Opening the door Chao Xing saw a maid standing outside with a tray in her hand.
"This is for?"
Chao Xing raised her eye brows.
"For you! Why are you shocked? You ordered this yourself. " She too narrowed her eyes and then from the other side she walked inside the room.
"Actually I didn't ask for this. Who told you to bring me this?"
"A guard from here just now came to the kitchen and said to serve you food."
Chao Xing mouthed an "Ohh."
She now realized who would have done this. It was probably Wen Ting Hua who told the guard to bring her food.
'Why is he getting so concerned about me? Does he... by any chance… like me?'
Chao Xing couldn't help but get these thoughts while the maid went and put the tray full of food on the little table kept there on the side.
Standing up straight again she turned around as she asked Chao Xing, "Do you need anything else?"
Will Chao Xing really get him out?
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