually her little sister." She knew her daughter could handle anything life could throw at her including Harry's supposed bad luck. "Gabrielle's crush on you is kind of my fault having read her all your children's books as a child."

Harry couldn't help but think this was because of his wish but decided to just go with it. "I think I love Fleur."

Apolline kissed him on the jaw before kissing him on the lips. After a steamy mini snogging session she broke the kiss. "You will love many women. I felt that when we were together but you put love into every thrust and climax. You are going to be the first male wizard in over three hundred years to have a coven of witches as partners. You will love them all equally and they will in turn give you all the love you need. I can tell your life hasn't been like the stories I used to read to Gabrielle. You have a pain inside you that can only be repaired with the love of many women."

Harry had always dismissed Desiree when she pitched him the harem idea. He just thought in the modern day it was ridiculous but if Apolline and in turn Fleur is telling him to start one maybe they were right. Right now the only other girl he could see inside of it would be Daphne. "So you are saying I should start a harem?" Desiree always said the same thing but she was a genie who has been alive for thousands of years and didn't understand the complexities of the modern world.

Apolline laughed, "Yes but I wouldn't use that word too much. Stick with coven is a more acceptable term nowadays. Just love my daughter and let your heart guide you to the rest." The hope starting to spread on this boy's face was something that made her happy to see. From just tonight she could see how serious and dire the boy usually was but now after a few rounds of sex he seemed like every other boy. Climbing up the bed she brought his head to her chest and held him against her bosom. His hot breath on her nipple was even enough to make her wait for tomorrow morning that much harder.

Harry relaxed as his head was resting on her two big globes of flesh and suddenly he felt much more relaxed. Not another word needed to be said and they just laid there until eventually they both fell asleep.


Hope people like this one. It had more action and plot in it than others so I can't wait to see how it is received.

Apolline has convinced Harry to find a harem. So Harry will be looking for more partners. He will continue to fuck everything that moves but he will start to open his heart a little more for the special ones.

Gabrielle won't be happening this year but I will figure out a way to get her to Harry after she goes through her maturity.

I took some liberty with the Veela's stories and history but I had to think of a reason to make sure she didn't have sex before her maturity and that was the reason I came up with.

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