When Lilitth separated from her Onii-sama, she stood in front of the school gates. The people who saw the new girl were all staring at her. Not only because she was not someone they knew, it was also because the little girl in front of them was extremely cute, like a doll crafted by a master.
The teachers, the security guards, and most of the student body passing through the gate, were staring at her. Lilitth didn't notice all the staring, because she was looking at the surrounding area full of curiosity.
She was feeling anxious but at the same time excited. This was the very first time she was experiencing something new, something she had dreamt about back in those dark labs. Today that dream has become a reality, and was right there in front of her. Even now she was still unsure if this was all a dream and in reality, she was still in that dark place.
'If this is truly a dream I wish I would never wake up.'
These are just a couple of chapters from Lilitth's perspective. Also, anything that has to do with Lilitth will have some Japanese words, but only when it comes to Lilitth as I feel it's nice for her character.