61.72% Danmachi: Reborn with EMIYA's Powers / Chapter 50: Chapter 41: Shalzard Resistance

章節 50: Chapter 41: Shalzard Resistance

Atop a sturdy desert mountain along the border between the trading nation of Isurufan and the currently occupied Shalzard, lies a sturdy border fortress of Shalzard. A structure that has known many wars and conflicts through the years, never once having fallen to enemy hands.

Spiraling towers and a series of interconnected pathways and siege walls styled in the construction style that was commonplace in the Kaios region. A structure neither compromised as a fortress nor as a resplendent work of architecture.

Alamuj Hold. The final bastion of Shalzard's resistance against the Warusa occupiers... a bastion that held on despite the surmounting odds in hope of the arrival of their prince... and a bastion of the nation's people that was currently under siege.


A Shalzardian garrison chief shouted amidst the drowning noises of destruction that erupted all around him.

The deafening smashing of stone. The breaking of the wall and structures that stood for so long resounded along with the breaking of their morale and spirit.

The ear-breaking blasts of cannon fire. The weapons of war wreaked havoc upon the resistance members and their last home.


A desperate voice called out to their comrades, warning of the incoming wave. A warning made too late...

𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈... 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈... 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈... 𝘾 𝙍 𝘼 𝙎 𝙃-

Ash... dust... steel… blood... fire... smoke...

War is all the desert has known... and war shall be all they ever know... for the blazing sands know little of kindness or mercy... only the decay of all things as they join the sea of ground sand.

"... "

A common foot soldier of Shalzard watched in numbing terror as he saw the enemy forces begin to rush forward to the gates of Alamuj Hold... should the Warusas lay claim to this fortress... there will no longer be any place for the Shalzardians to call home...

'My wife... my children... my friends... my comrades... '

The soldier began to recount all the tragedies that would befall all those he loved... the same was true for the man next to him... the woman as well... the elder... the child... the baby who knew nothing of the world, even began to cry out in sadness.

War is all they know... war is all they will ever know...

The sky became veiled in a suffocating black smog. The light of the sun failed to reach the people who called out for hope.

Tragedy in the making... but a normal occurrence it was for the Kaios.

'Please... let my prayers be heard... '

A young child who lived in the resistance base prayed desperately to the black sky of apathy that covered their home... their world...

'Please... let my prayer be heard... let my voice reach out... '

The child began to recite the customary form of begging of the Shalzard people when they requested in desperation... a prayer for the guilty... a prayer for the sinners... a prayer for the unfaithful... a prayer woven in sadness in hope for clemency.

'Please... let my wish be heard... '

Shalzard was a country that didn't hold many religious beliefs.

In a place where even the divine failed to influence, what use did the people have to rever the gods? Their land was filled with strife no matter how much they prayed for peace... their land was cursed by the taint of the behemoth despite the gods' blessing... the divine held no meaning for these desert people... so what purpose was there for a prayer that was deeply ingrained into the Shalzard culture?...

'Let my pleas reach you, your majesty...'

Because where the gods failed... mortals thrived... and when the divine weren't enough to encapsulate the wishes of the people... such figures will be immortalized for achieving what the infallible divine couldn't.

'Line of Shalzard... descendant of the great Ziusudra... '

So long as the crown was worn, hope still remained... so long as the throne was warm, dreams still propagated... so long as the royal line... so long as the heir drew breath. Shalzard would be delivered from suffering.

'I pray... please answer our prayers... your majesty Shalzard'

The people prayed to the blood of the family which granted them solace in the unkind sea of sand.


A resounding low voice rang throughout the area. A voice that was determined to reach the pleas of her people... even if it faltered... even it broke... for such was her duty as royal heir.



Just when all hope seemed lost for the Shalzard resistance, breaking through the black smog and the high dunes surrounding the desert fortress. A loud voice made its presence known, accompanied by the booming cry of four galleon-class desert ships surfacing from the desert sands.

Standing tall and affirmed. Wrapped in white royal robes and glimmering silver armor. Arry, now acting as Allum Raj Shalzard, stood proudly as she led the battle. Watching from the front of the ship to perfectly gather each detail of the battle she was undertaking.

'I didn't expect the resistance fort to be raided... was this the reason why Bell seemed to be rushing so eagerly to arrive?... '

Arry wondered whether the two events held a link between them. But as much as she wanted to ponder on how much her servant knew exactly, Arry had to lead a battle at this moment... a battle where she only had one chance at success.

'The enemy is currently overextending themselves in what they assumed to be an assured victory... their forces have now broken formation... the perfect opportunity for a turnabout... '

Arry led numerous battles in the fight for Shalzard's sovereignty, so she naturally recognized this opportune moment... but though her enemy was exploitable, she didn't have much means to utilize it.

'I've had no prior communications with my forces at the fortress, and even if I were to somehow coordinate with them... they are in no state to fight... All I have are the Prydwen and the three galleon desert ships Bell captured... I have enough ammunition and the ships are battle-ready, but I lack the personnel that can properly utilize it... '

Arry thought about how she was essentially leading a charge of four powerful ships, entirely manned by tired and inexperienced refugees... with such cards, there was only one strategy available to Arry to make the most out of this pristine surprise attack.

'Point black wide side volleys... the refugees don't know how to aim, but they know how to load... so simply maneuver the ships so close they can't possibly miss... '


The Prydwen and raider ships' engines roared ominously as they began to approach the enemy forces. Thousands of men, hundreds of armaments, and numerous siege weaponry now laid in their path.


Arry shouted fiercely her commands. At her notice, the ships began to tilt towards the targets each craft had been assigned to.

"... "

The Warusa siege force felt their bodies grow cold as the gargantuan ships began to loom over them with great bloodlust. The hateful gazes of the refugees who manned the canons met with the forces on the ground. The sight of numerous cannons pointed at them left them dazed.

Arry watched as the ships began to enter position... then gave the order to unleash hell.



Arry's command was followed by the deafening chorus of cannon fire against the Warusa siege forces. Numerous plumes of sand and fire erupted onto the scattered forces. Screams of imminent victory turned into deathly cries as Arry led the four ships across the length of their battle line.


The deafening cannon fire seemed to never end. In large part due to the refugees having learned enough of the reloading procedures to keep the rain of retaliatory fire going with little wait time.


The girl who prayed in desperation began to feel something well up by the corner of her eyes. Shalzard's protector had come in their time of need once more.

The garrison and regular civilians all around the ruined fortress began to bow their heads as they tried to handle the overflowing emotions and in reverence to the royal heir who upheld his promise even after all this time.

"Thank you... 𝙝𝙞𝙘... thank you... 𝙝𝙞𝙘... prince Allum... "

The resistance bowed in reverence as the heir of their nation valiantly led the battle from the fray.


Arry shouted as the crowds that manned the ships cried out in resonance. The prince would make sure to engrave upon her subjects this moment... to instill into their hearts and mind that Shalzardian reclamation is still in reach.


The numerous galleons were soon about to leave the range of effective bombardment, but Arry still wasn't finished instilling fear in the enemy forces... she didn't plan to let their enemies leave without fearing her people's wrath.

Readying her voice once more, Arry commanded the four ships in her command.


The prince's words were heeded as the refugees began to lower their craft's anchor with haste.


The resounding noise of the anchors echoed through the battlefield as the battered Warusa forces fell into despair.

Numerous corpses lay all around them... the smoke of the barrage rising ominously... the heat of fire felt on their skin... crimson danced with the yellow dust... the sharp aroma of burnt remains intertwined with the ringing of their ears.


The ships roared once more as they began to turn widely by using the anchor as a support for the wide turning angle.

"... "

"... "

Arry looked upon the remaining forces from the bow of her ship with cold eyes. The memories of this war played through her mind... but her anger wasn't a boiling rage that took over her mind... but a simmering fury that kept her moving no matter what.

"Men for men... .women for women... a child for a child... blood repaid with blood... "

The prince believed that peace should be sought as a ruler... but no peace is built without sacrifice... a sacrifice she was willing to be responsible for... for the happiness of her people... for the happiness of Shalzard, her passed parents wished for...

"... "

For that... Arry will never waver...


The prince commanded loudly. Her voice replied with a chorus of cannons loading and ship engines roaring. At the moment they were upon the Warusa forces once more... hell was once again raised.


Arry... her people... their nation... Shalzard... they were not out of the fight yet.








As Arry and her fleet wreaked havoc on the main bulk of their forces. The small contingents that were about to enter the fortress began to order a total retreat. The captains of the squads deemed it a lost cause to simply push onward... the battle was lost.


Screams of despair rang throughout as they melded with razing cannon fire. The Warusa forces were now trying their best to escape the personal hell Arry had made for the siege forces.


As the numerous soldiers began to abandon their armaments and siege weaponry to keep their lives, the main commander of the invasionary forces shouted for his men to come back and finish the job.

'Damn it... damn it... damn it!... this was supposed to be my magnum opus!'

The commander of the Warusa cursed his luck. The operation to destroy the Shalzard resistance fortress was seen as both the most honorable and easiest operation in the entire war.

Their enemy trapped themselves in an old fortress and their supplies and manpower were dwindling by the second. Numerous commanders sought to take responsibility for the operation... becoming known as the man who finished Shalzard with little effort... it would ensure their place in military history with little struggle.

'I used all my connections... all my favors... all my wealth to make that bastard Jafar place me as the head of this operation... I'LL BE DAMNED IF I LET SOME UPSTART PRINCE RUIN IT ALL!-'

The commander said as he began to navigate through the broken rubble of the fortress walls for anything to salvage the situation. The man was old and unfit, choosing to enter the frontlines for glory... and because he knew there would be little risk to his life with his guards and the weakened Shalzard garrison.

"Haa... haa... haa... SON OF A BITCH, ALLUM… haa... haa... "

The commander cursed as he struggled to climb over the boulders. Though he acted tough, he was in truth terrified.

He was within reach of the enemy forces, and his personal guards all abandoned him after Arry's surprise counterattack.

"Haa... haa... haa... HA?!-"

As the commander traversed the fortress walls, he soon came across the group of resistance forces who were making their way away from the ruined sights.

"... "

"... "

The two stared at each other in silence, before the garrison guards among the group recognized the commander's uniform belonging to Warusa.

"Warusa SCUM!-"

The men who were once tired began to be filled with energy after seeing their enemy within reach, drawing upon their weapons to dispatch the foe in their sights. The commander nearly had all his blood drained in fear, but he soon broke into a desperate sprint and rushed into the crowd to ensure his survival...


Grabbing hold of a little girl before immediately backing away... the commander began to hold a child hostage. Sticking a knife he carried by his side to the little one's throat. His eyes were bloodshot with a desperation to live.


The commander shouted with a crazed tone. His warning caused the garrison guards to stop in their tracks as the rest of the group tried their best to restrain the mother of the child from rushing in.


But try as the mother might, they were in a war... and human kindness was hardly found on a battlefield.


The commander shouted as he pressed the knife closer to the child's throat. His action drew a small drop of blood. The child was doing her best to contain her tears.

"Mama... 𝙝𝙞𝙘... Mama!-"

The child tried to reach out for her mother, but the Warusa commander simply tightened his grip on her. Causing the child to wince in pain. The action aggravated the Shalzard group even more.

"SHUT UP BRAT!... this is how this will go... we slowly move around each other... and then I will keep this brat until I'm safe"


The two groups began to bicker back and forth. Neither giving up ground. The mother and child cried desperately to simply be reunited.

The shouts attracted more resistance members to encircle the Warusa commander. His situation growing dimmer and dimmer by the second.

"Fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck... "

The old man began to curse incessantly under his breath. His escape would now be impossible... left with no other choices...


The commander shouted pathetically as his face streamed numerous tears. He shot a magical item that exploded brightly into the air. A flare that would alert the remaining Warusa forces to his location.


As the flare erupted, the light blinded the garrison forces... just enough time for the commander to perform his last act. Albeit not out of duty, but out of desperation.


The commander then moved to kill the child in his hands.

The men shouted for him to stop as the mother felt her world begin to fall apart... but then... he came.

『Trace on』


Bell's body moved in an instant to cut away the commander's arms. His body faded into existence as he dispelled the invisibility of his grandfather's necklace.


Bell then quickly turned to kick away the man with a swift kick to his abdomen. As much as he wanted to kill a sicko that would murder a child, Bell recognized the strategic benefit of imprisoning the leading commander of the enemy forces.


The commander then flew across the rubble of the ruined fortress wall. His body tumbled as he slowed down from the force of Bell's attack.


The child, free from the arms of her captor in an instant, felt her body begin to fall. So the child braced for impact... but she then felt a soft and warm embrace instead.

"Are you alright there, little one?"

A soft voice called out to the child... the little girl opened her eyes and her vision soon landed upon a beautiful woman with silver hair and eyes. Her smile radiated immense kindness.

"... "

The child was silent for a moment before she called out to the woman that had caught her.

"Malikah Raunch?... "

"... ?"

Freya, the woman who had caught the child, felt confusion wash over her as she failed to recognize what she had said... but the goddess soon understood what she was trying to say.

"Malikah and Raunch... they are pieces in the Kaios desert's version of chess... a queen and a fairy... were you perhaps trying to call me a Queen of Fairies, little one?"

In response to the voice of Freya that seemed like a pleasant melody in her ears, the little girl soon nodded her head profusely. The sight endears itself to the goddess.

"Aww~ How adorable~ You're quite the natural at complimenting others, little one"

Freya spoke with a warm smile that brought a blush to the little girl... the child had gained her first crush.

"But as natural as you are in wooing me. I'm sorry to say... but I already have my sights set on a man like no other~"

Freya said whilst patting the child on her head. The little girl didn't know what she had meant until the figure that had dealt with the commander, Bell, began to approach her.

"Lady Freya, I sense some incoming forces... perhaps loyal fanatics that remained even after Arry's attack... "

A figure dressed in a black hood and mask spoke with concern to the goddess. Freya simply smiled brighter than before as she replied back to her Odr.

"How scary, Be-... I mean... Gray Ghost~... will you do the honors and defend this goddess from those brute soldiers?~"

Freya playfully said as Bell sighed. The vigilante couldn't do anything but acquiesce to her request.

"I will protect you, Lady Freya... So could you please stall those men for a moment?"

Hearing Bell's refusal to play along, the goddess pouted slightly at her Odr's choice to not follow her lead.

"You can be such a killjoy, my Odr... but I still love you regardless"

Freya said as she planted a brief kiss on Bell's mask. The goddess was fully making the most out of her position by Bell's side. The action of the goddess caused the little girl's heart to break into pieces... while Bell struggled to keep the effects of her divine charm to a minimum.

"Around fifty? That's quite a lot... but not enough to pose a problem to me... "

Freya said as she rested the child in her arms on the ground beside Bell. Turned around and began walking through the crowd of Shalzard resistance members.

The group had despaired seeing so many armed and armored soldiers heading their way with immense speed... but they grew shocked as Freya began to stand in front of them all. Not an ounce of fear was felt in her body.

"Attention, you group of children over there... "

Freya spoke with a slightly raised voice as she began to call upon the approaching enemy soldiers who grew confused as to why a beautiful woman was calling out to them... but before they could process what was happening, Freya's eyes began to glow silver. Her divinity as a goddess of war was taking effect.

『Give up, please~』

Freya's voice began to resound through the area much more clearly. Her divine power let the sound of her voice reach far and wide... and to the enemy soldiers, hearing her voice made a feeling of pointlessness wrap around their bodies.

"... "

Their steps began to slow down... until they all came to a stop. With a single command, Freya was able to make an entire platoon of soldiers stand still.

The goddess simply hummed to herself as she watched the product of her work. Unaffected by the absurdity of what had just happened.

"... "

The group of Shalzard resistance members grew quiet as they watched the mysterious woman who arrived alongside the masked man, silencing an entire group of trained fanatic soldiers.

'So just as Freya can raise morale as a goddess of war, she could just as easily decrease it... I wonder if Ares has a similar ability. It might explain why Rakia is so loyal to him despite his stupidity'

As the crowds around him grew silent, Bell quietly pondered to himself about Freya's abilities. Reaffirming his choice to not let Freya grow desperate to perform an Aizen on Orario with her divinity, Bell prepared to clean up the remaining enemy soldiers.

"... "

But before he did, Bell remembered about the child who was standing by his side. The little girl was in a daze as she openly admired the goddess.

'How cute... but I also feel bad given that I'm ruining this kid's possible first love... '

Bell thought to himself, but resolved to call out to the girl... after all... he didn't want a child to see the bloody mess that was about to happen.

"Hey, little one... do you mind if you close your eyes for a while? It'll just be for a short moment... "

Bell tried to tell the child to cover her eyes... but the little girl simply looked at him with a hateful stare... something the vigilante recognized as the stare of hate for their rival in love.

'I got a lot of this type of stares from the Hostess... I hope that Mama Mia and the girls are alright... '

As Bell fondly wondered about his friends in the pub he so missed, Bell began to do his best to try and convince the child to do as he asked.


Bell kneeled down in front of the little girl as his mask began to fade away. The girl's eyes widened as she saw his face.

Beautiful and handsome all at once. Where once his long hair confused others that he was a girl, after tying it up at the back of his head, his more masculine features began to stand out.

Bell's striking blue eyes began to meet the tan child's wide brown pair.

With a smile on his face and narrowing his eyes a little, Bell decided to utilize the good looks he theorized to have inherited from his mother Meteria.

"It'll just be a moment alright? I'll bake you some candy if you're a well-behaved kid"

Taken aback by Bell, the little girl slowly nodded her head.

"Y-yes mister... "

Seeing the cute response of the child, Bell smiled brighter and patted her head for a bit before making his way to Freya.

"Atta girl! Now head back to your mama and close your eyes for a bit, alright?"

With a small nod from the child, Bell began to walk away, but the girl was left immensely confused from her interactions with Bell and Freya...

"I liked that miss... but the mister was cool as well... "




"... "

As Bell reached Freya's side, he was met with a peeved goddess who seemed to be annoyed about his interactions with the little girl.

"Lady Freya... don't tell me you're jealous of a kid?"

Bell exasperatedly said... he didn't think Freya would be this petty.

"Just get this over with already, Gray Ghost... "

The goddess replied with a neutral tone. Not liking the attitude he was receiving from Freya, Bell got closer to her ear and whispered his rebuttal.

"Don't think I didn't see you eyeing up Arry a while ago... don't you think it's unfair that only you can think about other people?"


Freya shook a bit from the sensation of Bell's breath near her nape and ear... along with his accusation, but the goddess replied back after struggling to keep her emotions in check for a moment...

"I can't help it... it's hard to forget habits built up over a thousand years... "

Bell smiled as he recognized Freya was opening up to him about her faults with little resistance. So the vigilante decided to talk a bit more with her as he prepared to wipe away the Warusa soldiers.

"How troublesome... you'll have quite a lot of trouble finding yourself a partner, you know?... people don't like a partner who could cheat on them"

Freya shook once more at Bell's comment. She wanted to complain about how many women he surrounded himself with... but Freya didn't know clearly how far his relationship with them went... so she decided to go with another route... a route she particularly liked.


Freya casually rested her head on Bell's shoulder before tilting her face somewhat to look at him with her upturned eyes.

"How unfortunate for me... it would take a partner who could make me only want them, and them alone... for my habits to more easily be forgotten... "

The goddess' charm began to unconsciously leak and begin to affect Bell's mind.

"I've had a lot of partners over the years like many other gods... someone would have to ingrain themselves onto me 𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩 to help me forget about the rest... "

Freya began to press her body more and more onto Bell. His rugged chest collided with the goddess' bountiful breasts. Her breath grew more heated... her gaze... filled with love...

"I'm all by myself... with none of my children to watch... a fragile goddess such as myself... accompanied by a powerful hero... such as you... "

Freya's hands began to slowly play with Bell's senses. Tracing her fingers along his. The reddening face of the goddess did much to add much more charm to her seduction.

"... "

Bell was silent as he struggled to keep himself together... but he eventually was able to.

"I'm currently still on the clock as her highness Arry's servant, Lady Freya... I'm afraid all personal conversations will have to be postponed until later... "

Freya quietly stood still as she processed what Bell had said. A more prominent pout formed on her face this time.

"You know you can't keep postponing this Bell. I'm here by your side. Openly confessed my love. I'm even flirting with you so blatantly... to continue ignoring my advances and even asking me to become your master's mascot... you shouldn't play with a goddess' heart too much Bell... "

Freya said as her eyes glowed a faint silver. Bell could only respond to what he was seeing in the only way he believed was appropriate.

"I apologize, Lady Freya... "

Seeing what Bell was doing, Freya pouted even more and took the vigilante's face into her hands. Facing him toward her.

"That's wrong Bell... I'm quite tired of men who only apologize... I would much rather have a man who speaks with actions rather than flowery words... so take this as a learning experience of my preferences"

Freya said as she traced her thumb around Bell's lips. His face grew redder by the second. The sight made Freya appreciate how cute her Odr was... and how much she wished to see all the other sides of her beloved.

"I'll accept the distance you're putting between us for now, my Odr... I will do my best to make sure you'll never reject my advances ever again in the future... "

Freya said as she drew Bell's face closer to hers. Their breaths fell on each other's skin. Close to feeling the other's heart... the other's pulse... the other's beat... the other's love...

"But I ask for compensation... to placate my desires for now... and as an apology from before"

Freya gracefully moved to Bell's front. Her desires lay bare. The goddess didn't wait for his answer... because she could already derive it from the enraptured look in his eyes.


(E/D: Stop flirting while people are watching you Valorant couples.)

It wasn't a deep passionate kiss she was used to giving... but an innocent and brief touch... a gentle interlocking she wasn't used to.

"... gentle kisses... I never really did them much... "

Freya softly spoke as she carefully traced her lips. A wide innocent smile spread across her face.

"But I like it... very... very much"

"... "

Bell was mesmerized by how much Freya looked at present to the scenes he had watched in his past life... there was much less conniving scheming... and all that remained was her pure love.

"... will this work now, Lady Freya?... it's hard to kill people after receiving a kiss like that... "

Bell spoke out his troubles regarding how much the mood had shift in a moment, but Freya simply ignored his complaints. Taking his body into her arms and embracing Bell tightly. Her head rested on his chest.

"Even if we were surrounded by the burning rubble of Orario... I wouldn't hesitate to express my love for you, Bell... This is the price you have to pay for so selfishly asking for me to become a mascot... I have a lot of negative memories associated with that role... but I made an exception for you, you know?"

Freya spoke as she affectionately buried herself deeper into Bell's body. The vigilante struggled to process the loving goddess, the staring crowds, and the foes that were waiting to be dispatched by him.

"And I would like to say... though I did eye up Arry... I would still only choose you, Bell"

"I've waited so long for this moment... will you not allow me to indulge in it selfishly?"

Freya spoke before growing quiet. Choosing to focus on her embrace.

"... "

Though he had words to say Bell simply chose to hold his tongue from complaining more and decided to just indulge in the obsessive love of the goddess embracing him.

Bell remembered a quote he once heard in his past life... something that fitted his situation quite ironically.

'Can love bloom on a battlefield?'

The quote resounded in his mind... but the philosophies of love and war aside, Bell had enemies to dispatch... if he had to do so whilst the goddess embraced him...

'Then so be it... '

Bell slowly extended his arm forward... and began to invoke his magic. Requiring a longer chant due to the sheer scale he wanted to achieve. In silence... he began to pray.

『I am the bone of my sword』

Bell began to invoke his magic as he let Freya continue to embrace him. His eyes stared into the lifeless gazes of the men who were still under the goddess' control. The sight unnerved him slightly... taking away their lives bereft of their agency...

'Originally, Freya was supposed to charm an entire army and order them to kill themselves... but I would much rather carry that burden than worsen this goddess' mental state... '

Wrapped in love... Bell was determined to carry out what many would consider a massacre. Choosing the optimum choice over his personal opinions on the matter...

『Unknown to fate... 』

But as Bell continued to chant his magic to project the enormous feat he was going to call upon, he began to feel the swords of his reality marble slowly erupt from his skin.

'Gh... this is the second limitation of my growth... my body is unable to keep up with the reinforcement I can perform... and the projections I am able to produce'

'My body is ripped to shreds if I push my reinforcement... and my arm feels like it will implode with swords if I go beyond a certain limit... '

Bell needed to improve his body's condition to further his own abilities... something that could only be attained in a reasonable amount of time with falna.

'But though it hurts... I'll keep moving forward... '

Bell kept chanting his magical invocation.

『Nor known to destiny... 』

Blades began to manifest in the sky... numerous projections of imagination processed into reality... first, there were fifty for the foes in front of him... but more began to be made for the stragglers of the Warusa force that managed to escape Arry's assault.

One... ten... a hundred... a few hundred... a thousand...

'There are quite a lot of straggler left... but my master gave me an order... and it would be an embarrassment as a servant if I couldn't comply... '

Bell thought as he remembered the words Arry had given him... no mercy... no consolation... his master asked him to make sure Warusa knew that Shalzard wasn't prey for them to play with.

『So as I pray... 』

But just as Bell was about to complete his invocations... his body and Avalon's healing failed to keep up.


Bell's arm which he had put forward to cast his magic began to burst with a menagerie of swords from within his body.


His face winced in pain as blood began to drip down his appendage... but as he suffered, he simply continued working toward what had to be done.


Bell's resolve began to falter as his memories clashed with the act he was about to perform.

Memories of the smiles of his childhood village... the pleasant atmosphere of the Hostess as he surrounded himself with friends... the sweet days of slow peace alongside Telemachus and Athena.

They contrasted fiercely with what he did. The bloodied trails he carved. The looks of fear he engraved in numerous people. The cold eyes he displayed as he apathetically grew numb to the slaughter he carved.

'Haa... haa... haaa... damn it... '

Bell's body began to tighten with tension. His heart began beating faster and faster.

'Haa... just keep... moving... haa... haa... '

Reality began to set around Bell. Even though his resolve was true and his dream was pursued with genuine admiration, he fully accepted the weight he chose to bore... Bell began to buckle under the truth of his life.

'Get yourself together... after everything you did... you don't... you don't have the right to... '

Bell struggled to force himself back up... but as he struggled to regain composure, Freya gently held his face in her hands once more.

"... Bell, look at me"

Freya beckoned Bell to look at her. The vigilante did so after a while as he struggled to regain his composure... the goddess was intimately aware of what befell her Odr.

'Mortals can find the resolve to perform impressive feats and bear incredible burdens... but they are as imperfect as everyone else... the weight a hero carries is not light, and even such figures need time to rest... but how can one rest without worry after walking the bloody path they chose?... '

Freya was sympathetic to these moments of the warriors she observed. The face of self-disgust of her children as they began to reminisce on their sins...

'Hogni and Hedin often relapse as they remember the suffering of their people... the Gulliver brothers would occasionally remember how they brutally murdered their former dwarf owner... '

'Allen would often wake up in a cold sweat over his sister... Heith is traumatized by the shadows of the people she couldn't save with her healing... and Ottar... he can never seem to live down how he killed Zald... '

The goddess knew well the burdens of great warriors, and she too felt sympathy for the road her beloved chose to walk on. The road of a hero is a bloody path... but a necessary one for every age.

"Steady your breath... still your heart... and keep your eyes on me... "

Freya slowly and calmly directed her beloved to focus on herself and herself alone. Using a small amount of her divinity to block out everything else in Bell's senses. In his eyes now, there was only himself and Freya.

"Haa... haa... haa... "

Bell felt his body soon begin to calm down.

Seeing this Freya smiled slightly and took the vigilante's bladed arm into her hand. The goddess observed it with curiosity and sadness... she had never seen such a unique power before, but the price it gave to Bell's body... it didn't bring a smile to her face.

Resolving herself on what she wanted to do... Freya began to speak to Bell softly.

"The divine is often painted as something untainted and perfect... but such is nothing more than a false notion... After all, I'm far from untainted and perfect... "

Freya began speaking as her hands gently interlocked with Bell's. The sharpness of the protruding blades running against her skin, but drawing no blood... Freya knew Bell wouldn't harm her.

"I'm a tyrannical queen who is despised, envied, desired, and feared by mortals and gods alike... I am responsible for setting into motion numerous vile acts... I also indulged in numerous vices to distract myself selfishly... "

"I am not as pure as Hestia... as virtuous as Artemis... or as moral as Athena... I am a sinner through and through... "

"A sinner I am... but a sinner who is able to walk through the hell you wish to travel... so if you are willing, allow me to share in the weight of your burdens... your journey need not be an act of lonely sacrifice... "

Freya brought Bell's hands to her face. The blades grazed along her skin, but to the goddess... it was a comforting pleasure.

"You don't have to carry everything by yourself you know... this world is full of uncertainty... but you can trust that I will always be on your side, Bell"

"... "

Bell became pensive as he saw the goddess be so considerate of him. It was something he should've expected given how she was willing to return to Tenkai to care for the original Bell should he ever die... but seeing it himself rather than through paper was a world's difference for him.

𝘽𝙪𝙢𝙥... 𝙗𝙪𝙢𝙥... 𝙗𝙪𝙢𝙥...

'... damn it..'

Bell found himself falling for the goddess who would happily walk through hell alongside him... feeling her gentleness against his body, Bell found the strength once more to carry on with the duty he chose for himself.

'I have to hold on... until the day comes when I can truly rescue Freya... '

He desired it dearly... but he wasn't powerful enough yet to covet the goddess.

Bell simply wished silently in his heart for the day to come sooner... the day he can take the goddess who tenderly held his hand as his own.

His warmed heart ignored the pain of his arm being inundated with swords, and of his mind through the path he walked...

『Sword Volley: Full Open』

... As a rain of swords fell upon the battlefield.

Lives taken with little concern.

Bell struggled to readjust to the strife of battle once more after a period of peace in Altena... but Freya made sure his journey wasn't a lonely one. Wishing no longer for him to grow as a hero... but to simply have her Odr by her side.

The sight of the two resonated deeply with the resistance members... though they would learn at a later time their true identities as a goddess and Orario's vigilante... but at that moment they would be referred to as Alamuj's lady of victory and knight consort.

"... "

As bodies fell onto the coarse sand, and as the cold steel blades melded with heated crimson blood. Between Freya and Bell... love truly did bloom on a battlefield.




The battle for Alamuj hold took place in the early hours of the morning, and when it concluded with Shalzardian victory, the sun was soaring high into the sky.

As the blazing sun rained down intense rays of heat, most people would be struck by a mood of grogginess as the dry desert air filled their lungs... but for the Shalzard resistance, they were blooming with energy.

"Bring that shipment of sandstone over here! Just a few more layers before the defenses will be acceptable!"

A man shouted as crowds of men hauled over numerous heavy blocks of sandstone to repair what they could of the fortress' defensive walls. The crowd performed such rigorous physical labor with smiles and determination.

The reason was simple... hope for their resistance had returned once more.

The protector of Shalzard, the heir, Prince Allum was able to successfully escape capture... that alone would inspire confidence among the people, but the royal brought back immense gifts for their people's fight for sovereignty.

A fleet of powerful galleon-class that tore through the Warusa siege forces with extreme prejudice.

A large group of freed Shalzardians that were forced into slavery as they escaped the Warusa invasion forces. Many of the group reunited with resistance members which whom they have relations.

But most striking to the prince's subjects were the two impressive allies she had entered into her service. An ashen gray warrior who tore through armies with his strength, and a silver mystical beauty who could halt her foes with her voice alone.

"To think his highness Allum would bring back such capable allies... "

The Shalzardians never seemed to grow tired of praising the prince and his daring escapades.

"Such a powerful warrior and a beautiful maiden... perhaps the fair lady will become our queen?"

The women of the resistance gossiped with raptured interest about the possible scandals that might be occurring behind the doors of the royal heir. It had been a major topic for Shalzard before its fall, and it still persisted even during their fight for sovereignty.

"That may be true... but did you see how his highness and that gray warrior looked at each other? Gray Ghost was his name?... I sense a forbidden romance between those two!"

There was also a small group that grew extremely interested in the possibility of another kind of romance... the romance of men.

Regardless of what they talked about, energy and joy resounded through the resistance. Their fire had yet to extinguish... the white flag had yet to be raised... Shalzard will not fall today.

"As expected of the honorable heir of Shalzard... praise be to his highness, Prince Allum"

But as the people praised their prince... deep inside the royal quarters...

"𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝𝙝... "

Arry rested on a couch as she let out a deep sigh. Bell brewed some tea for his master while she unwinded from all the stress she had accrued.

Escaping captivity as a slave. Trying to wrestle with the absurdity of her mysterious servant. Having her world broken as Bell fought with the galleon raider ships. Learning that the goddess of the strongest familia was by herself in search of Bell... and topped off with having to formulate a counterattack strategy after seeing her resistance laid under siege.

"I want to sleep... "

Arry, despite being a person known for her work ethic, now only wanted to ignore all the work she had to do... there was only so much a person can take in a day before they feel tired from it all.

"Hahaha... I know that feeling, Arry. But work hard now so that you won't have to do so much later... I'll even help you with the paperwork. I'm quite good at detail-oriented work after my time in Altena"

Bell encouraged the tired prince as he finished brewing a pot of tea using tea leaves that were locally sourced from the region. Speaking with a light smile on his face as he poured a cup for Arry and set it near her.

"... you're right... I appreciate the help, Bell... "

Arry spoke in thanks for her servant's assistance. Though he had yet to display his prowess with paperwork, after everything Bell had shown her, she would no longer question any new skill he would suddenly bring up.

"𝙨𝙞𝙥... this tea is quite good... to think you're even good at brewing... I can get fighting and intelligence as necessary skills to pick up, but tea brewing as well?"

Arry asked in exasperation towards Bell. Him only replying with some nostalgia on his face as he reminisced on the past.

"I picked it up because a friend of mine was too stressed with work... seeing how it worked to relax her, another paperwork-ridden person I know, I consider it a valuable skill"

Hearing what he said, the prince put into practice her new policy with Bell and simply accepted what he revealed. Enjoying the tea he brewed as she did.

The prince took a moment to fully enjoy the cup of tea before turning her eyes to the paperwork that had been piling up during her absence.

'I will have a meeting with my vassals in a few hours... I will have Bell accompany me and introduce him as my new right-hand man after my aide died months ago... '

Arry wished her passed aide a peaceful rest before her eyes flashed with determination.

'I am now free... and though the resistance will need time to recover... with Bell, Lady Freya, the refugees, and the desert ships... the resistance will grow way stronger than compared to before... '

The Shalzard resistance had been fighting a defensive war until now. Trying their best to lose as little ground as possible... waiting for a chance to strike back... and the time was now upon them.

𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚... 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚... 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚...

The sound of parchment and pens intertwining was all that could be heard in the prince's quarters.

Arry handled all the documents that needed authorization as well as reading up on reports during her time away.

Bell handled any documents that needed revisioning or any long-winded reports which he highlighted the major points of and summarized for the prince's easier reading.

𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚... 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚... 𝙨𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚...

As the noise of reconstruction rang outside the room's window, the pair delved into their work... waiting for the resistance to recover before the prince would have a meeting with the leaders.

Arry took brief glances at a war map that was situated on a table near where she and Bell were currently working. The map highlighted a series of Shalzard cities and outposts that eventually led... to the capital city of Sorshana... where the bulk of Warusa's forces currently lay... and where the military dictator Gouza rested upon the throne that was her birthright.

'As we move along with our plan, my vassals expect that we can bolster our forces to around twenty thousand strong...'

From what little Arry saw of her vassals' plans, it was a strategy that made use of as much of what remained of Shalzard. She and Bell could only fine-tune it to gain a little more... but no matter what they produced, it still was incomparable to the Warusa's war machines.

'In comparison... Warusa holds many smaller but nimbler desert ships, a standing army of sixty thousand, and open supply networks that don't have to be hidden like ours... '

It would still be a hard-fought battle... to others, it may seem impossible... but Arry felt sure of her victory.

The foreign feeling that awoke inside her as she walked with Bell in Lioad began to stir in her heart... it wasn't a premonition of an alternate world... or false memories that weren't hers... but a vision of a land far away yet closely connected to her present.

"... "

Arry's eye which could perceive through truths and deceit began to glow faintly.

'I will achieve victory... '




『... but at what cost?』

(E/D: … Your gender…)





An orange curtain began to shower the Shalzard resistance fortress as the blazing sun began to wane into the horizon.

The sounds of construction still rang clear through the area. The walls now stood with temporary fixes that would soon turn into permanent defenses.

The three raider ships stood tall on the sands as they were being repaired and maintained by the former Shalzard navy. The sailors were ecstatic that they could move from being foot soldiers and fight more in their element.

The Prydwen accompanied the three ships. Tall and undamaged despite the recent battle. The captain of the Shalzard navy explored the craft with admiration and awe of its construction.

It had been hours since the battle had concluded, but the resistance was still as lively as ever... hope did much to keep their spirits high for so long.

As the tingling aromas of the desert food began to waft through the air as the resistance's dinner crept closer... as the pouring of water and alcohol resounded... as the cheer of the people who wished for victory rang true... faint footsteps by the hidden courtyard within the fortress began to make themselves known.

𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥... 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥... 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥... 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥...

Two silhouettes began to step onto a stone sparring area.

Bell and Arry moved to the opposite corners before they began what they were about to perform.

"Is this really necessary Bell?... I don't see much use in this... "

Arry tiredly said as she soon began preparing for a spar with her servant.

She and Bell just recently finished their meeting with the resistance leadership.

The prince fought hard for her vassals to accept Bell's position as her right hand and to accept as well the general vision she wished to employ for the upcoming battles.

'Even when our nation is at the brink of dissolution, there are still fools who wish for power so blatantly... I could understand some of my vassals being wary of Bell, but others hid their true intentions rather poorly... '

Though there were many problems that Arry had to resolve in the meeting. She was able to come out of it with everything she had wanted. This wasn't her first time dealing with unruly collaborators... and Bell personally demonstrating his skills to the more vocal of his dissenters did much to help the prince's position.

'Even Bell should be tired at this point… fighting then dealing with paperwork, only to deal with bureaucracy... where does he find the energy to train after all of that? To train me no less... '

Arry questioned her servant's seemingly endless amount of energy and dedication in addition to why he would train a falna-less person like herself.

"This training might be worthwhile if I had falna, Bell... but I don't... and I don't plan on entering a god or goddess' familia anytime soon... it's not my wish for Shalzard to become another Rakia... "

Arry said as she looked towards Bell. Her words reached his ears as he undressed himself to only a shirt and a pair of pants. Wrapping bandages around his hands in preparation for the training he would perform on Arry.

"That's a very good question, Arry... it wouldn't normally make much sense to train without a falna... a god's blessing could easily surpass any efforts one could make while they are unblessed... "

Bell replied to the prince's question as he began to walk towards her. His body entered Arry's vision under the light of sunset.

"... "

Arry struggled to keep her eyes off of the sheer amount of muscle Bell formed after his training, and having them shredded and healed under the effects of Avalon.

'Can a person gain that much muscle and muscle definition?... '

The prince struggled to think Bell's physique was even possible. It was highly muscular and dense... but it wasn't to a grotesque degree. It still somehow was able to retain a sense of balance and beauty.

But as Arry tried her best to not ogle her servant so blatantly, Bell continued speaking his reasons as to why he wished to train Arry.

"There is no point to training without falna... but I have a certain way to allow you to grow stronger even without the assistance of a god"

Bell's words sparked an interest in Arry. She had long been interested in growing stronger with a falna... but with the general rarity of encountering a god in the Kaios region, and the political mess that might occur if a monarch entered a familia... Arry had to give up on the notion.

So Bell's words resounded loudly in Arry's heart... her desire to grow stronger was stoked.

"I won't question how you even gained an ability like that, Bell... but if I can grow stronger for my people... I'll do it then!"

If it was for her people and kingdom, the prince would take any road for their happiness.

Bell saw the clear gaze in Arry's eyes and smiled.

"As you wish, my king. I will make sure you become the fiercest ruler and warrior the deserts will ever know"

Arry smiled with the flamboyant oath Bell swore to her. Appreciating his joking air which she never shared with her past aides and his genuine sentiment for her betterment.

"I already get you're loyal to me, Bell... so... what should I do?"

Now fully convinced to participate in the training, though she was tired and wanted rest, Arry would fully dedicate herself to this task.

Bell simply stood silent then declared what she needed to do first...

"Strip off your shirt please"

Bell said with a smile.

"... "

Silence fell upon the two. Arry breaking it immense confusion and embarrassment.


The prince blushed greatly at how forward Bell was with his desire. She didn't expect for him to approach her so forwardly.

"B-Bell?... I'm flattered!... but don't you have Lady Freya?! She confessed her love to you so clearly... and compared to her I..."

Arry began to quickly spout out as many arguments against what she perceived as Bell's intent to covet his love. But before the prince overloaded with the proposition of heated romance with her servant... Bell cleared up any misunderstandings she had produced.

"Arry... this is for the training... this isn't some attempt at flirting..."

Bell said as calmly and clearly as he could... why?... because he could feel Freya staring at him from a window overlooking the courtyard.

'I haven't talked with Freya since our moment during the battle... is she angry I'm postponing my decision?... '

Bell thought to himself regarding his current stance with the goddess that was left currently ambiguous.

But as he thought about that, unaware of Freya's presence, Arry soon calmed herself down.

"Oh... my apologies Bell... I... I've been on edge lately... so I'm rather sensitive to... everything at the moment... "

Arry slowly spoke with embarrassment. An emotion she hardly expressed ever since her mother had died.

The prince was dying from the sheer amount of emotion she felt after producing such a misunderstanding.

Bell watched how she cringed at herself and laughed lightly at her plight. Putting his hands on her shoulders to reassure the young royal and to begin their training.

"That's alright Arry, I get it... "

Bell made his reassurance rather short... because he was about to raise the prince's thoughts about her looks, and stopped just in time as he remembered the goddess who was drilling a hole through him with her gaze alone.

With the miscommunication resolved, Arry soon recomposed herself and began taking off her tunic which she wore in order to obscure her gender. Doing so once Bell that there was no one... besides Freya... who could witness the truth the prince hid.

"Fuu... "

Arry took a breath as the desert breeze began to get cold as night was soon to come. Her body was built with refined muscles that still kept her physique feminine. The prince made sure she remained physically active after she had read how monarchs of the past generally tended to wane in ruling capability after gaining weight.

"... "

Bell took a moment to appreciate Arry's beauty. It wasn't a surprise to him why she had drawn Freya's attention before the original Bell in the story. Even though he couldn't see her soul like the goddess, through her appearance and build alone, Bell could tell the person in front of him was destined for greatness.

"... "

As Bell was dazed, Arry soon recognized that her servant was staring at her body blankly... growing self-conscious as he continued to do so.

"I know this isn't the most feminine body... but I still consider myself a girl you know?... "

Arry spoke with some reluctance. She had a complex about her identity. The difference between Arry and Allum affected her greatly. But before another misunderstanding arose, Bell began speaking as he gently placed his hands on her body.

"Your body is beautiful, Arry... anyone who doesn't appreciate the efforts of a dedicated woman with a purpose in life, is simply too immature to appreciate more refined forms of beauty... "

The prince grew quiet as her right hand's words began to ring in her ears. She didn't feel embarrassed by being approached or touched so suddenly... her trust in Bell made her learn that he wouldn't do anything to her.

Bell prepared himself to invoke his magic to assist the prince in her growth. Calling out to her as a warning.

"I will begin to spread my magic through your body, Arry... just accept it and feel how it courses through your muscles... "

Hearing his words, Arry nodded as she began to focus on her senses.

『Trace on』

Bell's magic began entering Arry's body and analyzed her structure. Focusing on the relevant areas in relation to combat.

"... "

Bell was quiet as he began to process the information being given to him by his magic. Arry too was quiet as she began to sear the sensation of his magic course through her body. A foreign but warm feeling was what she felt through her senses.

"... "

Bell slightly opened his eyes as he grasped Arry's structure. Soon invoking his other magic in a way that he performed briefly in the past with Lilli... the reinforcement of another's body.



Arry shook slightly as the foreign feeling passing through her body began to intensify. Bell's mind began coursing through the structures of her muscles, nerves, and bones. The energy found the gaps in the structure and filled them quickly. Each gap filled strengthened her by elevating the quality and purpose of the existence of her body.

"Haa... "

Arry took a breath as she adjusted to the heightened capabilities of her body. Slowly as Bell peeled away his hands from her body, the prince began to slowly move all of her limbs. Confused but fascinated at how familiar yet foreign it all was.

"How do you feel, Arry?"

Bell asked the prince who slowly but surely got used to her reinforced body, turning her head in excitement as she felt power course through it.

"Incredible, Bell! My body feels so light and strong... with this... I can definitely fight stronger than I ever could!"

Arry smiled widely as she explored her enhanced capabilities. Bell smiled as he saw the usually stoic prince act so carefree.

'The story did mention it was Arry's childhood wish to become strong... I'm glad I could fulfill that dream though temporary it may be... but I'm concerned she might take things too far... gods know what I did'

Bell found common ground with Arry in both their desires to protect those who couldn't protect themselves... and through his various adventures, Bell soon realized he was slowly developing a problem of self-sacrifice.

'Mine and Arry's dream... when forced to choose between oneself and those we wish to protect, we would always choose the latter... even if it comes at our own detriment... '

The vigilante could see that same desire festering inside the young royal. Choosing to stick with a dying kingdom and forever be hunted down... choosing to enter slavery in order to live and fight another day... continuing to stand tall against the looming threat of Warusa... there was no doubt in Bell's mind that Arry would put herself in harm's way if it meant fulfilling her obligations as heir to the throne.

'I was only able to get by due to the fortunate encounters I had... but the same won't be assured for Arry... and I won't be there all the time to protect her as her servant... '

Though it hurt Bell considering how well he and the prince got along, their contract would end when she assumed the throne and reestablished the kingdom of Shalzard... and he would have to prepare for the events of canon taking place in Orario.

'Who knows how long it will take before we meet again?... Evilus inside Orario... the black dragon... the living dungeon... the elements of Fate... I don't know how long it will take before I can attain peace for this world... before I can return to Arry's side... '

Bell wished nothing but the best for this tragic prince he only dreamed of becoming an ideal ruler for the people and country she so loved dearly... so as the future king's advisor, Bell would make sure the royal could stand proudly on her own.

'In a world as violent as this... and in a region as chaotic as Kaios... simply having a kingdom on your beck and call won't be enough... Arry must be powerful on her own as well... so I'll make sure of it... '

Bell had no answers to dissuade the behavior of self-sacrifice... but he knew how to reinforce her body, and he knew how to fight... with these abilities and skills in his hands, Bell will raise this king to the best of his abilities...

'I won't be like that bastard Merlin who led Artoria down her path, knowing full well of her tragedy and her disposition to choose her demise for her people... '

'I won't be a simple observer of fate... I will choose my own selfishness over some destiny'

Resolving his desire in his heart, Bell began to step forwards and bring Arry's attention away from her body onto him.

"Arry, before we move on to training... I would like to ascertain some things with you"

Hearing the shift of tone in Bell's voice, Arry began to focus on every word he uttered. The prince who navigated numerous political battlefields knew when how to read the atmosphere.

Seeing that he had the prince's attention, Bell began to pose a few questions to the future ruler.

"Arry... what do you think defines a perfect ruler?"

Bell said as she gazed straight at Arry. She stood quietly for a moment before processing her servant's question... though she deliberated for a few moments, she was simply finding how to best articulate her words... for she long had an answer engraved into her heart.

"I believe only a person who can understand those whom they rule over can become a perfect ruler... "

Arry spoke with confidence. Though their atmosphere was light just a few moments prior. Whenever it involved the right to rule, the prince would treat any and all conversations on the subject with utmost seriousness.

"... "

Bell was quiet as Arry gave her answer and soon replied.

"Elaborate on what you mean, Arry"

Hearing Bell's words, the prince soon began to further explain the answer which lay deep in her heart.

"Only those who understand and experience the plight of the people can best understand how it should be resolved... only those who fight and bleed in the battlefield can best understand how the army should be led... understanding of all things leads to wisdom... and only through immense wisdom can an ideal ruler be made"

Arry recited the words her father ingrained into her mind as heir to the throne... words that were passed along between each successive generation of monarch... all the way back to their founder who established their home in a time of incredible strife.

This teaching is what led to Arry continuing to fight so desperately against Warusa...

If she chose to run away, all the people she tended to would be lost without a home to return to... doomed to forever wander the desert aimlessly or in chains.

If she chose to give up, her people would be subjugated with extreme prejudice. No man, woman, child, or elderly will be safe from the hands of the conquering nation.

For the smiles of the people, she couldn't forsake... for the gentle gaze of her father as he watched the endless skyline of the nation's cities... for the warm embrace of her mother who believed in the spirit of Shalzard until her dying breath.

"I love Shalzard dearly Bell... for Shalzard, I would give up anything... "

Arry spoke with a gentle gaze in answer to Bell's question... but he posed another to the prince.

"I see... then what do you think defines a mortal?"

As Bell spoke his question, Arry grew immensely confused by what he had said.

"What defines a mortal?"

The prince felt perplexed as it was a general characterization that her servant asked for. To define such a large group of people under a single description that they all share... it was a task that greatly confused Arry.

"I don't think there is no such way to define a mortal... humans, beast people, dwarves, elves, halflings... all these races walk different forms of life, further diversified by location, social status, and many more things... to find commonality between them all is an impossibility, I believe"

Bell smiled as Arry gave her answer and added his own thoughts to her response.

"A king should be one who understands the people they rule... but if the people they rule over find no commonality among each other, how should a king come to understand them all? Must he compromise the belief of one group for another?... must he forsake the few in service of the many?... such is the paradoxical nature of one who bears the crown and sits upon the throne"

Bell spoke as a faint breeze blew over the training grounds of the fortress. Arry processed Bell's words with a look of frustration. Frustration that his words rang true... for the question of how to rule was one the prince had been trying her best to solve all her life.

"... "

The prince grew quiet as she knew not how to answer Bell's questions. There was no perfect way to rule... there was no ideal ruler who was praised by every person in the world... there was no answer to how a king must bear his burdens.

Seeing how Arry fell into contemplation, Bell simply continued talking.

"As paradoxical as a ruler is, there is another problem that comes with the right to rule... if a king must understand their people... and his people require a king who accommodates them all... then what of the values and beliefs of the king?"

"If the king only believes in servicing his people... then what of his own beliefs and ideals? What happens to the person who existed before they inherit the crown? What becomes of their ego and self? Lost to the void as they forsake themselves for the kingdom they govern?"

The prince's silence grew ever more distant as more questions about her birthright began to stack themselves on top of one another... each one more complex and perplexing than the last... each one she didn't have anything close to an answer for.

"... "

Arry simply stood in silence as Bell looked upon her... unsure of where to go... but Bell continued to speak.

"To become king, one must understand the people... to become king, one must learn to connect the unconnectable... to become king, one must forsake oneself for their realm"

Bell walked as he spoke, before finally standing in front of the distant Arry.

"For you, Arry... for your ideals... to become king... would mean to cease being human"

Arry felt an immense weight that came with Bell's words... to cease being human... when she thought of the smiles it would bring her people... the endless joy that would come at her expense... Arry felt it would be worth it... but she hesitated for reasons unknown to her.

"... "

Emotions began to hold her back. Emotions she couldn't tell from whence they came. But unknown they were, the hold they had over her mind and heart was immense. Trumping over even her desire to become the perfect ruler for Shalzard.

Seeing that Arry was at the point of questioning her purpose, Bell decided to ease the truth of her burdens which she had been ignoring up until now.

"The perfect king... a paradoxical ideal... a road where hypocrisy is inevitable and where failure is all but certain... "

"You fell in love with an ideal you couldn't help but admire as a child... you forsook any passions and ego of your own in pursuit of that lofty goal... a goal that none before you were able to achieve..., not your father... not your ancestors... not ever your founder king... "

"The pursuit of the impossible, in the belief you can succeed where others far better than you couldn't... some might call that... "




"𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚"




"But your pursuit... as self-defeating and futile it may be... "




"Is undeniably beautiful"


The resounding noise of steel against the ground filled Arry's ears.

Her eyes once threatened to dim further as she realized the pointlessness of her dreams... were filled once more with light... with the glow of the manifested moon that reflected off of the cold blade that now lay in front of her.

"... "

Arry was drawn in by the sword that filled her eyes. The cold sheen of the metal reflected the night sky as she felt her heart begin to call out to her.

"This sword... is named Merodach... the Original Sin... "

Bell quietly spoke as he naturally saw Arry draw herself further to the sword. Smiling upon seeing the affinity she had to the progenitor of all swords of selection.

"Your highness, Arry Shalzard... a great king-maker once said that to become king is to cease being oneself... though he may be right, I refuse to accept such a cold harsh reality..."

"Fighting against fate may be foolish... pursuing a childish ideal in this unforgiving world may be only simple hubris... but just because the world denying such lofty ideals is correct, doesn't mean it's right"

The words Bell spoke... as much as they were articulated through sounds to encourage the king who was bound to become lost in her pursuit... they were also a form of reassurance for himself who threatened to lose his way amidst the bloody trail he left behind.

"I will fight so that you may attain the impossibility of all kings before you... a king who doesn't forsake one for the other... a king who doesn't give up their sense of self for the many... "

"Failure is all but certain. Scorn even more so... but in spite of all that... do you still wish to attain the paradise that lies on the horizon of your beliefs? The light at the end of your dream?"


Arry's hand held the hilt of the sword with firm determination.

The king's eyes gazed straight through Bell as her voice began to form.

"I will... for the smiles of Shalzard's people... for the smile my mother gave me as a child... for the goals set forth by my father and ancestors... I will"

Smiles formed between both of their faces. Arry called out to Bell after giving him an answer.

"Honestly Bell... where did the sudden sophistry come from? Do you just find it fun to make people question their existence?"

Arry joked as a chuckle erupted from her voice. The once-tired king was now filled with energy through the reaffirmation of her goal.

"... "

Bell was silent as he observed the cheerful Arry. Thinking to himself why he had gone through that entire exchange of words.

'Because I felt like... I had to undo your shaky foundation... I have a feeling it would come to haunt you someday in the future... just as it did me'

『Trace on』

A faint blue light erupted from within Bell's hands. His answer to Arry's question came in the form of the sword he projected into reality. A claymore, similar to the Merodach he had given her for training.

The king was fascinated by her servant's powers. She had yet to receive a full explanation from Bell as to the full intricacies of his powers besides that it was related to the summoning of swords and weapons.

As Bell began to perform a few light swings with the weapon he projected, he soon began to read Arry for their training.

"I figured you needed a reminder to know what it is that you seek... I had some trouble when I got lost, but I had a dear goddess point me in the right direction... so as your servant, I figured I should do the same"

"But now isn't the time for words... your ideal has been strengthened and its now time to put words into action... during the length of our contract I will train you in my sword style so that you will be able to stand tall on your own two feet rather than simply on the people who serve you..."

"I have no doubt you are somewhat familiar with weapon combat, but given your position as a royal, I assume most of what you know is simply combat meant for protected dueling... "

Arry nodded to the deduction of Bell. Though she was familiar with the basics of the sword, it was nothing more than an ornate swordsmanship crafted for beauty rather than for combat. Being able to learn under a warrior that single-handedly took down an entire raider group... Arry eyes burned with a willingness to learn.

"... "

Seeing Arry's acceptance to learn what he will teach, Bell smiled at the formation of his first student.

"Should you choose to accept my teachings, I will impart onto you the sword style that allowed me to grow this strong... it isn't a style based on techniques, but rather on a singular concept. It will be harsh... but I will assure you that you will become unmatched once you persist through this training"

Hearing Bell's commanding tone, Arry took and raised Merodach towards him and readied her stance.

"I accept... I look forward to your guidance"

Bell in response readied himself as well. Announcing the commencement of his first lesson.

"Splendid... now the first tenant of 『Perfect Counter』... "

The sound of steel against steel resounded through the night as the king and vigilante traded blows. A traveler of a bloody path helping another of a similar fate.

"... "

Watching upon them both, Freya smiled in satisfaction. Though she would've liked it if her beloved would only rely on her... she appreciated just as much that Bell wouldn't be alone in his pursuits anymore.




The cold night breeze swept through Bell as he sat quietly atop a tower of the fortress. Overlooking the vast desert that surrounded the resistance fort to stand guard against any possible Warusa counterattacks, and to guard the room of Arry which was in his sight.

'Even when she goes to sleep, Arry makes sure she wears clothing that obscures her gender... I should look into the possibility of having Arry become such an undisputed heir that gender shouldn't matter anymore... '

As Bell pondered on other ways to best serve his dear contractor, he soon sensed the coming presence of another figure in his location.

"Freya?... something keeping you up at night?"

Bell called out to the goddess who now stood by the entrance of the watchtower he was currently residing in, Freya simply smiled and walked towards him dressed in a white nightgown.

It was a conservative piece, but it did little to hide her sensual curves. Bell trying his best to not let his eyes wander too far. But Freya already noticed and enjoyed his subtle attempts to appreciate her figure.

Putting her mind away from that fact, Freya began to speak in answer to Bell's question.

"The fact my beloved Odr is staying up so late has made me quite restless... it's hard to sleep soundly knowing you're still working, Bell"

Freya said as she carefully made her way to Bell's side by the watchtower's edge, wanting to sit by his side as he watched over the resistance fortress.

Bell, recognizing her intent, lightly dusted away a place by the edge for the goddess to sit. The gesture was recognized by Freya who smiled in appreciation of her beloved's thoughtfulness.

"Thank you, Bell"

Freya said as she rested against the ledge of the watchtower. The pair simply sat in silence as the cold nightly breeze of the desert washed over them. Flames flickered all around them as starlight veiled the moment with a mystical glow.


Bell wasn't sure how to proceed with the conversation. Knowing of the goddess' forward attempt to mark him as hers. Knowing that this occurred due to his encouragement. But despite knowing of it all, he chose to leave answering her confession for another day.

'I'm essentially stalling my answer to Freya's confession... is she perhaps miffed with my indecision?...'

Bell was sure that the goddess changed with his intervention, but he didn't know up to what extent and how long he could keep this game with Freya going before she snapped.


Freya noticed Bell take quick glances at her. Her silver hair flowed gracefully under the gentle wind. Her silver eyes shone splendidly with the moon in the sky and the faint flickering of torches around them.

The goddess smiled and laughed lightly at her beloved's nervousness.

"I'm not angry with you Bell. Though I know not of the reason why you've chosen to remain silent. I'm sure you're doing so for a good reason... you cant trust every divine being to make wise choices every time... not all of us are of sound mind after all..."

Hearing the goddess' acceptance of his silence, Bell could only feel more guilty for leaving her handing. On top of the fact he already had the heart two more goddesses whom he had yet to admit to as well.

Freya saw as Bell struggled with his desire to love all the beautiful women who came his way. The divine beauty laughed as she continued to speak to ease his burdens even more.

He had always been the one to bring calm to her mind. Freya was simply giving back what she had been giving. Unsure of how to best become Bell's therapist, the goddess figured words of assurance would be the correct choice.

Freya's sultry voice reached Bell's ears as she began to speak.

"Bell, I've waited millions of years for this moment. It will take more than a simple indecisive nature to make me give up"

Freya smiled brightly as she announced her persistence to make Bell fall in love with her, the vigilante flinched as he was trying his best to not let the emotions he felt affect him that much. But the goddess' smile set against the night sky had a certain charm that breach his defenses.


Seeing her beloved try to act stoic simply spurred the goddess to see more of his behavior which he found adorable. Making sure their conversation continued unabated, she switched the topic in order to let Bell breathe and rest from her attacks.

"I'm in no rush for an answer, Bell. We still have quite a long time together in this resistance, right?...and while we're on the topic of this resistance... might I say, you have quite the peculiar ability to gather the most fascinating oddities in this world to you"

Recovering from the goddess' blow, Bell's eyes began to show interest as Freya posed her observations to him. Wanting to know the reasons as to why she believed so. Freya's divine silver eyes egged on his curiosity even more.

"Why do you think so Freya?"

Hearing Bell's acceptance of her line of questioning, Freya smiled playfully as she began to speak once more.

"Becoming a famous figure in the already star-studded Orario... traveling and slaying a great monster in the Elsos ruins... fending off the mysterious black beasts and slaying a Leviathan... and now helping a king who hides her gender to rescue her nation from clutches of a military dictator..."

Freya began to close her eyes as she listed off everything Bell had accomplished in his journey. One part amazed at how far he came from a simple boy in the countryside, and another part scared after realizing just how long Freya had been observing him.

'Well... I asked for this, so it's only natural I accept it...'

As Bell was reminiscing on his choice to expose himself to the goddess that faithful night in the Hostess of Fertility, he was suddenly taken out by the true observation the goddess had made about him.

"All those things happening so quickly and without rest... it's like you somehow know where the most interesting things in the world are located"

Bell struggled to contain his shock. Only flinching slightly at the astute observation that Freya had made.

Bell Realized once more it would take a lot of effort to keep all his secrets hidden from a goddess who lived for an endless amount of time.

'There's no way Freya knows about my truth given that even grandpa doesn't... Her speculations are most probably far from the real answer... I should lessen up on the convenient occurrences in the future...'

Wanting to turn Freya's attention away from the bullseye she unknowingly struck about his being as a reincarnator, Bell began to comment on something else the goddess had mentioned.

"So you know Arry is a girl... did you only find out when you watched us train a while ago?"

Freya smiled even more brightly as Bell said he could recognize her gaze from a while ago. The goddess was glad to know her beloved could tell whenever she was close. Speaking to reply to his question.

"Hm? Oh, that? I always knew Arry was a girl. I've been around countless people during my journeys, Bell. It would take immense effort to fool the eyes of a goddess who laid witness to countless bare figures"

Bell found Freya's answer plausible, but his face twitched slightly at the goddess' reminder of her vast history in bed. Feeling conflicted about the truth of her situation, Bell tried his best to keep an open mind for Freya.

'I'm not some weirdo who is obsessed with virginity... if men with experience are accepted, women should be as well... but... I feel more annoyed with Freya's history now than I did when I first met her...'

Bell began pondering as to why he had a sudden shift in behavior, but the goddess smiled as she recognized what was plaquing Bell, and felt the desire to placate the burning in his heart. To ease her beloved's growing jealousy.


Bell was taken away from his thoughts as Freya rested her body on his own. The goddess lay her head on his chest as she soon found comfort in her new position. Her breath calmed even more than before as the touch of her Odr's body gave great reassurance to the goddess' current moments.

This was no mere dream she created in a flower field or another day of daydreaming in a gilded cage. Her Odr was here, and she was right there by his side.

Freya was no longer alone with her endless thoughts of who her fated one was.

"... "

Freya looked up at Bell from where she was and smiled gently at him. Reassuring the vigilante of where her heart belonged.

"You shouldn't be so jealous, Bell. All those people were mere momentary encounters in my long life. My heart never belonged to them, and it never shall, for it's already yours"

"I doubt I will ever love another mortal as deeply as I do for you... I doubt I will ever be able to move on from sadness should you reject my desire and admiration... "

"You hold in your hands the heart of a goddess coveted by countless many... a desired treasure, not even the greatest of gods could obtain for themselves..."

The goddess drew Bell's hand to her beating chest. The soft molding sensation intertwined with the divine being's prominent pulse.

"All the world's desire now rests at the palm of your hands. Free for you to do and toy with as you, please... "

Freya's eyes narrowed with affection as she placed her hands on Bell's face. Beckoning him to look deeper into her eyes filled to the brim with love.

"My love, my desire, my will... it has all been raptured by your brilliance like a moth to a dazzling and bright flame"

"My dreams, my ideals, my purpose... they all now revolve around you like the moon circling the world endlessly in pining"

"My abilities... my divinity... my body... all yours to plunder endlessly and unquestioningly"

Bell felt his heart beat faster as Freya drowned him in godly affection.

The goddess was slowly sinking her loving fangs into his skin, and Bell couldn't find it in himself to escape.


Bell remained quiet as he felt a goddess' love that was stirred for an unfathomable amount of time. An intoxicating brew that flooded and numbed his senses.


Seeing that she was reaching the mortal's heart, Freya spurred herself to push forward. She would make sure a piece of her affection was permanently etched into his heart.

"If you ask me to wait another day, I will happily accept. If you ask me to pause for a month, I will gladly comply. If you ask me to stand silently for years, I will. Time after time, I will accept "

"Even if faced with the proposition to redo all my choices... I would choose you, you, and again you…"

"So long as the possibility exists that my heart can rest in yours... I will wait however long it takes... I waited millions of years for this moment, who is to say I cannot wait for a million more?..."

Freya smiled softly as she shifted her body to begin facing Bell more directly. Her body pressed down on his. The sensations that rang through his nerves made Bell feel his heart quicken in pace, further amplified as the goddess neared her face to his.

"But though I can wait. It still hurts to be left hanging all by myself... "

"I can give you my undying loyalty. I can give you endless nights of carnal pleasure unlike any other. I can offer the world on a silver platter if you so wish... so... can you find it in your heart to offer me some respite?"

"My love... my desire... my one and only... Bell"

Bell stared silently into Freya's silver eyes. He was charmed. Not through the goddess' ability, but through her own efforts and words.

"... "

Bell took the goddess into his hands as he rationalized what he was about to do.

'I always made sure to placate Freya from obsession with gestures every now and then... and this is simply another one of those instances... '

Bell grasped the goddess tightly. Freya shook slightly as she could only succumb to the sheer strength of his hold on her body. Accepting his embrace with little resistance. Welcoming it with all she had.


At that moment, as all laid still and quiet, Bell could sympathize as to why Freya's familia was so obsessed with her. Why the goddess was able to charm so many incredible individuals into her service without any promise of their love's reciprocation.

'No wonder Odin saw Freya as a threat... her desire is a dangerous weapon...'

A weapon Bell had allowed to strike at his heart. He had succumbed to his desire to make sure the goddess belonged to him alone. It was only a temporary connection, but one that promised she would be his in due time.








Thank you for reading this chapter. May you have a nice day.

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