After they were done greeting Carlo, the group headed towards a different area of the mansion.
"So where are we going now?" Kei asked while sticking close to Alex.
"We have a gaming room in the house there we can talk about what we should do for this sleepover," Alex answered.
"Wait a minute you have a gaming room, I didn't know you liked games," Alisa spoke sounding quite surprised by the new thing she learned about Alex.
"I was not the one who made that gaming room, it was my dad who had it built. I guess he wanted me to try it out, but I had only been there once to play with Lilitth. I normally would rather train than play such games."
"As expected of my comrade, but you should have fun every now and then. Always trying to improve yourself, training, studying, and working without having any fun, well that doesn't seem like a life worth living," Oliver gave his opinion.