61.11% Highschool Of The Dead (HOTD): The Reincarnate / Chapter 9: Small Time Skip

章節 9: Small Time Skip

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It's now been 3 days since I attended school and I was already suspended for a week which, to be honest, was a blessing in disguise. I didn't care about being suspended so I didn't bother showing the video I recorded though I did send it to Hirano after I got his contact information just for insurance.

Ever since our date, Aimi and I have gotten closer to the point where she would spend most of her nights here. To be honest it felt more like she lived here with me than anything else ever since I woke up to her cooking breakfast. Even though she was having trouble. It was a great morning that day cooking breakfast together and sending her off to work.

Now enough mushy stuff. Over the week I've been suspended I constantly kept my [ Emperor Eyes ] and [ Zone ] active to increase my stamina and to fully assimilate it. I won't be able to defeat Dark Kodaka anytime soon and that's because my experience is too little. Doing this I'll be able to last longer in fights using these abilities.

It's kind of like how Goku kept his Super Sayian transformation on for years by increasing and limiting the amount of Ki he had. Doing this exercise he was able to comprehend his Super Sayian transformation and overcome the quick drain of energy it was doing to him.

Other than this I was storing and organizing all the supplies I ordered. Placing them all in my basement I organized them from medicine, canned food, dog food, water, power generators, barbed wire, sanitary items, batteries, etc. Of course, I did all this while Aimi was at work as hauling all these items into their basement would make me seem crazy to just about anyone.

Now the weapons I was able to conjure up weren't much but they'll be quite helpful. Acquiring my custom daggers wasn't that hard but they were expensive so I had to limit the number of weapons I could gather. Besides, I can just raid homes or I can just raid some police stations or military weaponry if they fall.

The fingerless gloves I got are pretty sturdy and strong as I punched a tree with them causing the tree to dent. There was also no scratch on it which is great.

(Image Here)

The gadgets I acquired aren't much but I got earpieces for communication, lifesaver water bottles that remove any virus, bacteria, or fungi for when we run out of water, flashlights, multitool, face masks, rope, binoculars, and thermal eye camera for when at night.

With all my preparations done for the apocalypse I just sparred with Dark Kodaka and trained in the forests practicing parkour and improving my observation skills.

- - -

"Come on, Kodaka, we're gonna be late!" I heard Aimi yell.

Grabbing my bag, I put on my blindfold and walked toward the front door, "Isn't this your fault though? You were the one asking for more all last night right?" I told her.

As she was about to rebuke what I said I continued, "Plus I wanted to wake you up but you looked so cute when you were sleeping I didn't have the heart to do that."

Blushing she just turned around and stomped out of the house leaving me behind.

"Hey, wait a minute I gotta lock the door you know" I yelled out to her. Turning around I saw her flash me a mischievous grin as she started sprinting toward the school.

Locking the door behind me I wrapped my bag around me tightly before running after her.

- - -

"Put me down, will ya!" she screamed, pummeling my back with balled-up fists.

"Nope," I told her with a blank face.

'Hah.. for a so-called adult she's pretty childish.' I thought to myself, a sigh escaping from my mouth.

I was currently walking down the street carrying Aimi over my shoulder like baggage. She was pretty fast and it took a while to catch up to her but the reason I'm carrying her right now is that she sprained her ankle not paying attention.

"What are you sighing for, it doesn't even hurt you know," she said, trying to convince me.

"Fine, I'll put you down but if I see or hear you wince then I'm piggybacking you the rest of the way to school." I sternly said. She's mature when she wants to be, but all that vanishes when she's with me.

Sighing once again I put her on her feet and stood there checking to see if she could walk. As I thought the second I put her on her feet her face winced ever so slightly.

Kneeling down a bit I gestured for her to climb on my back, "Come on, I'm carrying you the rest of the way. Don't be stubborn"

Reluctantly climbing on my back she muttered, "Sorry for making you do this"

"It's fine, but please watch out for yourself. I don't like seeing you hurt."

"Fufufu, I'll be more careful okay," she said, kissing me on the cheek.

- - -

Arriving at the school I walked to the nurse's office to get Aimi patched up.

"Hey Kodaka, can you speed up a bit? Everyone is staring," she whispered to me, probably embarrassed as I couldn't see her expression.

Looking around it's true as everyone was staring at us with curiosity and awe. Curious as to why I was carrying Aimi on my back around school and awe from the students because they most likely heard the rumors of me defeating Tsunoda's group.

"Just ignore them we're almost there"

- - -

After a few minutes, we finally arrived at the nurse's office.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in~~" I heard a female say in a sing-song voice.

Sliding open the door I was the nurse of this school was revealed.

The nurse wore a white dress shirt with a brown skirt. She was standing around 176 cm (5'9 ft), her hair was blonde and her eyes were brown. She was also ridiculously curvy and her physique was more pronounced by her humongous breasts.

She was Shizuka Marikawa.

Walking inside I walked over to one of the beds and sat Aimi on the bed before explaining why we were there.

"Sorry for disturbing you, but Sakura-sensei sprained her ankle on the way here," I told her as I glanced toward Aimi who just looked away embarrassed.

"On the way here?" she questioned, "Does that mean you guys walked her together~?" she said with a smile on her face.

"Yep. Sakura-sensei and I actually live near each other." I told her. It wasn't a complete lie as her apartment wasn't that far away from mine.

"Hmm~ okay. Now let's check our patient~."

Walking towards Aimi she knelt down and grabbed her ankle examining it. After a minute or so of prodding and examining her, she finally gave us her diagnosis.

"It's not too bad it should be healed by tomorrow as long as you're not on it too much. I'll wrap it in a bandage and give you an ice pack to reduce the swelling for now," she explained as she got up grabbing the items she needed.

"Oh~ I never asked your name did I? What is it?"

"My name is Sumeragi Kodaka, you can call me Kodaka if you want."

"Well Kodaka-Kun the bell for the first period is about to ring in a couple of moments so you should hurry to class or you'll be late"

Looking at my watch I only had 47 seconds left until the bell rang.

"Ah crap, I'll see you guys later, Sakura-sensei, Marikawa-sensei." I departed hurriedly. Running towards the stairs I jumped skipping around 4-5 stairs each time. Taking a glance at my watch there were 5 seconds left with my classroom slightly at the end of the hall.

I accelerated, speeding through the hallways like a blinking light. My hair fluttered as the wind blew through my hair.


*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step*


*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step*


*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step*


*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step*




"I, phew, made it"


"You're late, Sumeragi-Kun," Mashima-sensei said, pushing up his glasses making them shine? Well, whatever the problem is...

"What? I made it inside the classroom in time, didn't I?"

"When the bell rings you're supposed to be located in your seat not standing beside the door. You'll be having detention for lunch with a teacher supervising you."

Sighing I just walked to my seat and unbuttoned my shirt a bit revealing my chiseled chest. Although I wasn't tired I was a bit sweaty from all the running and jumping I did.

Ignoring the lustful looks of the women and the hateful glares I was getting from the men I just laid my head on my desk to take a nap. I mean I'm already getting detention right? Might as well.

- - -

Lunch finally came and I tried sneaking out like I usually do but was caught by Mashima-sensei.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked me

"I was about to go use the bathroom," I said lying naturally as I breathed.

"You can go later, I'm about to take you to the detention room," he said, leading the way. Well whatever, I'll just do what I need and take a nap afterward.

Approaching the detention room we walked in and I saw someone familiar.

Shizuka Marikawa.

"Here, Marikawa-san, Sumeragi-Kun is the only one who got detention today," he said before leaving the room.

Is this a blessing in disguise? I mean I'm happy with the arrangement. With Shizuka here, I won't have to write on a blackboard 100 times or help carry stuff around the classes. I'll be able to eat peacefully and talk to the beautiful Onee-san.

"Heh~, Kodaka-Kun is a naughty student," she said, oblivious to the number of misunderstandings that could give off.

"Sensei, you should word your sentences more carefully for the students."

"Eh, but it's the truth isn't it? Naughty students end up in detention."

Sighing I just walked over to one of the desks and sat down bringing out my lunch. Opening it the smell of the ingredients and seasoning spread out through the room alerting Shizuka whose stomach just grumbled making her embarrassed.

"Um, Kodaka-Kun, can you share some with me?" she with a blush on her face. How could I say no to such an angel?


Walking over to my desk she grabbed one of the chairs and sat opposite me. I've already texted Aimi about my situation during class so she'll be eating the bento I made for her by herself for the day.

"Here, ahh" grabbing a portion of the hamburger steak I pointed it toward her mouth.

Welcoming to the food she slid her hair behind her ear before eating it.

"Mmmmmm~~" It's firm texture, and savory flavor of pork. Also topped with irresistible, warm gravy and mushrooms. "This is delicious, did you make this?"

"Yep," I told her, grabbing the extra pair of chopsticks I carried with me, "Here you go. I forgot I had these with me as I usually just share them with Aimi."

"Aimi?" she repeatedly tilted her head, "You're that close to Sakura-chan?"

"Knowing her I'm pretty sure she let something slip about our relationship. But I'm confident you won't tell anyone. If anything you seem to be curious instead."

I was always unsure if Shizuka was as airheaded as they made her seem in the series. I mean just think about it, she's the school's nurse and an adult at the age of 27 so she had to be smarter than she let on. Maybe she had a side to her like Saeko or maybe she was just clueless like other anime characters.

(A/N: What do you guys think about this though? I mean you must have thought about it at least once right? In recent and even older anime we always have two faces, betrayals, or hidden sides so I think it's possible Shizuka had something like that.

PS: I'll try my best to keep her character but I haven't read about any airheaded characters in literature so I'll get better as it goes.)

She just smiled at what I said and we continued eating in peaceful silence.

"Marikawa-sensei, do you have a significant other?" I asked curiously. Aimi was never shown in the anime and her looks and backstory are capable of being at least a side character so to never show means that this could be an AU.

"No, I don't have a lover." she said, shaking her head, "Why?

"I was curious. After all, you're beautiful and still young so it wouldn't be weird if you did have one."

"You don't think I'm old? I am 29, you know."

"People aren't old until they reach the age of 45. Plus older women are better." I said boldly. Most people and I would almost always choose Onee-san or Milf if they had a chance.

(A/N: For my cultured people choose one. Milf, Onee-San, Loli, Same Age)

"Hmmmm~" she hummed in response, staring at me with a light blush. It's understandable I just called her attractive and admittedly said I like older women.

"Don't worry, I don't bite. Well maybe a little"

Relaxing a bit we just talked to each other about unimportant things like hobbies, relationships, school, and the like before the bell rang ending lunch.

"It seems it's time to go back", getting up from my seat I walked to the door before turning back and facing Shizuka, "See you tomorrow Marikawa-sensei"

"Shizuka" she suddenly said


"Call me Shizuka from now on."

Smiling, I slid back my blindfold a bit showing her my eyes, "Well, see you tomorrow Shizuka."

Leaving the blushing mess of Shizuka I slid the door closed behind me before going back to class.

- - -

Currently, Aimi and I are at home, in the living room watching a movie. I was laying on her lap since she offered, recounting my detention.

"Soo, how was detention?" Aimi asked me.

"It was actually pretty good. Shizuka was the one supervising me so it was pretty fun." I told her. Suddenly I felt a tight grip on my hair hurting me. Feeling a chill down my spine I looked up at Aimi who was wearing a smile that didn't reflect her eyes at all.

"Why are you calling Marikawa-san by her given name?" she said in a cold voice.

Fuck as much as I love yandere, I don't want to be killed by my very own. Hurriedly explaining every detail about what we did she looked at me for what felt like forever until finally sighing, giving me a warm smile…

Before gripping my ear tightly, "Why were you even flirting with her? You said you would only choose people I accepted, right? So why were you doing this?" as she said she seemed to be on the verge of tears.

Lifting myself up I pulled her head down kissing her. Keeping the kiss for about a minute we finally broke apart with her gasping for air before snuggling into my chest.

"That's unfair you know.." she muttered

"I'm sorry for my actions. I won't give any excuses either so if it makes you feel better you can exact one punishment on me if you like." I whispered to her softly, caressing her hair gently.

"Any punishment?" she said, seeming to be excited about the idea.

"As long as it doesn't harm you in any way and cross a line that shouldn't be crossed," I told her.

"Hmmm, okay, but before I exact punishment on you I want you to listen to this. You can pursue any woman you like but before you do you have to tell me who they are, alright? I won't back down from that." She stood her ground with this decision.

"I agree but I still seek your permission before all else," I said, making her smile.

"So who are you trying to pursue, and be honest."

"Alright, I'll tell. Shizuka Marikawa and Saeko Busujima and anybody else I don't know yet."

(A/N: I'll make a poll at the end of this. The votes there.)

"I can accept Marikawa-san as she is already good in my book. Plus she already knows about our relationship since I slipped. But the Busujima girl is unknown. Well whatever, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

"Now it's time for your punishment." she said with an excited grin, "Tonight, I have to be on top and you have to take me on a date tomorrow."

This is going to be another long night.

[ Last Vote for Waifu!]






Abyssal_King_ Abyssal_King_

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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