61.11% Fate/Scp: Epic of The Demiurge / Chapter 19: Chapter - 16

章節 19: Chapter - 16


If you want to support me for more chapters:

- TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds: 4 advanced chapters:

- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:



Chapter - 15: One piece: 7


The situation was exactly as he expected.... The different inmates of level six did not even think of moving from their positions...after he had brutally killed Byrnndi World and removed the different inmates to possible thoughts of rebellion against him without any possibility of planning an attack or anything like that.

Really? Honestly, he expected a lot more from these "dangerous" inmates, but he could understand it up to a point. After all, the world of One Piece remained in the "Shōnen" label, which is why he was not so surprised by the behavior of some of the level-six inmates. Otherwise, it would have been really hard to believe that they were very dangerous.

However, he still had less than a month. Before returning to the world of the Soul Eater and having to face all those ancient beings living in the deepest places of human consciousness.

Kishin > One piece Universe

After his question, Kazuya could see many inmates raise their hands in a sign of wanting to join him. But of course things would not go their way so easily; after all, they had ended up here for a reason.

"I'm glad to see many people willing to join me.... But I don't need that many people, so how about a little Battle Royale - All against All. The winners can leave with me..." said Kazuya with a simple smile, which sent chills down the spines of most of the inmates.

After all, he personally does not like being surrounded by so many people at once. Moreover so many inmates would also be difficult to control even with his force.

So the best plan of action was definitely to reduce their numbers, and since he couldn't just let them loose to go out and kill as they wished, it was definitely best to deal with them at this time.

"In this world, evil can arise from the best of intentions. And there is good that can come from bad intentions." This was indeed true, and what Kazuya was doing could be considered both evil and good....

However, discarding his philosophical thoughts in the back of his mind he released most of the prisoners to fight. *Well* he already knew the outcome, but still he had to make some scene to put up a dangerous front....

"Do you really think we kill each other as you want us to? Kid?" said a voice from a cell near where he was and he couldn't help but take a curious look.

"Mhm" muttered Kazuya "Crocodile, right? You don't need to participate in this little game, after all I'm not very interested in your powers. In fact if I'm being completely honest" he shrugged his shoulders as he said in an obvious teasing voice "You're too weak for my liking.... Without your devil fruit you really wouldn't be much use to me."

"Y-You... When I get out of this prison you will be the first person I come to kill, kid!" stated Crocodile with obvious anger in his voice.

"How scary...For someone who was beaten by a rubber kid" After saying this, Kazuya ignored him, he had one last matter to take care of before leaving here.


"So what do you want to do, Bullet? Do you want to stay in this place for the rest of your life? You want to get out instead...."

"Let me out... Boy," Bullet said, interrupting his idle talk and finally facing him as an enemy not to be underestimated.

Kazuya merely gave a small smile as she told him about her cell and the sea stone that limited the powers of her devil fruit. "Clack!" "Clack!"

With slow, heavy steps, Bullet walked out of his cell and, releasing his Haoshoku Haki around him, stood in front of Kazuya without any fear in his eyes, even after watching him easily kill Byrnndi.

"Um" he murmured with interest "Haoshoku Haki but it doesn't work on me.... *Well* glancing at his surroundings he saw that most of the inmates had passed out.

"You're just making it easier on me like this," he said, annoying Bullet who wasted no more time before attacking him with obvious intent to hurt him.

"So you're challenging me... "

Bullet showed only a big smile before continuing his attack. "You want me to join you crew? Then defeat me!""Perfect, I like things simple and direct," replied Kazuya, easily dodging several direct attacks on him.

"WHY DON'T YOU FIGHT BACK, HUH? YOU CAN GIVE UP ALREADY IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FIGHT!" Bullet screams in frustration after he deflects another haki-coated punch with a simple body movement.

*Noise of electricity* "... I'm trying to see the future."


"Well... I'm using you as a training dummy. I'm trying to copy the way you use haki...but also to try to see the future, but also to become tough and strong..."


"Um... okay... It's already late, the world government could be here any minute.... Let's get it over with." He speaks and at that moment his attitude changes.

His instincts warned him like crazy that this guy in front of him was really dangerous.... That he had to get away... But he was Douglas Bulle! So he fought those traitorous instincts, gritted his teeth and charged with renewed vigor, preparing to defeat

"Let's test the new power I've just acquired-the Moa Moa no Mi."


Interesting... This is the only thought that went through Kazuya's mind as his fight against Bullet continued and he had to admit that it was more difficult than he initially thought. Mainly because of his great mastery of the Rokushiki and also his strong Haki.

Not that he was seriously fighting, after all, this was too good an opportunity to train his Haki. With every second that passed, he felt himself improving dramatically. And of course the rate of assimilation also increased.

But things go too well for the pirates of One Piece who have no formal training.... He does not if in his world they would have this plot armor. He will improve himself not to make mistakes.

Good. He had seen enough. He was satisfied. It's time to end it.


"Your career as a pirate. It ends now!" replied Bullet. He used some interesting Rokushiki techniques to try to get an advantage in the battle, since using only physical strength did not do much.

"No. My pirate career has an estimated duration of one month," he replied, "But we won't talk about that.... So shall we end the battle? I have another place I need to be, after that..."

"The only place you're going is your grave!" Bullet says before launching into an attack with his entire body covered in Haki.

He began to feel the power he had just acquired flowing through his entire body as different information appeared in his mind on how to use it to the best advantage.

"My turn... I will only attack once..." He says raising his arm. As a small spear of lightning formed in his hand.... Then he simply threw the spear in question in front of him, without any particular technique or anything like that. He simply used his new power of the devil fruit at some point.

"Spear of Indra x 15"


The spear thrown by Kazuya grew larger before directly striking Bullet who had not dodged confidence in his defense. After all, he had his entire body clad in the Armament Haki.

But to his misfortune he overestimated his defense; the contained power of the spear passed smoothly through his body and left a bloody hole at his stomach.

Kazuya had previously activated his dragon eyes so as not to kill him by mistake by taking a vital area or something, it was also mainly to learn the techniques of the Rokushiki that would undoubtedly be useful in the not-so-distant future.

Most importantly, he had also 'learned' the two remaining types of Haki. But he had to work on them some more before he could use them to their full potential.

*Well* " It's all over. Nothing could stop him now in this universe!


After the shock waves of the attack in question rippled through level six of Impel Down. Kazuya grabbed an unconscious Bullet and carried him on his shoulders without too much trouble.

After all, he had won the fight and was entitled his fate accordingly as he had agreed beforehand. But he had no intention *What a joke!* He wanted him as his ally because of his strength and the potential of his devil fruit which was not to be underestimated.

However, most of the reason for his easy victory was because he had obtained the Goro Goro No Mi. A power that with every passing second he realized how much untapped potential he had.... Gee Enel, you really are useless, aren't you? Good. He had Dan Haewi's body.... He was cheating, but then again there was Luffy with Looney Tunes powers.

He was so happy that the main goal of coming to the world of One Piece was achieved so easily. It was so stupid that it had worked....

His plan was really very simple: he just had to combine different powers to get the best combination of attack and to be able to crush everything in front of him without any discomfort.

The idea had started since he got his abilities as an Oni Kind that would only be good in a low-level world like Hunter x Hunter or One Piece. And one of the higher-level powers, which allowed him to absorb a power of his own enemy in question.

Absorb: Also called "consuming," the ability to absorb the soul/spirit of other beings. This can be done through oral consumption. Increases soul strength, there is a small chance of absorbing a random ability from the enemy...

As mentioned, this power would be mid-level at best. But when he thought about how useful it would be in other worlds, the idea came to him. Before I was transmigrated once I thought while watching One Piece: Teach had taken Whitebeard's power. So why couldn't others do something like that as well?"

And now he had just applied the same principle. And it had worked... Using the travel ticket to come to this world during the fight between Luffy vs. Enel in Skypiea.

The only time when Enel would be so weakened, because after that he would leave earth to go to the moon and be at his full strength with a small group of robots by his side and it would not be so easy to handle. It was not even known if he would return in the future.

And even if he failed, the month he would spend in this world would be very useful. Being able to train, fighting enemies with skills to increase the percentage of his characters, using his skills without fear since he will be leaving in a month anyway, learning about Vegapunk's technological advances such as robotics, genetics on devil fruit, and much more.

But everything went well...

So after getting the two fruit devils and confirming that it is in his "powers" card, he will move on to the second part of the primary objective. To have stolen the Devil Fruit of the World. It probably alerts the world government and the whole world to his trail, but it was not that important.

It was too important not to... But the chaos is good for his actions. And there is no need to look for them when they come for him. His time was quite limited...

There is no need for him to be sneaky when he was already the strongest, but he wanted to get everything he could out of this universe so he could have a good base when he came back in Soul Eater.

Some people might think he was too cautious or some shit like that. Then Kazuya would respond with *Guys, what the fuck are you talking about...* The Soul Eater universe was not to be taken so lightly if one did not want to be consumed by madness.

Especially, with the various great ancients and their various divine wavelengths.... They are not beings that one could beat with simple sheer force, or at least one would have to be in the same dimension as them to do so.

So yes, this trip to the world of One Piece was only to be able to have the right to be in their presence and have no problem dealing with the other factions that were in that world.

As for being in the same level or rather higher dimension as them, it would not be that easy *Well* at least if he did not get a high-level Ticket traveler but he doubted it would happen so soon, but he had in mind a future low-level world that could help him solve this problem.

Fortunately, he was already working on it by getting his Order by going to the world of "Big Order" and expressing his wish to Daisy, but too bad there were some complications. To use this ability means that he used too much of his stamina to be able to appear and to be honest he was a little afraid to use it in the Soul Eater verse. There was no telling what might happen....

You may be wondering what the Order does? *Mhm* You just have to think of absolute, invincible power that he cannot lose under any circumstances.... He certainly wouldn't use it; it was his trump card for a reason. Unless he was in a really very dangerous situation.... Hopefully that won't happen...

A/N: In my story these two characters are very strong conceptually and they scale each other down so as not to destroy their whole universe.


[A Few Hours Later - Enies Lobby]

A silhouette appeared above the sea moving at a speed that was barely visible to the naked eye. Kazuya paused above the courthouse as he watched with some amusement at the confusion caused in his surroundings.... It seemed that the straw hat crew's attack had begun earlier than expected.

This was really good news for him as an electromagnetic field combined with his observation Haki covered the entire island to find his target. was why he had come in the first place.

He had left the black pearl together with his new 'companions' after a series of quite clear threats of what will happen if they do not follow his orders and try to kill Bullet who was still unconscious after their battle.

However using his reinforced electromagnetic field as a reference he very easily found his target unconscious and without any kind of protection or any nearby allies who might bother him.

So without any concern he killed his target who was a tall man with big lips, a black beard and black hair in which his hairstyle resembles the horns of a bull.

Yes, the reason he had taken the trouble to come here was the fruit of the devil Doa Doa no Mi, to be precise, the Blueno, a member of CP9, which allows them to create a door on almost any solid surface in order to enter it. This allows them and anyone else to pass through the object, regardless of its thickness or strength.

One of the greatest strengths of this fruit's powers, however, is that the user can also create doors through the very atmosphere itself. These Air Doors lead into a pocket dimension of sorts that is apparently within the air itself. This is ideal for stealth purposes, since this dimension not only allows the user and anyone else to travel across vast distances, but also provides a safe haven for them to stay in from which they can either observe and ambush enemies from, or survive through large scale attacks.

Its only downside is that while inside this pocketed dimension, the user has no means to interact with the real world other than to exit first to return themselves back there.

By doing this he had already completed his goal.... But he promised that he would help the crew a little in this little war. So he raised his right hand to the sky as several very ominous clouds could be seen forming around his position.

"Strike Thunderbolt"

"Strike" Strike"

"Strike Endlessly!"

Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts began to fall with overwhelming power that destroyed every surrounding warship and completely annihilated the dreaded ultimate form of military attack within seconds. Buster Call.

"I can't help it muttered Kazuya seeing the destruction he had caused in seconds "I fucking love this power..."


Three days after the Impel Down incident.

The conference talks about the Impel Down incident days ago. But the world is still waiting for an official statement from the world government and about the damage done .

Meanwhile our protagonist was listening to a Den Den Mushi in his ship reporting several very interesting news of the day before shifting his attention to the newspaper in his hand.

Thunder Emperor - 1,227,500,000 Belly

Yes, he now had a bounty on his head and it was also very large.... He didn't quite understand how they had managed to get a picture of him. But in the end it was just another one of the many mysteries of the One Piece world and in the end this was not even a problem for him, in fact it was in his favor...

However, right now he was going into his next goal. Water 7 to be more precise than shipwrights. To try to make The ark Maxim more in line with his tastes, after all it was really a potential continental weapon with some minor improvements that only did good.


Kazuya Crew

Douglas Bullet

Catarina Devon

Patrick Redfield

Avalo Pizarro

Vasco Shot

Demon_King22 Demon_King22

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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If you want to support me for more chapters:

- TDG: Son of the Lord of the Ten Worlds: 4 advanced chapters:

- DC: True Power Saiyan: 3 advanced chapters:


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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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